UPDATE: HoA abruptly ends until tomorrow, Dec 18, 2018
The reasons for the sudden adjournment was not immediately known, however, HoA spokesman Mr Linton V. Leonard did not immediately respond to enquiries on the adjournment.
Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) understands the members are meeting in an informal session to discuss the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnership) Act of 2018, a Bill that was never brought to the public for input.
See previous story published this morning, December 17, 2018
HoA continues today December 17, 2018; Fahie still Opposition Leader
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The Fourth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Third House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands, will continue this morning Monday, December 17, 2018, at its semi-refurbished Chambers in Road Town, the capital city.
All eyes will be on the Opposition side of the aisle for the pending change of the Opposition Leader from Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Chairman, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) to National Democratic Party 2 (NDP 2)—now called Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM)—Chairman, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL).
No letter at Government House
As of Friday, December 14, 2018, at the end of the business day, the Governor did not receive a letter signed by a majority of Opposition Members requesting the change.
Under the Constitution, the Governor must appoint whoever comes to him with a majority and at this time—with three political parties in the Opposition—the PVIM has 3, VIP 1, and Progressives United (PU) 1.
It is unclear what item the law making body will debate with when the House starts. However, there is some outstanding Legislation to be debated and sent to the committee, including the Economic Substance Act of 2018.
The HoA will be carried live on CBN-Radio 90.9 FM or you can log on to www.cbnvirginislands.com to listen to the proceedings.
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