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UPDATE: Hon. Walwyn made $20k plus trip to Papua New Guinea!

- Hon. Myron V. Walwyn cost tax payers $20,817.00 for airline/ferry ticket on overseas travel; Questions now raised on if Premier Smith has misled the House of Assembly and the public on the true cost of his and the Cabinet’s travels around the globe
The Controversial Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (left) has cost tax payers some $20,817.00 on airline/ferry tickets when he travelled in April 2013 to Papua New Guinea. He also received, in addition to the ticket cost, a Per Diem of $2,200.00. Minister Walwyn has also used the National Democratic Party rhetoric/script that the Virgin Islands Party has left the county broke. However, First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie has accused the NDP of two years of continuous careless and reckless spending. Photo: VINO/File
Many are now accusing the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith (left) of again misleading the people in the House of Assembly over the accurate cost of overseas travels by his Ministers of Government. The Premier told the House of Assembly on December 17, 2013 that after two years, his Cabinet only spent $245,044.06 on overseas travels. However, much of the information provided is incomplete, which means that the cost is much higher. The question on the cost of overseas official travel was posed by First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie. Photo: VINO/File
Many are now accusing the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith (left) of again misleading the people in the House of Assembly over the accurate cost of overseas travels by his Ministers of Government. The Premier told the House of Assembly on December 17, 2013 that after two years, his Cabinet only spent $245,044.06 on overseas travels. However, much of the information provided is incomplete, which means that the cost is much higher. The question on the cost of overseas official travel was posed by First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie. Photo: VINO/File
Both Senior Ministers of the Dr. Smith Administration Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr. the Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering (left) and the Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton were forthcoming with all the information requested on their official overseas travel. Dr. Pickering was the most frequent Government Minister who traveled in the National Democratic Party’s two years in office and provided reports on the benefits to the Virgin Islands on his trips. Photo: VINO/File
Both Senior Ministers of the Dr. Smith Administration Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr. the Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering (left) and the Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton were forthcoming with all the information requested on their official overseas travel. Dr. Pickering was the most frequent Government Minister who traveled in the National Democratic Party’s two years in office and provided reports on the benefits to the Virgin Islands on his trips. Photo: VINO/File
The Third Sitting of the Third Session of the Second House of Assembly held on December 17, 2013 was another occasion where NDP government officials reportedly continued to provide insufficient answers to questions posed by Members of the Opposition. Photo: VINO/File
The Third Sitting of the Third Session of the Second House of Assembly held on December 17, 2013 was another occasion where NDP government officials reportedly continued to provide insufficient answers to questions posed by Members of the Opposition. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Smith informed the House that for the past two years government expended $245,446 on Cabinet Ministers' travel bills for overseas official business. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Smith informed the House that for the past two years government expended $245,446 on Cabinet Ministers' travel bills for overseas official business. Photo: VINO/File
First District Representative Hon. Andrew A. Fahie told the Honourable House that the officers had already travelled and securing the information should not have been an up-hill task given the modern age of technology. Photo: VINO/File
First District Representative Hon. Andrew A. Fahie told the Honourable House that the officers had already travelled and securing the information should not have been an up-hill task given the modern age of technology. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - This news site has obtained the details of travel as provided by Premier Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith at the Third Sitting of the Third Session of the Second House of Assembly (HOA) of the Virgin Islands held on December 17, 2013.

Dr. Smith, the Leader of Government Business, was at the time responding to a question posed to him by First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie on the total amount of money expended on travel abroad on official duty by all elected Ministers of his Cabinet.

The Minister of Finance, Hon. Smith, was also to provide details from November 2011 when his administration took office to present, inclusive of podium, incidentals, airline tickets, hotel, ground and other transportation and all other travelling and related expenses.

Hon. Walwyn’s over $20 thousand airline/ferry ticket-information missing

It was revealed that Minister Myron V. Walwyn made several trips since taking office, with some three to London, according to details provided by Premier Smith. 

Out of all the Cabinet Ministers travelling, one of the most expensive airline/ferry tickets was racked up by the Education and Culture Minister when he took a trip in April of 2013 to Papua New Guinea to attend the 8th Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting, costing tax payers some twenty thousand, eight hundred and seventeen dollars ($20,817.00) just for that airline/ferry ticket.

On the same Papua New Guinea trip, Minister Walwyn also obtained a Per Diem of two thousand two hundred dollars ($2,200.00)

No information was provided in the chart handed out in the HOA for his hotel, ground transportation and benefits to the Territory for such an expensive trip. The true cost of this trip remains unclear.

In fact, according to the spreadsheet given out in answers to the question, Hon. Walwyn did not provide the cost of any hotels, ground transportation, benefits to Territory and had not given reports on any of his trips therefore the $50, 678.46 figure given by the Premier on December 17, 2013 as the reported total cost for Minister Walwyn's trips is misleading.

According to the spreadsheet, two other Ministers of Government, Premier Smith and Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool, also had missing information. Dr. Smith provided no cost for ground transportation, which brings the truth of the total cost of the Premier’s overseas travel into question. In addition, no benefits to the Territory or reports were listed for the House of Assembly. The same spreadsheet also had no benefits to the Territory or reports on Hon. Vanterpool's many overseas trips.

Senior Ministers of the Smith Administration, Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr. the Honourable Kedrick D.  Pickering and the Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton were both forthcoming with all the information requested according to the spreadsheet.

Over $245,044.06 figure misleading on NDP overseas globetrotting!

After research by this news site, we have concluded that because of all the missing information that will add to the cost of the figure [ $245,044.06] given by Premier Smith, the information given in the House of Assembly on December 17, 2013 is inaccurate and the cost is much higher. For example, Premier Smith did not provide the cost for the trip he took to Asia to open the BVI Asia House.

Trips from Cuba to France to India - NDP Ministers rack up miles of Travel

The National Democratic Party’s Ministers of Government over their two years in office have travelled all over the world to almost every continent on tax payers’ monies even after claiming the former Government left the country broke.

Dr. Pickering, the 7th District Representative, got the trophy for the most frequent flyer miles according to the information on the spreadsheet, however, none of his airline/ferry tickets came close to over 20 thousand dollars spent by Minister Myron V. Walwyn.

The Deputy Premier racked up travel miles to New York, Portugal, Italy, India, Miami, Brussels, Aruba, Jamaica, France and even Lima, Peru among others.

Minister Skelton went to some more exotic places. For example, in July of this year he visited Communist Cuba and just last month he visited Las Vegas on tax payers’ monies. The Health Minister’s trips also took him to Panama, London and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania among other trips.

Communications and Works Minister Mark H. Vanterpool’s favourite spot on tax payers’ monies seems to be Miami, Florida where he made some four trips in less than two years in office. Minister Vanterpool also traveled to Barcelona, Spain, Curacao and Panama among other places.

Hon. Walwyn’s favourite spot on tax payers’ monies seems to be London, United Kingdom where he made some three trips in less that 2 years in office. He also travelled to the Caribbean region with stops in St. Kitts, Jamaica, Grenada and Antigua. 

In an invited comment, First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie, agreed that “the information is incomplete as they have not come clean with their two years of continued careless and reckless spending on overseas travel and on projects after saying the last Administration left the country broke." 

Hon. Fahie, the former Minister for Education and Culture, accused the Dr. Smith Administration of habitual lack of adherence to the rules in the Protocols that they signed, especially as it relates to Section 11b in terms of how all projects will be done.

See previous story posted December 27, 2013:

Premier fails to detail cost for overseas travels

- Over $200k spent on travel expenses over two year period

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The Third Sitting of the Third Session of the Second House of Assembly held on December 17, 2013 was another occasion where NDP government officials reportedly continued to provide insufficient answers to questions posed by Members of the Opposition.

This time around, the issue centered on a breakdown for amounts spent on overseas travel where First District Representative Honourble Andrew A. Fahie posed questions to Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith, seeking details on bills for overseas government expenses.

Premier Smith informed the House that for the past two years government expended $245,446 on Cabinet Ministers' travel bills for overseas official business. A breakdown for the expenses, purpose of trip and reports following trips were also provided.

However when asked by Hon Fahie for information relating to hotel, airline tickets, ground and other transportation, destinations, benefits of each trip and reports done after each trip, Premier Smith told the House that he was not in a position to get the requested information at the time.  

"I will have this information available at the next sitting of the House or to your office as soon as it is available," said Premier Smith.

The response did not go down well with Hon. Fahie as he told the Honourable House that the officers had already travelled and securing the information should not have been an up-hill task given the modern age of technology.

"...Still no excuse for not having the figure because it's the people's tax money and they [public servants] done travel on it," Hon Fahie said. But Premier Smith in response stated that the system does not work that way.

As indicated in the House by Members of the opposition on a number of other occasions, the mode of responses to questions asked, puts the people’s representatives in a position of not being able to report effectively to their constituents in a timely manner.

92 Responses to “UPDATE: Hon. Walwyn made $20k plus trip to Papua New Guinea!”

  • dog (27/12/2013, 09:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    What are they hiding the trips to china?
    • the real dog (28/12/2013, 00:21) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
      admin- please check this imposter who keeps stealing identities. why do this? it is rude, disrespectful and childish.
      • you dog (30/12/2013, 12:18) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        For goodness sake just chose a different name here bi##c in
        • to you dog (30/12/2013, 23:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          If I have had the identification for years, why should I change? Do you have any words for the person who keeps taking identities and confusing people??
  • ooooo (27/12/2013, 10:27) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    quarter of a million? where they went, to the moon?
    • ... (27/12/2013, 10:48) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      And not one report gosh talk about reckless spending
    • mad as hell (30/12/2013, 10:39) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      WTF! When did this happen and how come this is the first we are hearing of it? ALL OF THEM ARE RAPING OUR COUNTRY! Not one good politician here.
  • Binocs (27/12/2013, 19:15) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    only the government minsiters will benefit from trips and continue to live in luxury!
  • Just saying (29/12/2013, 13:28) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just vote the same felons back in to office , Remember every problem in the the BVI was Politically created and solved with your tax dollars.....
  • Kim (30/12/2013, 09:32) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am just wondering isnt it normal for politicans to travel to these countries that can be very expensive at times???
  • ooooo (30/12/2013, 09:35) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    it cost way cheaper to go to the moon, ask bronson..LOL
    • mary j (30/12/2013, 14:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      YAWN...YAWN...The silver lining is that there is another election!
  • Wow! (30/12/2013, 09:37) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a feast on the public purse, did he chartered a LEA jet?
  • OMG (30/12/2013, 09:39) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    WOW! he could've gotten a video of the whole event instead.
    • @@@@@ (30/12/2013, 14:24) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

      I find it remarkable that Dr. finds nothing immoral about misrepresenting the facts in the legislative counsel

  • Peng (30/12/2013, 09:39) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ok what did the VIP spend in their first 2 years? Let's get that information and compare with the NDP's. It has to be balanced criticism.
    • cay (30/12/2013, 10:03) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
      Hush your rass the ndp on dem reckless spending
    • To Peng (30/12/2013, 10:47) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
      Your point is not valid because the NDP is who keep trying to programme our minds that the VIP left us broke so if that is true why the NDP travelling so much in such expensive fashion on our tax money if we are truly broke. They keep saying one thing & doing another. These are actions of a hypocrite & a liar.
    • @Peng (30/12/2013, 11:37) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Do you mean that if VIP was overspending, then it's ok for NDP to do the same?
      If both parties were recklessly spending our money, then we will still accept this criticism and don't put any of them back in power again.
  • Lord have mercy (30/12/2013, 09:40) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did he go on AIRFORCE ONE?
  • places to go (30/12/2013, 09:42) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply

    When you have the power, you find all of the meetings going on around the world so you can get to travel to the places where your own money can't take you and stay in hotels that if it was your own money, you wouldn't have been able to afford, not forgetting first class tickets, even to VG. Keep track of those meetings and make sure you put in full attendance - that's what politics is about!
  • thing teh talk (30/12/2013, 09:42) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    We used to go haiti to wuk that thing now look way he gone?
  • john public (30/12/2013, 09:46) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    This report is spot on!!!! I luv it!!
  • Yes (30/12/2013, 09:53) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    These men are astronauts.
  • whats in the dark must come to light (30/12/2013, 09:58) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    What was hidden from the wise and prudent shall be revealed to the babes and sucklings.
  • Xxxx (30/12/2013, 09:59) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Next time I hear the ndp say vip left the country broke I will throw eggs at them
  • extra extra (30/12/2013, 10:04) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
  • Ridiculous (30/12/2013, 10:05) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Just rediculous!!!!!
  • cant trust my doctor (30/12/2013, 10:09) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    From head to toe cant be trusted.
  • bush cutters (30/12/2013, 10:11) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    No wonder we weren't paid
    • JACK BE STILL (30/12/2013, 10:55) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply

      After a 100,000 dinner now a 20,000 trip M...n is reckless with government money if you ask me

  • ta ta (30/12/2013, 10:11) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well saw ting to talk
  • pat (30/12/2013, 10:22) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    VIP spent more!
    • george w. touch (30/12/2013, 14:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      bring it on then
    • the real pat (30/12/2013, 23:36) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      gee, judging by the comment above concerning dog and someone stealing his/her name, here is another one.
  • geography (30/12/2013, 10:23) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Papua, New Guinea, Now that is some destination Minister. Cannibalism is still practiced by some remote tribes there and also Head shrinking provides a novelty for tourists. You can buy a lot of shrunken heads for $20,000.
    This could be a nice little earner for the BVI importing little heads to sell as natures little secret souvenir to cruise ship passengers. Yes Minister, a very useful and value for money trip.
  • white collar crime (30/12/2013, 10:24) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Somebody must go to jail
  • my my my (30/12/2013, 10:30) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    The NDP keep telling us that we are broke but their actions continue to show us differently. These guys are decievers.
  • ship without a sale (30/12/2013, 10:49) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yet another reason why the ndp must go!
  • POOR GOVERNMENT WORKER (30/12/2013, 10:53) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply


    • @ POOR GOVERNMENT WORKER (30/12/2013, 17:29) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      I thought this NDP govt might be more merciful on civil servants
  • Melon (30/12/2013, 11:03) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Does the cost include their change fees and hotel charges? Is this just for airline tickets? Painful!
    • @ Melon (30/12/2013, 12:18) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      keep dreaming mvw you will get the same thing iren, malone, zoe and keith got!
  • NDP supporter (30/12/2013, 11:11) Like (5) Dislike (28) Reply
    You all sound so stupid. Find work to do and stop wasting time! NDP all the way.
  • i see you (30/12/2013, 11:31) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply

    Did someone mentioned who accompanied them? I got news from good sources that one particular min. met up with his  @ &*^%*, OMG!

  • tretretrete (30/12/2013, 11:58) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply

    Yes, because VIP politicians did everything via Skype and Outlook, they never traveled. Tell them publish all the travel and consultancy contracts from 2000 to present and all of them in there will s#!t their gabadene pants. Sick of them now.

    • @hmm (30/12/2013, 12:46) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      The real issue is that VIP was never out there telling us that we broke. The NDP is who is doing that but yet spending just the same or worse than the VIP. This is the reason their travel & spending habits are suspect.
  • ABC (30/12/2013, 12:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    yea rigfht we broke for sure now
    • DON Q (30/12/2013, 14:14) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      I always wondered why this was allowed to carry-on for such a long time with this kind of spending...thank god for vino
  • Scary Mary (30/12/2013, 13:09) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    With a whopping $2,200.00 Per Diem, my guess is that the minister stayed at the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby. The Executive Suite at Port Moreby's newest hotel costs a measly $1,168.00 per night. Nice digs!

    That leaves just over $1,000.00 per day for 3 square meals, drinks, taxis or a car rental. There isn't a lot in the way of entertainment in Port Moresby, but there are some pretty decent restaurants such as Rapala or Bacchus. I wonder if he had the Crepes Suzette or the imported caviar?

    Tough job, but I guess someone has to do it. Yep, our poor, poor government sure is struggling to keep its broke a$$ head above water.

    No wonder the $100,000.00 teacher's dinner didn't seem like an excessive amount of money to the minister. Everything is relative I guess!
  • dead dog (30/12/2013, 13:17) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Did he go on Air Force One? I did not know the B V I had an Air Force?
  • Perspective (30/12/2013, 13:34) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    Let us be fair. In every Government Ministers must travel to stay current & keep the country on par with other countries. However the NDP said that they met the country broke but yet travelling more & spending more than the VIP that they always blaming. This is what makes these travelling amounts news worthy.
  • It is time (30/12/2013, 13:57) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    It is time a full audit is done on this striving for excellence Minister & his Ministry of Education. Too many questionable financial actions continue to come to light surround him & his ministry. Something is drastically wrong in that Ministry. His PR has done a fine job of making us think otherwise but the facts continue to be too glearing. All that glitters is not gold.
    • agreed (30/12/2013, 16:05) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      Since taking office this Minister more than the others have been blaming the VIP for everything especially saying that the VIP left the country broke. Yet he still turn around & had a one night one hundred thousand dollars dinner; one hundred thousand dollars speech writer; one hundred thousand dollars text book writer; one trip only airline ticket $20, 000 & counting; Park VG for $700, 000 & wouldn't pay the bus drivers on time. The list goes on & on.
  • ann (30/12/2013, 14:09) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    OMGawd,..20 k
  • jj (30/12/2013, 14:19) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Madam DG I know this is your government but god please advise the guys its the public money
  • kevin (30/12/2013, 14:21) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let us see if the governor will follow up or this or it will die a natural death like all of the other NDP scandals
  • OPPORTUNISTS (30/12/2013, 14:24) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just a bunch of opportunists - can't wait to vote them out- just hope the VIP don't do worse
  • Just adding (30/12/2013, 14:32) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you add what MVW projected hotel & ground transportation cost was for those many trips & then add to the airfare then he would have the highest travellin amount of ALL Ministers especially the Premier. That's even more alarming!
  • hypocrites (30/12/2013, 14:48) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    NDP HYPOCRITES- all the school playgrounds falling apart - Joyce Samuel playground old and unsafe- teachers can't even get a rise after all these years- and this man spending money like there is no tomorrow- I guess they know they going to get the boot so they will spend taxpayer money lavishly on travel and so on in the coming months- BUT THE PEOPLE WATCHING ALL YOU CORRUPT SET OF NIM------- - this need an INVESTIGATION- Governor take note-
  • Lawyer (30/12/2013, 15:56) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    no scandal here! Government Ministers have to travel to promote the country's interest. Dignitaries maintain a higher standard than most of us. So they have to travel business or first class depending on the distance. If he had to travel all the way over to the Far East, first class should be his only option. As long as he spend it we should not have any problem with that. If he pocketed the money and said he spend it then that's a scandal.
  • rewrsdffds (30/12/2013, 16:15) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Do you think that this government is travelling any more/less than the other? I don't think so. They are all full of themselves, and every government travel without due consideration to the public purse.
  • @Lawyer (30/12/2013, 16:15) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    You are 100% correct. However we don't know if the trip was necessary. We don't know if he has properly accounted for the trip because he has refused to furnish us with all the information that was requested. Also we don't know if all the cost incurred was just for him alone or others. The failure to produce all this information opens the Minister to many speculations that can & will turn into scandals.
  • mother hen (30/12/2013, 17:23) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Slow Demise of mvw
  • Release (30/12/2013, 17:36) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I thought the $100,000 dinner was bad but this $20, plus K did it for me!!!! All other arguments are null and void from this government once you agree that they are all the same for wasteful and reckless spending of my hard earn tax payers $$$$$$$
  • hahahaha (30/12/2013, 19:21) Like (0) Dislike (13) Reply
    And Myron will still be re-elected with an NDP Government. Where are the real issues? lmao lmao lmao lmao! This is too tooo too funny.
    • @hahahaha (30/12/2013, 22:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      If the continuous mis spending of tax payers dollars by this minister is not a real issue than you obviously have no principles & intend to vote for him no matter what wrong he or who ever you support does. Thank God most voters don't think like you.
  • The other minister (30/12/2013, 19:40) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did anyone remember to mention that the other minister is in Paris to ring in the New Years?
  • Real (30/12/2013, 20:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't have an issue with the travelling because that's what they have to do at times but 20k is really to much for one trip especially if its not a significant benefit to the country. To think about it people are hurting for jobs and that could have been a new hired persons salary for the year
  • bb (30/12/2013, 22:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    M spending like a drunking sailor
  • the realest (30/12/2013, 22:30) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Normally when a country broke they would try to cut unnecessary expenses and maximize their assets. Normally when a country broke they would use any available funds to invest in quality, much needed, revenue generating projects. When a country broke they would try to maintain and /or expand all positive current business relationships. This is what the NDP did in 2 years while we were supposed to be broke and in bad shape; teachers appreciation dinner $100,000, Georgie Hill Road over $1 million, current and near future investment of $1.5 million for Queen Elizabeth Park , Well over $1 million for Crafts Alive project, Loss of cruise ships port calls to the BVI as cruise ship berthing agreements are still in negotiation.
  • wise up (30/12/2013, 23:22) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    VIP & NDP is the same thing
  • DarkVader (30/12/2013, 23:28) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why all the blah blah about who went where and how much money was spent on a trip. Try going to one of those places for less..least some of all you swim and we would know the end result to you all trying to swim. Lsten, this kind of money was spent on travel ears gone by so why is it so alarming to some of you now? Oh, it NDP..shucks I forgot..the ruling party makes the as ok for VIP to spend millions on travel but its not ok for NDP to spend to tran]vel and bring back reports (which we never got from the vip travel).
  • Liat 521 (31/12/2013, 00:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who will be held accountable will depend on the next genral elections
  • Dep Premier (31/12/2013, 04:34) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    This man always boasting how he travel all over the world- ON TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE- time for NDP to vamooose
  • ADVANTAGE (31/12/2013, 06:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The question is would he have spent his own money on such a trip?
  • .trust (31/12/2013, 06:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    An investigation should be done on the ministers trips and spending. They spending tax payers money like it is theirs.they would not spend their own money so. An audit should be done on each ministry. They have problems helping Virgin Islanders who are in need. They have to set up committee with restrictions while they do their own business using country interest as a cover Take them out of office. They crippling us.
  • Just a note (31/12/2013, 06:56) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    The destinations are a bit misleading here. It have listed Barcelona, Spain, curaçao and panama but Barcelona is in Spain.
  • Iron lady (31/12/2013, 09:04) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stop blogging and return the poeple's money - STUPES
  • Premier Fraser (31/12/2013, 09:54) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thank you De facto Premier Fraser and Deputy Premier AF for waking the country from its deep slumber at what these CR--KS are up to- the people vex beyond belief now- RIP OFF NDPs
  • just asking (31/12/2013, 15:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    where the hell is papua new guinea?
  • ABC (01/01/2014, 13:26) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    When all is said and done, it is crystal clear that the problem is not a short fall in revenue, it is unpresidented squander. What is equally troubling is, our Minister of Finance appears not to be concerned about what is taking place around him. He seems not to be concern about the corruption with the Cruise ship dock. He appears to be more concern about the fact that it was exposed. It is even being suggested that the Chief Auditor may have taken the investigation tooo far. This is definately a run away train.
  • must be voted out (03/01/2014, 12:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    i saw myron two days ago and rasied this with him..the child is un repentant
  • benifits (04/01/2014, 13:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are still waiting on the report Mr Walwyn
  • another issue for me (04/01/2014, 18:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get the politics out of the schools and let the teachers teach. Best wishes to our Public Schools. Be the best, lead the way

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