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UPDATE: Cash & cell phone taken in Delta gas station robbery

The gunman that stormed Delta Petroleum Service Station in Pasea Estate on December 15, 2016 made off with cash and a cellphone. Photo: VINO/File
Armed men reportedly carted off with an undisclosed amount of cash from Delta Petroleum in an early morning robbery on December 15, 2016. Photo: VINO
Armed men reportedly carted off with an undisclosed amount of cash from Delta Petroleum in an early morning robbery on December 15, 2016. Photo: VINO
PASEA ESTATE, Tortola, VI - The gunman that robbed Delta Petroleum Service Station at Pasea Estate on December 15, 2016 made good his escape with an undisclosed amount of cash and a cell phone belonging to the gas station’s cashier, according to police.

58 Responses to “UPDATE: Cash & cell phone taken in Delta gas station robbery”

  • dd (15/12/2016, 07:45) Like (54) Dislike (0) Reply
    now tell me if the BVI not gone to the dogs
    • Citizen (15/12/2016, 08:12) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      Know tell me if these persons really, really feel good about themselves?
    • wize up (15/12/2016, 08:27) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ dd: with all the police cameras: the BVI don't have much flow of traffic at 3 in the morning
  • Hmm (15/12/2016, 07:52) Like (38) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dont rob the working man, rob the robbing man. They are called politicians.
  • just asking.. (15/12/2016, 08:03) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Who will be next?
    • Really (15/12/2016, 08:29) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    • Wait (15/12/2016, 19:15) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you're open 3am all glass areas in and around the business should be covered with that roll down aluminum siding and locked.

      Only a bullet proof window should be accessible to the customer to place the money/credit card through.

      Then the business should have working cameras on each corner of the roof.

      Criminals plan for you....better start planning for them. You're on your own.
      • Blind eye (16/12/2016, 08:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        a blind man could them that ,reply to wait. real talk
      • Really??!! (19/12/2016, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The door was locked!! The perpetrator shot through the entry door. I do agree that all glass should be bullet proof though if they're going to be open that late. Which brings me to my next question, does Delta really need to be open that late? I think not!! Either improve your security measures or cut that late night business out (albeit a robbery could happen at any time)!!
  • wize up (15/12/2016, 08:07) Like (20) Dislike (16) Reply
    I am not hearing the talk show guys calling on the governor to investigate these gun matters: the talk shows host and a set of us wanted the governor to investigate the pier park: the governor is directly responsible for the security of our territory(who is calling him out) WTF is really happening to our community under the leadership of this new commissioner of police: some of us all over dr smith about our tax money(rightfully so) the commissioner of police along with the governor is directly responsible for security of the BVI....some of us enjoys pull down our own people while others up in here in positions of responsibility and doing nothing(incompetent)...the harsh reality(we had more gun crime already for this month that we usually have in a year) just as we need the premier to accountable; we need the commissioner of police to stand up(he sleeping on the job zzzZZZ) if a local was our commissioner the talk show guys would have been asking the governor to do this and do that
    • @ wize up (15/12/2016, 09:09) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
      Duncan that big waste..he been sleeping for months
    • Online Now (15/12/2016, 09:16) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      Time to look at yourselves and not blame the people put in place to help you!
      • @ Online Now (15/12/2016, 10:07) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
        please go to South African with that!
      • wize up (15/12/2016, 10:07) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ online now: just a silly question(if You go out and ask someone to paint your home then you both agree on a price and a time frame to get the job done) and nothing gets done Will you blame yourself...comrade; there is a difference between responsibility and blame: less you forget; there is an entity in your community that is directly responsible for maintaining the law and the order of your community(has noting to do with blame)....
        • Online Now (15/12/2016, 11:50) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
          I think you are completely missing the point but ... if I paid someone to paint my home and they were doing their job but then when they turned their back someone came and sprayed graffiti all over the walls who would you blame? The person painting the house or the person spraying graffiti.

          In other words, blame the people commiting the crimes, not those responsible for solving/preventing.
    • yes (15/12/2016, 09:22) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      YOU ARE CORRECT! It shows those talk show fools are only interested in petty politics and pushing their own agenda, they don't give a shit about the BVI. These spate of gun crimes are very worrying to say the least. When will the Premier and Commissioner of Police come out with a statement? When will they start heavy stop and search operations to calm this place down? We are heading for St Thomas and St Croix as it relates to crime and I don't have to say what will be the outcome if this shit doesn't stop.
      • Tis Me (15/12/2016, 15:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        St. Thomas done ahead for qiute a few years now. St. Croix has a new no nonsense Police Chief. Forget the current USVI Police Commissioner. A complete waste of taxpayers monies. The Government has the responsibility to ensure public safety for all citizens. Remove politics and corruption from this equation and one will see a difference. What government offers $10k for the murder of an innocent 17 month old child? It's time we get serious about gun crimes around here. We are one people.
    • @ wize up (16/12/2016, 08:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      As Much as the Commissioner of Police is responsible for the security of this territory, it is your same doctor smith who cuts their budget every year. you expect them to turn stone into bread. Every other country boost up their security he making budget cuts to give his friends more contracts.
  • jah know (15/12/2016, 08:12) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    CCTV turn them loose, let's see the footage get some answers
  • vick (15/12/2016, 08:17) Like (20) Dislike (5) Reply
    • Where them is? (15/12/2016, 08:34) Like (24) Dislike (5) Reply
      At the bars
    • wize up (15/12/2016, 09:28) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
      @ vick: listen most of them are not from this territory so they don't really care after all I won't jeopardise my wellbeing either(once I get paid)
      • police (15/12/2016, 17:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        if you that is from here dont care, then why you think that the police, who is not from here as you put, why would they care.
    • Goldsmith (15/12/2016, 18:32) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Some of you just rediculous, everything happened its like is the police problem. The police cannot be everywhere. Come on people we also have a duty to help protect our territory. The police have patrol groups out there every night, I personally see them but those criminals are smart, they monitor the police movement. Wize- up talking about camera but then guys going mask up so when they are captured on cameras you still cannot identify them. Persons am sure have information and refusing to come forward, so let us sit back and continue to blame the police and see what will happen to us
  • wize up (15/12/2016, 08:45) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    A set of our young brothers got in over their head with dope transactions(now looking cash to repay those they have violated)...look at this question(who is responsible for restricting the gun men for moveing freely around our community) you see any police on the public roads?..the gun man free free free to roam all over our country because the police only leaving the barracks to conducts investigations; you have to call in a report before them police boys leave the station !!!!!
  • drizzy (15/12/2016, 08:48) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Them dudes doing anything to buy gifts for their daughters
    • yesssss (15/12/2016, 14:38) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      @drizzy, that is so true, and they are robbing people's business to pay for there drug debt.
  • Liat 521 (15/12/2016, 09:10) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    The new COP honey moon is up he has to go
  • sent super cop (15/12/2016, 09:29) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    they need to send super cop out at night to patrol instead of giving people ticket all day . when the relationship between police and people drop the commish will learn .
  • ..... (15/12/2016, 10:02) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    I would say that Tortola is officially out of control now....Who's to blame? I would say there's plenty to go around....
  • Glova parks (15/12/2016, 10:08) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    i just want to hear up Dr ZZZZZZZ going spin this!
  • ting to talk (15/12/2016, 10:23) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    I thought the police suppose to be out driving about these hours of the night ! Not in the station sitting down and getting paid smh
  • chad (15/12/2016, 12:09) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but think about this for a second. Can the police (chief included), the Governor and politicians be everywhere at all times to catch criminals in the act?

    Many like to condemn law enforcement but the pyblic's help is needed to solve crime too. If you suspect or know who the perpetrators are call the crime stoppers hotline and leave a tip. Police need our help too...and yes they do patroll all hours of the night and day.
  • Saw Da (15/12/2016, 12:30) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    If they want to pay me good money i will bring those criminals in ,i know them from far and near,but those down island cops wouldn't like that because they collecting a check every month and doing nothing ..I only need 7 days pay and it's all over..It's sad to see where our country gone ,Tourism gone,Financial service gone,Police service gone,Health service gone,Agriculture gone,but most of all from the Governor down needs to go ..Our country really needs rebranding..The Swamp needs to be drain ,it's been contaminated to long..
  • Tola...Please pray (15/12/2016, 12:30) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Please pray for our country...this is getting very sad and overwhelming now. This is not my good old Tola that I grew up in. What is the answer????? We need some answers quick...already getting out of hand.
    • Try Selassie I. (16/12/2016, 05:39) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      We've being praying for over a hundred years. Cars still crash Planes still craahed innocent praying people still get killed... Bombs Still drop Guns still Burs Innocent praying people still get killed.. Seems like something wrong with our Prayers... Honestly. I turn to Selassie I. I'm more at peace. I feel more love and Empathy for all people.. Try Selassie I people.. Things may Chance.
  • dope head (15/12/2016, 12:43) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    For as long as i can recall every time we are getting near to one of these holidays the crime rate goes up. Robberies increase especially to businesses. Every year it is the same thing but nothing is done about it. Let me give you all a hint as to what is going on. There are people who are traveling from other islands along with some locals who are committing most of these robberies. Then there are those who are working for the same businesses who are setting up these robberies also. Despite all this i will lay most of the blame on the business owners. Around most business places the lighting is poor and the security to the buildings is a joke. Most ignore the warnings that the police tell them every year but when they get ro b they want the police to be miracle workers. Invest in some proper lights and stronger doors. There should also be a system where while the robbery is taking place the police can be alerted. This is common throughout the world. A camera can't stop a crime it can only record it. Just saying.
  • Born&Raise (15/12/2016, 12:51) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    How do I decide to travel to the VI, to my home when this is an issue.
  • Cap them (15/12/2016, 14:19) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

    I hope when the day come when someone answer their a$$3$ BVI don't bawl and talk shittery bout they didn't deserve that. I grow up hearing you live by the Sword you die by the sword. Time longer than twine eh. People blogging this crap bout let super cop patrol at night, let super cop patrol in Purcell and dem chupidness talk like that could sound like sense. You people done don't like him on the streets issuing tickets tis to tackle crimes of these magnitude by his lonesome? Idiotic thinking. We all know the outcome. The RVIPF needs to balls up and do their job. This talk about them not wanting to do this and that because of the stigma (want of a better word) of not being from here is ludicrous. They were trained to deal with specifics and should be made to do just that. They know what they signed up for and what the paycheque looked like so why not do the damn job. Did they not know they weren't from here when they joined? Police presence is so limited in the BVI it's painful. Might as well they just hire crossing guards then. Even they you don't see other than being at the school zones. Every damn body housed in the police station doing what I'd like to know. No police presence means no respect for the police. Super cop is TRYING HIS DARNEST BEST and we crucifying him. I'm sure he'd like to do more but THAT MORE is not a one man story and to operate in THAT capacity comes with ramifications in tola today. The ENTIRE BVI WILL COME OUT TO CHEW HIS @$$ ALIVE THEN. The police needs to gain control of the streets once and for all and stop being whimps. Who get caught get caught. And the law needs to deal with WHO GET CAUGHT ACCORDINGLY. IM SO SICK OF THIS DAMN PLACE AND THE BLAME GAME. Coming out for festival time to look at and lust after the scantily dressed women is not a problem for them but they haul under a damn rock thereafter. Utter BS

    • the rock (15/12/2016, 22:38) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      super cop has training in that area 'cap them' so yes put his behind there, after all he has already proven that given traffic tickets are a breeze for him, the criminal section of the force needs strengthening put the super cop there, lol!
  • enough (15/12/2016, 15:20) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    when will this stop! I got to stop. there need to me enforcement on every damn angle to tackle this evil. Get the canine unit and have a massive stop/search operation. These weapons and thugs are moving around in vehicles and motorcycles. Stop every damn one and not only for seat belt violation, but see what under the seat, in the trunk and dashboard. You wah tell me this sh..t so regular now and they can't solve not one? Hell no, something wrong with this picture. In the whole of the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, police was able to pinpoint the perpetrator in no time when it seemed like it would be a needle in the haystack. Come on officers, show that youall got some kind of training. Tortola is a lil box and ah you can't get the gun them off the street. It's only a matter of who next and when.
  • Waiting, Business owner (15/12/2016, 15:35) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    I got something waiting for the brazen robbers if they decide to storm into my business to pull off a robbery.When you all decide to storm in someone's business to rob, you better hope it is not mine because it is not going to be good. You might get in but you will not make it out. (FULL WARNING).
    • Kettle (15/12/2016, 17:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Me to
    • Waiting, Business owner (15/12/2016, 19:23) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Now don't get me wrong, I have the right to protect my place of business,
      my employees and my customers. All I am saying is if they come to rob my business, they will not get out. Most of us business owners make just enough to pay our employees. Parents, please tell your boys to think twice before they decide to rob someone's business because one day, they are going to walk into a hornets nest. Those mask that they are hiding under and the guns they have is not going to protect them.
  • Yes I (15/12/2016, 16:47) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    This issue is serious. Why, because people are going to arm themselves and that is not going to best for none of us. They got guns we got guns what do you think is going to happen? That is right !!!! Bloodshed.

    Now the police drop the ball sometimes, but we all have a responsibility to each other and our country. Good cop bad cop they can't do it on their own. So let's help them. We can criticize once we do and they do bad job but if it's a good job let's give them thumbs up
  • wize up (15/12/2016, 18:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    some of us might be suprise when these fools are gun down(they are going to fool with the right person).when that mask comes can those living among us known what going on and do nothing(if you live by the sword you die by the sword) to small for someone not to know who these gun men are but someone is going to shoot them right in their back!!!
  • business man (15/12/2016, 18:23) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Politrickians passing all kind of laws to suit themselves ,why can they pass a law so business owners can have weapons like the US? The business owners will have to get some training and that's it ,if they kill someone ,then they will get lock up ,what should they do,they need advise..
  • musa (15/12/2016, 18:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we need help
  • Roman (15/12/2016, 18:46) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is locals doing it island people dont be brave on other people island locals lazy them dont want work bummy jobs so them rather do what ever . Them cant get deport an jail is easy in the bvi
  • Porky (15/12/2016, 20:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    That robbery was an inside job!
  • de silent one (15/12/2016, 20:52) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    There are too much victimization taking place in the force and its mainly coming from the ..................... He need to get those that he's supporting to get their a$$e$ out there and do something positive for the betterment of the country. A group of non productive @$$.

  • hmm2 (15/12/2016, 21:09) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply

    Start the investigation from the inside out. Some of the personnel working in these places know the cash flow passing through and help set it off. Cameras will tell HOPING THAT DELTA HAS CAMERAS. We all watch tv and see how easy it is to set up something like that. Not hard one bit. Now to those bloggers who mentioned police being on patrol and seeing them for themselves I take this time to say kudos to them (the patrolling officers) but patrolling and entire night in a vehicle is not good enough. Have some patrol by vehicle yes but have some patrol by foot in an inconspicuous manner. POLICE SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AT NIGHT BUT SHOULD SEE NEARLY EVERYTHING GOING ON AT NIGHTS. Driving around in a vehicle only make them forcused on what's in front of them but missing what's going on in the cracks and crevices. I can understand the patrol vehicle can respond quickly to a matter but it also marks you. Criminals know where you are all the time and you have no clue about them. Two spin around and they get sleepy and back to base they go and guess what it's a possibility they are being watch and monitored. They need to change their strategy and mindset. Things can work out differently but I still insist THEY ARE TO DAMN LAZY. To the blogger who stated that the community should come forward and assist the police; I totally agree with you, so what's next. Just talk right? Why wait for the commish and waste of time politrickcians come out and chat shyte why not call meetings and see what you can do. See who has working ideas and how to move forward. We most definitely need to take back our islands BUT I hope when it's exposed that it's our family members involved we continue on with the plan. Some of us WELL KNOW THAT WE HAVE RELATIVES INVOLVED IN THE ishness and won't do anything. To the other blogger who mentioned arming ourselves, hmm, while I'm not saying it's right to do (for the simple fact that regardless of the situation you will be imprisoned for unlawful firearm and explosions, not being the holder of a firearm liscense, maybe murder if your a sure shot, attempted murder, wounding with intent and the list goes on) it's going to come to that THEN THE POLICE AND POLITRICKCIANS will understand the urgency of what's going on. These gun violence will continue to spiral out of control until the judiciary system step up its game, names stop being a reason to penalize individuals properly, (what's good for me and mine should be good for you and yours), proper prison system set up to house these hardened criminals (stop pussyfooting with criminals at balsam ghut) since they watch tv they should see in real life how life is in such a system. Extend balsam ghut if that's what it takes. I know the choir will sing the hallelujah about our money feeding them but it already is so what's the difference. Think cost of living will decline in the coming years after Trump has taken seat? STRUPS. Extend balsam ghut and house them for well into their adult/old age years. This thing about drug rehab and anger management that the courts trying to enforce and the offenders laughing at it let it happen while they reflecting on life in the system. I said it and will say it again TORTOLA IS THE ONLY PLACE PROBALBY ON EARTH (Caribbean for sure) CRIMINALS AINT AFRAID TO GO JAIL. Come on man. Step up the frigging game and get some mandatory systems, firm bail numbers, heighten the jail terms and whatever else to help curb these crimes, going. Prisoners should be treated as such. PRISONERS. Mandatory HM uniform until their release and that includes going to court. Not sending messages on the outside to bring this and that like prison is a FASHION FORWARD RUNWAY ON THE HILL. Only in the BVI. BUT, I'm telling you SOMEBODY going to CRY a CRY like we NEVER HEAR BEFORE RIGHT HERE IN THIS LIL TORTOLA. MARK MY WORDS.

  • street reporter. (15/12/2016, 21:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Business owners. Please put measures in place to protect your employees life at nights.
  • limit (16/12/2016, 22:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    all this rara the law still will protect them wen you mash dem up wha da sense

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