UPDATE: Hon Smith will be Minister of State for Financial Services & Economic Dev’t- Premier

While making the announcement this afternoon, Premier Wheatley said he will be recommending to His Excellency, The Governor, that Hon Smith be appointed Minister of State for Financial Services and Economic Development.
He said the role is a senior one within the government and is necessary to both reflect her experience and to reinforce her position when dealing with external stakeholders.
“I’ll be talking with the governor to assess how we best put this into effect quickly,” Premier Wheatley stated.
Expanded role for Hon Smith
In her role, according to the Premier, Honourable Smith will be responsible for financial services, including domestic banking, economic diversification and investment promotion, trade and investment including shared responsibility for climate finance.
“The expansion of the Virgin Islands small and medium-sized enterprises sector will also be within her remit. Additionally, the ministry will be responsible for business regulation, economic planning, and consumer affairs.
“As you would expect, Honourable Smith will lead engagement on these subjects nationally and internationally, engaging with foreign governments, international organisations and other external stakeholders including business investors and the media.”
Premier Wheatley assured that he and Hon Smith will work “very closely” to ensure consistency and cohesion of government policy.
In addition, Hon Smith will have direct oversight of the Financial Services Commission, the International Tax Authority, BVI Finance, and the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion and Consumer Affairs, including the Virgin Islands Trade Commission.
“Honourable Smith will also be invited to participate in critical Cabinet Meetings and the meetings of the National Security Council to discuss matters of relevance and importance under her portfolio.”
Premier Wheatley noted too that Hon Smith has been tasked with identifying how the VI can utilise the skills and expertise of its financial services industry to build a more resilient and expansive economy.
Rising above personal & political differences
Meanwhile, Hon Smith said she was grateful to once again be given the opportunity to serve in government, noting that she accepts this role not out of personal ambition but out of duty.
She said the present economic climate and global uncertainty demand that leaders put aside differences for the greater good.
“As the Premier rightly said, we are facing very turbulent times. We must, therefore, rise above personal and political differences and stand together for the good of our people and the future of the Virgin Islands. These days demand unity, responsibility, and unwavering commitment to service.
“I, therefore, thank the Premier at this time for inviting me to join his government. Now more than ever, those of us in elected roles must pull together to protect and strengthen our beloved Virgin Islands. This cannot be about individual ambition or about manoeuvrings, it's about duty, about ensuring that the next generation inherits a territory that is not just surviving but a territory that's thriving.”
Hon Smith reflected on her recent trip with Premier Wheatley’s delegation to the Asia/Pacific Region where she said she engaged with longtime friends and associates who have worked with the Virgin Islands over many years.
“While we remain optimistic about the future of our key economic sectors, there is no denying that the growing concerns and challenges are there. How we respond is critical and will determine our continued positive standing, not only in Asia but globally.
“I firmly believe that given my experience and long-standing relationships, I can make a meaningful contribution to that response and I believe I can best serve our country in the role that the Premier has just outlined,” Hon Smith said.
Following her remarks, Premier Wheatley shook the hands of Hon Smith and said: “Welcome back.”
Hon Smith replied: “Thank you.”
See previous article published March 11, 2025
Hon Lorna G. Smith OBE returns to government
Word reaching our News Centre is that Opposition Member and At Large Representative Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE, who was fired from the Dr Natalio D. Wheatley-led government a couple of months ago, has now returned to the fold.
It is believed Hon Smith will assist the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) on matters of financial services and other areas.
Premier Wheatley is expected to make the announcement of Hon Smith's return around 1:00 PM today, March 11, 2025.
The story is developing, and we will bring more details as they become available.

58 Responses to “UPDATE: Hon Smith will be Minister of State for Financial Services & Economic Dev’t- Premier”
and unable to choose a leader . They are the ones that seek only power and cant even sacrifice their own ego for the good of the Territory. The sign of a mature person and astute politican is the ability to reflect and course correct. She is demonstrating that she put Territory above ego . Salute Hon Smith.
This government is many things but boring to watch it is not.
Who is next?
There are those that would hacmve us believe that Hon. Lorna Smith begged her way back. No! It was, in my honest opinion, Hon. Natalie Sajuande Wheatley that begged her to return because he cannot manage the B.V.I numerous problems adequately. In other words, his leadership know how is he doesn't know how.
Ever sinse for Hon. Mark Vanterpool, Hon. Lorna Smith brother, wife of former Premier, Hon. Dr. D. Orlando Smith, the first NDP leader, and his brother in law were government leader on the same team, then Vanterpool family for Anguilla has levage great political influence in the B.V.I some of the times to the detriment of the people of the B.V.I, some times for our help.
It is true that Hon. Lorna Smith is far more wiser, in my honest opinion than our current Premier, but also more a crafty political gamer than him.
Because she Hon. Lorna Smith was fired by our current Premier m, according to him for her lacked subordinate behaviors, and now has haply embraced her returned to his cabinet, shows hypocrisy against our best interest before now, even now, going forward.
I therefore recommend to the majority of eligible voters come next general elections to avoid both of them. We are experiencing too many of our current political leaders skipping, hopping, jumping, sliding, and winding from one political party to another, and back and forth for their interest, not ours, and theirs.
If Hon. Dr. Dawson is now the Deputy Speaker of the HOA. What happen to Hon. Stacy "Buddha" Mather who is also the Deputy Speaker of the House.
In fact, what happen to the Opposition Side; they Dead or have become Missing Persons.?
Minister of state?? LOLOL ayeeee.
Lremier has to do what he has to do.
He see loopholes and he fill them. Lorna smith went back to them to opposition lit them boy aint showing they have since
That Julian Frazer is on the border lines and may be on the verge of being released from his duty... This is a s**t show...