Update: Hon. Julian Fraser says Third District is being left behind
During the meeting which was held at the Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay, Hon Fraser expressed that he felt the district was not receiving commerce. “There is no reason, for this 21st century,” he said “for each and every one of us in this area to get up in the morning, get dressed and head to Road Town to make a Living.”
He also said there was a “lack of coming together” to get projects completed even in the face of evidence that there were available financial resources to execute the projects.
The Third District Representative provided a number of updates on works currently slated for the district, many of which he suggested seemed stalled without any justifiable reason, adding further substance to his earlier claim about the district being left behind.
A number of additional burning issues affecting the Third District and the Territory at large were raised and some clarification was offered when the district representative discussed these at length with his constituents. They included issues such as the Financial Services industry, infrastructural development in the district and the recently approved CDB loan and the Peebles Hospital project.
The meeting was attended by approximately fifty persons, with a few others chosing to listen from outside. A few persons also took the opportunity at the close of the meeting to seek further clarification on some issues as well as express individual concerns that they had.
Hon. Fraser, the former Minister for Communications and Works was also keen on setting the record straight regarding the BiWater and Global Water Associates contracts; he remained heavily critical of the signing of the Protocols for Effective Financial Management by the current NDP administration.
Global Water Associates had reportedly threatened to seek legal action to recover approximately $22.9M, claiming that Government failed to honour two agreements.
Recently, an online news site claimed that Opposition Leader Hon. Ralph T. O'Neal OBE said he never investigated the matter because it was never brought to his attention by the then Minister for Communications and Works. The headline of the article suggested that Hon. O’Neal said he was not aware of the contract although his alleged comment inside the article seemed to suggest Hon. O’Neal saying he was not aware of any problems with the Global Water Associates contract. Hon. O’Neal declined to comment when asked for clarification.
Hon. Fraser, however, told this news site that the Global Water Associates' contract was brought to the full knowledge of the then Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Cabinet and in fact Global Water Associates itself had terminated its contract through direct communication to the then Premier O’Neal.

33 Responses to “Update: Hon. Julian Fraser says Third District is being left behind”
I never liked Ronnie either. found him self-important and opportunistic. Neither party really understands or has vision. For such a small place with 9 districts and a population of a medium town in the US, why can't anything get done using laws as the guideline? Both Fraser and Fahie and most of NDP have to go. We need fresh blood. And-- WHY-- is driving to RT so hard? Does SCB really need a commercial centre and then an industrial park (given the mounds of building supplies around, trucks and landfill). Who is overseeing the quality of life in the area? Big commerce is not necessary. Just look at pockwood pond.
Until that happens, politricks here is just pure wild west with politicians wasting the nation's money on whatever they want - contracts for stuff we don't need (Fraser, you are the master of nonsense expenditure - sidewalk to Nanny Cay??? Traffic lights against all advise from experts? And that traffic island by the airport! Lord have mercy) as well as simple, ridiculous gifts for people they like or owe a favor to. 'You my friend, lemme give you a contract.' 'You my cousin, lemme pave your road with government funds.'
Das all a go on here. Playing with money and playing with rules.
And all you party loyalists (VIP, NDP - no difference) ain't loyal to anything but your own self interest - and all you you know its true.
In regards to the former MCW assertion that the 3rd Dist. is not getting its fair share of resources, life is circular and what goes around comes around. Ask residents of the 8th Ddist how it feels to be left out. It was the infighting among VIP that doomed it. The lack of strong leadership, teamwork, cooperation, committment, anf lack of tangible results were the seeds of its it being put out to pasture. Badmindness is self-destructive.
So who the hell is kidding who? Take as long as you want and come back to me showing what Districts had more activities, and money than the 8th. Just trying to cause mischife without facts.
NDP trying to spite Fraser but end up spiting the people of the 3 district..... they will really be making a huge mistake if they take the indigenous vote for granted because we are out numbered on the voters list. You see their strategy is to depend on the island people/expat vote who they keep handing out belongers status too and the few white votes to stay in power.
The lesson Mitt Romney learn is that the minority vote; blacks, and Latino put Obama over the top even where whites are majority on the voters list. NDP stop treating locals like $h!t it will come back at you!!!