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UPDATE: Female officer who pulled gun is PC Jellian Hobson

A female police officer is in custody following an alleged gun-related incident on December 4, 2024. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As reported by Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) on Thursday, December 5, 2024, a female police officer was arrested following a domestic violence incident.

A press release from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) today, Friday, December 6, 2024, confirmed the identity of that police officer to be Jellian Hobson of Paraquita Bay.

Officer Hobson appeared at the Magistrate's Court and was offered bail of $100,000.

The press release added, "The RVIPF has zero tolerance for domestic violence and reiterates its commitment to investigating all reports of criminal activity thoroughly and ensuring accountability, regardless of the individual involved."

The press release did not confirm the details surrounding the incident but it is alleged that Officer Hobson pulled out a gun on her female lover. 

See previous article published on Thursday, December 5, 2024

Female police officer in custody

-alleged to have pulled gun on lover

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Sometime last evening, December 4, 2024, a female police officer was accused of pulling out a gun on her alleged female lover.

Details of the matter are unfolding, however, the female police officer is said to be in custody and could be facing gun-related charges.

Virgin Islands News Online will bring more details as the story unfolds.

93 Responses to “UPDATE: Female officer who pulled gun is PC Jellian Hobson”

  • ... (05/12/2024, 10:18) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well this is it..was it her service gun..if not this could show u any could buy a gun
    • @… (06/12/2024, 07:18) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
      You can go on any street corner and the ghetto in Tortola and buy a gun. Buying a gun in Tortola is like going to the candy store. Tortola has become an open air market for guns.
  • Lb (05/12/2024, 10:20) Like (88) Dislike (5) Reply
    Exactly why I have said that only officers who have undergone thorough mental health evaluations should be armed. And routinely evaluated for mental and emotional competency.
  • Sad (05/12/2024, 10:22) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    wow can't believe this
  • Well Damn (05/12/2024, 10:23) Like (83) Dislike (6) Reply
    Watch out for the carpet munchers. They are more jealous and possessive than the men.
    • Equalizer (05/12/2024, 13:22) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      100% correct
    • @Well Damn (05/12/2024, 13:24) Like (79) Dislike (4) Reply
      For real those carpet munchers aka rug munchers is more dangerous and possessive than a man. I was on the ferry from St.Thomas to St.John and the way the one was treating the other one because a young man said hello to her partner. Turn out the young man and her partner went to school together and he was only saying hello. The bull dagger was acting like she was going to beat on the young man for saying hello.
    • uraschmuck (05/12/2024, 23:30) Like (5) Dislike (18) Reply
      What an childishly stupid comment.
    • BuzzBvi (06/12/2024, 19:08) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Stupid sexist cimment.
  • Pimp Juice (05/12/2024, 10:26) Like (72) Dislike (2) Reply
    Guess she could not please her LOVER with the REAL TOOL so she pull out the wrong TOOL
  • Real Talk (05/12/2024, 10:50) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Spray (05/12/2024, 11:01) Like (36) Dislike (7) Reply
    Lesbian cops?
    • Yes (05/12/2024, 11:08) Like (39) Dislike (4) Reply
      In there full of fishes
    • Owha (05/12/2024, 11:29) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
      Fish? fishes? fishing? fishy business?????? Where where where? Check the recruitment for the past ten years what will data say? We will never get those stats. Check the new focus on so-called equality/parity that’s been one of the main focus by the ACoP DCoP.
    • Umm (06/12/2024, 12:26) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Oid news
    • @Spray (06/12/2024, 14:29) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Wow I didn't know there are out the closet Lesbians in the force.
  • karma (05/12/2024, 11:05) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
    Stop abusing others and especially your power happy the officers get you you behave as if you are bad and untouchable long run short catch karma is a circle you had no idea miss karma was closing in on you

    This goes for male and female who think they should beat up on their lovers if they or you had enough of each other just walk away why do you think you own the other person plenty fishes in the sea go catch another

    Look now hotel balo is your well decorated home for the holidays enjoy your ignorant self
  • Flowers (05/12/2024, 11:07) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    So she had the chance to pull out a rose or di*o but pulled a firearm instead?? wrong pocket mheen.

    glad no one was hurt but the island small and it gets even smaller with same gender loving so domestic issa must around here boiii
  • Immigration (05/12/2024, 11:11) Like (17) Dislike (16) Reply
    is she from BVI
  • King Rose (05/12/2024, 11:15) Like (35) Dislike (2) Reply
    I could never be jealous of lesbians
    they act like men are the worst thing on earth but i know their relationships even worst than a normal man & woman relationship.

    Cyard can't done when is two women with each other lol plus the moods swings? thats a hurricane!
    fight,nag,badmind,cheat,makeup multipled by x4 real toxic

    the status and post will always look good online but behind closed doors issa another story no matter the gender

  • Tongue Fu (05/12/2024, 12:03) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another lost case either by the DPP or the victim failing to cooperate. Kiss and make up and they will say foreplay;" Arrest me baby". Complete waste of time.

    Meanwhile in other news;" ,Man bites dog in Carrot bay, he claims self defense".

  • Real (05/12/2024, 12:19) Like (85) Dislike (3) Reply
  • de silent one (05/12/2024, 12:26) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why? She has been flaunting with another person, but as things get on the opposite, she couldnt handle the heat. Just move on and go seek for the real deal (a man).
  • farmer man (05/12/2024, 12:29) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hmmm… I ain’t getting in that fishy business wid Ayo … go read Romans chapter 1. And read all of it.
  • pyour butch (05/12/2024, 12:51) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    from top to bottom
  • F (05/12/2024, 12:52) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Then is woman who buy man you can't expect better
  • Captain Obvious (05/12/2024, 13:12) Like (110) Dislike (0) Reply
    Diving is a dangerous activity but not that dangerous
  • annudda2cents (05/12/2024, 13:17) Like (46) Dislike (2) Reply
    dykes! sorry, i mean, yikes!
    • l (06/12/2024, 23:09) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      They are BULL DAGGERS! Want to be a man, but have breasts and vaginas like a real woman. Plain delusional and nasty.
  • asking for a friend (05/12/2024, 13:25) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    where is the lesbian UK lady with the sort hair, she was a terror to local black man
  • FYI (05/12/2024, 13:30) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    They rug munching and when they get tired of the rug munching,
  • As a man (05/12/2024, 13:43) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Heard from the streets the one she pull the gun on was going to leave her for a man. You women need to stop playing these nasty games, one minute you saying you gay and the next minute you straight. Suppose she had blown the other one brains out or the I would say silly man brains out. Yes, those carpet cleaners is more aggressive and jealous.
    • John (07/12/2024, 10:41) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      I guess your street hearing wrong, and all the allegations that was make was all lies but the truth with come out…
  • pow pow (05/12/2024, 14:30) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    She pulled the Trigger on lol lol
  • KISSY KISSY POOOO (05/12/2024, 15:21) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Don’t pay those fools any attention with their rug munching drama. They are going to be right back together again doing the nastiness.
  • comcern (05/12/2024, 15:38) Like (5) Dislike (20) Reply
    Jackie will never have peace in that place. I heard her very own officers is upset of this decision she has made with this matter. She needs to get out of that place before she get kill. I see where she living and she live up in the bushes. Alwyn James get away. But her luck is different. I was at the station and I heard how them was talking while I was visiting a family member. Jackie please get out of that place. .
    • God favor me (05/12/2024, 17:06) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
      Lord Jesus cover Jackie people alyo leave the lady alone she’s doing her best ..When Jesus say yes nobody can’t so no peace perfect peace
      • Com Mon (06/12/2024, 17:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        That one is Jackie goodoh. As mentioned in earlier coms from top to bottom lots of funny’s about.
    • guy hill (07/12/2024, 20:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      It would be a very good thing to leave Jacqueline Vanterpool alone.
  • ccc (05/12/2024, 16:18) Like (10) Dislike (14) Reply
    Jacky is the only one we support for COP governor stop playing games
  • 2024 (05/12/2024, 16:23) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    which one is the boy and which one is the girl: few months ago another WPC was sharing groceries with a friend causing gunshot by a cinema
    • @2024 (05/12/2024, 21:49) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      The female dykes dress like a man, tape down their boobs to look flat chested and wear men boxer underwear. Their girlfriends is the feminine looking ones that wears makeup and dress nice.I can never see myself messing with another woman.
  • HMMM (05/12/2024, 16:51) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    Then them same tolianese used ask why them officers don't carry guns?
  • Princess Peas (05/12/2024, 17:45) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    We from same place and always wonder how she get in police force.Do they even do background check???
    • Truth (05/12/2024, 21:40) Like (30) Dislike (1) Reply
      You are right.They need to do proper background checks.Especially on these j@$*m@!n$.Other coubtries rejecting them yet we embracing them
    • Bree (06/12/2024, 13:46) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Princess Peas

      I have been saying this for years. Non-Virgin Islanders should only be allowed to join the police force only if they do proper background check. Persons should be a Resident or living here ten (10) years or more. No one who show up yesterday or today should be even considered. When such persons apply applicants should be told immediately, they do not qualify for the position. This should be the Standards for all non-virgin islanders.
  • hm (05/12/2024, 18:13) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    This is not the only instance just the only report! It is TOO easy for RANDOM people to become a police officers in the Virgin Islands. It is LITERALLY a last resort job for people that can’t get hired anywhere else because all you have to do is take a 6 week training. Now we have a force full of abusers and losers. Get it together. She needs to lose her JOB if you can’t control your emotions you cannot serve OR protect.. you are a liability and a DANGER to the same community you work for.
    • @HM (05/12/2024, 21:38) Like (32) Dislike (0) Reply
      While I agree with you that the RVIPF appears to have no set standards for who they hire, AND that is most often a last resort job for many, a 6-week course may be required for many, but not most. There are a lot of specialized persons employed within the force, some entered with a degree or two, others would have attained them whilst employed there. I think for quite a few, it became a gateway job to lucrative opportunities, outside the RVIPF. Some police have excelled in academics and found work in the Financial and Legal professions. Then some are multi-skilled and are capable of performing many roles. Finally, some are versed in BS, and unfortunately, we tend to meet those more often than the ones you have spoken about. The RVIPF hosts jobs undesired by most but does not necessarily contain only undesirables.
      As to that female officer, I do not support abuse of power - no one is above the law. Just like everyone else, she should have her day in court. Let's keep a watchful eye on how this plays out.
      • @hm; from - hm (06/12/2024, 12:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        My language could’ve been clearer - and I agree with you, there are many competent & passionate officers and not ALL are there as a last resort but we do tend to meet the ones that are as I mentioned more than the ones you have mentioned. She will have her day and hopefully her offense is taken as seriously as it is - let’s see how it plays out indeed.
  • God don’t like ugly (05/12/2024, 18:15) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    See she was the same one who encouraged my wife to go police station on me now look same police lock she up (karma).
    • @God don’t like ugly (05/12/2024, 21:32) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      She hates MEN and she wanted to SMASH your wife so she encouraged your wife to go to the police station on you.
  • Burnt popcorn (05/12/2024, 19:07) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    So this female cop could be up and down with all kinda woman on the side but soon as she main piece cheat she rdy to bust shot

    If yuh can't take bun stay outta the kitchen.

    Two lesbians in relationship equals too much emotions boyy
  • Free the men she have in jail (05/12/2024, 19:22) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply

    Send her @&$ jail y’all police officers worst than than the people you arrest and had sent to jail..she’s no better than them..and nothing will come out of this just watch

  • Things to know (05/12/2024, 19:38) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    The Island of filled with carpet bangers. Believe it or not, some of the women involved is married or have a man and yet they sneak around and is part of the carpet bangers club. Then they go home to their husbands or man like nothing. They sleeping with their husbands and man in one bed and sleeping with the carpet bangers in another bed.
    • rasta (12/12/2024, 22:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      There's plenty of them there even that lil bat faced one from that department. Ignorant as heck.
  • All in All (05/12/2024, 19:50) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
    Tortola is DYKE VILLE. They may as well start flying the rainbow flags on their vehicles and have a annual gay pride parade.
    • Most men (06/12/2024, 12:39) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Look fruity here
      The shaved brows the pants always stuck between thigh
      The walk yuk oh and the braids those men
      Be adding and wearing
  • one love (05/12/2024, 20:27) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Jesus loves everyone; no time to hate.
  • woah (06/12/2024, 06:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    If she would do that to her lover what about us on the street who they judge and stop to question on your way home or out for a walk and want to know where you live with no probable cause for concern.

    I thought homosexuality was illegal but they never stop searching up and down for weed when surprise the unstable serial law breaker is on their team. Every night they break the law I bet LOL.
    • @Woah (06/12/2024, 13:58) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      She should have never been granted bail. Here goes this unstable loose cannon police Bull dagger walking around with a gun. She pull her gun on her partner out of anger and jealousy, you think she wouldn’t do it to anyone else that she is pissed off with? She out on bail, I see her, I’m going the other way, me and her standing in the same line anywhere, I’m getting off the line.
      • John (07/12/2024, 11:00) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
        Shut the F up!!! Did you see her pull no gun on or abused anyone? The truth will come out and some of you waste to society can go drop to hell!!! That young lady get bail cause nothing adds up? Except the lies the other party told.
        • strupz (09/12/2024, 05:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          So her lover lied…. That means there was never tru love then! I read a lot of these comments d it’s tru cause I have a lesbian friend and her pathner is very aggressive and much more control than her ex husband sigh…. She also regrets her decision….
  • @Real (06/12/2024, 08:13) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Proverbs 6:16–19 lists seven things which are abominations: "haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.
  • Citizen (06/12/2024, 10:41) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    tola has more dykes than holland
  • Fruity loom (06/12/2024, 12:36) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    Lesbo in the force ewww
    Thank God trump is clamping on this madness
    • @Fruity loom (06/12/2024, 19:10) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      In the US they have the ones that was born boys turning into girls, wearing make up, going to proms in gowns. want to use female bathrooms . Dwayne Wade and Magic Johnson sons are perfect examples. Just picture your son in high heels a dress makeup and a wig out in public.
    • AT FRUITY LOOP. Top Brass (07/12/2024, 06:40) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Glad its now comes to the commissioner and Governor's attention they can now do something about it. We don't need this bad moral ungodly example in our force...
  • Police cheaters (06/12/2024, 12:52) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Police men n women cheating on each others. They don't care about sickness. They abusing wives n husband's. They are some will forgive and put up with the abuse, but it's so much people can take. Evrythibg in life is for a time. The longest rope has an ending.
  • hmm (06/12/2024, 14:07) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    When i charge my picture aint waste no time to be posted...feel this same practice should go for all
  • If I was into women (06/12/2024, 16:10) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    I would not be attracted to something that looks like that nor would let something that looks like that touch me with a 20 foot pole. She is disgusting and dirty looking.
  • WHAT!!! (06/12/2024, 17:02) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    If she used a police issued gun then she has proved herself not capable of having one , I trust the weapon has been taken away from her and never returned.
    If it was not a police issued gun then she must be charged with having an illegal firearm.
  • --------------------------- (06/12/2024, 17:18) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    so happy that UK officer dyke left the bvi she was nasty
  • Finally. (06/12/2024, 17:24) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
    One should have died and the other life in Prison. Rid the country of these type of nasty ungodly behaviour. 2 less. Why do we have opened LBG in our most Disciplined Dept body? Not a good look.
    • At finally ñ. Party Ageee. Free the Ganja Prisons1 (07/12/2024, 06:23) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Our most disciplina law enforcement should discourage this unbiblical, bad example behaviour. As for killing and Jail. That a bit extreme. However we do need to rid society of these type of ungodly and bad example behaviour. This to me is worse than Ganja possession that have in prisióned many many young people. Mr. Governor pls parden the Ganja prison...And stop these LGB people from joining our Force
  • WHERE IS THE PHOTO ? (06/12/2024, 18:27) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
  • My Gosh (06/12/2024, 18:47) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Some of the lesbos, dukes, bull daggers, carpet munchers or whatever they are called is always out here rutting like ram goats bothering women. They are just plain out dirty and nasty, no damn shame. If you want to be a man and act like a man then go get a sex change operation. If you got the money, head out to Trinidad Colorado USA.
  • Eldread (07/12/2024, 06:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    My observation over the decades I am on earth, is that go made everything plus and minus, two of the same won't have any physical reaction,in other words, most men dealing with men I see them die penniless because they took all their monies and spend it on maintaining a false fantasy that they are a woman or man, I have seen young ladies return to their parents home financially ruined, where they worked all their short lives trying to please a next woman , and if their is a load to lift or something tough they do call out for a real mans help, even in the animal world god made the male specially endowed, misery must click in when a man look at another hard face man like himself and a woman look on another soft face woman like herself. These people ends up not prosperous because all the life and wealth is thrown down a deep hole for fantasy illusion. And they are ungrateful to the parents who brought them here and now they turn around and not continuing the blood line of their parents next generation, because the same gender will make the earth barreb.
  • I’ll say (07/12/2024, 10:25) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    If you like munching on shaggy carpet, you don’t have to go around looking and acting like a man.
  • hm (07/12/2024, 20:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    So she se she sushi getting munched on by a he or she?
  • ok (07/12/2024, 20:54) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    yup Caribbean ppl are obsessed by gay's official by looking at the comments lol
  • HMMM (09/12/2024, 04:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We give the island clowns gun to hold they want to pull out gun on you to threaten or even kill you!! Soon they will us get off our own island
  • What Diss? (09/12/2024, 23:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ooh, the hinypocks…

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