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UPDATE: Hon Vanterpool confirms VINO story! Pier Park ‘Grand Opening' postponed

- said Tortola Pier Park will, however, be opened to the public from tomorrow, Dec 22, 2015
Virgin Islands News Online's accurate story on the Tortola Pier Park's grand opening, was confirmed by Minister for Communications and Works Hon Mark H. Vanterpool while delivering a statement on the project during the Fifth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands earlier today December 21, 2015. Photo: VINO/File
Information reaching our newsroom from our traditional sources within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) regime is that the grand opening of the Tortola Pier Park Project scheduled for December 22, 2015 at 5:15 pm on the site of the project will not happen. Photo: Internet Source
Information reaching our newsroom from our traditional sources within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) regime is that the grand opening of the Tortola Pier Park Project scheduled for December 22, 2015 at 5:15 pm on the site of the project will not happen. Photo: Internet Source
The status of Ports Director Claude O. Skelton-Cline’s contract is unknown at this time. There are conflicting reports about whether the contract will be renewed, with our traditional NDP sources saying it’s a work in progress, and within the past 48 hours, that there could be a shift in position to renew the contract even if for a shorter term. Photo: VINO/File
The status of Ports Director Claude O. Skelton-Cline’s contract is unknown at this time. There are conflicting reports about whether the contract will be renewed, with our traditional NDP sources saying it’s a work in progress, and within the past 48 hours, that there could be a shift in position to renew the contract even if for a shorter term. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As first and accurately reported by this news site, the ‘Grand Opening’ of the Tortola Pier Park will no longer be realised tomorrow Tuesday December 22, 2015 as the event has now been postponed to February 16, 2016.

Our story was confirmed by Minister for Communications and Works Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) while delivering a statement on the Tortola Pier Park project during the Fifth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands earlier today December 21, 2015.

Virgin Islands News Online broke the story last night that the planned event was going to be postponed a day before the scheduled ‘Grand Opening’.

The new opening date has been set as February 16, 2016 when, according to the Minister, most of the construction would have been completed and “more shops outfitted.”

What has been described as hardly any consolation, Hon Vanterpool announced that the Park will, nevertheless, be opened to the public from tomorrow, December 22, 2015.

It is unclear why this decision has been made when, according to our traditional NDP sources, the area is still considered “a construction site” hence one of the reasons for the delay in the ‘Grand Opening’ in the first place.

See previous article published December 21, 2015

Embarrassed? Tortola Pier Park Opening for Dec 22, 2015 postponed!

-reports are that the Grand Opening of the BVI Ports Authority’s Tortola Pier Park Project scheduled for December 22, 2015 is a ‘no go’ until next year

Information reaching our newsroom from our traditional sources within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) regime is that the grand opening of the Tortola Pier Park Project scheduled for December 22, 2015 at 5:15 pm on the site of the project will not happen.

One source close to the BVI Ports Authority told our newsroom that the building construction, along with other items, are “far from completion” therefore the opening of the landside of the project is not expected to go ahead as planned.

It remains unclear when the BVI Ports Authority or the Minister for Communications and Works will make an announcement, less than 24 hours before the event.

The BVI Ports Authority, via its Tortola Pier Park, had planned an all-day event of music, cultural event, local bands and other entertainment leading up to what they described in many advertisements as a ‘Grand Opening at 5:15 P.M.’

Ports Project shrouded in controversy

The status of Ports Director Claude O. Skelton-Cline’s contract is unknown at this time. There are conflicting reports about whether the contract will be renewed, with our traditional NDP sources saying it’s a work in progress, and within the past 48 hours, that there could be a shift in position to renew the contract even if for a shorter term.

The BVI Ports Authority Pier Project was in the news following the 2011 general elections after two damning reports. One was conducted by the former Virgin Islands’ Auditor General Ms Sonia M. Webster and the other by the House of Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee chaired by former Leader of the Opposition Hon Ralph T. O’Neal OBE.

The Auditor General's Report on the Ports Development Project unearthed corruption, conflict of interest, disregard for the laws of the Virgin Islands, unfair practices, undue influence in favour of one developer, disregard for the established tendering process and that no one looking was out for the interest of the people and taxpayers of the Virgin Islands, putting the people at a disadvantage.

PAC makes same conclusion of corruption

Following that report the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) conducted its own independent investigations and on page 31, 3 they agreed with the findings of the Auditor General's Report of wide-spread corruption, which was substantiated by the evidence furnished to the Committee from Board Members, Ministry of Communications and Works officials and former staff of both the BVI Ports Authority and its Board.

It’s unclear when next year the Tortola Pier Park will be opening.

63 Responses to “UPDATE: Hon Vanterpool confirms VINO story! Pier Park ‘Grand Opening' postponed”

  • pat (21/12/2015, 00:21) Like (39) Dislike (1) Reply
    Oh oh vino stop!
  • ... (21/12/2015, 02:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • 123 (21/12/2015, 02:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    More in ths mata
  • Edward (21/12/2015, 04:41) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    No! What a surprise!
  • Vg man (21/12/2015, 05:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Again???? Lord Jesus help us.
  • bvi (21/12/2015, 05:46) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    We at the port will go to the governor our self Staff crying out for help
    • Yes (21/12/2015, 11:08) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
      Identify yourself like you aint already did
    • VICKIE (21/12/2015, 11:58) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
      There is problem with the port from the start first of all they put rat to mind cheese people were asking the last governor to look into the cruise ship pier he refuse I think this governor should investigate this matter before things get worst , This government is doing too much under hand things with tax payers money ,How much more they are going to destroy us and the governor sitting back doing nothing about it .PEOPLE of the BVI stop sleeping .stand up for your rights we need to know how our tax are spending .This government is a total dis grace set of damn /////.
      • Jessy (22/12/2015, 18:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

        Be not fooled. This Governor have his eyes wide open. Be not fooled. Time is longer than twine..
    • Forrest (21/12/2015, 12:37) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
      Run Ports Authority Staff, Run!!!
  • S.R. (21/12/2015, 06:12) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    I knew it !! Bet someone this would happen, but was getting worried I would lose. Thanks for coming through NDP !!
  • Charley Rose (21/12/2015, 07:26) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well. We have come in for some serious wrangling over the Port development. The bible states that " except the Lord buildth a house, they that build labour in vane". The Port project had many co traversy and secrecy from the beginning. If you speak the truth and ask the people for their cooperation e erything will be done for the benifit of the people and the territory. My God bless the Premier and the people of the territory.
  • just asking... (21/12/2015, 07:38) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
  • voices from the ghetto (21/12/2015, 07:51) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well saw take back that fire works money and give the people of the third their bush money
    • @voices in the ghetto (21/12/2015, 08:12) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Naaah. Musicians still need to get pay. Now we can get pay. If certain bands and certain men didn`t get pay they would be on the morning radio blasting--the man--We will not forget.
      • voices from the ghetto (21/12/2015, 09:14) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
        Sorry but u guys fall under the ministry of education and culture portfolio. Bush cutting fall under the ministry of communication and works portfolio. Get your facts right . mark is over the pier and over bush cutting ,so go and ask Myron for your money
  • change for better (21/12/2015, 08:07) Like (43) Dislike (13) Reply
    We need women in some of these positions, though women are strong headed, and can be stubborn, we will at lease get some accountability and transparency. I will start with the hospital board chair, replace that seat with Either Helen Frett, Rosy Crandals Samuels or Gracia Wheatley.--- Then the Port, I will replace the chair with either Delma Maduro, Irene Penn, or Women inspector of Police Jacqueline vanterpool. Just my thoughts, you are free to add yours. We need some changes happening around here for the better.
  • lord-o (21/12/2015, 08:14) Like (10) Dislike (11) Reply
    The spots are too expensive....That will be sad though
  • Hmm (21/12/2015, 08:33) Like (5) Dislike (66) Reply

    I was there last week an most of the buildings were completed (just the outside). anyhow I'm glad they call it off because it didn't make sense rushing to open half way hopefully they can come correct before it's to late.

  • Hmm (21/12/2015, 09:17) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Anybody really surprised? Come on now, take a pass over there & u would know that place in no condition to open. Keep saying these jackazz ppl got the BVI as a laughing stock to the world
  • bay yute (21/12/2015, 09:33) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just read the blue site look trouble for me
  • island of ratchets (21/12/2015, 09:47) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Any government official not looking out for the best interest of the BVI should be charged with the treason, shot & dumped back of Anegada with a block in international waters, such persons need not be associated with the BVI at all. #goodfornothingSOB
  • Gibson (21/12/2015, 11:58) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    The pier park looks like a seaside dump n construction site. The place not even halfway ready.
  • bad minded (21/12/2015, 11:59) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Heard they now trying to still go ahead to make VINO look bad but not going to work
  • Success (21/12/2015, 12:07) Like (4) Dislike (50) Reply
    People were bashing this project like they did with almost every major Gov projects including the NHI now. Guess what? Its a success and people are still waiting for if to fail in some way or the other and finding petty things to be fussing about.
  • vincyman (21/12/2015, 13:05) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    I went across there yesterday Sunday and it's about 65% completed,their is a lot of ground work to be done and the shops inside interior is far from finish,the government/port authority will have to fund the rest of the project because they don't meet the 75% completion on 22nd date deadline with the cruise ship companies.. #my2cent
  • Changes (21/12/2015, 13:22) Like (2) Dislike (14) Reply
    Mark they let you down. I know how you feeling. Make changes.
  • facts man (21/12/2015, 13:22) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vino you are better than the cia and scotland yard
  • Copy and learn (21/12/2015, 13:24) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    All the radio stations and other news site need to get their news from Vino and stop reporting old news. Get up to time with Vino..
  • VG Resident (21/12/2015, 13:40) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lawsuits will be coming over this project and it should happen. How mismanaged can you get when you put a pastor in charge of a construction project. The bvi government should have given the project to persons and a company who know how to run a project like this and STAY away till it is done. This project should rightfully be called corruption inc. Money given for corrupt reasons should be taken from those who it was given to.
    it's about time that corrupt persons go to jail and for along time and money recouped back to the treasury..
  • shaw (21/12/2015, 14:26) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    how can this be open to the public on the 22nd? it is a construction site waiting for accidents to happen to the public.
    I hope they have insurance.
  • nonsense (21/12/2015, 15:05) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    the place is not ready. There are still heavy equipment and stuff going on there. If piece of rebar goes in somebody foot and sues them, the going say they don't have any luck
  • Kermit the Frog (21/12/2015, 15:25) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    The NDP messing with y'all tax money and y'all aint even know lol... time longer than twine eh.. Everyone was excited to vote them in claiming about improvements this improvements that. we saw improvements for 2 months now everything is going down hill. Our input doesn't matter to them (NHI) and you cant even hear from them when you try to get in contact with them but they're always on face book posting the most or at bars drinking late hours... this bush tea tho.... :-)
  • A Foy (21/12/2015, 16:10) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    "what starts bad always ends bad"
  • Voter Too (21/12/2015, 16:15) Like (1) Dislike (29) Reply
    Prevention is better than cure. This place is incomplete so why have a grand opening now then have to have another later. I dont think any business should occupy any spot but the govt brokes,put up your hands if you brokes so expect anything. Nothing for something. For necxt election please let us vote for a woman or a youth at the helm to take our country forward
  • come on governor (21/12/2015, 16:21) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Start the real FIREWORKS.
  • Yes (21/12/2015, 17:27) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    TPP = Thieving People's Pockets
  • Worker (21/12/2015, 17:43) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about the local contractors ? 1 man have up to 6 contract over there and he don't even have enough workers to do it so how would they get it complete on time? They should give the small contractors a piece so that the work could be done faster and that more people in the country could get money !!!!!!
  • alpine (21/12/2015, 20:06) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Need Becomez A Greedd. The beat goes on. Stay Tuned in for more mess.
  • YAWN (21/12/2015, 20:21) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    I love this guy Huge Darley!
  • egg face (21/12/2015, 22:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    pressure for soooooo on NDP come 2016
  • voter (21/12/2015, 23:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    COI now? How says you Guv? Lets see if anyone make a jail on dis one
  • People's Man (22/12/2015, 01:07) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
  • late notice (22/12/2015, 02:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What happened to all the food already prepared? They will have to be paid.
  • One word (22/12/2015, 02:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • DOA (22/12/2015, 04:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Remember SEPP BLATTER. HMM
  • Me (22/12/2015, 07:20) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dem should da know that this job was too big for Cline-Skelton.
  • wize up (22/12/2015, 09:20) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    very good project but very poor management: project management!!!!
  • donald duck (22/12/2015, 09:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look at it from the other side: That opening was chosen to be sure the main player - Disney Cruise - is at the pier for their passengers to celebrate with us. Surely from ship's side a lot was planned. Hope they were notified "already" yesterday, to be prepare for the big disappointment.
    Doesn't the contract become VOID today, if the project is not finished?
    • wow (22/12/2015, 13:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes it does especially since they were given a chance when the original deadline passed in April, i willing to bet the new deadline will also pass to
  • Migoman (22/12/2015, 23:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    allyuh is a bunch ah damn hypocrites! I didn't hear you all bootyclappers complaining when the VIP told you guys not to vote for this gang of NDPs... Everything was peachy keen. In fact i heard a lot of cheering as the heads rolled after the result of the 2015 yuh complaining. You butt-hurt VOTERS and Bloggers are hypocrites! Unless you Voted VIP then you shouldn't be complaining now.

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