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UPDATE: Education CEO apologises for “misunderstood” circular

Chief Education Officer (ag.) Mrs. Jillian Douglas-Phillip of the Department of Education publicly apologises for any misunderstanding that may have occurred, and reiterated that the circular only served as a reminder. Photo: VINO/File
The first circular of 2014 issued from the Acting Chief Education Officer Mrs. Jillian M. Douglas-Phillip warning Public Schools Principals to have the public seek permission in writing to visit schools and give donations for any external activity of the schools. Many questioned the motives of this circular or who directed that it be written. Photo: VINO
The first circular of 2014 issued from the Acting Chief Education Officer Mrs. Jillian M. Douglas-Phillip warning Public Schools Principals to have the public seek permission in writing to visit schools and give donations for any external activity of the schools. Many questioned the motives of this circular or who directed that it be written. Photo: VINO
Many Public Schools Principals called our news room to bring this matter to our attention, with one saying “with all the real issues going on in my school, for example my poor working condition and lack of basic resources, I was shocked that this is the first Email from the Department of Education as I am not sure if there was ever any issue as people always come to us when any external person or group want to do something at my school… maybe someone trying to get at Hon. Fahie because he had a successful event recently at a school.” Photo: VINO/File
Many Public Schools Principals called our news room to bring this matter to our attention, with one saying “with all the real issues going on in my school, for example my poor working condition and lack of basic resources, I was shocked that this is the first Email from the Department of Education as I am not sure if there was ever any issue as people always come to us when any external person or group want to do something at my school… maybe someone trying to get at Hon. Fahie because he had a successful event recently at a school.” Photo: VINO/File
Former Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) on January 6, 2014 conducted a book donation to students and had a motivational speaker at the Leonora Delville Primary School in Capoons Bay. Hon. Fahie is expected to also do the same thing in reaching out to students and teachers on January 13, 2014 at the Isabella Morris Primary School in Carrot Bay on the western side of Tortola. Photo: VINO
Former Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) on January 6, 2014 conducted a book donation to students and had a motivational speaker at the Leonora Delville Primary School in Capoons Bay. Hon. Fahie is expected to also do the same thing in reaching out to students and teachers on January 13, 2014 at the Isabella Morris Primary School in Carrot Bay on the western side of Tortola. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – On January 9, 2014, this news site had published the reactions of several persons, including representative of the First District, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie, to a circular that was sent out by the Department of Education captioned ‘Visitation, Donations and Non-school sponsored events’. This apparently prompted Chief Education Officer (ag.) Mrs. Jillian M. Douglas-Phillip to subsequently issue a public apology.

The article published by this news site was captioned, “Permission needed to make donations to public schools” and sub-captioned “Circular from Chief Education Officer (Ag) detailed that any individual, groups or agency must get written permission to make any form of donation or visitation to Public Primary and Secondary Schools”.

While efforts by this news site to garner an official response/explanation/clarification of the circular were futile yesterday January 10, 2014, a Government Information Service (GIS) press release followed last evening and among other things, included an apology from Mrs. Douglas-Phillip.

 “She (Chief Education Officer Mrs. Jillian M. Douglas-Phillip (Ag)) publicly apologises for any misunderstanding that may have occurred, and reiterated that the circular only served as a reminder,” the press release stated.

Many persons had questioned the integrity and motive of the circular that was issued to public primary and secondary schools, but were also concerned if it had any political motives as Hon. Fahie was all over the local news making donations and facilitating extracurricular activities at the Leonora Delville Primary School on January 6, 2014. The curricular was dated January 7, 2014.

Even a source within the Ministry of Education and Culture, on condition of anonymity, alleged to this news site that “no one has to ask where this new found enforcement came from…while this has been the policy for years and some aspects of the Education Act covers this, it has never been enforced it’s just the usual childish politics of the past two years.”

Hon Fahie in an exclusive interview had said, “I hope whoever directed the Chief Education Officer to remind the Principals with the circular, I hope that their intentions are pure.”

“Any reference to any person or business is purely coincidental and for that we apologise,” Mrs. Douglas-Phillip said.

Last evening’s release further stated that the Chief Education Officer (Ag) was pleased with the response received from the public regarding information shared on the protocol for events, donations and visitations to public schools by private individuals and businesses.

According to Mrs. Douglas-Phillip as quoted in the release, following the public sharing of the document, the department has since received written correspondences from businesses seeking permission to hold activities within schools.  The department has also entertained a number of calls from the public seeking clarification and additional information on the procedures moving forward.

Mrs. Douglas-Phillip was said to have applauded the mutual respect for the long standing policy and welcomed all donations to public schools as the students benefit when the community works in unity with the Government to strengthen the education system.

She also claimed that it is standard at the start of each school term that the Department may issue reminders to its stakeholders on areas of significance.

The CEO claimed that in the past, a number of activities have been held at schools without the department’s knowledge and as a result, the Department found it necessary to issue the circular to curb the trend. 

The release further states that the Department of Education sees the enforcement of rules and policies as necessary to ensure effective management of all entities is essential to good working relationships. 

See previous story published on January 9, 2014:

Permission needed to make donations to Public Schools!

- Circular form Chief Education Officer (Ag) detailed that any individual, groups or agency must get written permission to make any form of donation or visitation to Public Primary and Secondary Schools

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - In the first circular of 2014 dated January 7 at the start of the spring school term for Public Primary and Secondary Schools from the Ag. Chief Education Officer Mrs. Jillian M. Douglas-Phillip, she warned principals of public schools to pay attention to procedure and policy.

The Circular stated that, “any individual, group or agency which is external to any public school, must contact the Department of Education via written correspondence…to inform, make request to and receive permission to conduct any formal visitation, make any form of donation or to conduct any events with and for the school.”

Is it political motivated?

A source within the Ministry of Education and Culture, speaking to our news room on condition of anonymity, alleged to this news site that “no one has to ask where this new found enforcement came from…while this has been the policy for years and some aspects of the Education Act covers this, it has never been enforced it’s just the usual childish politics of the past two years.”

What the policy enforcement means is that, if anyone or businesses want to make a donation of any kind to public schools, or give a motivational speech to students at any government run school, they must place the request in writing and wait for a response from the Department of Education via the school’s Principal.

It remains unclear what led to this policy being enforced and how it will affect or encourage community involvement in schools, giving of their time to visit and speak to students and making donations for much needed items, knowing the Education Department's bureaucracy.

Five principals, mostly from primary schools, called our news room to bring this matter to our attention, with one saying, “with all the real issues going on in my school, for example my poor working condition and lack of basic resources, I was shocked that this is the first Email from the Department of Education as I am not sure if there was ever any issue as people  always come to us when any external person or group want to do something at my school… maybe someone trying to get at Hon. Fahie because he had a successful event recently at a school.” 

The January 7, 2014 circular, which also Emailed to some senior Education Officers from Mrs. Douglas-Phillip said, “To those Principals who have continued to follow procedure, I say hearty thank-you and ask that you continue to do so.”

Former Minister Fahie Speaks

Popular former Education and Culture Minister Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) who, just recently on January 6, 2014, conducted a book donation to students and a motivational session at the Leonora Delville Primary School in Capoons Bay, told our news site that this has always being around but “it was never hard and fast as we need all hands on board to help our young people in a positive direction…the aim is to help.”

Hon. Fahie is expected to also do the same thing in reaching out to students and teachers on January 13, 2014 at the Isabella Morris Primary School in Carrot Bay on the western side of Tortola.

The First District Representative, who has the respect of the Virgin Islands youths and years of involvement, slams the new found enforcement to seek written permission to volunteer one's time and resources at public schools.  Hon. Fahie told this news site that, “I hope whoever directed the Chief Education Officer to remind the Principals with the circular, I hope that their intentions are pure.”

The Opposition member, who has represented the First District since 1999, said he was surprised when our news site informed him of the circular and said, “It is amazing when the community is trying to do positive things someone can move swiftly to give directives…but there are more pressing issues to be addressed in our education system.”

Both the Acting Chief Education Officer Mrs. Jillian M. Douglas-Phillip and the controversial Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn could not be reached for comments up to publication time.

64 Responses to “UPDATE: Education CEO apologises for “misunderstood” circular”

  • To me (09/01/2014, 08:23) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
    To me this minister will do anything to get at Fahie.
    • Ha! (09/01/2014, 08:59) Like (13) Dislike (9) Reply

      while this has been the policy for years and some aspects of the Education Act covers this, it has never been enforced it’s just the usual childish politics of the past two years.”

      So following the Law is petty childish politics? WTH??????

      • To ha (09/01/2014, 10:14) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
        While I respect your position the first thing I will remind you is to first find out if Fahie did follow the law. I believe base on my research the answer is yes. Notwithstanding I still see this as petty politics.
    • GoonSquad (09/01/2014, 10:10) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply

      To me he would do anything to irritate the Minister, like telling him this event was on one day and he held it the day before the actual date he give the Ministry.

    • Should Have (09/01/2014, 16:54) Like (12) Dislike (9) Reply
      If my memory serves me correct, I don't recall Mr. Fahie doing these sort of undertakings/good gestures while he was in office. He was too much in his comfort zone but now that he is out looking in he has all the hind sight he needs. Well Sa.
  • Not again (09/01/2014, 08:26) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply

    Whether the actions taken, as directed of course, is legal, the timing of it is of poor taste & doesn't bold well for the Minister's image.

    • for real (09/01/2014, 12:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      IMAGE IMAGE IMAGE!!!! He sickening now bout image. It's your self imposed pompous IMAGE that is going to cost you the 2015 elections. Mark my words that power you have trampling on people it will soon come to an end.
  • insider (09/01/2014, 08:31) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Petty political games from you know who
  • Not good (09/01/2014, 08:45) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am beginning to feel that we are creating a dictatorship state being run by fear, intimidation & vindication. No matter the reason for the circular the person that directed it be done cannot continue to bring this kind of negativity into politics. This is serious petty politics.
  • qc (09/01/2014, 08:53) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    here we go again with this sick puppy just can't wait until the next elections i will use my time in the privte school as I need to do is make a phone call...
  • Really? (09/01/2014, 08:58) Like (4) Dislike (16) Reply
    Oh come on now! Do you think anyone should be able to donate to our Government Schools without a proper system in place? Ya'll really petty now man jesus christ!!!
  • Me (09/01/2014, 09:07) Like (19) Dislike (10) Reply
    I have no problem with it. What I was noticing last year is that too many business places, especially those in the telecommunications sector, were making these 'charitable' donations for self aggrandisement.

    If any person or business wants to donate, all they have to do is seek and wait for permission. As long as they are doing so in all sincerity, why should adherence to the policies and procedures be bothersome?
  • Caramel (09/01/2014, 09:15) Like (15) Dislike (28) Reply
    The Government Biting the hands that feed them. A very poor move. An act of discouraging persons to donate. WOW! WOW!
    • Eh? (09/01/2014, 10:13) Like (35) Dislike (3) Reply

      How is it discouraging? I'm a business/individual wanting to donate $5k to ASPS. I write a letter confirming my intentions, I await confirmation from the Dept of Education and thereafter, I make my donation. How does that discourage you? Surely at minimum the Principals are notified of such intentions before hand so there's still a process. When the Principal/Teachers are approached they can simply advise the person/entity donating, of the process to do so. We like too much foolishness and backward behavior in BVI that's why we find it so hard to move forward. We cuss the Government and Politicians for doing things in a 'bush' manner but still curse louder when things are put in place to streamline the processes. When will we grow up and out of this petty politics.

  • Champ (09/01/2014, 09:25) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    its not about party with me but this is so stupid . its plan to see what politics has come to you can not win by bad mind fahie is only trying to help the kids mind the public is watching on .next election will be a real joke let us see who will be left out.
    • Papua (09/01/2014, 12:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mind he go Papua N.G. for all you. I tell you he is a force to be reckoned with. Don't say I didn't tell ya.
  • Minister (09/01/2014, 09:25) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Minister of Education needs to angle his policies in a direction that shows leadership and not one that gaves to the educational structure
  • Minister (09/01/2014, 09:25) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Minister of Education needs to angle his policies in a direction that shows leadership and not one that gaves to the educational structure
  • chad (09/01/2014, 09:33) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    The Government aint doing nothing to help the schools but now making a big issue because people trying to help. This is the limit right ya now
  • Discouraged (09/01/2014, 09:45) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    If that policy fine but I will continue give to the schools directly. Why should I go write letter to department for permission to donate. Pure hogwash!
  • gg (09/01/2014, 10:04) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    He just jealous of fahie because fahie made the news the guy is drunk with power
    • HeeHaaa (09/01/2014, 16:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      "Drunk with power.." I like that! Never thought of that before.
  • VI needs help (09/01/2014, 10:17) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Our society is a lawless one!!! There is a law in place which before was not enforced and now that it is being enforced people are now calling this move petty? Imagine the other laws that are on the books of the BVI and not enforced; what will people say if they were to be enforced?! I agree with the enforcement; there must be some sort of monitoring of what is going on. You can't just go and disrupt the school's curriculum for political points!
  • ooooo (09/01/2014, 10:44) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply

    so are we coming up with this to prevent andrew from giving out more books or is it that He wants to be in all the photos?

  • wondering (09/01/2014, 10:51) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Many of the schools are adopted by local businesses, so does this mean that they will also have to get permission to make a donation?
  • PAM (09/01/2014, 11:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    instead of discouraging contributions and involvement, residents are being discouraged, the same way small non-profits and charities are by having to hand in paperwork or get audited. This is what grass roots is all about- helping each other and being a role model for children to be part of the community.
    • RedStorm (09/01/2014, 13:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Pam, I believe FATCA have something to do with it. How many government department screem they must have structure, well right now them on the bandwagon to get them bits together, all of this is about accountablitity and responsibilities. If you are going to handle money, the government need to know who is responsible. IT will stagnate the money laudering people for awhile. I am glad to see there are structure that needs to be implemented, it tells me someone is doing there job, and it is not something haphazardly thrown together. My theory of knowledge is that it got nothing to do with who giving out books free, if the next election there is a new minister for education, just what? there will be new structure. We just need to respect it. It strealing everything for the public to get some transparencies.
  • Joc (09/01/2014, 11:18) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    I dont see why this is a news. Donors need to follow the protocol end of story.
  • Music (09/01/2014, 11:31) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    My first thoughts were why is the ex minister of education apparently doing this off his own bat without reference to the ministry of education. Help by all means but doesn't it undermine the system to do it like he is?
    • What do you know (09/01/2014, 16:11) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      The ex minister or anyone else who visits the schools, do so through the principals. He should not have to go to the department/minister to visit the schools and make a donation. He needs to stop the micro management
    • DR1 (09/01/2014, 22:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      The former Minister is also a District Rep who is looks out for the schools in his district. What is wrong with that?
    • Real (11/01/2014, 10:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      Undermine y my tail end. The schools need all kinda ting and the ministry ain got money to scratch them behind for nothing. Yah swear the man feeding the school poison. It was a district move.  He who humbles himself shall be exalted and he who exalts himself shall be abased.

  • short mining (09/01/2014, 12:14) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is spineless supiness
  • sherrif (09/01/2014, 13:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    He so vindictive but you wait after the next elections when he is out he will be back t being a nobody in the place….power is limited to time
  • Well (09/01/2014, 13:51) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is this for donations for the school fairs too. This just seems petty.
  • Well (09/01/2014, 14:58) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    The private schools don't need permission so donate right ahead to us. We welcome all contributions!
    • egg face (09/01/2014, 15:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      sure we will do that as this policy enforcement just kills the people spirit
  • Realist (09/01/2014, 15:46) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    now come on with all the serious things going on in education this is the first thing Jullian and her boss could find to do eh?
  • Oh No (09/01/2014, 15:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    what a power move by that spiteful man in the MEC
  • Understatement (09/01/2014, 16:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Spiteful" is an understatement.
  • Irony (09/01/2014, 16:48) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply

    Now same Andrew was in HOA saying that we need to keep track of Political contributions. Now Government want to keep track of donations to Schools, which in principle may fall under the same umbrella (bribes etc.) now he has a problem? The Ministry is responsible for schools. Imagine if parent could donate freely without process that would be dangerous for an institution. The Department should be involved in monitoring as you don't want it to turn into people 'buying' grades with money/favors. It's a serious thing and anywhere else in the real world it would be the case. Can you go down to the Hospital right now with four wheel chairs and drop them off? NO! Can you back in a 20yd truck in BVIEC yd with 100 poles and just drop them off? NO! So what are people talking now? Andrew explain to us the difference between knowing who donates to campaigns vs those who donate to Schools. It all falls under the same thing, keeping track of what's going on to avoid corruption.

    • WOW - Fahie (10/01/2014, 10:37) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
      I love this post!! Exactly, everyone can plainly see that the move by Fahie is political. He only supports his schools in his district and he is also seeking out his supporters to speak. All political gimmick and we can see through it.

      Enforce the laws MEC. This place is too slack and if you loose for doing the right thing, then this country will fail with leaders like Fahie.
  • Ignorance (09/01/2014, 20:38) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Our country has gone to the dogs. The Ashford Waters Community Centre in Virgin Gorda needs chairs urgently. It is not Government property, so contribute to the fullest. No red tape involved, no letter.

  • black boy (09/01/2014, 20:54) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    M has been a complete failure as minister. He needs to pack his bags and just go now!
  • Meli (09/01/2014, 22:36) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Donations come in many forms, purposes and values. What about the donations of cases of water, paper towel, reams of paper and other necessary school supplies? What will be the turn around time after the Min receives a request to when permission, if any, is given?
  • Wowzerz (10/01/2014, 00:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well just add this rule to the BVI wall of shame just after the infamous now defunct so called rasta law (more specifically wear locks will be labelled a rasta and barred from the BVI law)
  • HON MINISTER (10/01/2014, 06:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Queen Mary (10/01/2014, 06:53) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    I find it strange that memo all of a sudden
  • I voted NDP (10/01/2014, 09:49) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I remain heartbroken. Embarrassed. Sad. Disappointed. Humiliated. over the behavour of my NDP goverment
  • Sttruups (10/01/2014, 10:39) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply

    Give me a dawn break. The most embarrassing, heartbroken, sad, disappointing Government was the VIP after Lavity passing. Hush from talking pi$$!!

    • @ Sttruups (11/01/2014, 06:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Nobody listening to you paid NDP desperate bloggers...we will never be fooled again. The writing is on the wall your days are numbered the NDP and their lies must go BAM
  • insider (10/01/2014, 13:19) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • island man (11/01/2014, 08:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    thanks god for vino...see why they want ayo shut down
  • qick sand (11/01/2014, 08:38) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    the gis press spin is Utter garbage.
    • Excellent Work GIS (13/01/2014, 09:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      THE GIS release was on point!!! On time and well done.
  • ooooo (11/01/2014, 08:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    damage control
  • poor thing (12/01/2014, 10:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its clear someone is desperate yea heard about the email to zan and the demand made for a story from nov last year …the guy is sick he is a mental case poor fella I feel for him
  • Word to the Wise (12/01/2014, 23:16) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    some of these civil servants being used by there minisnter and by time a new governemnt takes over they are damage goods
  • Micro Management (13/01/2014, 08:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think its time the Education Department and Ministry just need to stick to policy level and stop micro managing the schools and undermining the qualifications and trust of the principals. Its like a Cruise Ship at Sea with Engine problems and the captain cant order repairs until he gets permission from a bean counter in a suit sitting in a leather chair on land in an air condition office. Principals need to be the master of the school and be allowed to run the school according to the law and policies. This is from buying books, paying staff to keeping the school clean and even getting appropriate donations. Our schools are still 17th century in a 21st century world. Things like e-books, tablets instead of paper, e-school for those who cannot attend White boards things like that. The Government would sell the Google Guy an island and wont even tell him to contribute Google technology in the schools. The Virgin Guy, well good luck if you can get fresh air into his wallet. They suppose to get these folks to donate and update the schools. Hell even put their own brands on one instead of trying to create BVI2 up there. Donate, Donate

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