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UK pulling back autonomy from C’bean OTs for decades- Fmr Montserrat Speaker

- Shirley Osborne says the British have been playing CoI games to re-assert colonial rule across region
Former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat Ms Shirley Osborne (2005-2019) has accused the United Kingdom (UK) of playing games in the Caribbean using Commissions of Inquiry, with the [British] Virgin Islands being the latest. Photo:
Former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat Ms Shirley Osborne (top left) was a guest of the show, along with Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka (bottom). Shaina M. Smith-Archer was the host. Photo: YouTube
Former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat Ms Shirley Osborne (top left) was a guest of the show, along with Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka (bottom). Shaina M. Smith-Archer was the host. Photo: YouTube
According to the lone Commissioner of the Commission of Inquiry in the [British] Virgin Islands, Gary R. Hickinbottom, there may have been corruption in governance over the years and he recommended direct rule as an option to fix the issues identified in his report. Photo: Daily Mail
According to the lone Commissioner of the Commission of Inquiry in the [British] Virgin Islands, Gary R. Hickinbottom, there may have been corruption in governance over the years and he recommended direct rule as an option to fix the issues identified in his report. Photo: Daily Mail
BRADES, Montserrat – Former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat Ms Shirley Osborne (2005-2019) has accused the United Kingdom (UK) of playing games in the Caribbean using Commissions of Inquiry, with the [British] Virgin Islands being the latest.

Ms Osborne, who is the daughter of the late John Osborne, a former Chief Minister of Montserrat, said the UK first attempted those "games" with Montserrat, as one of the first overt instances of the British attempting to re-assert a certain kind of colonial rule in the Caribbean countries.

Osborne, during a May 11, 2022, episode of ‘Territories Talk’, detailed that since Montserrat's devastation by Hurricane Hugo in 1989, the British showed up with a new constitution for Montserrat.

Same playbook 

“They lodged some of the same charges, corruption, malfeasance, misgovernance… the issue then was offshore banking and they arrested a couple of people, my father was one,” she added.

“Nothing much came of it… it didn’t go anywhere. But the big issue was this new constitution that they wanted,” she said.

Osborne said that before the UK intervention, Montserrat had a well-regulated financial services business; however, the UK accused its offshore banking sector of moving massive amounts of money.

“Montserrat lost a lot of income. There were offshore banks registered in the hundreds or thousands… lots and lots of them,” she said.

Osborne said the imposed constitution was fought back which included, among other changes, new ways to dispose of crown lands.

Industries suffered 

“Montserrat at that time, a big part of our industry was tourism, or residential tourism. People actually bought lands and built houses, not big hotels and so on,” she said.

Osborne said at the time a lot of the land was already owned by companies since the periods of enslavement and colonialism; however, there was an attempt by its government to get back some of the lands for its people.

She said a lot of the land sold for residential tourism was actually done by Europeans and not by the Government of Montserrat, who was being accused of improper disposal of crown lands.

"We fought back against the lands thing...the financial services thing went the way it went but the land [issue] we held on to that."

However, in 2010, she said the UK proposed another constitution where the Governor had ultimate authority to distribute lands; and without possible inquiry from the local courts.

"We are still battling with that constitution, which I don't call a constitution. It's a British document that they imposed on us. We didn't choose that and we would not have chosen that had we had the option."

Monserrat watching VI 

Meanwhile, the Turks and Caicos CoI was ongoing, “This is a long game that’s being played…and it has been played out for centuries... everywhere you look around there’s some other piece of autonomy pulled back,” she added.

She said for example in Montserrat, the UK has placed a male individual in the AG’s Office to discipline the public service. "We are back to the days of the overseers,” she added.  

Osborne added that persons in Montserrat have been watching the situation with the VI CoI and its recommendations and are very alarmed by what is playing out.

“I personally am alarmed, I stand really firm with the people in pushing back against direct rule,” Osborne stated.

"We are watching the BVI and we are looking to see what's coming up for Montserrat we all are aware. We are very much aware something is coming down the pipe. We are just not quite sure what."

According to the lone Commissioner of the Commission of Inquiry in the [British] Virgin Islands, Gary R. Hickinbottom, there may have been corruption in governance over the years and he recommended direct rule as an option to fix the issues identified in his report.

Virgin Islanders, particularly generational Virgin Islanders, have rejected the notion of direct rule and have held public demonstrations against it.

25 Responses to “UK pulling back autonomy from C’bean OTs for decades- Fmr Montserrat Speaker”

  • Hey Shirley with a big TITLE (23/05/2022, 17:19) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    Wait till you see what’s coming for all the corruption in the many islands. Trafficking guns, children and drugs will all be cleaned out. Yes it’s the same story, the story for the 21st Century, massive sweep on a Global scale. Remember Islanders you are part of the Globe. And it will be done in the name of God and His PROMISE. Read your Bible and stop your exclusiveness. Repent instead and humble yourselves. You have done the corruption to yourselves just as the rest of the world …….. GREED and POMP. We the people want our money back from YOU all who protest!!!!!!! Desist from the false and get real
    • HMMM (23/05/2022, 21:26) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
      The same UK & US are running coke in the Caribbean, who do you see using coke in the VI? It's the same people in suit and ties sitting in their offices and trust companies.
  • BuzzBvi (23/05/2022, 17:37) Like (27) Dislike (9) Reply
    Perhaps you in Montserrat like we in the VI, need overseers. It is not just Fahie doing his own lawless thing.
    • shirley (23/05/2022, 20:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Look, the BVI can choose full on colonialism if its people believe it's not possible to find BVI Islanders who are competent or have the integrity and love for their nation to repair what needs to be; or if the people couldn't be depended on to vote into these offices, people with integrity, competence and love, even if they were to present themselves. If the BVI people need overseers they could just ask
    • shirley (23/05/2022, 22:03) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      So, are you saying that there are no people in the BVI who have either the competence, the integrity and the love for their people to remedy what needs to be, or is it that you can't depend on the people who vote to vote for people who have these qualities?
  • Montserrat next.. (23/05/2022, 18:39) Like (14) Dislike (58) Reply
    You all ain better than the BVI, You all corrupt same way over in Montserrat..You all day to answer drawing close...Think you all can do as you want with tax payers money and the power you all have and get away..Thank God someone with more power coming for answers...
    • shirley (23/05/2022, 20:29) Like (52) Dislike (2) Reply
      We are not all corrupt in Montserrat. Neither are you all corrupt in the BVI. Let's not get clouded in hyperbole. That helps nothing
    • shirley (23/05/2022, 22:25) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      Oh dear! We are shaking in our boots.
  • down2earth (23/05/2022, 19:11) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply

    "She said for example in Montserrat, the UK has placed a male individual in the AG’s Office to discipline the public service. "We are back to the days of the overseers,” she added. "

    Andrew Fahie likes to say (obviously lip service) "If we don't police ourselves, someone will do it for you!"

    It is obvious that many who hold responsible positions are aware of consequences when they do not serve with integrity. So, if they know what the possible consequences will be, why not choose a better path? Given that you abhor slavery, why give away your country's freedom on a platter? Why not behave as though your forefathers' blood, sweat, and tears really matter?

    We as Caribbean people should not be looking in the mirror of slavery when it suits us! Instead we should let that mirror of slavery be our everyday driving force propelling us to be the BEST in our corner of the world. Then and only then will we be able to forge OUR destiny.
    (A proud Virgin Islander to the Nth generation)

  • 2 SIDES (23/05/2022, 19:27) Like (8) Dislike (22) Reply
    • shirley (23/05/2022, 22:05) Like (19) Dislike (5) Reply
      Look, Island Person, so you think colonialism is right, then? Because that is what the other side of this story is. The system breeds what it was set up to.
  • Talk Talk (23/05/2022, 19:42) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    which one of the talkers will or can prevent the United Kingdom from doing as it which in the overseas territory

    just give the talking a rest and focus on what can be done upon the uk arrival

    keep your mouth shut because shut mouth catch no fly: hope we realize we airing our dirty laundry day after day night after night all now the united kingdom have not said 1-word
  • hmm (23/05/2022, 19:48) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Have to watch all of these now side eye. Who has been profiting from largesse and corruption and shouting the loudest?
  • The coi is just more (24/05/2022, 02:13) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just more racism and white supremacy
    • COI IS UK (24/05/2022, 14:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The COI represents those who own your Islands and unfortunately, are witnessing 20 years of what has been done to destroy Their Islands, and leave the good people in dire straights. You are a poor example of your people. Tell Shirley too, since she is so invested in the word slavery and colonialism. I seriously doubt she lived anything like it and you too. Wait till you both see what is coming!!!!! Heh Heh Heh Today’s slaves are those living in dire conditions thanks to your own corruption.
  • resident (24/05/2022, 06:06) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Her father was arrested. Shows he was into something. The problem with these leaders is corruption. It is good that u.k. is there to watch over them. Look at Haiti. All those leaders raped the country over the years. They never tried to lift the people out of poverty but there are millions in their bank accounts.
  • Reparations pls (24/05/2022, 07:18) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    Don't want to hear nothing from the UK unless they entertain Reparations first.
    • @Reparations (24/05/2022, 14:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You see? Now they have to do the clean up for pigs. Funny how some think. No longer the Colonials, now they are useful as janitors. 2 Faces. Your a perfect example or racism
  • @hmmm (24/05/2022, 07:24) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I do not understand why we are looking under every rock to find every and anyone who is ready and willing to find "dirt" in the UK. We should have listened to some of our people a long time ago who was telling us we were going down the path instead we called them all sorts of names and ignored them. Now that everything has " hit the fan" we are looking for people who are just talking because they have "beef" with the UK and most who never cared about the BVI in the first place. What matter is how we as a people feel about the current issues. The truth is most decent law-abiding Citizens (and that represent the majority) of this territory secretly wish that the UK would step in and put an end to the corruption that has plagued us for many years but they do not dare say so publicly. It is time to call for a referendum on the matter.
  • Smh (24/05/2022, 08:41) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Uk and US are the masters of the game but they continue to use big stick diplomacy in the Caribbean and around the world. The late Prsident Roosevelt said " speak easy and carry a big stick; you will go far".
    • @Truth (24/05/2022, 14:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Come out of the dark now. The people are winning back our freedom world wide. Join and stop dragging people backwards. LEARN TO RESEARCH AND READ. Humanity is fighting to live. Did you hear the word depopulation yet? Catch up.
  • mad max (24/05/2022, 10:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    But Montserrat must have been very happy to accept aid and homes in the UK following their volcano eruptions. I am sure the UK tax payers are equally thrilled with the relationship.

    There are both benefits and perceived negativities of not being independent.
  • Yes to UK (24/05/2022, 12:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Shirley Osborne We dont to hear anything from you.
  • yello (27/05/2022, 20:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Them carry Cyril UK..after all they bring him back and tell him..retire.Ralph skim 10cents off every gallon from shell come in.. they all was crooks.

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