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UPDATE: Crown drops case against Vincy maid accused of burglary

The Crown opted to offer no evidence against Vincentian Sylvina Lewis when the matter was called on October 23, 2013 and asked that all charges be dismissed against her for want of prosecution. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The Crown opted to offer no evidence against Vincentian Sylvina Lewis when the matter was called today, October 23, 2013 and asked that all charges be dismissed against her for want of prosecution.

Lewis, 46, of Sugar Mill Road had pleaded not guilty to the charge of burglary when she appeared before the Magistrate’s Court on March 27, 2013. The defendant was represented by attorney at law Richard Rowe.

Lewis was accused of allegedly making off with $650 belonging to a guest of the Peter Island Hotel and Resort in July, 2012.

It was previously indicated that witnesses in the matter had not been cooperative and indications suggested that the hotel associated with the matter was not interested in pursuing charges against Lewis.

See previous story posted June 12, 2013:

UPDATE: Hotel seems disinterested in pursuing Vincy maid burglary matter

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Senior Crown Counsel Sarah Benjamin requested an adjournment today, June 12, 2013 in the matter of Vincentian national, Sylvina Lewis.

Lewis, 46, of Sugar Mill Road pleaded not guilty to the charge of burglary when she appeared before the Magistrate’s Court on March 27, 2013. The defendant is represented by attorney at law Richard Rowe.

The defendant is accused of allegedly making off with $650 which belonged to a guest of the Peter Island Hotel and Resort in July, 2012.

Benjamin related that witnesses in the matter have not been cooperative and indications suggest that the hotel associated with the matter is not interested in pursuing charges against Lewis.

Under the circumstances, Benjamin said she would be seeking advice from the Director or Public Prosecutions (DPP), Wayne Rajbansie to determine the way forward in the matter.

The matter is now set for report on June 28, 2013 when a decision is expected to be made on how to proceed.

See previous story posted March 28, 2013:

Vincy maid in hot water over ‘stolen’ hotel guest’s money

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – A former maid of the Peter Island Resort has landed in court following charges of theft over an alleged missing sum of money left by tourists in their hotel room.

Sylvina Lewis, 46, of Sugar Mill Road pleaded not guilty to the charge of burglary when she appeared before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, March 27, 2013. The defendant is represented by attorney at law Richard Rowe.

According to the allegations before the court, the defendant who is also a St Vincent national, was employed at the Peter Island Resort in the housekeeping division when the incident allegedly took place.

The allegations further stated that on July 28, 2012 a couple [name given] checked into room 204 of the hotel and resort.

Upon arrival, the couple had their belongings with them which included a sum of $650 which was placed in a white envelope in the female occupant’s white handbag, left in a chair in the bedroom.

The last time the money was seen was July 30, 2012 before the female occupant left for an appointment at the spa. During this time, her husband was also reportedly out of the room. She returned from her session at the spa and didn’t notice anything out of place other than that the room was cleaned.

The woman later went to her white hand bag which contained the money and discovered that it was missing. She informed her husband and they commenced a search in the room but the money was not found and this was reported to a manager at the hotel.

Police were later notified and during their investigations at the resort they retrieved information from the electronics pass key used by maids.

Records revealed that at the said time of the couple’s absence, maid services were carried out and the identity of the person assigned to clean the said guest room was also revealed .

Based on the period of time recorded from the electronic key information, the defendant was revealed as the staff member who had accessed the said room.

On August 1, 2012 the defendant met with two officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), who cautioned and informed her of the report made against her in addition to the time logged and the offence that had taken place.

The defendant was invited to give a response in a recorded interview. In the interview she allegedly acknowledged that she was not assigned to the said room, however she went into the room to see if it had already been cleaned.

A log had shown that the room had already been cleaned some 34 minutes before by another assigned person. When the officers asked her about the inconsistency of her story, the defendant said that she made a mistake with the room numbers. The defendant then allegedly stated that she did not steal the money.

Further investigations revealed that the other maid [name given] had cleaned the room and they (both maids) were in the area of the room when the other maid told the defendant she had already cleaned the room.

Based on the investigations, only on January 22, 2013 officers approached the defendant again and she was informed of the missing money and she again told officers she did not steal any money. The defendant was later formally charged on January 23, 2013.

Her attorney noted that it was upon her resignation from the resort that she was charged as she continued to work all that time with no complaints.

The defendant was granted bail in the sum of $30,000 with one signed surety and asked to return to court on June 12, 2013.

63 Responses to “UPDATE: Crown drops case against Vincy maid accused of burglary”

  • polo (28/03/2013, 07:38) Like (16) Dislike (59) Reply
    deport she backside
    • Locally made (28/03/2013, 09:11) Like (33) Dislike (45) Reply
      Sounds like you are jealous of the lady or maybe deport is the only word that you know.
    • Release (28/03/2013, 09:50) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
      What makes you think another country wants our criminals?
    • Love (28/03/2013, 11:46) Like (33) Dislike (12) Reply
      why you peopl always ready to deport someone back, when you guys come up in us of a's and do your crap. would you like to get deported back, so shut the fu'' uo STFU!!
    • whats good for the goose should be good for the gander (29/03/2013, 15:03) Like (46) Dislike (0) Reply

      i would like to say that peter island has accused the workers of theft when guest complain there was a time when the guest complain about their jewelry missing and the hotel took out the money out all the workers gratuity for months and then the tourist call back and said they found the items payed back the hotel but the workers were not payed back .when mr van a...l was well the workers were well payed for their work people were able to see their way after mr van a...l got sick the workers gratuity was nothing while this big resort collect 18 % gratuity where were labour to put these people in court for thieving from the workers . a thief never love to see a thief with long bag . while they have security officers to search and check workers where is the officers to check the gratuity every 2 weeks to make sure the workers get a fair pay

      • Like (30/03/2013, 10:27) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
        i realy like that comment it not just petter island it scrub island to
      • Just Me (31/03/2013, 07:57) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
        peter island full of crap they like to acused the staff 2 much they have good staff but they dont treat them right
      • it cant be she (31/03/2013, 08:02) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
        i dont believe she do it management need to blame for all the wrong things they doing the staff
    • jj (23/10/2013, 17:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      u need to keep calm
    • @polo (24/10/2013, 10:32) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      the case was dropped you @$$. We should deport you for being stupid
  • Just Me (28/03/2013, 08:06) Like (70) Dislike (0) Reply
    You ain't realized that the Police made a mess in their investigations. Some six months after they approached the lady and informed her of prosecution without any real prove. Who many persons when to the room?
  • nn (28/03/2013, 08:11) Like (17) Dislike (24) Reply
    these dam tourist sometimes dont know what they do with them money and next thing you know a local gets the reputation tarnish because of the tiurist carelessness.
    • Agree (28/03/2013, 08:40) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      I have heard of situations of tourists/guests claiming theft by hotel employee only to discover that they'd misplaced their possession. I am aware of one case where the employee received an apology from management when the matter was sorted out. However I think she needed to give straight answers to the authorities from the beginning. If you are an honest person, no need to be dodgy with the truth.
      • Sigh (28/03/2013, 13:46) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
  • NO COMMENT. (28/03/2013, 09:25) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    • True (12/06/2013, 14:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      where does it say the guests where white?
    • Maddddddd (12/06/2013, 15:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      No Comment yh she from vincy and so wat, u dont kno y the lady resigned so y talk, every body need to stop commenting and talking no-sense only GOD could judge her, not ever the judge on earth can do dat, so even if she take the money or not. no one knows but she and GOD. and yes people do make mistake, i aint gonna put my head on the block for no one she knows wat she about and if so be the care she took the money no one force her to or put a knife or a gun on her so let she deal with her problem... and ride off da damn woman... u jump and say she not a local and say she from St Vincent we all know that.... but i guess wat NN trying to say she live here and the trourist dont,,,,,,,,,
    • Fed Up (15/06/2013, 23:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      why you had to clarify "she is not a local, she is from St. Vincent". Who is local? you so foolish and mentally enslaved. Did the slave ships dropped our ancestors of by family here in the BVI? For all you know you have relatives all throughout the caribbean. So to me yes she is local! please stop being ignorant and realize we all are of the same decent.

      If a crime was committed by this lady or to this lady is the matter at hand her nationality is not.
  • firstlady (28/03/2013, 10:04) Like (11) Dislike (15) Reply
    She theiving long time young boy she want an the man live with his wife she want to please man oh stupid where the man is now in all this drama hope u learn your lesson Go look a life. mind man an inlaws we work together for years she always stealing but now she get catch an want to cry out its not she .yes some times guest do lie but not this time I've been in this industry long time. I See she steal other tings from the company to
  • Typical Vincentian (28/03/2013, 10:34) Like (15) Dislike (129) Reply
    typical vincy , them like to live above them means, always jealous of what other people have and they will do just about anything to make sure they can have the same . Ah set of badminded people if you ask me. When you think its one , just meet all and you will see they are mostly alike.
    • Well meh boy (28/03/2013, 12:33) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
      Come on xenophobia, stop that, there are most Vincys in our community that do not steal, they lead honest lives. Generalizations like that just spread hate and antagonism, we cannot build a successful nation with that mindset. If she did do it, then I agree she needs to be deported not sent to prison, not on my tax dollar! But please do not generalize an entire community based on the acts of a few, that is foolishness, and is no different than how Blacks are viewed in the USA.
    • Angry (29/03/2013, 21:31) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
      one thief must know the next..... and for ur information am a vincention by birth and i have no intention of bad minding u of anyone for u
    • Proud Vincy (12/06/2013, 17:40) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      Typical Vincentian you need to know your damn place, Vincentians are respected wherever they go. Of course there will have some who will disgrace themselves but the majority are hardworking people. Tolans live above their means too and they have bad mind too including you. So you are no different from us.
  • Typical Vincentian (28/03/2013, 10:34) Like (6) Dislike (49) Reply
    typical vincy , them like to live above them means, always jealous of what other people have and they will do just about anything to make sure they can have the same . Ah set of badminded people if you ask me. When you think its one , just meet all and you will see they are mostly alike.
    • True Vincy (28/03/2013, 12:16) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
      Not all vincy like to live above their means, only jealous,envious and greedy people do those things. The bible says"thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions and that include everything. It have people like that all over the world, but you and I do not know our lot so we should not rejoice about her falling.
    • Listen (29/03/2013, 09:11) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
      i am a vincy so stop that stupid talk; i would have taken the money and the bag as well !!!!!
  • <..> (28/03/2013, 10:46) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am not saying if she stole the money she is right to do so. But when you at it, there is a lot of women/young ladies stuggling to make ends meet after recieving a pay cheque there isn't much you can do with it. I have this friend who went to open an account at one of the banks and when the lady saw the pay slip she asked if he gets paid every week, feeling so embarressed that person just laugh it off.
  • son of the soil (28/03/2013, 16:32) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    Get rid of her
  • wise-up (29/03/2013, 09:09) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    girl you black; if the other people white thats it for you
  • Hmm (29/03/2013, 09:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    prospect reef too

  • Facing the facts (29/03/2013, 15:14) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    A lot of persons like to live above their means especially young ladies who have created a competition in the work place regarding clothing, shoes and bags, so don't go labelling Vincy people. We born and bred BVIslanders have taken living above their means to a whole new level.
  • Born Vincy (30/03/2013, 15:41) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Born Vincy, but holds a BVI PASSPORT. i dont think is right to judge people who you dont know their background nor who they are. Never judge a book by its cover. Peter Island has a lot to answer to they are quick to point fingers at the locals and it has so many expats who are the ones taking things and treating the workers bad. So if this lady do what they say she is wrong, but i know first hand that it had one other person who went into that same room and she was let go from Peter Island already for sticky hands.
  • Blhblah (02/04/2013, 17:40) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Listen. All vincy's arent the same so u just watch ur mouth...
  • sweet brown (03/04/2013, 10:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    aint nobody got time for that
  • islander2 (04/04/2013, 14:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its interesting how many comments are posted here about this woman ethnicity and guilty assumptions. How about adopting a wait and see attitude to see if she really did commit the crime. Please stop generalizing the entire island of st vincent. there are bad people in every community. Signed by a jamaican canadian.
    Oh yeah please go head now and slander jamaicans.
  • innocent ppl in jail (09/04/2013, 01:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You islander 2 how jamaican get in this we acuse this bun up face woman of any crime speak fairly n stop put other country in yuh crop better if u leave a bible verse if it was a jamaican all u wud cuss we an we take our licks cause we build for it go pray for the woman if u know how to and don't forget to pray for the taming of your tongue that need to be cut out! an leave we jamaicans alone
    • SUSS (12/06/2013, 15:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      tell them easy off a yadi.dont trouble. trouble if you trouble trouble trouble will trouble you everthing worn a forein a yadi get the blame .EASE OFF
  • BVIslander (12/06/2013, 15:12) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    simple send the island woman back home..
  • madddddd (12/06/2013, 15:48) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
    Typical Vincentian, if i could a give to two bad word i would u sound so stink and outta ur place wat da hell u kno about vincentian, by da way i wont sin my soul for u and firstlady cus nobody is perfect and firstlady u sound like u thoese theive to cus i head alot of things bout urll i kno who r u so dont make sense u talking wen u r doing the same thing and hiding it and puting the blame on others. and it sound like the lady take ur man from u cus u really jealous if she wanna spend her money on man let she do it. its not ur money she spending....... urgggggggggg urll people does get mi mad wen i read these stupid comments.. im a vincentian and i wrk for wat i want,,,, no body more badminded than some of these tola people i wont even say tola only cus all over the world u go it have gd and bad people.... i wont say no more cus i have alot to say but ill leave it there,,,,,...........
  • Help (12/06/2013, 17:44) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    May God have mercy on all of you. The case is between Peter Island the Guess and Our Dear Sister. Let the court to their work. They do not need this comments as evidence.

  • Realistic (12/06/2013, 18:04) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am sitting here reading these negative comments about Vincentians. The woman allegedly stole money, and before she is convicted, Tolan people want her deported. You go there with all your education qualifications and get a good job, they want to crucify you...they prefer an unqualified local get the job. I am sick and tired of those people. They come on these news sites and spread their hate of 'island people,' the same people building their country. Back to the lady, if she stole the money, she was wrong and the court will determine her punishment if she is found guilty, but reading all these negative comments being placed by people who make no contribution to the development of the BVI makes me sick!
    • God my dear (12/06/2013, 20:18) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      My dear here is where you are wrong. Her punishment will come from god. And sure as the sun will shine she will be redeem. Not to worry about these saint on this blog. God will have his way. To the young lady. Find your comfort knowing that no one can throw a stone. God is cooking this up.
  • 1 (12/06/2013, 19:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a classic case of how lives are destroyed just by the action of one person.
  • wise up (12/06/2013, 20:48) Like (4) Dislike (14) Reply
    what is up with these ladies and these big bags going into the court house and simply winning their cases....just last week the one lady from JA carried a big hand-bag to the court house and she won her case NOW this vincy has her great old hand bag and looks like she also winning this one.........let me know please !!!!!!!
    • go wash yo thing (14/06/2013, 07:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      U mus kno what they have in their big becus u do it all d time..... Let them use u to search the woman bag, yo dumb @$$....when some of u tolian talkin i swear is the smell of raw sewrage comin out yall mouth,,, so shut d f*#k up....

  • God is able to deliver (12/06/2013, 21:01) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stop the character assassination. It is alleged and she is innocent until proven guilty. Even the hotel and so called "witnesses" are unsure that she did it. The world is round. Today for Sylvina and tomorrow may be for all of you haters to be accused of a crime you did not commit. Let the system, which is overly slow, do its job before you all become judge and jury. Finally, I end on this note, "Let he without sin cast the first stone".
  • Lol birds of a feather (13/06/2013, 14:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ madddddd I knw you jus how you know me you n she is the same thing my husband of so many years don't want that never in life !!when you see me face me look the face !! pick your spot on the dock or the property I talk wat I see not from hear say ! I'm from the soil ayo keep on doing sh****t n expect ppl to agree we work together for long it not even make sense writing on vino just don't as you feel when you see me walking the street the truth hut !!!!!!
  • hater (14/06/2013, 02:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    firstlady if you know she thief longtime so how you never report her to management. you just hate the lady,thief never love to see thief with long bag.because no young boy don't want you
  • without sin (14/06/2013, 07:34) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

    All of u who is accusing this woman of stealing an breezing out yall stinking mouth on this woman an on vincentian, let me say this all of u WITHOUT SIN cast a stone..@ least this woman is innocent until proven guilty, an if they deport her back to vincy she will b better of than some of yall is talkin, an when she leave yall mouth will still smell the same way like the ghut an drains... So pick the beemz out of yall eyes first s o that yall can c clearly b4 yall pick it out of someone else's eye...?when we all die will we b goin to our destinations on judgement day???

  • son of the soil (23/10/2013, 14:30) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    The island ones always getting away, hope it isnt obeah?
  • Immigration (23/10/2013, 15:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do ayo wuk nah deport her
    • Eh Mon! (23/10/2013, 15:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      I keep saying a lot of these people on here that saying deport them are not Tolians they are expats trying to spread the hate between the Tolians and Expats! You don't believe such people exist, they do by the dozens.
  • just chillin (23/10/2013, 15:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    look her face she just chillin
  • smdh (23/10/2013, 16:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Welsah, I just have to shake my head at the comments. Ya'll ppl the best u hear
  • a friend (23/10/2013, 16:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What God don't want, the angels can't have, and when God is for you, there is nothing (or on one) can be against you. Now get a hold of your life and move on. God will see you through.
  • egg face (23/10/2013, 17:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    leave the poor lady alone times are hard dog and all ah look work
  • Concern 1 (23/10/2013, 19:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i am so glad that that this case has dropped .God forgives and so can we but a know all you people aint gon forget
  • justice (23/10/2013, 23:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am happy for her! This lady has been through so much. God don't sleep my dear, the same ones who tried to frame you and dig pit for you accusing you will themselves fall into it. Meekly wait and mumur not!
  • Shara Parlin (24/10/2013, 01:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am suggesting a humanitarian way to deal with this lady!!!!
  • Str8Nose (24/10/2013, 08:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Vincy girl don't mind the talk, you aint thief nothing, Meh a look you.
  • friend (24/10/2013, 15:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    To A Friend. why when someone is before the court for something they are been accused, it is always someone digging a hole for them What about the person who suffered a hole was not dug for them. It would have been nice to see if the case had been tried to see what the out come would have been. We as people need to stop using God name when we wishing bad for others. When the people money went missing it was only the culprit and God was in the room. But as life has it you could run and run but what in you will always shine out of you.
  • Down Island Man (25/10/2013, 00:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Move on vincy woman and be more careful next time, there's a lot of haters on tola, so we got to be smart like a Serpent and harmless as a dove.

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