UPDATE: Crown drops case against Vincy maid accused of burglary
Lewis, 46, of Sugar Mill Road had pleaded not guilty to the charge of burglary when she appeared before the Magistrate’s Court on March 27, 2013. The defendant was represented by attorney at law Richard Rowe.
Lewis was accused of allegedly making off with $650 belonging to a guest of the Peter Island Hotel and Resort in July, 2012.
It was previously indicated that witnesses in the matter had not been cooperative and indications suggested that the hotel associated with the matter was not interested in pursuing charges against Lewis.
See previous story posted June 12, 2013:
UPDATE: Hotel seems disinterested in pursuing Vincy maid burglary matter
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Senior Crown Counsel Sarah Benjamin requested an adjournment today, June 12, 2013 in the matter of Vincentian national, Sylvina Lewis.
Lewis, 46, of Sugar Mill Road pleaded not guilty to the charge of burglary when she appeared before the Magistrate’s Court on March 27, 2013. The defendant is represented by attorney at law Richard Rowe.
The defendant is accused of allegedly making off with $650 which belonged to a guest of the Peter Island Hotel and Resort in July, 2012.
Benjamin related that witnesses in the matter have not been cooperative and indications suggest that the hotel associated with the matter is not interested in pursuing charges against Lewis.
Under the circumstances, Benjamin said she would be seeking advice from the Director or Public Prosecutions (DPP), Wayne Rajbansie to determine the way forward in the matter.
The matter is now set for report on June 28, 2013 when a decision is expected to be made on how to proceed.
See previous story posted March 28, 2013:
Vincy maid in hot water over ‘stolen’ hotel guest’s money
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – A former maid of the Peter Island Resort has landed in court following charges of theft over an alleged missing sum of money left by tourists in their hotel room.
Sylvina Lewis, 46, of Sugar Mill Road pleaded not guilty to the charge of burglary when she appeared before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, March 27, 2013. The defendant is represented by attorney at law Richard Rowe.
According to the allegations before the court, the defendant who is also a St Vincent national, was employed at the Peter Island Resort in the housekeeping division when the incident allegedly took place.
The allegations further stated that on July 28, 2012 a couple [name given] checked into room 204 of the hotel and resort.
Upon arrival, the couple had their belongings with them which included a sum of $650 which was placed in a white envelope in the female occupant’s white handbag, left in a chair in the bedroom.
The last time the money was seen was July 30, 2012 before the female occupant left for an appointment at the spa. During this time, her husband was also reportedly out of the room. She returned from her session at the spa and didn’t notice anything out of place other than that the room was cleaned.
The woman later went to her white hand bag which contained the money and discovered that it was missing. She informed her husband and they commenced a search in the room but the money was not found and this was reported to a manager at the hotel.
Police were later notified and during their investigations at the resort they retrieved information from the electronics pass key used by maids.
Records revealed that at the said time of the couple’s absence, maid services were carried out and the identity of the person assigned to clean the said guest room was also revealed .
Based on the period of time recorded from the electronic key information, the defendant was revealed as the staff member who had accessed the said room.
On August 1, 2012 the defendant met with two officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), who cautioned and informed her of the report made against her in addition to the time logged and the offence that had taken place.
The defendant was invited to give a response in a recorded interview. In the interview she allegedly acknowledged that she was not assigned to the said room, however she went into the room to see if it had already been cleaned.
A log had shown that the room had already been cleaned some 34 minutes before by another assigned person. When the officers asked her about the inconsistency of her story, the defendant said that she made a mistake with the room numbers. The defendant then allegedly stated that she did not steal the money.
Further investigations revealed that the other maid [name given] had cleaned the room and they (both maids) were in the area of the room when the other maid told the defendant she had already cleaned the room.
Based on the investigations, only on January 22, 2013 officers approached the defendant again and she was informed of the missing money and she again told officers she did not steal any money. The defendant was later formally charged on January 23, 2013.
Her attorney noted that it was upon her resignation from the resort that she was charged as she continued to work all that time with no complaints.
The defendant was granted bail in the sum of $30,000 with one signed surety and asked to return to court on June 12, 2013.

63 Responses to “UPDATE: Crown drops case against Vincy maid accused of burglary”
i would like to say that peter island has accused the workers of theft when guest complain there was a time when the guest complain about their jewelry missing and the hotel took out the money out all the workers gratuity for months and then the tourist call back and said they found the items payed back the hotel but the workers were not payed back .when mr van a...l was well the workers were well payed for their work people were able to see their way after mr van a...l got sick the workers gratuity was nothing while this big resort collect 18 % gratuity where were labour to put these people in court for thieving from the workers . a thief never love to see a thief with long bag . while they have security officers to search and check workers where is the officers to check the gratuity every 2 weeks to make sure the workers get a fair pay
If a crime was committed by this lady or to this lady is the matter at hand her nationality is not.
prospect reef too
Oh yeah please go head now and slander jamaicans.
U mus kno what they have in their big becus u do it all d time..... Let them use u to search the woman bag, yo dumb @$$....when some of u tolian talkin i swear is the smell of raw sewrage comin out yall mouth,,, so shut d f*#k up....
All of u who is accusing this woman of stealing an breezing out yall stinking mouth on this woman an on vincentian, let me say this all of u WITHOUT SIN cast a stone..@ least this woman is innocent until proven guilty, an if they deport her back to vincy she will b better of than some of yall is talkin, an when she leave yall mouth will still smell the same way like the ghut an drains... So pick the beemz out of yall eyes first s o that yall can c clearly b4 yall pick it out of someone else's eye...?when we all die will we b goin to our destinations on judgement day???