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UPDATE: 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival catches the crowd

Approximately 700 persons are expected to patronise the 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival today, November 26, 2017. Photo: VINO
The Big Bamboo in Loblolly Bay is busy with orders for lobsters and other delicacies for Anegada Lobster Festival 2017. Photo: VINO
The Big Bamboo in Loblolly Bay is busy with orders for lobsters and other delicacies for Anegada Lobster Festival 2017. Photo: VINO
Hundreds of persons have made the trip to Anegada for the 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival. Photo: VINO
Hundreds of persons have made the trip to Anegada for the 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival. Photo: VINO
The main event! These lobsters will be in the menu very shortly. Photo: VINO
The main event! These lobsters will be in the menu very shortly. Photo: VINO
Tasty lobsters will be the order of the day today, November 25, 2017 and tomorrow when the 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival is held. Photo: Youtube
Tasty lobsters will be the order of the day today, November 25, 2017 and tomorrow when the 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival is held. Photo: Youtube
The flyer for Anegada Lobster Festival 2017. Photo: BVITB
The flyer for Anegada Lobster Festival 2017. Photo: BVITB
SETTING POINT, Anegada, VI- Virtually a slap in the face of Hurricane Irma, the 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival has drawn hundreds of persons to the sister island.

The 2-day culinary event kickstarted yesterday, November 25, 2017 with close to 500 persons making their way to the event.

“We have exceeded our expectations for the Anegada Lobster Festival this year,” Director of the BVI Tourist Board (BVITB) Ms Sharon Flax-Brutus stated this morning, November 26, 2017 as she took time out from greeting duties at the Ferry Dock on Setting Point to speak to the media.

According to Flax-Brutus, the BVITB was expecting a minimum of 200 to 300 persons each day; however, more than 450 persons attended yesterday.

“And that is not counting persons who came to Anegada on Friday. All of the hotels receiving visitors are filled,” Ms Flax-Brutus stated, adding that approximately 700 persons are expected on the island today.

In fact, the turnout is so overwhelming that rental cars and scooters are all taken and patrons are depending on the various taxis available to shuttle them to their various destinations.

Ferries to Anegada from Road Town, Tortola have had to make additional arrangements to get passengers to the island due to the unexpected turnout.

The 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival, dubbed the Cat 5 Edition, was scaled down due to the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria in September; however, from all indication the crowd has not scaled down.

Virgin Islands News online is on Anegada and will be bringing the action to you in a subsequent publication.

See previous article published November 25, 2017

‘Cat 5’ Annual Anegada Lobster Festival on today & tomorrow

Dubbed the ‘Cat 5’ Anegada Lobester Festival, the 2017 edition of the event kicks off today, November 25, 2017 and concludes tomorrow.

The event has been scaled down due to the destruction cause by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September, however, the 5th annual staging is still expected to be well attended.

Reports out of Anegada are that all the working hotels are booked, which is a plus for business on the sister island.

According to the BVI Tourist Board, the 5th annual Anegada Lobster Festival is for everyone who loves food, loves lobster, loves the Caribbean and dreams of the [British] Virgin Islands!

“The event was created to entice our community, visitors, new travellers and the niche market of food connoisseurs to the shores of the British Virgin Islands to experience our versatile tourism product.

“The British Virgin Islands Tourist Board, together with the population of Anegada, will feature talented local chefs who will be on hand to prepare, cook, and serve plated sample lobster dishes at participating Anegada restaurants,” according to a statement from the BVI Tourist Board.

Virgin Islands News Online will also bring you highlights of the 2-day culinary event.

8 Responses to “UPDATE: 5th Annual Anegada Lobster Festival catches the crowd”

  • ccc (25/11/2017, 12:29) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    We miss bigo already
  • zoe (25/11/2017, 17:55) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lets show irma and maria aint no stopping us now
    • WHAT?! (29/11/2017, 09:28) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      show who? Ya'll talk about the storms as though they are people. Jesus christ, move on. Then next year it will be another storm name peter and paul. you going show them to?? Get a grip!
  • Luvz (26/11/2017, 13:30) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    GOOD news we needed this!

    F U Irma
  • Normalcy (26/11/2017, 18:17) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Eat this Irma...Here's your Lobster!
  • Tourist (26/11/2017, 21:41) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Had a great time, the food was sooooo good. My husband almost had to roll me back on the boat after eating so much lobster. Looking forward to the next Lobster Festival.
  • visitor (27/11/2017, 09:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I travel a lot but, some of the best tasting lobster I have had so far. Delicious, suculant, mouthwatering and fresh. Kudos to the chefs.
  • de silent one (27/11/2017, 18:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow! The territory needed that so badly, Kudos to all persons involve in the staging of such a successful event. Hope that it can be built on for the other events and next year's own.

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