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UK MP says Order in Council should be lifted for new VI gov’t

- Mr James Sunderland it’s time now for VI to fulfil its potential & to move forward
James Sunderland, a British politician and former military officer who is currently serving as the Member of Parliament for Bracknell since 2019, has called for the Order in Council held in reserve to partially suspend the Virgin Islands constitution should be removed, especially with a new government now elected. Photo: YouTube
Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), left, and Deputy Premier Honourable Lorna G. Smith, OBE, right, with All Party Parliamentary Group Chair, Honourable James Sunderland in the United Kingdom on May 9, 2023. Photo: GIS
Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), left, and Deputy Premier Honourable Lorna G. Smith, OBE, right, with All Party Parliamentary Group Chair, Honourable James Sunderland in the United Kingdom on May 9, 2023. Photo: GIS
LONDON, United Kingdom- With a new government in the Virgin Islands (VI) elected, following general elections of April 24, 2023, a British Member of Parliament believes the Government of the United Kingdom (VI) should now lift the Order in Council to partially suspend the territory’s constitution.

James Sunderland, a British politician and former military officer who is currently serving as the Member of Parliament for Bracknell since 2019, said there is a need for a new trade arrangement with the Overseas Territories (OTs) to reflect the changes within the European Union and the other countries.

“The British Virgin Islands, for example, wants its prescriptive court order lifted. It has a new government and a superb new Prime Minister, so it’s time now for the BVI to fulfil its potential and to move forward,” Mr Sunderland, a Conservative Party member, stated during the debate titled Future of Overseas Territories in the House of Commons on May 11, 2023.

The controversial Order in Council was put in place following the release of the Report on the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on April 29, 2023, to force the VI to swiftly implement recommendations made by a lone CoI Commissioner.

The Commissioner, a UK national, had recommended direct rule by the UK on the VI; however, following pushback from the Virgin Islands people, as well as support from CARICOM, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), University of the West Indies, US Virgin Islands (USVI) and the United Nations (UN), the UK decided to place an Order in Council to suspend the VI constitution on reserve.

The Order in Council in reserve has been likened by many to the UK holding a gun to VI’s head, which they argue is not representative of a modern partnership, but reeks of colonialism and even racism.

Threat of direct rule can ‘weaken democratic governance’- E. Benito Wheatley

In a statement to Members of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly: Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonisation) in New York City on October 6, 2022, Special Envoy of the Premier Mr E. Benito Wheatley said the reserved Order in Council is a form of pressure that can weaken democratic governance and hinder a genuine working relationship between the VI and UK.

“This form of pressure can weaken democratic governance and is an obstacle to building a new genuine modern partnership between the UK and BVI that is based on trust and supports the aspirations of the people of the Territory.”

Mr Wheatley also told the UN there should also be sensitivity about the feelings of the Commonwealth Caribbean on this issue in terms of the colonial past.

“A new modern partnership can be established if both sides act in good faith,” Mr Wheatley had argued.

‘OTs should not be seen as subordinates’- MP James Sunderland

Meanwhile, Mr Sunderland, the All Party Parliamentary Group Chair, said the UK relationship with the Overseas Territories has been referred to recently as benign neglect.

“That’s a very powerful phrase. I don’t subscribe to that, but it is a wake-up call for us in this place and we need to do more, in my view to strengthen our relationship with the Overseas Territories.

Mr Sunderland also said the Overseas Territories should not be seen somehow as subordinates to the UK. “They simply want to be partners,” Mr Sunderland said, adding that self-determination for the OTs must also be perceived as real.

31 Responses to “UK MP says Order in Council should be lifted for new VI gov’t”

  • Paranoia1 (15/05/2023, 14:22) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    The New Normal was being envisioned by the Indicted... Before becoming a Victim of Conflicts of Interests
    And Inappropriate Consultancy Fees .
    .And Over Paid Government Advisors that assisted the Captain in Running the Ship on the Rocks... And then adding Insults to Injuries Creating an Greedy Bill to Benefit the Raiders of the lost Ark....Aka the "COOKIE JAR"...
    • @Paranoia1 (15/05/2023, 15:13) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
      As usual, the same old stupid gossip. Who can discipline the UK for giving our millions and millions of pounds to friends and family and close acquittances who formed companies just to receive huge contracts and orders for PPE suites and other needed covid supplies. The same UK declined to have any investigations or COI into these matters among others as it was deemed by them to not be in the best interest of the UK people in the time of crisis while UK Residents lives were being loss and the UK economy tanking out. These are the double standards that annoys any rational thinking human being who live in any OT.
    • To Premier, Hon. Kye Rymer, and Owner of The New View Inn (15/05/2023, 18:17) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      If you both worship Almighty God and honour His name like you claim, remove that green cloth the former disgraced premier had put up on the pole across from The New View Inn.

      Looks like the only one left in plain sight.

      How many times people have to ask you to arrange for it to be taken down.

      Remove it from the district.
      • Why don’t you (15/05/2023, 19:34) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        Do it if it bugs you that much. Nike - just f do it!
      • @To Premier, Hon. Kye Rymer, and Owner of The New View Inn (15/05/2023, 20:32) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        Stop wrongfully blaming the last Premier. This place have a set of people like you who get involve in foolish talk. I am not a fan of the last Premier while I admit he did plenty good for the BVI although some persons like you will disagree. At least he did not run for office. What I see as disgraceful is District Six people elected a man who has been arrested & who can go jail soon for corruption. This is disgraceful & unbelievable.
  • Rubber Duck (15/05/2023, 14:41) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    There are 650 MPs and he is a nobody so dont get excited.
    • WOW (17/05/2023, 14:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Rubber Duck you are showing your true feelings. Still hoping to take over? We need to have a chat.
  • HMMM (15/05/2023, 14:50) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Now he is talking sense.
  • East End woman (15/05/2023, 14:51) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    It should not be in place from the start. It does not reflect a modern partnership.
  • facts (15/05/2023, 14:52) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the 21st century an Order in Council represents dictatorship and a slavery mentality. It needs to be permanently eliminated.
  • The Issue (15/05/2023, 14:54) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK cannot have elected officials in the BVI being governed by UK public servants. They are not their equal and it is disrespectful. UK, please change this immediately and show good faith in the partnership.
  • Clearly (15/05/2023, 14:56) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    Clearly some of these UK male Governors, especially the last one, are racist people and do not see us as people but as their property.
  • The Slip Hammer (15/05/2023, 15:11) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    England is still a Bitch. They sung it as far back as 1977,
  • thanks VINO (15/05/2023, 15:28) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply
    VINO you must be congratulated for always posting blogs for or against any topic/story especially ones dealing with the Governor, UK, the BVI people & progress, and our elected leaders. The other red, white & blues online news site starting with BVIN#@$ is clearly pro Governor, UK, and anything negative against the people of the BVI and our leaders. They mostly only post blogs in their favor. I guess they have a role to play in this ongoing plot to destabilize the BVI but do it with clean hands so the BVI people can be fooled and thereby cry out to them to save us when in fact they the ones who are trying to destroy us.
  • Political analyst (15/05/2023, 15:41) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The order in council despite the clarion call by many for it being lifted is not going to be lifted. MP Sunderland though a member of the sitting Conservative led Rishi ….is call for it being lifted is just political talk and it not going to be heeded. Why not? The order in council to suspend the VI which is being held in abeyance is not going to be lifted, for it was made at the highest level. Her majesty QEII acting on the advice of the Privy Council authorized the order in council to suspend the VI constitution. And if only to justify the position to suspend, it will be kept in place. The reality is high level decisions are supposedly well-thought out, justified and defensible so once made they are not typically reversed in a few months, unless exigent circumstances arise. I cannot see King Charles III reversing a position, a decision, taken by his predecessor, his mother, to suspend the constitution of the VI. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the VI, a little neglected and forgotten colony in some far flung place that they hope would get out its hair and varnish. The VI was not an important player in the Sugar Islands, the once most profitable colonies in the Empire during its peak. The UK sees the VI as one the last remnants of the once vast and mighty Empire that has faded into oblivion. The UK wish it could just cut the VI and other OTs loose and be done, for it has its own mounting socioeconomic and political problems. In the meantime, the order in council will stay over the head of the VI and its people like the Sword of Damocles. Additionally, it will be used as a weapon and as insurance to force compliance in implementing the recommendations of the CoI.
    • @Political analyst (15/05/2023, 17:20) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well analyzed. This is why I have been calling for the Governor to make public what he wrote to his UK bosses and they to the UK Parliament and the King to get the COI and the two Orders in Council. Doesn't freedom of information work for their actions also? This is why I have been calling for the UK Attorney Cox report who worked with the BVI Attorney General during the COI. I am 100% sure these documents will show many inconsistencies by the Governor and UK Officials coupled with challenges with the truth. This will be the BVI's saving grace. These will provide the BVI with the exigent circumstances required to reverse these well-organized evil actions against democracy by some of these UK officials over the OTs.
    • Josiahsbay (15/05/2023, 18:33) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Political analyst: If the UK sees us as the last remnants of the once vast and mighty Empire. Why do they hold onto the most critical and self-determining powers we need to grow into to effect self-determination by way of our constitution? Why don't they take themselves out of our legislation and constitution and set a date for us to decide on our way forward? We claim to have rights but never ever challenge the UK on those principles. We accept everything that the UK throws at us. The "order in Council" is colonial dogma and anti-self-determination. We are too cowardly to challenge it.
      • @JosiahsBay (15/05/2023, 19:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      • Political analyst (16/05/2023, 09:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        @JosiahsBay, the UK’s passion to hold to the last remnants of a once vast, profitable empire is simply about control and status and holding on to the colonialism construct. In the 14th and 15th centuries, Britain like other European countries were riddled with poverty, famine, feudalism and diseases. However, through the age of discovery and exploration, conquest and colonization, it punched way above its weight becoming an economic power house, a superpower, controlling over 25% of globe; it ruled the waves. However, like all empires it rise and fall. Consumed by war, decolonization push, etc, it started to lose its once vast influence. It is no longer a superpower, and dropped from the economic power #6 economic power in the world. Consequently, to regain some its prestige, it is using Global Britain to do so. And the OTs, along with the Commonwealth of Nations, are pawns in this effort. Preventing Scotland from pursuing independence is also part of this effort. It sees control of OTs as vehicles, pawns, for attaining its aim. Colonialism has always been about control, exclusion, racial superiority, etc.
      • Political analyst (16/05/2023, 10:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @JosiahsBay, Virgin Islanders seemed to have been conditioned with an altruist attitude towards others, especially residents at Mount Olympus, setting aside their best interests and seeing the world through the eyes of others who don’t share their best interest and want to keep them an out-group and in a permanent underclass status. It seems as if they have been afflicted with the Stockholm Syndrome. They have lost the fight of Christopher Fleming, Theodolph Faulkner, Lou Harrigan, Noel Lloyd and PAM. We want things to happen but we don’t want to struggle. Frederick Douglass:” If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” If Virgin Islanders want to move the self-determination needle, it must plan, organize, advocate, agitate, decide, demand, etc.
    • Frig.... (15/05/2023, 18:40) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Politicsl Analyst are a frig with your finger on the pulse on the intent on the colonialist projection, distraction, challenges, lies, etc. And exposed they go what the frig we frig for they are on to us although they went Manda school under the tammon tree. We should continued banning reading, righting, rithmetic for them rass nah mon. Frig mon.
  • cay (15/05/2023, 16:15) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    The problem is the ndp has killed the country and the vip need 8 years to clean it up
    • To Cay (15/05/2023, 17:03) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is not the time to fall in the UK trap of blaming each other and fighting each other. The BVI has done no worse than any other country including the UK. They want us to believe otherwise but we are not stupid. It is time to get out of this one-sided partnership as it is sinking.
  • Nonsense. I disagree. (15/05/2023, 17:36) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    Them up in England aint really know what going on down here. The kind of suffering people are going through. The wicked hearted and greedy people we have in high places. Election just finish two days we in Lower Road town down have current for two days. This is real punishment the people getting.. Family with children have to endure a hot house for days...Our people in power are Criminals..Now someone saying its a scam to get new generators, getting new generators means 100 of thousands in people's pocket..
    • smdh (15/05/2023, 18:23) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
      You sound so foolish. Do you know what is really going on in England? I doubt it or you would not post piddle. Crime is so bad in certain areas of England that if you are robbed it makes no sense to call the police. Life is getting harder and harder in England. There are increasing strikes daily even in the public service and healthcare. The power supply in certain areas is worse than BVI. It is a pity some of you do not research before you post nonsense out of hatred for the BVI.
      • Really (15/05/2023, 23:30) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        Life can’t be that hard in England when droves of BVIslanders and Belongers are relocating there in droves. Got to be worse here at home.
        • jokes (16/05/2023, 13:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          UK...not talking about no little towns or village...cities..suburban areas wereost folks live are a nightmare..street robberies...stabbings..general disorder at every turn..and the's politicians..don't give a s_# about the average person.
  • trevor (15/05/2023, 22:30) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    There you go, England would like to cut us free, let us go, but…
    They cannot, because we are not capable of self control financially.
    Proof found in COI, premier in jail, arrests and violence everywhere.
    Y’all want Haiti? Corruption and gangs running things?
    This is the issue, they morally and constitutionally cannot abandon us, and thank you Jesus that they don’t.
    All this conspiracy about UK wanting this place, that is furthest from the truth.
    Accountability=Transparency =Independence.
    We have confused our incompetence with arrogance….

    • @trevor (16/05/2023, 08:07) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Historically whenever we show that we have confidence in ourselves we are called arrogant. Nothing has changed in how we are perceived by you people.
  • Aunty Susan (16/05/2023, 08:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The main problem is that without the UK we would have no way to defend ourselves against the drug cartels.
    • Really! (16/05/2023, 10:32) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Really! The UK has one ship to patrol the area. If thevUK truly wanted to control the supposed drug cartel, it would have invested in more sea and air assets for the area. The one assigned ship is just symbolic. The BVI does not directly pumped any taxes into the UK’s coffers so the UK is not going to dedicate any major resources to protect it and it is dtruggling with a myriad of problems at home. Are Virgin Islanders willing to pay taxes for increase protection and other services? Furthermore, the VI has no representation in Parliament and when you are not at table you are not even going to get the crumbs that fall from the table much less anything of form and substance.

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