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UK Parliament moves to indemnify VI Governor, Commissioner & CoI Attorneys

-Looking to cover any personal liability the group could incur as a result of their engagement in the BVI CoI
In a statement made in the House of Commons in the UK, Minister of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Hon Amanda A. Milling (right) laid in the British House of Commons, a request to indemnify the Governor of the Virgin Islands, along with Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom and the CoI Attorneys from any personal liability they may incur as a result of their engagement in the CoI now taking place in the Territory. Photo: Internet Source
Governor John J. Rankin CMG along with two CoI lawyers, Andrew King, left, and Bilal M. Rawat, right, are two of the three lawyers currently assisting the UK-sponsored Virgin Islands (VI) Commission of Inquiry (CoI) and have been accused of practicing law in the territory while not being called to the BVI Bar, a violation of the Legal Professions Act 2015. Photo: Internet Source
Governor John J. Rankin CMG along with two CoI lawyers, Andrew King, left, and Bilal M. Rawat, right, are two of the three lawyers currently assisting the UK-sponsored Virgin Islands (VI) Commission of Inquiry (CoI) and have been accused of practicing law in the territory while not being called to the BVI Bar, a violation of the Legal Professions Act 2015. Photo: Internet Source
LONDON, UK - In a strange twist of events, the United Kingdom House of Commons on November 22, 2021, sought to shield the Commissioner of Inquiry (CoI) Attorneys, the Commissioner himself and the local Governor John J. Rankin, CMG from paying any legal fees out of pocket if they are sued over the CoI.

In a statement made in the House of Commons in the UK, Minister of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Hon Amanda A. Milling laid in the British House of Commons, a request to indemnify the Governor of the Virgin Islands, along with Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom and the CoI Attorneys from any personal liability they may incur as a result of their engagement in the CoI now taking place in the Territory. 

Objection to application to be called before BVI Bar 

Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon Julian Willock and Deputy Speaker Hon Neville A. Smith (AL) raised in their official capacities, application objections through their Attorneys, Silk Legal against the three Attorneys Bilal M. Rawat, Andrew King, and Rhea Harrikinssoon in breach of sections 15 (10) 18 (1) a,b,c, of the Legal Professional Act, 2015.

The three CoI Lawyers were accused of practicing law in the Virgin Islands (VI) for some five months before filing an application to be called to be the BVI Bar. 

Attorney General, Hon Dawn J. Smith has said, “the law is clear,” and that the three lawyers “should be admitted to practice in the VI if they are to perform duties as counsel and solicitors to the CoI established under the Commission of Inquiry Act.”

Are more suits coming?

There is always the possibility that those involved in the British imposed CoI could incur costs if the procedure of the CoI is successfully challenged on a judicial review, thus, the UK Government is laying the foundation to indemnify them if the courts order them to foot the costs for any cases lost.

In so doing, the House of Commons is not being asked to overturn any potential decisions of the court. There is a difference between indemnifying someone against liability and reversing a decision of the court according to the Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) legal team.

In the VI, some residents staged a small protest claiming that the Speaker must pay out of pocket as a British Judge Adrian Jack ordered amidst controversy. 

Earlier this month, Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) brought a motion to the Virgin Islands House of Assembly to indemnify the Speaker from payment in his private capacity, for an injunction the Hon Willock discontinued. 

See link to the statement by UK Minister of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Hon Amanda A. Milling:

34 Responses to “UK Parliament moves to indemnify VI Governor, Commissioner & CoI Attorneys”

  • My girl (24/11/2021, 19:41) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    • smdh (25/11/2021, 10:44) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well all the elected members of the BVI HOA are indemnified. We cant sue them. This should change.
  • W*F (24/11/2021, 19:53) Like (14) Dislike (17) Reply
    UK ahead of the BVi again while you people want one man to pay from pocket
  • INTIMIDATION (24/11/2021, 19:59) Like (25) Dislike (40) Reply
    The more this saga plays out is the more I am convinced that it is all a ploy to intimidate Virgin Islanders into accepting the gene editing Jim Jones Juice that is being injected into the Global Population. The revised protocols for cruise passenger entry into the Virgin Islands says a whole lot. Red carpet for tourists red tape for locals. While tourists are being given a free run in the islands locals are faced with the prospect of paying for bi-monthly covid19 tests if they refuse the Kool Aid. This stinks of hypocrisy and the governor should be ashamed for allowing this double standard to be adopted. Virgin Islanders need to wake up and recognize the game that is being played out here. This is what we should be marching against and not trying to crucify those who try to oppose this evil agenda that is being played out. Shame on the corporations and companies that are jumping on the bandwagon to force persons to take this lethal injection. I fully well understand the UK move to protect its foot soldiers and hope others in the Virgin Islands can see the big picture and begin to fight the real enemy. Its very frustrating to see your loved ones sleep walking to the death camp. First it was get vaccinated and you'll be protected now its get a booster when will this sick game end. Wake up Virgin Islands.
    • Peaches (25/11/2021, 06:33) Like (9) Dislike (20) Reply
      @INTIMIDATION I couldn't say it any better. Let's hold our ground! They are a bunch of evil liars!
  • Rubber Duck (24/11/2021, 20:54) Like (13) Dislike (27) Reply
    So they can do it but we can’t same on bvi people for not supporting their own
    • @rubber duck (25/11/2021, 00:29) Like (21) Dislike (6) Reply
      So if they take a leap off a rocky cliff to their death we should do the same? Just asking.
  • BVIslander (24/11/2021, 21:16) Like (23) Dislike (18) Reply
    Question? Isn't this the same thing the BVI Gov't is doing on behalf of the Speaker? Just asking for a friend.
  • hello (24/11/2021, 21:17) Like (18) Dislike (56) Reply
    This matter is telling I must confess I am strongly with Julian willock now
  • Hmm (24/11/2021, 21:46) Like (10) Dislike (18) Reply
    There are no grounds upon which the Commissioner can legitimately find any corruption or serious dishonesty in this CoI - even if there is in fact corruption or dishonesty, the Commissioner did not find any in his 10 month investigation.
    But Gus wants him to make such a finding - even if it will be overturned on an application for judicial review.
    The Commissioner, who is now presumably looking for his next appointment, knows that such an appointment won’t come unless he makes the findings that Gus wants. Hence the need to protect himself with an indemnity.
    • @ Hmm (25/11/2021, 04:28) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      They already know the report from the coi will be over turned in the courts
    • @hmm (25/11/2021, 07:23) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      So, you have knowledge that everyone else doesn’t. The Commissioner hasn’t released his report as yet, so no one knows the findings. However I strongly suggest that evidence of corruption HAS BEEN FOUND.
    • dndn (25/11/2021, 08:31) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      no corruption, for real?!
  • ccc (24/11/2021, 22:07) Like (6) Dislike (18) Reply
    Shame shame shame on the protesters
    • yuk (25/11/2021, 07:29) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      Will the protesters march against this double standard? Be foolish to oppose your high and mighty self won’t it! Yuk!
  • Fam (24/11/2021, 23:04) Like (2) Dislike (25) Reply
    Pay the speaker bill fast
  • Well Sah (24/11/2021, 23:24) Like (6) Dislike (26) Reply
    Hope Cindy and all of her followers could see the big picture
  • Cundy (25/11/2021, 00:08) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    Getting paid......hmmmm the real enemy
  • smh (25/11/2021, 04:54) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all can write whatever articles you all want. These are all stall tactics to try to prevent the inevitable. Yesterday The Government’s own UK said that the local politicians need to be groomed by the UK. This is a parent and child relationship where the child is talking about moving out of the house, even though they are far from ready.
  • fromafar (25/11/2021, 05:52) Like (3) Dislike (24) Reply
  • Shaking My head (25/11/2021, 07:04) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why does this article have to say "A British Judge" What is that implying? Does it matter? When it comes to Court cases you would always read, "The Judge" It does not matter the nationality of the Judge.
  • Observer (25/11/2021, 07:32) Like (10) Dislike (26) Reply
    The BVI must come together and stop playing into the hands of the UK.
    Mitch, Marlon and Cindy stop making a fool of yourselves.
  • PT09 (25/11/2021, 07:41) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why do some of us want to be like the UK, do what the UK does but hate the UK?
  • PT09 (25/11/2021, 07:56) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Hmm, If you think that the COI hasn't found any corruption in the BVI then you haven't been paying attention, In a few months, you will know what they found.
  • Concern Virgin Islander (25/11/2021, 08:25) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    What a thing to tell the KING...
  • long look me come from (25/11/2021, 08:52) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    Let the crazy girl get the Uk message we will always protect our own
  • UNTOUCHABLES (25/11/2021, 11:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • @png look me come from (25/11/2021, 11:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Say what now? Protect our own? And who might the our own be? Honey child, we destroy our own on a daily basis. You need to make a fast U-TURN AND HOPE YOU END UP IN THE RIGHT LANE.
  • Too Much Quacks and Invalids (25/11/2021, 12:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    For those who can see the agenda and the danger your stress level and anger must be off the chart. Look at these clueless fools enabling the demonic New World Order agenda while quoting scripture and talking about Jesus. The oppressors know for a fact that they are dealing with clueless simpletons and trans human Zombies who are now begging for another dose of Kool Aid. Greedy and coward so called leaders are prepping the population for the soon coming mandatory vaccination which will probably be mandated by the British in the COI outcome. How will the sell outs feel knowing that they have sold themselves and children to the controlled false reality of the New World Order Metaverse. Time is quickly running out but unfortunately there are not enough woke persons with the guts to take a meaningful stand only self seeking wanna be politicians in and out of office who have no idea what is happening. What a price to pay!!!!!
  • um (25/11/2021, 14:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I thought Kool Aid was a US thing..
    The HOA members already have this so we can't sue them.
    If as rumors say that the findings require a trial or removes members from power then the COI members need to covered that they can't be sued doing their job.
    Any one who things everything is great should go and listen to the 55 hearings from the COI. The BVI does not come up smelling of roses or bougainvillea. It sounds and smells like Road Town sewage.
  • Ne Timeas (25/11/2021, 19:20) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    No problem with the UK indemnifying Gov Rankin, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom, and COI lawyers from any personal liability incident to their performing work relative to the COI, so long as the BVI taxpayers don’t incur the cost. The UK would incur any payment resulting from a judicial review. Additionally, the UK should pay Gov Rankin legal fees incident to his testifying before the COI. Making the BVI taxpayers pay the Governor’s legal fees is akin to crusading. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. As such Speaker of the HOA Julian Willock should also be indemnify against any personal liability. That said the AG is the government legal advisor and his/her legal advice and guidance should be sought before taking any legal action.
  • my2cents (25/11/2021, 20:37) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    This validates Willock and the BVI Government.
  • Mark (26/11/2021, 15:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The British Government will incur the cost. Who else?
  • RedStorm (30/11/2021, 12:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    What good for the goose good for the gander. Its equality , fairness which is justifiable.

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