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UK’s bid is to recolonise OTs under Global Britain- Cromwell Smith

- Says he would be surprised if CoI report includes recommendations for VI to be independent
Talk show host Cromwell Smith aka 'Edju En Ka' says he would be surprised if the United Kingdom-sponsored Commission of Inquiry (CoI) would include in its final report recommendations for the Virgin Islands (VI) to be independent. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Cromwell Smith was at the time replying to a hypothesis from former Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) At-Large political candidate in the 2019 General Elections, Ms Shaina M. Smith-Archer, about some possible recommendations that could come in Commissioner Gary R. Hickinbottom's final report on the Inquiry. Photo: Facebook
Mr Cromwell Smith was at the time replying to a hypothesis from former Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) At-Large political candidate in the 2019 General Elections, Ms Shaina M. Smith-Archer, about some possible recommendations that could come in Commissioner Gary R. Hickinbottom's final report on the Inquiry. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Talk show host Cromwell Smith aka 'Edju En Ka' says he would be surprised if the United Kingdom-sponsored Commission of Inquiry (CoI) would include in its final report recommendations for the Virgin Islands (VI) to be independent.

Mr Smith was at the time replying to a hypothesis from former Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) At-Large political candidate in the 2019 General Elections, Ms Shaina M. Smith-Archer, about some possible recommendations that could come in Commissioner Gary R. Hickinbottom's final report on the Inquiry.

What could come in CoI final report?

“Thinking out loud...[I] suppose a recommendation in the Commissioner's report is that we must develop a plan to be financially independent by 2035 because the UK is so done with backing our liabilities and then begin the process for us to be decolonised by 2045?”

“What would your reaction be?,” Smith-Archer further asked in a Facebook post of Thursday, January 6, 2022.

Mr Smith in his reply said, “I would be surprised if it made that recommendation. I don’t think that in the UK's current economic situation it will be planning to give up land/resources.”

He added that he believes the UK is trying to gain greater control of its existing and former colonies in a bid to resuscitate the empire under the Global Britain agenda.

Mr Smith further added that while the recommendation would surprise him, he called for the VI to rethink its education system into one that can restore confidence in Virgin Islanders and their ability to self-govern.

Shift in education culture needed – Mr Smith

“Education is of paramount importance. An education system and culture that is focused on preparing the population to take advantage of job opportunities rather than entrepreneurship will continue to produce insecure, low self-esteem, low self-confident people,” he said.

He said with the current system in the VI, there is no self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love building education needed for self-governance,

“So we don’t produce the leadership that is trustworthy and confidence-instilling for self-governance,” Mr Smith said.

16 Responses to “UK’s bid is to recolonise OTs under Global Britain- Cromwell Smith”

  • Dino (07/01/2022, 10:55) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's not complicated at all. The Government should stop beating around the bush and ask for a referendum. I am sure it will get it, just like Scotland got it. Do you remember the results of that referendum? Do you think here will be any different? Go ahead! See what happens!
  • Well... (07/01/2022, 11:00) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    I would love to see the British taken off the front of these islands just to see what would happen. :)
    Unfortunately for those who would like to steal from the British Government so they can abuse the country without repercussions.. you have more chance of being kicked to death by a one legged chicken.
  • Blowing hot air (07/01/2022, 11:10) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Like who cares what this guy ‘thinks’ might happen? Keep stirring the pot. Just another bit of air time for someone to line their pockets but say nothing of value. The public have known about the education issue now for a minute.
    • A minute (08/01/2022, 07:45) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Then you have not cared at all. It’s in your face and you chose not to look. The global transformation is happening with or with you. Listen now then. BVI is a dot in this global reset. The hot air is coming from the same people claiming the BVI as a tech center for the region. Hahahahaha. Perhaps you have heard this minute. So perhaps you may want to wake up not this minute as well. Fight for freedom
  • Archaic (07/01/2022, 11:33) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where are all the old geysers coming from with their backward way of thinking.
    What would be in it for Britain to recolonize the BVI? Britain is running away from using a penny of their budget to support these territories, why on earth would they want to take them back on board. This is not like the old day when you hang on to a small Island with the hope of using it for a trade off later down the line. Slavery is long over but he is still living in the plantation era. Slaver is not on an international or national level any more except for very few cases such as in the middle east. Slavery is now on a personal level where individuals are are exploiting their their own race to support their consumerism as is the case in the BVI.
  • Outsider (07/01/2022, 11:38) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Hi Cromwell,

    You are so right! This COI lark has nothing to do with corruption, drug trafficking and organized crime in a small jurisdiction that the UK is legally responsible for. After all, the VI has a first in class government. Just look at how fantastic the jurisdiction's road infrastructure and public school education is. Top notch Hon. Premier and colleagues.
    This is nothing more than a ruse for a colonial takeover. It's little better disguised than the skirmishes that Hitler started before he invaded Poland.

    And as for that trouble in Kazakhstan today. My guess is that it has to do with Road Town. That government may be eyeing up this territory and squabbling about their strategy for a takeover. The VI is that important. Its vast resources and unparalleled opportunities make it super important. Were it a state, it might well have a permanent Security Council seat.

    Some people might say that it's a small island territory with limited resources and doesn't matter a whit. But those are the types who've usually not been to Anegada or Hunthums Ghut.

    Bring on the referendum now. We demand our INDEPENDENCE. And Cromwell for first President!
    • to outsider (07/01/2022, 15:39) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
      Maybe you should think before you start mouthing off in your smug sarcastic manner.
      You’re the kind who gives the rest of us Outsiders a bad name.
    • @ Outsider (07/01/2022, 16:53) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thanks for the laugh.
      I needed that.
  • ccc (07/01/2022, 11:40) Like (0) Dislike (18) Reply
    No racist mob we will fight for our country
  • lodger (07/01/2022, 12:08) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why not lobby for us to become a county of the UK, rather like Guadeloupe and Martinique and Reunion are departments of France, with all the advantages that would bring?
    • Informed (07/01/2022, 15:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The bvi would certainly benefit. Imagine a social system where unemployment benefit, housing benefits, roads, police, etc etc. It’s not all bad news
  • PT09 (07/01/2022, 12:56) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cromwell Smith, you have a one-track racist mind.
  • CRUMS EMPTY WELL (07/01/2022, 14:32) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    • whew (09/01/2022, 11:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Now that may be true! But but many who emerged from slavery really don’t know their names so that statement is factual. When you’re on Mr. James, Mr. Smith’s farm you get your title from James or Smith accordingly. So as a joke it’s not funny at all.
  • Rubber Duck (07/01/2022, 16:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is this decrepit old git with an audience of 20?
  • hmm (07/01/2022, 18:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I believe that too. Who in the kitchen feels the heat.

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