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UN adopts resolution against UK Order in Council & Direct Rule

-VI people must freely determine future political status- UN
December 28th, 2022 | Tags: UN resolution Order in Council Direct Rule UK Colonialism
The United Nations General Assembly on December 12, 2022, has adopted a resolution on the question of the [British] Virgin Islands contained in the 2022 Report on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Photo: UN/Internet Source
The resolution further Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of the Virgin Islands to self-determination, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and it Also reaffirms that, in the process of decolonization of the British Virgin Islands, there is no alternative to the principle of self-determination, which is also a fundamental human right, as recognized under the relevant human rights conventions. Photo: Internet Source
The resolution further Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of the Virgin Islands to self-determination, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and it Also reaffirms that, in the process of decolonization of the British Virgin Islands, there is no alternative to the principle of self-determination, which is also a fundamental human right, as recognized under the relevant human rights conventions. Photo: Internet Source
NEW YORK, USA – The United Nations General Assembly on December 12, 2022, adopted a resolution on the question of the [British] Virgin Islands contained in the 2022 Report on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

This comes after the UN at its 77th session of the General Assembly in New York restated it is deeply concerned that the United Kingdom is holding an Order in Council in reserve to impose direct rule on the people of the British Virgin Islands at its discretion.

The resolution takes note of the agreement of the administering Power (UK) to the proposal by the territorial Government of National Unity on the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry without the need for a temporary partial suspension of the Constitution.

It also expressed concern that the administering Power put an Order in Council on hold to partially suspend the Constitution if the Government of the United Kingdom assesses that the implementation of the recommendations does not proceed satisfactorily.

The resolution further Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of the Virgin Islands to self-determination, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and it Also reaffirms that, in the process of decolonization of the British Virgin Islands, there is no alternative to the principle of self-determination, which is also a fundamental human right, as recognized under the relevant human rights conventions.

VI people must freely determine future political status- UN

The resolution further added that, “Further reaffirms that it is ultimately for the people of the British Virgin Islands to determine freely their future political status in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter, the Declaration and the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, and in that connection calls upon the administering Power, in cooperation with the territorial Government and appropriate bodies of the United Nations system, to develop political education programmes for the Territory in order to foster an awareness among the people of their right to self-determination in conformity with the legitimate political status options, based on the principles clearly defined in Assembly resolution 1541 (XV) and other relevant resolutions and decisions."

It pointed to the 2007 Constitution of the Virgin Islands and stresses the importance of continued discussions on constitutional matters, to accord greater responsibility to the territorial Government for the effective implementation of the Constitution and increased levels of education relating to constitutional matters. 

The resolution also called for the full respect of the Constitution and the mutual agreement with respect to the recommendations of the report of the Commission of Inquiry and calls upon all parties involved to maintain dialogue and work in partnership in the interest of the people of the Territory.

51 Responses to “UN adopts resolution against UK Order in Council & Direct Rule”

  • Easy Answer (28/12/2022, 10:44) Like (39) Dislike (38) Reply
    Hold a referendum if the BVI wants to be governed by drug running corrupt & self enriching politicians or by the UK?
    • To Easy Answer (28/12/2022, 11:30) Like (40) Dislike (12) Reply
      Your post is definitely from the colonial group because you assume that the governors are not corrupt and that is your first mistake. The issue is there is no system in place to hold governors and their actions accountable. At least you can vote out elected officials.
      • Boo (28/12/2022, 14:09) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
        none of them arrested and charged for drugs and conspiracy though
        • TO boo (28/12/2022, 14:56) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
          Not yet because they are the ones who organizes COI, audits and others down fall because they are in charge of the law enforcement so it does not extend to them. Go check them and their family out that served in the BVI and you may be shocked.
        • TO boo (31/12/2022, 01:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          We will never know because they are in charge of the police force so they will never look into themselves. This is a break down of democracy.
    • @ easy answer (28/12/2022, 11:32) Like (20) Dislike (8) Reply
      But its the UK and governor who do drugs and are corrupt
    • @Easy Answer (29/12/2022, 10:40) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am not a political person and do agree the BVI has seen some trying times. But to give the impression that nothing was done good over the years even with the VIP Government despite the current events which time will dictate for us is not fair nor accurate. Nor is it fair to paint everyone with the same brush. First of all I personally think the Government handled events of COVID fairly well as it was a challenge worldwide and still is as most economies have not recovered as yet. Next, remember the VIP Government came in to office on the heels of the aftermath of the destruction of two category five hurricanes where we never recovered or began to address the damages to our physical infrastructure and add that to COVID then one must be fair and say that the vip government had challenges to overcome that no other government in the world had to face and address all at once. So it is easy to criticize them and that is the democratic thing to do but also let us be fair to them because they kept the ship steady and got many needed things done with plenty more to do. Again I am neither VIP or NDP or any political party supporter but calling it how I see it without playing politics or getting into hatred. By the way the UK has not given much help to the BVI over the years so let us not forget that.
    • @Easy Answer: Time for balance (15/01/2023, 19:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Any country that has any leader above the law and instead have them being the law is a country under a dictatorship. Currently the President of America and former President have to answer questions about concerns raised about their questionable actions. The system and not "a one man" or "a small group of senior public Officers" will determine the process and outcome. However, in the 21st century the Governor of the UK is above the law and will become the law by suspending a constitution and run a country how they see fit through two orders in council. This is dictatorship. In the 21st century when the Governor alone can call a COI & determine the terms of reference and the Commissioner for the COI and the staff is dictatorship. To add insult to injury that no one can call a COI on him or have him looked into as he alone is over the police force and audit and he alone can call a COI. THIS IS DICTATORSHIP!!! In the 21st century when a Governor can fail the police force especially in terms of development of the human capital & fail the public service but have these and more failures and questionable actions covered up by high handed actions geared at showing the apparent failure of others is not democracy but dictatorship. If the president of the USA is allowed to be held accountable by the law and the people, then so can the Governor and those UK senior public Officials over the Governor. Let us stop letting them play games with our minds and our future. It is time for balance. It is time for fairness. It is time to eliminate this kind of double standards. There should be no discrepancy between how leaders are handled by the law and the judiciary and audit and the overall system. Time to stop colonialism and dictatorships.
  • Lose-Lose (28/12/2022, 10:55) Like (25) Dislike (11) Reply
    If we stay dependent, we have these people hanging over our heads, if we go independent, we have a set of numb skulls running the country.
    • To lose lose (28/12/2022, 12:58) Like (26) Dislike (10) Reply
      We built this country ourselves without the UK and your help so that ungrateful people like you can enjoy it today yet you post piddle.
      • Lose-Lose (28/12/2022, 14:08) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
        First of all, I was born right here in this territory and was part of the "building up" so i could talk "piddle" as much as I want, the truth is the truth, our current leaders cannot lead us into proper independence.
  • Sigh (28/12/2022, 11:08) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    Somewhere in the UN it also says that lack of water and clean air are Human Rights violation.
    These violations are a matter of life and death.
    What have they done about these two ongoing violations in the BVI .
  • AMAZING BVI (28/12/2022, 11:10) Like (21) Dislike (7) Reply
    It is amazing how we run to all organizations to help us in this fight against direct rule by UK but yet when these very people we appeal to come here to work or to buy land or to live among us, we treat them horrible! We never know who these people are. What if some them were here vacationing or attempting to live among us and we treated them with disdain? You see where I am coming from? Treat all people with respect and love for we never know who they are and their jobs. Our actions will always come back to us. Yep.
    • To Amazing BVI (28/12/2022, 11:32) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
      Speak for yourself. I am one of those foreigners without political ties and I was treated just fine. Every country has laws and there is nothing we can do about it other than follow them.
  • Reality check (28/12/2022, 11:13) Like (7) Dislike (12) Reply
    Pure posturing!!
    "The resolution takes note of the agreement of the administering Power (UK) to the proposal by the territorial Government of National Unity on the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry without the need for a temporary partial suspension of the Constitution."
    There will be no need so long as our government stops dragging its heels and follows through on what they agreed to in writing. A lot of BS thanks to the Premier's brother knocking the hornet's nest. Just do what you said you would and stop whining!!
    • @Reality Check (28/12/2022, 11:41) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
      You need a reality check because people like you speak as if the UK is an innocent bystander in all of this and now come out playing like they are our knight in shining armor. The public service is under the Governor. The police is under the Governor and so are many other crucial areas of governance. For years from head to toe each of them has been in the need of revamping. The failures of the country for years are mostly under the Governor so how can he be the one to hold everyone else accountable for their so called failures but he be set free. Let us be for real and stop playing games with democracy. The order in Council was wrong and needs to be removed.
  • good move (28/12/2022, 11:16) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Only some of those in BVI who the Governor and UK brain wash cannot see the wrong in the Governor and UK ways in the 21st century. The UN, Caricom and most people in the BVI and world know the action is wrong.
    • @good move (28/12/2022, 11:59) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
      I agree with you 100%. How can we know when a Governor is corrupt or acted out of order? NEVER! Why? Because there are no systems to hold governors accountable by the people but there are systems to do so for everyone else and when the same Governor feels the systems are not stern enough or fast enough for them then he gets an order in Council put in place so he & the UK can be the judge, jury and executioner. This is WRONG! We have rights!
  • Youth (28/12/2022, 11:18) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    I have been saying this all along. You cannot have such dictatorship existing in the ruling of any country. Let the laws and policies of the land speak and not high handed moves that are not justifiable and can be done without a democratic process.
  • 911 (28/12/2022, 11:19) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is some good news
  • WOW (28/12/2022, 11:21) Like (28) Dislike (4) Reply
    Hon Mark and Carvin turn out to be correct. No one is saying that accountability should not be the order of the day but not through fear and dictatorship and what is done for the elected officials and public officers must also be able to done for the Governor and his staff. This is modern times. Now the UN is saying the same thing.
  • wake up bvi (28/12/2022, 11:22) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    The slavery mill is grinning slow but grinning still.
  • 8th district (28/12/2022, 11:25) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    The entire concept of the order in Council is wrong and can never be justified. Each country has laws, rules, and most a constitution. If something goes wrong then those entities must be allowed to speak to determine actions and not a one man Governor and his UK bosses reporting a one sided story to their parliament to vote for this non democratic colonial course of action. It cannot be done to them but they are doing it to others.
  • anguilla (28/12/2022, 11:27) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    The UK always tell their overseas territories that we are in a modern partnership. Will if this behavior by them towards us as well as other high handed behavior is modern and are the actions of a partner then we are all in some serious trouble and raises serious concerns as it is not the BVI alone. Let us see if the UK listens to the UN.
  • double standard (28/12/2022, 11:35) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those of you who hate the BVI no matter what and love the Governor and the UK no matter what are the ones to quickly state when the BVI is not adhering to the UK directive. Let us see what you will say now about the UK not adhering to the UN and CARICOM directive to immediately get rid of the order in Council for direct rule.
  • UK resident (28/12/2022, 11:43) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    The order in Council against any country in this day and age is wrong. It is an arcade way of ruling.
  • reality (28/12/2022, 11:47) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    The BVI can complete and implement every recommendation from that questionable COI process and it still will never be enough to satisfy the UK. Just wait and see. The reality is the UK wants to rule all OTs directly so they can give their friends jobs as the economy in the UK is real bad. If we think we had it bad under elected officials then wait until you are ruled directly by Brits. BVI be careful what you are asking for because you will regret it.
  • Again I say (28/12/2022, 11:49) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Mark is on target. We need to wake up in the BVI and in all the Caribbean overseas territories. We are under a modern day slavery regime and those who have us under this in the UK do not see it this way because they are accustom of enslaving persons and call it their version of good governance. We all will see if they have any respect for the UN now.
  • Deceiver (28/12/2022, 11:52) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    This Governor as was the last one are two deceivers. They come across as nice caring grandfathers but war is in their hearts. They can never work in our best interest because we are not their bosses and we need to understand this fact. This Governor kept saying do not run to any conclusions before the COI report came out and that it is only recommendations in the report. He said we would sit and go through the "pre-authoured report" together. However when it came out he rushed to the UK to get an Order in Council to suspend our Constitution if all the recommendations are not implemented in what can only be concluded as in an unreasonable and impossible time frame. What a deceiver.
    Now the question is will the Governor and the UK adhere to the UN.
  • When will we get it? (28/12/2022, 11:54) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    We have to come together to get out of these pharaoh's place because their is no future for us in their house. They want to turn the BVI into a mini UK and run by their UK people which means they must eliminate the people of the Virgin Islands by any means necessary and all Caribbean people. Even the blind can see this so when will we get it? At least the UN understands it.
  • Validity of COI process & report (28/12/2022, 12:01) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let's review this COI and please feel free to examine each point stated. The last Governor who was deemed to be a racist by some called a COI on his own and also determined the terms of reference on his own(of course his UK bosses would have agreed). This was done while the BVI and the world was dealing with COVID where there was no play book for this epidemic pandemic. As a matter of fact it was the worse pandemic in the last one hundred years. Just like the rest of the world our government had their hands full. The Governor was angry that he was not in control of the country at that time and he and this Governor never saw anything done at that time as good except for when the UK finally gave us the vaccine which was good somewhat but it only complemented the country's effort but they never acknowledge this fact. Any way the Governor hand picks the type of Commissioner for the COI to achieve the intended goals. Then surround him with staff from the same UK office where the Governor is employed. All this was done in a manner that was not transparent but to this day they are calling it transparent. This one man Commissioner took a few months to review 40 years of governance and came up with a report that needs to be challenged in the courts. Please note that I agree there is need for improvements in many areas but how could he free the commissioner of Police, the Governor, and others under the authority of the Governor but crucify in his report elected officials, all our systems under local authority, public officers, and so on. This report only did what we all know they wanted to do for years but needed a "so called" transparent way to do it so they can try to fool us that their hands are clean. Now they took the recommendations from this "one man" report and hold the modern day slavery whip of suspension of our Constitution over our heads if we do not implement all the recommendations in a totally impossible time frame. What is amazing is the Commissioner of the COI had more power than the courts and this is a violation of our Constitutional rights. These actions needs to be reviewed. I am not a political party person but I ask our leaders to protect our future generations from this ongoing plot. Challenge this report. The UN eyes are open so when will ours?
  • Pull up (28/12/2022, 12:18) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    1834 is gone) set our people free in 2023) our forefathers paid the full cost( with their blood, sweat and tears(along comes Great Britain in 2022 with modern day dictatorship

    when will the exploitation against our people finished my goodness haven't the black man suffered enough

  • Twowaymirror (28/12/2022, 12:37) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
    Where is the UN when children who were born in the BVI are denied their rights, overlooked for scholarships, are sidestepped for jobs and other benefits being told that they don't belong based on the fact that one or both parents ere not born in the BVI?
    • To Twowaymirror (28/12/2022, 13:06) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
      Go do your research and you will know that it is not the BVI that caused your concerns but the UK implementation of the British Nationality Act on all their Caribbean overseas territories. This was done to reduce the number of Caribbean people going to live in the UK and getting status as eventually they feared they will take over. So do your thorough research and you will blame the correct culprit.
  • Deluded (28/12/2022, 12:38) Like (5) Dislike (20) Reply
    Do you really think the UK wants control of the BVI, the territory is a financial burden and the UK would be pleased to see the back of it. However, the UK Government has an obligation to the people of the BVI and they cannot walk away whilst the territory is being governed by drug running corrupt & self enriching politicians.
  • Agreeable One (28/12/2022, 12:53) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is amazing to hear. Kudos to the UN. The UK has no intention of moving away from their colonial position. To RULE is embedded in their DNA. Without “subjects” they will cease to be. Among many things the financial worth of the Monarchy is deeply reliant on the value of “crown land” on a global scale. Don’t get it twisted folks! There is more in the mortar than the pestle. Freedom will not be handed to any people it must be fought for. The only thing that seems to be missing for this BVI is a leader who we can rally behind and get us there. ????????
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Island (28/12/2022, 13:06) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Point #1. The United Nation, so-called, as far as I know, had never once agreed unanomousely on any issue for many, many, issues over a period of many yesrs, proven facts.

    Point #2. If the British Virgin Island was taken over by force from us, rather than they bought us in time of Slave Trade, then they would have had to legal say in how we chose to run our political affairs, but because legally the Uk is the legal owner of the of all the Islands that made up the BVI, the other members of the United Nation have no right to dictate to the uk, that it must do all that it says.

    Direct rule. South Africa lands were owned by the Natives of the area of what has been named and Internationally South Africa. Over a period of many year they fought agaist their oppessors, and the locals won their right to rule as majority in that Country, Nelson Mandela been it first political leader after they ha regained there freedom..

    Point # 3.

    The BVI is an overseas Territory of the Uk.
    While I don't agree with all of the tactics rhat the Uk are using to rule over the people of the BVI politically, the biggest injustice, in my fair, and, honest opinion is that our local polititians were emplyed by us, the voter to represent our best interest, but have not fairly do so, even from the time of our local original leader, and up to the present ones.

    Questions: you are the landlord of a piece of property, would you agree for other to dictate to you how it should be managed? And in addition to that, would you allow people the born in your house tell you get out of your house, because, after living in your house for many years, yiu have lost your rights over your house the present majorty occupyers of the house, that you are owner of?

    Many will vote dislike what I about to white type bellow.
    The way forward better governance for the people of the BVI is partnership negociations with the UK, not senseless confrontations, and idiotic badmouthing the the UK's Official.. The former NDP deputy Minister, Dr Kedrick Pickering, is encouraging us not to go down
    that slippry road. He has been wrong on many issue in the past, but his advice to negiciate with the UK is priceless.

    Our current biggest political remains unaccountibility of our missing finances by our political employees, past and present politicians.

    Note: we should not allowed the United Nations principle to dicate our conscience principles. Knowledge when act on wisely can.

    Time to vote on this comment bellow.

    Option 1. Like
    Option 2. dislike
    Option 3. abstain

  • 9 9 9 (28/12/2022, 13:11) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    those organizations no longer have much influence or strength in these times. Look at what Russia is doing to the Ukraine day after day after day
  • vg youth (28/12/2022, 13:14) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    I continue to say that the most evil thing was done to the BVI by these governors & UK when they took advantage of us during the worse pandemic in the last 100 years by taking a time while we were dying and in chaos to do a COI that was solely under their control but trying to fool us that it was independent. We have been hoodwinked. At least the UN eyes are wide open. The same UK rejected a COI on their handling of COVID during the same time and their reason is well documented as they said that it is not in the best interest of all do so such at a time when people and the economy are suffering and needs all hands on deck. What a set of hypocrites. I pray that we wake up out of the spell they have us under.
  • same old (28/12/2022, 13:17) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the days of slavery the slaves were led to believe that they cannot survive if they run away from under the leadership of the slave masters. Does this sound familiar? Well it should because the same slave masters have people in the BVI and other overseas territories some 400 years later saying that if they are not ruling us then then we will be domed and our security and economy will not be secure and we will fail. People stop buying their brain washing philosophy. It is the same strategy as 400 years ago but in a modern form where they are selling it in a way that is getting some of our support but this is a mistake. Thank you UN & CARICOM.
  • My Take (28/12/2022, 13:25) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Solid move by the UN. We are always quick to pull down each other and look into each other and want to see each other go to jail whether with merit or not. However we are always unwilling to challenge the Governor and the UK and their missteps and conduct. The former Speaker of the House challenged in court if the lawyers used by the COI violated the Legal Act by not registering in the BVI to practice law. If so that would have been a criminal offense. Most of us ridiculed him out of hatred of him rather than sticking to the issue of if their actions were right or wrong. Up to this day we do not know if they were right or wrong as the court never got to rule on the matter. If this was a local or Caribbean lawyer or person that came into the same question then I am sure we would have nailed them to the cross with help from the same UK. We are fighting the wrong fight all the time and allowing these people to divide us so we do not have time to see who really is doing wrong. The systems that addresses wrong and right should be for all and exclude none not even the Governor.
  • Please wake up (28/12/2022, 13:32) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some people are begging and pleading for the UK to take over as if they are really going to help us. Let's be honest there is no time in history where the UK went overseas to grant assistance and they did not get the better end of the deal. In fact, most of their relationships with third world countries are parasitic. The goodwill is pure propaganda intended to keep you blind while they rob you blind.
  • Native senior citizen of the Bristish (28/12/2022, 13:52) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
    The BVI is badly currupted. Politicains can't heal its self- inflicted wounds, neigher can the Uk, the United, money, the ununited, self proclaimed United Nations or ourselves. As one of mant Overseas Territory of the UK, we are irredeemedable as a people, but some of us presently are, and many more of us can be, if we begin practicing Genuine Love for each others, meaning: Love, live with, and for the good of others, and let them live.

    Vote your conscience wisely.

  • hmm (28/12/2022, 14:10) Like (1) Dislike (15) Reply
    Can we have a resolution against corruption and waste of public funds as well? While they are at it a resolution to uphold the laws of the land that theses cats have broken year after year after year.
  • Horse path iam (28/12/2022, 14:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is a one word resolution to this dilemma … REFERENDUM
  • BVIslander (28/12/2022, 15:08) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    The most corrupt country in the world is the UK and its people the pass Governor found a dead man how did he know where to go the pass prime Minister never wanted a COI on him when there was covid 19 but agreed for a COI on us UK is evil WE don't want the UK here .One of the worst hurricane that ever happened in the history of the world didn't help us not even to rebuild our school we build this with out you and still continue to do so NO UK REUL
    • TO BVIslander (28/12/2022, 15:50) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not only he found him but he was never questioned. Many involved are still asking plenty questions but they will go no where because the same Governor is over the police force.
  • At all UK UK FANS (28/12/2022, 15:17) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    The most CORRUPTION that happened in the VIRGIN ISLANDS was done under the Governor police no question in the COI no INVESTIGATION the UK can't run there country and want to come here hell no
  • COI ? (28/12/2022, 16:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • P.Stranger (28/12/2022, 18:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the other arrests them coming?
  • Go do some work (30/12/2022, 13:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many know that the gavana and who work directly with them in BVI and dem bosses back in their home country are the ones blogging against all our elected officials and public officers and Fahie and against anything positive in the BVI on all stories and on all sites over and over and over again under different names.

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