UK Minister threatens ‘further action’ if delays with CoI Reforms continue
![While in the [British] Virgin Islands, UK Minister David H. Rutley will meet Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and the [British] Virgin Islands Government to receive an update on progress of governance reforms stemming from an independent inquiry into governance in the territory. Photo: VI Gov’t/File](
Our News Centre had first and accurately reported on January 22, 2024, that Minister Rutley would be visiting the territory.
According to a press release from Government Information Service (GIS) on Sunday, February 4, 2024, Rutley is expected in the territory today and during his visit, the Minister will meet Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and the [British] Virgin Islands Government to receive an update on progress of governance reforms stemming from an independent inquiry into governance in the territory.
VI Gov’t get threats from UK Minister
In a statement ahead of his arrival the Minister set the tone of his visit by giving a stern warning to the democratically elected government of the Virgin Islands.
“The Overseas Territories are a core part of the UK family and the UK Government is committed to the security. prosperity and well-being of the people of the British Virgin Islands. We want to see a successful, thriving, well-governed BVI, and will continue to do our utmost to support the Governor and the people of the BVI to achieve that goal.
“The Commission of Inquiry has identified serious governance and reputational issues, but progress on implementing its recommendations has been too slow, with agreed deadlines missed. That is why I am here: to listen and understand from those working directly on the reforms how they can be delivered quicker so that the people of BVI get the good governance they deserve.
“The UK will provide further technical assistance if required. However, if there continues to be a lack of progress, we will not hesitate to take further action to help deliver the much-needed reforms,” Minister Rutley stated.
Minister’s visit comes @ ‘crucial time’- Gov Pruce
Newly sworn in Governor Daniel Pruce made it clear that the implementation of the CoI Recommendations implementation, like his predecessor, remains a top priority.
“The Minister’s visit comes at a crucial time for the BVI, and signals the UK’s interest and commitment to ensuring that the BVI succeeds. Delivering the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry will help us achieve the positive changes we all want to see, including better access to services, a fairer society with opportunities for all, and a more accountable and transparent government.”
The CoI Recommendations were made by a retired UK judge handpicked by the UK to singlehandedly lead the CoI in the VI during the COVID-19 pandemic.

43 Responses to “UK Minister threatens ‘further action’ if delays with CoI Reforms continue”
UK is ranked 20th least corrupt country globally out of 180.
nah but he definitely talking to ignorant citizens like you.
This slave mentality of white supremacy must come to an end.
BVI, stop allowing these white people to bully you. These fear tactics are what they like to use against black people, don’t be fearful of them. We are stronger than them united together. Be fearless, strong and united in this battle. No longer be bullied by the UK. Fight BVI, Fight! L
Lol. Grow up
Why don’t you UK bloggers go back to the UK and take your country from the Indian Prime Minister and the Muslims. Oh No, you can’t, because you wh***s scared so now you want to come to the Caribbean and reap where you no sow. You hear talking rubbish!
Faced with a Hobson’s choice, the local government under duress agreed to a fast tracked, unrealistic timeline for implementing CoI recommendations. It was either a) agree to the fast-tracked ,unrealistic timeline or b) UK suspending the constitution and UK taking direct rule. The local government ( Unity Government) agreed to a) yet the constitution was suspended by an order in council and being held in abeyance ( reserve), hanging over the VI and its people like the Swords of Damocles.
The UK’s goal is to suspend constitution and take up direct rule as it did in TCI in the 80s. As such, it has devised a strategic plan to suspend the constitution/direct rule and employing tactical measures to bring the plan to fruition. The UN, along with regional bodies, OECS, Caricom,,etc, have expressed concerns, displeasure, etc with the undemocratic, heavy handed, colonialism, etc, actions of the UK. But the UK ignores the UN with impunity, for it is accountable only to itself in regards to colonies( they prefer the politically correct term territories but a pig is a pig). The UK show more indifference to regional bodies.; it does not give a rats’s @$$ about regional bodies. The (British) Virgin Islands is out to sea in a row boat, with the tide running north without oars, water and food.
Moreover , the UK is embolden and taking advantage of the disunity, appeasing, Stockholm syndrome,,etc, among the VI population to pursue its agenda. This current lack of fight against colonialism anti/democratic practices, reconquering and recolonizing practices, is a decline from a) the Great March of 24 November 1949, b) Noel Llloyd and Positive Action Movement ( PAM) action in 1968, C) Christopher Fleming led protest of 1890, d) Anguilla uprising to seceding from St. Kitts and Nevis.. The VI and people skeletal actions are like a lamb going to slaughter while the UK is employing muscular actions to achieve its goals. Virgin Islanders are slaughtering and squandering group effort and benefit on the altar for individual success. Individual success is beneficial to individual but retards and harms the group effort and progress..
Further, UK embraces the OTs being part of the family seems like a term it throws around conveniently when it serves their purpose. For example, OT minister Rudley offered Governor Rankin a choice of either a)technical assistance or b) more power to help with the CoI implementation; the Governor chose more power. This choice said it all and was keeping with the plan, ie, take over.
Moreover, VI government and people are not innocent (not Pilates) in the state in which the VI finds itself. It was their attitude, behaviour , actions, lack of engagement, etc which contributed to the current situation. The BVI people was a contributor to problem and now they must hitched themselves to wagon and fix it.
So lets ask yourself, isn’t it full time the BVI ask for INDEPENDENT? If not, why not? As long as we are under the British flag, so whether we like or disagree with their laws, we MUST comply. We (the government) recently agreed to comply and Implementing certain condition's from the COI, to improve good governance, yet we complain when we failed to comply and implement said agreements. We can’t eat your cake, and still have it. AS LONG AS WE REMAIN UNDER OUR “MOTHER’S ROOF, comply with her house rules, or simply move OUT, which means INDEPENDENCE. As long as we remain a British territory, we can’t act like we are a INDEPENDENT nation. Am pretty sure the USVI have to comply with every U.S. laws that the U.S. government hands down, even if the local government or Local Governor kicks up.
So what’s do we really want?
BVI is a net cost to the UK, does not produce an income.
BVI has no mineral or mining deposits (oil, gas, lithium, gold)
BVI has a tiny labour force and has no manufacturing industry nor agricultural industry
BVI has no geo-political significance: Uncle Sam controlling the USVI covers that off
Why do people believe that the BVI has something which the UK wants or needs? What is it?
You see , it seems to me that BVI is an embarrassment to UK internationally and they would very much like it if you did gain independence. Remember 62 countries have already become independent of the UK so this is hardly new ground to cover.