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UPDATE: Charter boat that sank in VG had sailed from St Martin

February 28th, 2017 | Tags: mishap yacht Fischer’s Cove VISAR J. Phil Aspinall
The partially submerged yacht off Fischer's Cove, Virgin Gorda on February 26, 2017. Photo: Team of Reporters
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI- The charter boat that sank in shallow waters off Fischer’s Cove in Virgin Gorda on Sunday February 26, 2017 had sailed from St Martin with passengers on board.

And according to Coordinator of Virgin Islands Search and Rescue (VISAR) J. Phil Aspinall, the boat was actually taking in water and the captain deliberately took the vessel to the shallow area as a result.

“The boat was taking on water and he (captain) stopped it there to save himself before he sank. So he didn’t hit anything there at all. He was already sinking apparently. He knew the territory and he chose to go there and sink in safe water…” Mr Aspinall told our newsroom.

All the passengers on board the vessel were unharmed and have since departed for St Martin while the skipper stayed behind to find out what went wrong with his boat, according to information reaching this news site.

The boat was salvaged and taken to Nanny Cay boatyard.

See previous article published February 27, 2017

Yacht grounds off Fischer's Cove, VG

What reportedly seems to be a frequent occurance in that area, a charter yacht grounded and began to take in water off Fischer's Cove, Virgin Gorda on Sunday, February 26, 2017.

From all accounts, no one was hurt.

It is unclear at this time how the vessel ended up in that shallow area.

Virgin Islands Search and Rescue Coordinator J. Phil Aspinall could not give any details when contacted but said vessels grounding in that area has been frequent.

He said the area is shallow to the extent that persons often walk to shore.

"Groundings happen that side in Fischer's Cove all the time. It's a regular thing. It's on the chart but people just miss it," Mr Aspinall said.

17 Responses to “UPDATE: Charter boat that sank in VG had sailed from St Martin”

  • ccc (27/02/2017, 16:32) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Insurance maybe
  • Yes (27/02/2017, 16:42) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    VG triangle?
  • one eye (27/02/2017, 22:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    As each day passes it gets harder and harder to move
  • lord o. (28/02/2017, 00:11) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Maybe they were scared of customs.. It's not everyone that can take harrassment
    • Not Tortola (01/03/2017, 09:19) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      My experience is that the C&I people in VG are generally polite and pleasant to deal with as opposed to their counterparts in Tortola who unfortunately can be counted on for rudeness and surliness.
  • Janey (28/02/2017, 03:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was moved by Husky the same day by lunch time.
    • wize up (28/02/2017, 08:38) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ janey: had that been one-of-the-boys the PoPo would have all over looking for product(just saying).....what a country!!!!!
  • wize up (28/02/2017, 06:37) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Investigate!!!! Investigate!!!!
  • See (28/02/2017, 08:54) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    credit card sailors ... hope everyone is safe
  • VG (28/02/2017, 10:40) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Name of the Beach is St. Thomas Bay people
  • Captain (28/02/2017, 17:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I go on the rock near round rock and i come to the beach for don t loose my boat is for that all my guess is ok my crew too
    • Captain (02/03/2017, 22:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      My boat is on the land in nanny cay my guess is leaving with another boat i try to repair sorry for this i just try to safe my guess and my boat
  • Yes investigate thoroughly (28/02/2017, 20:03) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    The weather is unstable at this moment and really kicking up a storm as it seems there is a disturbance somewhere out there where any and everything can happen but this boat coming from St.Martin ran aground and another also coming from St Martin heading to Guadeloupe crash into the rocks in the area of Mansion in St Kitts. I do hope all is fair in both the weather and the correct reporting as it seems as too many contrabands keep washing up on shores lately also.When will this stop?
  • sailer (28/02/2017, 20:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    hope it has an happen ending
  • vg insider (01/03/2017, 07:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    They hit a rock at the Baths. The baths is not a night mooring and the captain should know that
  • morning Joe (01/03/2017, 08:47) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lets apply some logistics now, boat taking on water, captain gone fishers cove beach,
    a haul out is located five minutes away, but choose not to go there. Boat was salvage
    and take ten miles away to a haul out at Nanny Cay.

    Passenger flew back to St Maarten captain stay behind. Who was the passengers again?
    Some things does not add up more in the motar than the pesel for sure.

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