UPDATE: Hon. O’Neal fires back at Premier over wife’s contract!

Hon. O’Neal told our news site in an interview published on June 21, 2013 that he would never give his wife, Reverend Edris O'Neal, a government contract and noted that “she is qualified to do many things in government.” He said this was just not right and could give the public the wrong perception.
However, Premier Smith disagrees and in a statement released to the local media houses on June 22, 2013 he claimed to be “truly disappointed that the Leader of the Opposition would wish to involve my wife or for that matter any member of my family in the political harangue, something I have never done about his family, and certainly, something I will never do.”
The statement went on to say that ”those who know Lorna well know that she is a professional woman in her own right and has been an integral part of the development of financial services in the BVI and has represented the sector in all corners of the globe. She has over the years accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience, which she has willingly shared for the betterment of our society,” the Premier asserted.
Virgin Islands News Online contacted the Opposition Leader at his home in MacNamara, Road Town and read to him the press statement issued by Premier Smith in defending his wife’s $100,000 contract of which Hon. Smith stated that his wife Lorna Smith only received $4,000 thus far. However, the Leader of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) and Ninth District Representative stood his grounds.
He told this news site in the exclusive telephone interview that “I remain firm in what I told you, I will never give my wife a government contract; especially under the same Ministry I am heading…it’s the principle of it.”
Hon. O’Neal went on to say, “I am not questioning Lorna’s qualifications or whether she will do a good job, I have worked with her and she has done a good enough job, but it’s the principle….I stand by what I said and I am not too worked-up by whatever fancy statement he [Premier] comes with.”
Rewards to friends, family and political losers- Premier Smith addresses
In the article published on this news site on June 21, 2013 Hon. O’Neal also accused the National Democratic Party (NDP) of creating a new political culture of rewards to people who had run and lost the election, “so it pays to lose an election and be a part of the NDP inner circle…you can still get a nice consultancy or a government job despite your qualifications,” he told the news site.
In responding to the Leader of the Opposition’s comments concerning Mr Claude Skelton-Cline and Mr Kevin C. Smith, Dr. Smith stated that “professionals with abilities to render assistance to this Territory must not be shut out because of their political affiliations or the fact that they ran and lost in general elections.”
The statement went on to say that “they are Virgin Islanders and deserve to be treated rightly where they merit assumption of office within or outside the public service. Both Skelton-Cline and Smith are professionals with requisite qualifications to serve this Territory.”
However, Hon. O’Neal threw cold water on that portion of the statement. The longest serving member of Parliament in the Virgin Islands said; “I understand that Claude Skelton-Cline is a minister of the gospel and I have never heard or read anywhere that he has a background or expertise in seaports management.”
As for Kevin C. Smith, the former Postmaster General now turned small business, trade and consumer affairs specialist, Hon. O’Neal said, “I do not know much about him, but we will have to wait and see what he can do.”
Hon. O’Neal reiterated that it’s wrong what the Premier has done in giving his wife a contract, whether or not she is qualified. The Ninth District Representative said in some parts of the world some countries will regard that as “unethical.”
In ending the statement of defending his wife’s contract given to her company LGS and Associates, Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith said, “I would have thought that Lorna would have been thanked for what she has done and continues to do on behalf of and for the good of the Territory.”
Please see previous article posted June 21, 2013
‘I will never give my wife a government contract’- Hon. O’Neal
-Opposition Leader slams contract given to wife of Premier Smith through her company LGS and Associates! Hon. O’Neal also wants government statutory bodies reigned in
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Speaking exclusively to Virgin Islands News Online on June 7, 2013 from his home in MacNamara, Tortola, Leader of the Opposition and Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal, OBE, slammed the consultancy contract awarded last year to LGS and Associates headed my Mrs Lorna Smith- the wife of the sitting Premier and Minister of Finance Doctor the Honourable D. Orlando Smith.
According to information obtained by this news site, the contract was inked last year for $100,000; however, the terms and conditions are unknown. The contract was also confirmed by Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith in media reports.
NDP has a new political culture of rewards to friends, family and political losers
Hon. O’Neal said he would never give his wife Reverend Edris O'Neal a government contract and noted that “she is qualified to do many things in government.” He said this is just not right and gives the public the wrong perception.
He recalled in his eary political career when he served as Minister for Education, he had nominated Mrs O’Neal to serve on the Scholarship Committee, which he noted “was a voluntary assignment with no pay”. One of the reasons she was placed there is because she knew the people and he wanted to ensure that “scholarships were awarded based on merits and not who your family was or last name,” Hon. O’Neal said.
The Ninth District Representative said he heard of many cases where that was happening while he was Minister for Education.
When told that Mrs Smith was a career civil servant and was qualified, Hon. O’Neal said he was aware of that as she served as his Permanent Secretary for a short while and also helped him in setting up the London Office where “she did a good job there…but she has since retired and that is the difference.”
The veteran Parliamentarian went on to say “how would it have looked if when I was Chief Minister or Premier I had hired my wife to work in my office?” The longest serving member of the House of Assembly said he is not aware and “don't care to know what the terms and conditions are as it relates to the contract awarded to Mrs Smith,” however, he would not have hired his wife as a consultant under the same Ministry he was heading.
Referring to Claude Skelton Cline and Kevin C. Smith, the Leader of the Opposition also lashed out at what he described as the National Democratic Party (NDP) giving lucrative consultancy contracts to political losers following the 2011 elections.
He accused the NDP of creating a new political culture of rewards to people who had run and lost the election, “so it pays to lose an election and be a part of the NDP inner circle…you can still get a nice consultancy or a government job despite your qualifications,” he told the news site.
Claude Skelton-Cline, who ran against Second District Representative Hon. J. Alvin Christopher, was hired as a government consultant following the 2011 elections and was then appointed as Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority.
Kevin C. Smith was also hired as a government consultant after he was defeated by Third District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA, and then appointed to the Trade Department.
Statutory Bodies need to be reigned in
When told that there were media reports that the BVI Ports Authority Board recently approved approximately $1.7 million for design and engineering work to be undertaken by the Tortola Port Partners group, Hon. O’Neal seemed shocked. He said “this is the first I am hearing such information and would have to immediately investigate this.”
He said that beyond the BVI Ports Authority, “all statutory bodies are out of control and seems like they are not listening to any Minister…they act like they are all powerful”.
He accused them of doing what they wanted and sometimes not carrying out Government policies.
When told that the Statutory Bodies are guided by their own Acts and Legislations, the Leader of the Opposition said if his party is returned to power one of the first things that will be done is the amendment of their legislations to bring them in line with Government and Ministers’ polices"…he admitted that was one of the failures of his administration, “not reigning in statutory bodies…but it will be different next time.”
Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal, OBE, was first elected to Parliament in 1975. He is one of several sons of Otto and Esther O’Neal and hails from the sister island of Virgin Gorda. He received his education at St. Mary’s School, Virgin Gorda, the St. Kitts Grammar School and Oxford University in England where he majored in Public Administration.
By the time of the next general elections due in the Virgin Islands in 2016, Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal, OBE, would have served 41 years in elective office and would have passed the late Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt. A Virgin Islands Party Leader, Mr Stoutt served the people of the First District for 38 years (1957-1995).

82 Responses to “UPDATE: Hon. O’Neal fires back at Premier over wife’s contract!”
Talk about one sided! When the former Hon. O'neal was in power and the office in England opened up, who was hired for the post? So why the hypocrisy?
He done do all he wrongs, did he not appoint his nephews & nieces plus others, let him answer that
hush your r@$$ never his wife BAM
I guess the Leader of the Opposition would prefer that the country suffers with one less soldier than to hear any talk from the disgruntled misguided mischievous minds or for anyone to punish the Premier by not voting for him next election because he hired his spouse. Now that the Premier has proven his point and has a clear record....with his nieces and nephews....have you ever heard him publicly offering any "praise to his family for any good work or achievement...never. The present Premier does not need to follow this example...let the woman do the country's business, she is willing and capable!
Stop being cowards, hidind blogs and telling lies to make others believe it is the truth.
Stop being cowards, hiding behind blogs and telling lies to make others believe it is the truth.
So why did Ray George get a contract under VIP? How did Zoe get a contract under VIP? How did Carvin keep getting contracts under VIP? If you already have people in your circle qualified to carry on tasks they should be given a job. I don't agree with Claude going to Port but the others I see no problem with. Trade has come in for high praises since OJ has been there collecting a slave salary. $90k for doing two jobs and taking blame for political bullShi# that must be fun. Ain't a man woman or child can get me to stand with any of these parties or politicians. All are crooked dirty minded snakes out for themselves and god for the rest. They could keep that $hi#.
It is slave pay when people can make double that in the private sector and are busting their @$$e$ to help their country. We keep paying overseas consultants $300k and more to ignore their requests but our own qualified and proven locals we can't pay? the man ran the post office and made it profitable, raised the image and $90k a year is supposed to be something? give it a rest. You all don't know nothing about economics and money that's why the expats will continue to rape and ride the $h!t out of your @$$3$. yall beat your chest and brag about where you from but you are dumb as a fuking box of rocks.
that is why Maria Shriver, then a newspaper reporter, resigned after her husband, Arnold Schwarteneger was elected at Governor of California. There are too many conflicts of interest with a spouse, especially EL****, who has long been associated with BVI finances, has a proposed plan for a tall building on wickham's Cay and loves her luxuries and development. Nepotism is not helpful when trying to look transparent. Also, does she have to pay for travel when in capacity as "first lady" when also working a contract? She works an elitist status well.
Am I reading right? Mrs. L*** was awarded a consultancy contract with her own company. Thinking about it I have two questions. Isn’t this conflict of interest, and where is this money going to end-up at the end of the day, isn’t back in the Prem***'s savings for retirement WOW.
cabinet secretary, he take ports from his own minister to give nephew post and i can name ten more pisitions. Who he think he can still fool. He acting like everybody from north sound.
VINO needs to give this man a break and let him enjoy the sunsets, from hear chatting crap, I wonder whats is next, tired and sick of he and his bull s...t.
Why dont he go to his district and tell them something, they might listen to him.
and a piece of pot bread with box cheese instead of butter, cas he sound like he
jus wake up from a long long nap and dont have a clue of the
day month and year.
And which s well spent. Nobody wondered about tax payers money when VIP and certain related and unrelated servants were stealing it in plain sight. Ralph himself in one case he did not know of the missing money and did not want to know. Funny enough he was the minister if finance at that time.
Nobody complained when Ralph gave his d******r and her "friend" A job at t....board. Wow, pot calling keel black
Meanwhile this must be a 10 part interview or something, every week Tilford have some foolishness to say!
Mrs. Smith has been doing a job for Government for years, now she cant do it
because her husband is elected by the people and is Premiere.
The people in this country is very sick to the core.
People, stop the pettiness. We need all the expertise in the area of the financial services industry LIKE NOW. Stop looking a gift horse in its mouth.