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Undermined section of road near Carrot Bay collapses

A section of a road that was undermining for years in Fortune Ghut collapsed last night, October 4, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
The damaged road is located at the foot of Apple Bay Hill and motorists have been asked to proceed with caution while in the area. Photo: Team of Reporters
The damaged road is located at the foot of Apple Bay Hill and motorists have been asked to proceed with caution while in the area. Photo: Team of Reporters
CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI- A section of a road that was undermining for years in Fortune Ghut collapsed last night, October 4, 2023.

The damaged road is located at the foot of Apple Bay Hill and motorists have been asked to proceed with caution while in the area.

No one was reported injured due to the section of the road collapsing.

The road was compromised for years and boulders had been placed to prevent motorists from driving on the affected section.

33 Responses to “Undermined section of road near Carrot Bay collapses”

  • (05/10/2023, 08:21) Like (56) Dislike (2) Reply
    Such an embarrassment!
    • Yes it is. (05/10/2023, 09:56) Like (41) Dislike (2) Reply
      Imagine that road was undermined during the passage of hurricane Irma SIX (6) years ago. Damn shame!!!!
      • To Yes it is (05/10/2023, 13:57) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
        This is true but the sea defense project which started in 2022 and stop included fixing this problem as part of the phased project so ask the authorities why the project was started but was never completed. They traveling enough to have shift the funds to complete the project.
  • 1eye (05/10/2023, 08:51) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
  • smh (05/10/2023, 09:00) Like (49) Dislike (5) Reply
    Since Irma that road like that and they've done absolutely NOTHING to rectify it. No regard for the residents just put a set of big rocks and cones there like that magically fixed the problem. Waste of time Gov't
    • god is watching (05/10/2023, 10:10) Like (38) Dislike (31) Reply
      God for allyo! Allyo keep voting for these people! All these people want to do is to get your vote to go traveling all over the world. Allyo will learn!
      • @god is watching (05/10/2023, 13:54) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
        Indeed God is watching and knows the truth and not the one you and others and the UK putting forward as gospel and the truth. I am so glad God does not think nor work like some of you or we all would be innocently killed.
    • Faithful (05/10/2023, 10:17) Like (26) Dislike (10) Reply
      So you are saying it was undermined since Hurricane Irma. Then both NDP and VIP were governing over that period of time, so don't go blaming VIP alone, blame both
      • Broomstick (06/10/2023, 07:21) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply

        NDP had 2 years to fix it and much of that time was devoted to immediate relief. But VIP had 2 years to think about it plus 4 years to fix it. VIP is the problem.

  • PETER CRUMBLING (05/10/2023, 09:02) Like (38) Dislike (2) Reply
    • WO (05/10/2023, 12:25) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      23 million gone in Powder
    • @PETER CRUMBLING (05/10/2023, 13:48) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      As usual false accusations out of malice.
    • To PETER CRUMBLING (05/10/2023, 14:03) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      What an intentional misrepresentation of the facts. You full well know the funds were not given away like you are trying to put it as it was covid related. Also Andrew did what he was suppose to do and started the project which included the sea wall to protect Carrot Bay from future hurricanes. The project included the fixing of the same road which collapsed. Kye has to answer why it was stop. The Government has to answer why it was not finished. I was to a public meeting hosted by fahie & Kye at the SDA youth building when we were informed and give input on the project so I know fahie did his part and I must come to his defense from some of you evil minded people.
    • Oh Please (05/10/2023, 14:08) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      Stop lying on the man as there is no record to show fahie give away 23 million dollars to any one district so stop your foolishness. Ah just sick ah some of ayo. The next disaster some of ayo should be left to suffer
    • time will tell (05/10/2023, 15:33) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      That's how you secure votes and buy loyalty. Getting back in was worth more than fixing that. Fixing would have happened eventually with the sea defence project and more money would have been funneled into various pockets. But COI and his demise happened before. The plan was thwarted. Not enough funds were allocated to the project. Yet the entire coast line was dug out and a chasm left for us all to run into. The entire village of Carrot Bay should bring a class action suit against the govt for negligence and demand that the project be completed forthwith.
      • @time will tell (06/10/2023, 07:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        You definitely have a problem that no man can solve. Since you know it all and are so perfect then run for office and fix all the problems. SMDH.
      • @ time will tell (06/10/2023, 08:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        We will see about his so called demise as God alone determines the future and not you or anyone. In addition, the COI was not transparent and not done for the right reasons but for a specific outcome and time alone will reveal this very soon.
  • Bad Infrasture (05/10/2023, 09:12) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    If we are not putting in the time and money to properly construct our roads we will always be creating hazard to people lives during these time. You just can't throw asphalt on road and smooth it out. When the rain comes down in abundance it will break away. Wha happen to Mixing concrete and gravel and then overlay it with the asphalt. This is madness all around our country. Rain come and all our roads breaking up. More money to fill all the pot holes with ashphalt. Government people we need to get it right. All of you are grown professionals. Put your heads together for the good of your country over self.
  • backwards (05/10/2023, 09:42) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    Those rocks you see on top of the asphalt have been there for years, warning people not to drive on that side. This issue has been KNOWN and should have been fixed LONG ago.
  • Boulders (05/10/2023, 09:42) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
    was the repair for this section of undermined roadway????

    The disgraced premier commenced the expensive construction of a stone and concrete sea defence in Carrot Bay before his arrest. Why wasn't this undermined section of road properly repaired then???
    • @Boulders (05/10/2023, 13:52) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      For your information the fixing of this same road was part of the entire sea defense project which started but has stop so don't blame fahie. There were public meritings on it and those who want to be honest can attest to it. Ask the now Premier and Minister of Communications & works why the project was stop and why hasn't it continued. Time will tell for all of you who believe nothing should be done in Carrot Bay and the first district.
  • Who To Blame? (05/10/2023, 09:42) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Rhymes with tye dimer
    • @Who To Blame? (05/10/2023, 14:05) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Kye and his government cares nothing about Carrot Bay and District one. The project to fix this road and the course line was stop without any explanation to the people. Had it been completed then this would not be a talk. Kye is a failure in that ministry. He needs to be replaced.
      • @@Who To Blame? (05/10/2023, 16:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Base on the one before him, A serious question, " To Be Replaced" by who? may I ask
      • On Point (05/10/2023, 16:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        I am glad someone spoke up with FACTS!
  • YOU ALL (05/10/2023, 09:58) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Complaining like you all supprised , gimme ah break , ask the canary on this site , who always hollering g out " free the drew" and blaming the UK for everything under yhe sun / that's the wigged one
  • Real Talk (05/10/2023, 10:43) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply

    BUNCH OF SK***T Six long years

  • No pity (05/10/2023, 13:58) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    To simply put it , D1 like other districts was completely ignored for rolling years. I am happy that there were no casualties as this was just another accident waiting to happen. I can only conclude that the residents on that side of the district was satisfied with this long standing issue along with other outstanding road problems that confront them on a daily basis. As far as I know it is the
    same set of people who will go to the extreme during the campaign season and get vex with anyone and everyone who do not support the VIP candidate in the district.; and since May 14, 1995 that’s what is has been.
    Is it that both the district representative and the residents of the north are blind or is it that they are simply fooled every four years and then ignored? Mother Nature will alert us.
    • @No pity (05/10/2023, 16:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Okay Carnie & B. To say nothing has been done for the people of the 1st District since 1995 is just wicked and ignorant.
    • To NO pity (05/10/2023, 16:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am from that side of the district and I too want to see it fixed. But alot has been done since 1995. I know alot of us who came from not too well off family who could not help us to get to college to better ourselves and our family and country. Fahie came forward and ensured alot of us got that opportunity. He did not give us a fish but thought us how to fish. There are other things I can mention but will stop there for now but I cannot sit back and let this current problem be used as open season on fahie as if many things have not been done and many people's life and their family's life have not been improved. That would sound good but it will not be the truth.
  • U GOT THE GOVERNMENT U DESERVE (05/10/2023, 16:29) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
  • Carrot Bay woman (05/10/2023, 16:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't want to hear some of you blaming fahie because we all knew the road that was damaged was part of the phased coast shore protection project. A few of you in the village who live in the hills where the hurricanes do not affect on the coast line of Carrot Bay was strongly opposing the project and was glad to do and do until you got the project stop. Now the rubber hit the road you want to come on this site posting ignorance. I also blame the current government members for listening to some of you. If they didn't then the road and coast line would be fixed and the few devils would still be in your hell hole. Blame your own dam selves. Let us see what you all will say when the hurricane comes and we on the coast line are once again affected from the damages because the protection project was stop for nothing other than bad wicked minded people coming on here chatting piddle.
  • Quiet Rebel (05/10/2023, 19:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    If this failure has been there since Hurricane Irma, shame on Kye, Mark, Jeremy; it is gross negligence, exposing motorists to unnecessary risk. Anyway, the road network is a deteriorated condition with poor design, construction, ie, no crown on road, poor cross slopes, poor drainage, etc and poor maintenance, which are contributing factors to premature deterioration. Can we do more better than this; it is poor grammar as is the roads poor construction. Someone fool us that a smooth road is a good road. No, it is necessarily so. If the the road has failed , and as numerous other bloggers have blogged about, the proper fix for a failed road is complete reconstruction. We are wasting money laying asphalt over failed roads; let’s stop the waste of taxpayers money. Taxpayers are shelling out cash but getting poor services. Someone needs to account for the poor service.

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