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UPDATE: 2 charged in relation to shooting outside Bobby's Supermarket

From left: Michael Albert Hatchett, 25, and Tamisha Dennis, 21, of Diamond Estate have been charged in relation to the shooting outside of Bobby’s Supermarket on March 20, 2022. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Royal Virgin Islands Police (RVIPF) has disclosed that two persons, a male and female, have been into custody in relation to last night’s incident where at least three vehicles and storefront window at Bobby’s Supermarket were damaged. Photo: VINO/File
The Royal Virgin Islands Police (RVIPF) has disclosed that two persons, a male and female, have been into custody in relation to last night’s incident where at least three vehicles and storefront window at Bobby’s Supermarket were damaged. Photo: VINO/File
A glass window of Bobby's Supermarket, along with 3 vehicles, was reportedly damaged by gunshots on March 20, 2022. Photo: VINO
A glass window of Bobby's Supermarket, along with 3 vehicles, was reportedly damaged by gunshots on March 20, 2022. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Two persons have been charged by police in relation to the shooting outside Bobby's Supermarket on Sunday, March 20, 2022.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in a press release today, March 22, 2022, said officers of the Special Investigation Team charged Michael Albert Hatchett, 25, of Diamond Estate with attempted murder.

Additionally, Hatchett was jointly charged with Tamisha  Dennis, 21, also of Diamond Estate with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, unlawful possession of ammunition and carrying an unlicenced firearm.

In Sunday night’s incident, three vehicles and the storefront window of Bobby’s Supermarket were damaged. Inquiries suggest that the targets were two individuals seated in a vehicle in the parking lot. However, no one was injured in the incident.

See previous article published March 21, 2022

2 arrested in relation to shooting outside Bobby’s Supermarket

The Royal Virgin Islands Police (RVIPF) has disclosed that two persons, a male and female, have been into custody in relation to last night’s incident where at least three vehicles and storefront window at Bobby’s Supermarket were damaged.

Police operation conducted this morning, March 21, 2022, resulted in their apprehension. No charges have been laid thus far, a press release from the RVIPF stated.

Police said initial inquiries suggest that, in the incident around 7:00pm, the targets were two individuals seated in one of the vehicles in the parking lot. However, no one was injured in that incident.

Innocent customers could have been shot- CoP Collins

Commissioner of Police Mark Collins noted his concern about the complete disregard to life and property in the early evening incident.

“Any number of innocent customers to this popular supermarket could have been struck and killed, or seriously injured in this reprehensible act. This could have easily been another life lost and another family in grief. No dispute is worth the loss of a life. Never, ever let anyone in your presence justify carrying a firearm. There is no justification. No one wins in the end,” the Commissioner noted.

Police continue their appeal to the public to report the whereabouts of any illegal firearms or any individual in possession of these weapons. Persons with information can contact the Special Investigation Team at 368-9155 or the RVIPF three-digit access number 311.

See previous story published March 20, 2022

Police investigating shooting in parking lot of Bobby's Supermarket in RT

Police are said to be investigating reports of gunshots in the parking lot of Bobby's Supermarket on De Castro Street in Road Town this evening, March 20, 2022.

According to reports reaching our newsroom, the shooting incident stemmed from an argument among three men in the parking lot.

No one was reportedly hurt; however, a glass window of the supermarket was reportedly damaged.

Police have since confirmed that a shooting did take place and that investigations are ongoing."

"RVIPF officers are presently in the parking lot in front of Bobby's Supermarket where reported gunshots were fired this evening. No injuries were reported. Vehicles and the glass window of the supermarket were damaged in the incident. Investigations are ongoing," the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) stated tonight, March 20, 2022.

55 Responses to “UPDATE: 2 charged in relation to shooting outside Bobby's Supermarket”

  • last night (20/03/2022, 23:18) Like (45) Dislike (5) Reply
    so much for protesting against guns last night. Speaking of protest; Where’s the BLMBVI? NOT once any of
    them lead a protest against the senseless violence.
    • Hm! (21/03/2022, 06:39) Like (66) Dislike (5) Reply
      They do not care! A bunch of young nuisances reaping havoc in the place and no one can tell them anything because they are so ignorant and the police them weak! They rather be friends than do their job! Tola is such a beautiful place to go to the dogs…. They need to make drastic law changes
    • @last night (21/03/2022, 06:39) Like (28) Dislike (9) Reply
      • @last night (22/03/2022, 07:37) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
        Maybe the youth parliament can help with this matter.
      • See (22/03/2022, 20:42) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
        In case you haven't noticed BLM is degenerated into a Marxist takeover movement with very little concern about the people it pretends to care about .
    • ... (21/03/2022, 07:34) Like (63) Dislike (13) Reply
      cmon man. Black lives matter was about ending unjust police violence against blacks in America where a simple traffic stop may result in being a person being killed by police or shot in the back while reaching for their wallet.

      you should stop confusing that movement with this recent media spun derailing of the idea behind "black lives matter" which justifies a racist perspective of the world. You obviously have a problem with "black lives matter" without understanding it at all. You missed the whole point but some people choose not to understand to continue being hateful.
      • @… (22/03/2022, 18:53) Like (4) Dislike (16) Reply
        You are absolutely correct!! However, why would anyone want to be associated with such a corrupt organization as BLM? What you left out is that the founders of BLM are now being arrested for spending donated money on themselves n not the fight that they PROMISED they were fighting for. All they did was start a big ole ruckus, beat people senseless n cause millions n millions of dollars worth of damage to hard working Americans property. People who have NOTHING to do with police brutality!
        • SMH (23/03/2022, 11:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

          You should verify that was One Couple in the Boston Area being reported on. Don't make it appear that All BLM Founders or Movement Creators are indulging in these fradulent Activities.
          If you going to Comment, do Research on Topic.
    • To last night (21/03/2022, 09:22) Like (44) Dislike (1) Reply
      Sorry to say, but you can march until your feet fall off and the gun violence will continue because what is needed is ACTION from those in charge.
    • Lawless (21/03/2022, 09:27) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
      I bet it was over a parking spot. Some people can't drive and always want to block vehicles with no care for others. When they block YOU in ...they end up getting a nasty attitude if you tell them to move
  • Scary (20/03/2022, 23:47) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
  • 3 O Clock (21/03/2022, 03:51) Like (23) Dislike (10) Reply
    thes guys moving with guns because law enforcement is a joke
  • west (21/03/2022, 06:10) Like (34) Dislike (4) Reply
    We the government have moneys for all nonsensical crap except priorities. Since Irma we the tax payers waiting on more functional street lights and Island wide cameras. Private buisness have ask the government to assist in donating and adding cameras to parking areas and the dumb founded government REFUSED. SMH!!
  • WHAT!!! (21/03/2022, 06:18) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hopefully there are some working cameras in the area. Every argument someone has to pull a gun.
  • another (21/03/2022, 06:56) Like (27) Dislike (7) Reply
    Three animals escape from the jungle and cannot function in a civilized society. They need to be recaptured and send back to the jungle where they originated from with a neck tracking collar.
  • Hate to say it (21/03/2022, 07:08) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    But all these goons out here that is shooting up the place and people need to be caught and sealed up alive in a gas drum and drop in the deepest part of the sea.
  • again (21/03/2022, 21:02) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where,'s the pics of these sleeze balls.In the a.m they on the street again.I want to know.who.I'm sitting next to in the park
  • @ Hmmmm (21/03/2022, 23:11) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    if your mom was there and got killed would you sing that same song NIGGA and
  • W*F (22/03/2022, 03:28) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
    so sad we need help with mental health
  • we (22/03/2022, 05:10) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Have more guns on d street than people it is a shame something have to be done because you do not feel safe any more those two shall be deal with
  • jah (22/03/2022, 07:39) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    There are need for changes in government..old politician always fighting to get back into power or try to put someone who they can puppet because they had the taste of wealth,so many projects was awarded and give out,how many is completed and being inspected for satisfaction and good complex should be a rehabilitation center for crazy people on the island because millions spending on that building and it can't complete..they are spending money on palm trees rather than fixing the admin building or the high school,they are so many ways this government are waistin money..east end is one of the most populated area where so much could be done but it's a shame the district representative doesn't really care how the road is,he could afford to buy new tires and new vehicles but ordinary citizens has to live with it.
    • Swamp Stuff (22/03/2022, 23:45) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      The scum of these VI are identifiable. They are but one and only one demographic and was/ continues to be installed as a power and agent virus. Their DNA is notably vile and violent in the neighboring places where they and their parents originated and in any and anywhere they are granted permission to migrate. Truth and verifiable facts. Why does the Gov of the VI choose to continue to defile our lives and our home country is anyones
  • stupid (22/03/2022, 14:40) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    They young people can't solve a problem without a gun
    • @stupid (22/03/2022, 23:14) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      They sure can’t. That is how far gone most of them are.
    • Lucy Fa (23/03/2022, 07:43) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      A specific set of young people and their mommy daddies Uncles and Aunties. Unknown to the VI names of evil personification.
      The only portion of the VI population that needs to be obliterated for our economic survival,character and decency. The curse curse that they carry is worse than a deadly virus every and anywhere they go.
  • Wonderful (22/03/2022, 21:36) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    They endangered innocent lives that night. Put their blasted mug shots out in the event that they are seen the public can at least be on guard.If they wanted to blow each other away they should have gone somewhere desolate and blow each other away without putting the innocent public in danger.
  • Not surprising (22/03/2022, 22:15) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    oh! just two members of the “we outside massive “ Anyone surprise must be a clown; The only thing is surprising is how fast they got caugh; It have more to go!!!
  • ….on point (22/03/2022, 22:43) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Said thing I heard is his older brother he was trying to hit…their father gots to be in big disarray.great full one son is here and disappointed that he is about to lose one to the system
  • Thanks (22/03/2022, 23:26) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks for posting the mugs. I see them, I am heading in the other direction, they hot right now. That shooting in the parking lot and bullets flying everywhere did it for me. They put so many innocent people lives in danger with their reckless behavior.
  • City girls down 10 points (22/03/2022, 23:28) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    I need all those “hot girls “ to take a good look. Take a long look. The attitude and behavior a lot of you have will absolutely put you all in the same position. The hot girl bad girl, drug money girl attitude a lot of you’ll picked up; While ahead quit! City girls down 10 point “absolutely not surprising or sorry for none of them family or NOT.
  • HHH (23/03/2022, 00:27) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    He should be the poster boy for selling watermelons
    • @HHH (23/03/2022, 09:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      He is to damn fugly and grungy looking to be anything poster boy. Gangster poster boy maybe.
  • Madussa (23/03/2022, 01:16) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
    Have no mercy on these two low-down dirty dogs! Make an example of them if the courts are serious about gun control and murders. They attempted to kill, missed, and could have shot and killed innocent people. NO! THIS CANNOT CONTINUE!!!! These people have turned our beautiful safe islands into killing fields. Throw the book at these sleazeballs and don't mess up so they get out on bail and flee these islands! Make them pay!!!!
  • T (23/03/2022, 06:53) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    I wander what those two idiot was thinking face of an angel but d heart of d devil
  • @ WONDERFUL (23/03/2022, 07:35) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
  • resident (23/03/2022, 08:47) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Set a example and punish the two bottom feeders to the full extent of the law. Can’t allow them to be walking around to do it again.
  • faith (23/03/2022, 09:36) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    And the only good thing that came out of this shooting, is that the idiot dont even know how to hit the target.
  • Wayne DEAD (23/03/2022, 10:05) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dude is an hot head idiot. Can't wait to get my hands on his sweet ting while he up Balo with man.
    • Really (23/03/2022, 12:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      So you don't see that she was charged as well? Duh!!!!
      • hnn (23/03/2022, 14:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        She will get away he will own up to it all
        • @hnn (24/03/2022, 19:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          She kn I wiggly and willingly lured him to be murdered.
          She participated and was a leading player in the planning and the exceution.
          Whether or not he own up to it ,no matter . She is as guilty as if she pulled the trigger.
          Note; She was knowledgeable and fully aware of everything beginning during and after but did not report it to the authorities.
          Hope she get at least 3 consecutive life terms,preferably in a dungeon somewhere.
  • hmmm (23/03/2022, 10:20) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    have you ever listen to young locals arguing? first thing they say is I will shoot your muda so and so. everything for them is shoot shoot and it look like they mean it.
  • Smh (23/03/2022, 10:31) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hit them hard to the point where they s..t and piss on themselves at the same time. This out of control shooting up the place and putting innocent peoples in danger must stop.
  • Harsh but …. (23/03/2022, 10:36) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Be it male or female that is caught with a illegal gun take a chain saw to both hands and they will never pick up a gun again.
    • facts (23/03/2022, 14:49) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Chop both their hands with a chain saw. That will help eliminate the gun violence. You can’t pick up or use a gun hand less.
  • Romeo (23/03/2022, 10:36) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    The peoples, our ancestors,our children andtheir future deserves an apology and an explanation from the producers production of earthly demons such as these now proliferating in habitats of these VI. Repeatedly birthing entities such as these in your home countries and wherever you stray,is a crime against all humanity.
  • blm (23/03/2022, 12:12) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Black lives also matters when blacks kills blacks. As I see it now, there are more Black men killing each other daily than any other factor in our environment. Just look right across the Caribbean where our black brothers are perpetrating so much violence on each other daily.
    • IMO (23/03/2022, 14:19) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Is that all you see when you look? Do you see the conditions and factors being equal between those black men and other men in other circumstances. Europeans also kill Europeans, do their lives not matter? Some of us wouldn't know sense is if slapped us in our face everyday.
  • Government (23/03/2022, 12:23) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    Tortola is "Gone to HELL in a Hand BASKET" since the 2000's, because the Immigration Laws Sucks!
  • The strangest thing (23/03/2022, 14:14) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    and again.. they can post everyone else male and female pics... but we still cant see pics of those smiths.. they got a free pass i guess.. still not sure why they are special or they related to some judge or politician.
  • Big piece melon (23/03/2022, 18:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Antiiii what I see in here! Big piece melon for mannn

    Rip Tamma
  • Lillian (24/03/2022, 13:04) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    black people always taking the excuses of slavery and their color they never wants to admit when they do wrong!! im fed up with these stupedness

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