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UN Ambassador calls out UK’s unwillingness to decolonise VI

- Dr Walton A. Webson says principles of self-governance not always being respected
Dr Walton A. Webson, an Antiguan diplomat and Ambassador to the United Nations has called out disrespect from the United Kingdom (UK) Government towards the territory of the Virgin Islands (VI) regarding the mutual respect that the territories should share. Photo: Internet Source
Concerns over the relationship between the UK and VI has also been raised by local media and political pundits who said there are suspicions that a hastily called Commission of Inquiry (CoI) by former embattled Governor, Augustus J.U. Jaspert is also a plan of the UK to take control of the territory and impose its policies. Bishop John I. Cline in photo. Photo: Facebook/File
Concerns over the relationship between the UK and VI has also been raised by local media and political pundits who said there are suspicions that a hastily called Commission of Inquiry (CoI) by former embattled Governor, Augustus J.U. Jaspert is also a plan of the UK to take control of the territory and impose its policies. Bishop John I. Cline in photo. Photo: Facebook/File
Caricom also indicated that heads of Government were dismayed at the manner in which the CoI was established with no consultation, or prior communication, between the UK government and the duly-elected government of the British Virgin Islands. Photo: Internet Source
Caricom also indicated that heads of Government were dismayed at the manner in which the CoI was established with no consultation, or prior communication, between the UK government and the duly-elected government of the British Virgin Islands. Photo: Internet Source
NEW YORK CITY, New York – Dr Walton A. Webson, an Antiguan diplomat and Ambassador to the United Nations has called out the lack of respect from the United Kingdom (UK) Government towards the territory of the Virgin Islands (VI) regarding the mutual respect that the territories should share.

Addressing the UN on June 14, 2021, Dr Webson told the UN delegation during a substantive session with the UN Special Committee on Decolonisation (C-24 Session) that the disrespect from the UK comes even as the VI is being considered a ‘low hanging fruit’ for decolonisation.

Ending Colonialism 

Dr Webson, who is also chairman of the Alliance of Small Island States, noted, “The British Virgin Islands remains one of the possible… what we determine as low hanging fruits in this process to seek countries to assist in removing and transitioning from colonialism to full self-determination,” he said.

“Madam Chair we are concerned with the recent matters that would suggest that the Government of the United Kingdom does not always fully respect the principles of self-governance, self-determination and the boundaries agreed upon with the long-standing arrangement between the United Kingdom Government and the Island Nation of the British Virgin Islands,” he said.

Dr Webson comment’s come as the UK has been accused of seeking to hinder VI’s progress to full independence in favour of a UK Global Agenda as outlined in their ‘“Global Britain and the British Overseas Territories: Resetting the relationship: Government response to the Committee’s Fifteenth Report,” February 2019 publication.

UK Global agenda 

According to the document, “It is time for all OTs to legalise same-sex marriage and for the UK Government to do more than simply support it in... It must be prepared to step in, as it did in 2001 when an Order in Council decriminalised homosexuality in OTs that had refused to do so.”

Another recommendation that has far-reaching consequences is removing belongership status and its equivalents. It said these provisions are wrong and is calling for UK residents to have voting rights and for them to be allowed to run for office in Overseas Territories.

“While we recognise that the OTs are small communities with unique cultural identities, we do not accept that there is any justification to deny legally-resident British Overseas Territory and UK citizens the right to vote and to hold elected office,” it said.

More Concerns over UK relationship with VI 

Concerns over the relationship between the UK and VI has also been raised by local media and political pundits who said there are suspicions that a hastily called Commission of Inquiry (CoI) by the former embattled Governor, Augustus J.U. Jaspert, is also a plan of the UK to take control of the territory and impose its policies.

With regard to the same CoI, CARICOM in a statement on February 26, 2021, said, “Heads of Government are cognisant of the disquiet that has arisen among the people of the British Virgin Islands about the establishment of the COI.”

Caricom also indicated that heads of Government were dismayed at the manner in which the CoI was established, with no consultation, or prior communication, between the UK government and the duly-elected government of the Virgin Islands.

43 Responses to “UN Ambassador calls out UK’s unwillingness to decolonise VI”

  • Rubber Duck (16/07/2021, 20:10) Like (33) Dislike (7) Reply
    Ok, so next time we need some marines, or free vaccines or a hospital ship or a world respected legal system , we can call on Dr Webcam. Right.
    • @Rubberk Duck (17/07/2021, 06:54) Like (22) Dislike (22) Reply
      You need to check your tainted prejudice mindset. You sound like a white UK person who believes that black people don't have a capabilities to govern themselves and it's only because of the colour of their skin. Change your mentality Nelson.
      • Rubber Duck (17/07/2021, 09:29) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        You are wrong about everything.
      • W*F (17/07/2021, 10:13) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
        Nobody asked for this man's help. When we the people are ready to go independent we will send that message. This is NOT a decision for self serving politicians and hangers-on. So my Antiguan friend myfb.
        • who is this ? (18/07/2021, 21:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          who is this man, no one vote for him, how he in our business so ? Mr shut up sit down and mind your business, we dont need the likes of you getting involved
    • josiah'sbay (17/07/2021, 09:40) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      When you can show me where they have given more than they have taken from these VI, I'll give you a listen ear.
      • Rubber Duck (17/07/2021, 10:55) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        Little point in arguing about history. It’s the situation today that counts. And we get quite a bit from them at present.

        It’s not coincidence that the OTs are the richest countries in the Caribbean.

  • jah (16/07/2021, 20:15) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
    The award of the year goes to this you live in your parents house and you telling them they are disrespectful? And they need to leave you to do as you like?
  • Well (16/07/2021, 20:46) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Mind yours (16/07/2021, 20:59) Like (25) Dislike (8) Reply
    Have the people of the Virgin Islands asked to become independent? If not, the UN needs to mind their business.
    • josiah'sbay (17/07/2021, 09:48) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
      @ Mind yours, On the contrary the general rule of pre disengagement from your colonizer should come from the UN or some international body and not from the former colonizer. That's the best way to secure the rights and needs of both sides.
    • Realidad (22/07/2021, 10:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Colonies are the business of the U.N. Even the UK recognizes that since they have six in the Caribbean about which they report annually to the UN Secretary-General.
  • smh (16/07/2021, 21:35) Like (27) Dislike (7) Reply
    BVI has NO substantial or sufficient means of going independent. People need to Stop with the Shinanigans. What are they trying to see the No.1 Yatching Industry falls lower than 3rd World
  • Neckx (16/07/2021, 21:51) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    As if the government isn't friggin us enough...imagine if they had full control SMH
  • Rubber Duck (16/07/2021, 21:55) Like (6) Dislike (26) Reply
    Time to March against the racist coi
    • Sad duck (17/07/2021, 09:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Are you so in love with the Duck that you have to try to be him?
  • Instigator (16/07/2021, 22:54) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    In the midst of our suffering why now?
  • Desperate (16/07/2021, 23:00) Like (44) Dislike (5) Reply
    Sorry, who the heck is this guy and who cares what he thinks!??
  • Independence? (16/07/2021, 23:24) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    If we leave the UK there are far too many things to consider:

    1. Who will assist us in times like these?
    We just received a shipment of vaccines from the same. The stimulus funds from the previous lockdown also came from the same.
    2. Who will keep the local government's corruption in line?
    If you think it's bad now, imagine when they don't have to look over their shoulder.
    3. Where will the youth go to University?
    Currently there are many avenues through which local residents can study abroad. Particularly in the UK, as citizens, which remains a cheaper (and safer) option than the US.

    I'd be interested in a reallocation of responsibility regarding policy but true independence, I'm not sure. Next big hurricane what will happen? We will ask them for assistance from the kindness of their hearts?
    • josiah'sbay (17/07/2021, 09:53) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      That's what independence is all about, the ability to make choices, form alliances and make deals. The UK is not the only fish in the sea, there may be better ones.
      • Such as (17/07/2021, 12:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Oh, so you rather we owned by China? Or drug cartels? Or some homegrown dictator? We too small to go it lone. Look even the UK is falling apart because it left EU to 'go it on its own'. Colonialist situation we in might be bad on paper, but is better than worse in real life.
  • Same sex marriage (16/07/2021, 23:49) Like (2) Dislike (13) Reply
    More grown man & woman smoking vaping and eating bush but decriminalizing based on culture is not on the agenda. Colonization in a nutshell. Flood the place with looters settlers or voters and displace the natives one way or the other.

    I don’t want transgender pushed on children in schools. homosexuals get a pass meanwhile English heaven forbids man to burn corn. Rofl

    Homosexuality is illegal it’s 2021 we’re not putting them in jail for being gay but why do we allow them to put a human with a joint in jail???
  • You have made some good points, but can you assist id with our troubling problem, Covid-19? st (17/07/2021, 00:18) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    If not, please stop your spuring us with political jabs at this time. Our primary focus is how to fight sucessfully against covid-19. Cam you help us, and will you?

  • vex (17/07/2021, 01:12) Like (6) Dislike (29) Reply
    • Rack (17/07/2021, 07:57) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Your comment is racist? UK are just waiting to get rid of the BVI as its a pain in the ass. UK passports are to be given back- you belongers ready for that?
  • Lodger. (17/07/2021, 02:10) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    You want independence? Get the government to hold a referendum so the people can have their say. If we vote yes the UK will wish us well with a big sigh of relief.
  • trap (17/07/2021, 05:48) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ask that man how many of his people had to run to BVI to feed their families after his country got independence. He must first find out what the people of these islands want before trying to represent atUN. Who can give him that authority without a referramdum being held? The populace must have a voice in such decision.
  • Pure & Simple (17/07/2021, 07:24) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    It would appear that some people are looking under every rock to find what I don't know. "UN Ambassador" What can he do for us? Did any of the other Ambassadors present rise in support? I am tired of reading how corrupt the UK Government is. We know the answer. I am more concern about finding out if my Government is. I think we should put this fight with the UK on hold until we bring our COVID 19 outbreak under control
  • Covid19 (17/07/2021, 07:28) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    They more worry about losing the american don't see there country is going down the ghut...u are second class citizens in a country u was born because the white man can still come an push u around because u under them as british territory
  • tola (17/07/2021, 07:54) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is not the time for this headline we have people dying if Covid 19 and we need all the help we can get from UK. 12 deaths now plus the 1 from last year. If belongers don't get vaccinated there wont be many left if they die of Covid.
  • stupid. (17/07/2021, 09:09) Like (1) Dislike (20) Reply
    Well this one beats all.
    Imagine we are to the point of a stste of emmergency with our increasing rate of covid 19 cases. We havent done good tracing at all, but yet firrst thing this morning is a cruise ship docking in at our cruise ship port.
    Who is fooling who ?, and who are to be blaimed for this assishness?
  • fromafar (17/07/2021, 09:12) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    i watching and many more like me .I see the comments and the self interest of many living in this country placed before the the country's needs and its people. the day soon come when the sheep will be separated from the goats. We love all people and we welcome all, but respect our values , customs , life , do not allow greed , and our love and kindness to be
    misunderstood , and disrespected.
  • LeaveBarbudaAlone (17/07/2021, 09:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Like this guy's government is anti colonialism. Look how they stole Barbuda from Barbudans and sold it to billionaires to build 'exclusive' 'paradise' properties. Barbudans loose 100s of years of shared ownership of their own land. Antigua politicians get 100s of 1000s of dollars to put in their offshore bank accounts.
    Imagine we just sell Anegada or JvD so Fahie and dem can make extra millions.
    Decolonize yes. But don't let thieves and gnagsters take over or this is what happens.
    • Ponzi Schemer (17/07/2021, 13:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Alan Stanford Bought the place and all the politicians too probably including him.
    • BuzzBvi (17/07/2021, 13:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are definitely on point here. NDP already sold out Norman Island and its seabed here. Oil Nut and its seabed. Little Dix Bay it's sea bed and beach. Peter Island long gone. Guana, Mosquito. The have not tried anything on the scale of Barbuda yet but were happy to consider it as a container port. All will be well if we can get Mr Gaskin running the place! Definitely a man that knows what is going on if he could only remember!! Hee hee.
  • @ ONLY ASKING (17/07/2021, 10:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    • @@only asking (17/07/2021, 12:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you anti racism why you using their computer/cell phone, internet, motor vehicle, language, food, clothing and everything else? Try using your brain.
  • Dancing in the sunshine (17/07/2021, 12:12) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Where there is no vision the people perish. The time has come for the residents of these beautiful islands try to live in unity to defeat the invisible enemy. We are fighting two wars simultaneously. One is COVID-19 and the other the British aggression towards us. I an extremely sorry for many of our people because they don't focus on the issues that surround us, rathe they are focusing on the dollar. They may have the money but the country will be in foreign hands who will dictate how we spend the money. One of my greatest displeasure is for a descendant of the slave master to rule over me at any time. Let us bind ourselves together and work for our freedom. Let us prepare because one day they will tell us that we need to go on our own and we will be like a fowl without head.
  • YOW (17/07/2021, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • dua (17/07/2021, 15:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    @josiah'sbay Like China? that we don't need.
  • wow (17/07/2021, 18:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We got two devil to pick one ...wen will it stop....politics the same dam thing
  • samuel (18/07/2021, 21:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVIslanders will be stupid to simply allow the UK to take over and not protest. Are we that foolish to allow the British to recolonize the Virgin Islands? Certainly some of us appeared to be that stupid that we long to go back in chains.

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