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UK taxpayers to ‘fully fund’ questionable Commission of Inquiry

- according to CoI website
With the public being made aware that the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) called by the controversial ex-governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert was likely called because of the duly elected Government of the Virgin Islands resisting his efforts to undermine it, and a strained relationship having occurred as a result, British taxpayers will not be impressed that this CoI being called on mostly rumours and unfounded allegations will be 'fully funded' by them. Photo: VINO
Commissioner Gary R. Hickinbottom, left, will be supported by a team, including the Secretary to the Inquiry, Mr Steven Chandler, right, who has already been appointed, as well as the Solicitor and Counsel to the Commission, who are yet to be appointed. Photo: VINO
Commissioner Gary R. Hickinbottom, left, will be supported by a team, including the Secretary to the Inquiry, Mr Steven Chandler, right, who has already been appointed, as well as the Solicitor and Counsel to the Commission, who are yet to be appointed. Photo: VINO
It has been revealed on the website set up for the Commission of Inquiry into Governance in the Virgin Islands that the British taxpayers will fully fund the CoI. Photo: VINO
It has been revealed on the website set up for the Commission of Inquiry into Governance in the Virgin Islands that the British taxpayers will fully fund the CoI. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- With the public being made aware that the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) called by the controversial ex-governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert was likely called because of the duly elected Government of the Virgin Islands resisting his efforts to undermine it, and a strained relationship having occurred as a result, British taxpayers will not be impressed that this CoI being called on mostly rumours and unfounded allegations will be “fully funded” by them.

The former Governor, Mr Jaspert, did not state who was going to fund the CoI despite many asking; however, it has been revealed on the website,, set up for the purpose of the CoI.

Under the section ‘Frequently Asked Questions’, there is a question: ‘How much is this costing BVI?’

“This CoI is fully funded by the UK Government. It comes at no cost to BVI,” the website stated.

The Terms of Reference of the CoI requires the Commissioner to report his findings to the Governor within six months, which is by July 2021.

The Commissioner will be supported by a team, including the Secretary to the Inquiry, Mr Steven Chandler, who has already been appointed and in the VI, as well as the Solicitor and Counsel to the Commission, who are yet to be appointed.

It is unclear at this stage how much the CoI will cost British taxpayers, who are already reeling from a global pandemic that has been out of control in the UK.

VI taxpayers spared unnecessary burden

It should be noted that the Section 18 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, as amended, allows the Governor to state what payments should be made to the  Commissioner, Secretary or any other person employed in or about any such commission and that "such sums, so directed to be paid, shall be paid by the Financial Secretary out of the ordinary cash balance in the Treasury of the Territory."

VI taxpayers will at least be relieved in knowing they will not be unnecessarily burdened by a highly questionable Commission of Inquiry, which has already smeared the territory's image on the international scene.

What is the purpose of the Commission of Inquiry?

According to the CoI website, as set out in the Terms of Reference, the purpose is to establish whether there is evidence of corruption, abuse of office or other serious dishonesty that has taken place in public office in recent years, and if so what conditions allowed this to happen.

“The Commission of Inquiry is not a court, therefore it will not make findings of criminality,” the website stated.

In encouraging persons to come forward with information, the website said information that is submitted to the Commission should be submitted in one’s own name; however, “if you wish your information to remain confidential or wish to maintain anonymity you should make that clear.”

It also said the Commission of Inquiry Act states that any evidence given to the Commissioner cannot be used in subsequent proceedings. “That means, that any evidence you submit cannot be used in court or in a criminal investigation at a later date.”

15 Responses to “UK taxpayers to ‘fully fund’ questionable Commission of Inquiry”

  • Xxx (25/01/2021, 12:04) Like (3) Dislike (16) Reply
    Nothing more than a wish hunt
    • Magic Genie (25/01/2021, 13:47) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wonder how many wishes they have LOL Anyways, they should use the money from Western Union and Moneygram
    • Well (25/01/2021, 14:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      If they wish to have a witch hunt they should pay for it, for sure!
    • Ganges (26/01/2021, 18:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The fishes are wriggly in the water, knowing the net is near but not knowing which way to swim. Some are making a lot of noise, flapping about in panic. Some are quiet, hiding deep down hoping the net will miss them. They are all going in the pot!
  • WHAT!!! (25/01/2021, 13:18) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is a wish hunt?
    • @What!! (25/01/2021, 15:06) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      Wish Hunt - A desire, feeling or hope that something or someone could hunt down those that have been draining the coffers of one of the World's Leading Financial Jurisdictions and leaving the majority of its people scratching like chickens in the dirt.
  • Is it possible (25/01/2021, 14:21) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    UK reeling from a global pandemic that has been out of control might be looking for places to run for cover.
  • think (25/01/2021, 14:31) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is a commission that has been put together to inquire about the substantial amount of goverment funds that have not been accounted for. It is not a court, our goverment does not need to spend our money on the most expensive lawyer they can find. If no irregularities with the goverment's handling of the tax payers money is found there will be no criminal accusations and no need for court. This should be welcomed. It is certainly not questionable, we all have questions.
  • Challenger (25/01/2021, 15:26) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    hang on a minute....what do you mean "unfounded" .
    disnt the BVI attouney generals office prese t a report for the BVI Airways debacle and the wall scandle which caused it to be prese ted to the Police for investivation ?? What part of the bvi report was unfounded.
    Wasnt the ( now) government calling for all sorts of investigations against the NDP whe they (VIP) were running for election. ?? i simpky dont u derstand why now the givernment seem to be fighting this COI instead of embracing it.
    would somebody please explain in laymans terms ( that is a serious request)..i need to understand this please.
    i agree the govenor by the way this was announced dis not do anythiig good for the country but come on...the government have had their wish granted surely and those responsibe for the fraud and alleged filtering for givernment funds by way or crazy contracts will finally be brought to justice or vindicated. why is this such an issue
    respectfully submitted
  • Mrs Tubman (25/01/2021, 16:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    How about.,;
  • waste (25/01/2021, 18:32) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    Waste of money.

    Why aren’t they investigating incompetent gus and his drunk driving office staff????
  • hello (25/01/2021, 18:44) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    UK could have send bvi those funds to purchase food for the needy: i guest uk only offer money to build prison for the indentured servants
  • occasion (26/01/2021, 16:05) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Because the UK and Governor Jaspert dont think the BVI people can own nice house without corruption
  • Liston (26/01/2021, 21:05) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stop complaining BVI. If you don't like it, vote for independace and be done with it. You can't have the cake and eat it too. Leave UK. It's very simple. UK dint like the EU and they left it.
  • Warning to the people - faith. (01/02/2021, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    #"The Take Over"

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