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UK ‘let my people go’ & end colonialism– Hon Vanterpool

- said the VI has shown it has been managing its own affairs & therefore should not have to beg the UK for independence
Fourth District Representative Hon Mark H. Vanterpool has said the people of the VI should not have to go to the UK begging for independence, as colonialism is over and has pleaded with the UK to let his people go! Photo: YouTube
Senior Legislator in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Mark H. Vanterpool has called on the UK to free the people of the VI to handle their own affairs. Photo: Internet Source
Senior Legislator in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Mark H. Vanterpool has called on the UK to free the people of the VI to handle their own affairs. Photo: Internet Source
DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI– Fourth District Representative and experienced legislator Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool says the 2023 Budget presented by the coalition government is one that all in the Virgin Islands (VI) should be proud of and is an indicator that the Territory has been managing its own affairs.

Hon Vanterpool was at the time speaking at the Continuation of the Ninth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom on December 20, 2022, when he said that the VI managing its own affairs should be a precursor for the UK to grant the VI independence of their own without the people the VI having to ask for it.

Let the people of the VI go - Hon Vanterpool 

“I want to say to the United Kingdom… Like the lord sent Moses to speak to Pharaoh, I want to say to the United Kingdom, let my people go. 

“Mr Speaker, I'm saying it this way because I'm not going in the direction where I'm saying to my people that we should ask to be let go. I'm saying to you [UK], let our people go… the time has come when colonialism must stop. It must be ended in the Caribbean because it has ended all over the world,” he said.

Hon Vanterpool reiterated that the people of the VI should not have to go to the UK begging for independence, as colonialism is over.

“We still have to be told what to do… I'm asking the United Kingdom to wake up with your own conscience,” he added.

According to Hon Vanterpool, the VI has made mistakes just as the UK has made mistakes, as evident in a roster of recent Prime Ministers.

“We cannot go to the Kingdom and tell the people what to do. Therefore, the people of the United Kingdom should not have the right to tell us what to do. Get out of it, even our people here in serious positions should stop thinking that way and realise that we have been managing our affairs for a number of years,” he added.

VI not colonial slaves anymore - Hon Vanterpool 

“United Kingdom, let my people go, we are not colonial slaves anymore. We are not people who can't think for ourselves,” the seasoned legislator and successful businessman reiterated.

According to Hon Vanterpool, the VI is being whipped psychologically by the United Kingdom, which is seeking to impose things like capital punishment, same-sex marriage, and legislation that still have to be assented to by the Governor.

“That is colonialism, assent by a colonial master to do what you want for your country,” he said.

35 Responses to “UK ‘let my people go’ & end colonialism– Hon Vanterpool”

  • hmm (21/12/2022, 10:23) Like (41) Dislike (28) Reply
    This clown in a suit can’t be serious…….lol
  • jump jump (21/12/2022, 10:33) Like (16) Dislike (15) Reply
  • suzie (21/12/2022, 10:37) Like (17) Dislike (25) Reply
    Mehson Mark try go and SIDDUNG! from here wid dah
  • Youth (21/12/2022, 10:48) Like (33) Dislike (27) Reply
    Speak it Honorable. Educate the people.
  • Yes (21/12/2022, 10:48) Like (36) Dislike (28) Reply
    The man is making sense. Wake up BVI people
  • Native Senior of the British Virgin Islands (21/12/2022, 10:49) Like (24) Dislike (19) Reply
    Hon. Mark Mark Vanterpool, you are a good businessman, by nowadays business standards, but on the issues of political standard you zig zag too often.
    On the Topic Issue from you, am not interested.
    However, as a person, I respect you.

    What you and many have failed to accepr at this time, that the BVI is in no position to defend its citizens Spiritually, economically, politically, educationally, medically, muchless globally. We need help from stronger countries, the UK included? Can't you and many others reconize the the BVI is on a self-wounding distructing path? Many and I can.
    • To Native senior (21/12/2022, 11:46) Like (28) Dislike (3) Reply
      All we do is complain as if the BVI has nothing good and has done nothing correct. Check every country in the world including the UK and tell me where there are not the same issues and worse. We have a lot to do still but I will join no one in making me feel or believe that we have not done well. We can handle our own affairs because we have been doing so and doing so better than the UK and most developed countries.
      • Hilarious (21/12/2022, 15:20) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
        We have been managing our own affairs better than the UK you said? With the UK looking over our shoulder maybe…Many of our people go to the UK to get an education. And having that British umbrella to shelter us certainly makes a big difference. Please don’t be naive. Doing well while living with your parents and doing well on your own are two completely different things.
      • @To Native Senior (22/12/2022, 11:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Wish I could like your comment 100x.
    • RedStorm (21/12/2022, 16:17) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Native Senor,
      There is no Saviour but the GOD of heaven. Have you ask yourself some relevant questions. If the UK rewrite your constitution it will be in the best interest of the UK or for the Virgin Island people, and how would it be done ? it will be done with small little words, for example " Marriage is between a man and a woman" but if this little word is used in the constitution " other gender" is included it will change it , two little words and you will have a Sodom and Gomorrah. If they allow same sex marriage it is for their profit or is it for yours, and this will have a domino effect on our children. As children learn from example, and they wanted to see that example that is good and right in the sight of GOD. If they see two men or two women raising a family ,that's they example they will portray and think it is right.

      There are more things that will get change for example they are aware that the blue fin tuna is in these virgin islands water a priced fish and best for economic stability. It will be easy to change the status of who fish and where they should fish. Encourage one group of people to buy big fishing boa t create market to harness this type of fish, while regulation rewrite to oppress another group. This is for economic reasons.

      Have you ask yourself why the changes in employment, reason , get the head of all department to be employed by one group of people while the others try to work to level up in management position , so they can garner more profitable wages, be in the best position to buy land then push out another group of people. I remember when people try to {fence the beaches in the 80's}. It will never happen. It will take some local to work more than twenty years to get into CFO, COO, directors, managers, position. To create oppression is easy, to maintain oppression it is using silence. Let see , what recently happens, Chief Police was changed years ago, assist chief of police change. Director of Ports and Airport will change, director of Trade will change, director of customs will change. If you haven't see the pattern , then envision it.

      When you have problem in your house, you do not call the neighbour to solve it, find mechanism to foster good ideas and make the wrongs right. Hon making good sense, stand up or get out the way.
      • @redstorm (22/12/2022, 11:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        If I knew who you were I would kiss you. this is the most sensible comment Ive read in a long time. Big up yourself.
        I agree with you 100%. the wise will survive the blind will be lost
  • Dareal (21/12/2022, 10:54) Like (22) Dislike (18) Reply
    But come on Mark, without the UK believe me, the BVI will go down very fast and rapidly. The UK just put on a stop to politicians or people in power that will take advantage of the majority of citizens of the BVI.
    • @ dareal (21/12/2022, 11:12) Like (7) Dislike (16) Reply
      The facts are the longer we stay with the Uk the the worse of the bvi will become stay awoke residents
    • @Dareal (22/12/2022, 11:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      St. Kitts went independent in the early 80s and oh my their progression since has been amazing. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they have issues but trust me they surely are trending in the right direction. Also, look at the Bahamas they been independent since like 73 and definitely seem to be doing fine without the UK...ijs.
  • Kidding me (21/12/2022, 11:02) Like (19) Dislike (14) Reply
    Until we can prove we are worthy of running our country on our own, why would you even think it was the right thing to do? Here we are with arrests announced every other day, including our former premier.... and you want the people to trust you? Never mind the oppression you impart on the immigrants who come here from the broader Caribbean and around the world. Keeping them basically indentured to their employers by not allowing them to seek better employment without leaving first. Who can afford to do that? There is way to much to fix here before we can even begin to think about running independently.
    • To kidding me (21/12/2022, 11:38) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
      Your mentality is our hold back as they will always make us think that we are not worthy of running our own affairs and this is not factual. The UK people are worse off than us and they wish they were out from under the UK rule so why should we accept this colonialistic rule in modern times. I agree measures must continue to be put in place to hold us all accountable but that must include for the Governor also.
      • To To Kidding Me (21/12/2022, 13:11) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
        Our HOA members don't even read the laws they pass and then get upset when they see the results. We then re-elect these individuals, despite that. You think that is the behavior of a people ready for independence?
  • bvibuzz (21/12/2022, 11:13) Like (12) Dislike (17) Reply
    Mark is correct we need to fight all the way white supremacy and racism by the uk
  • wake up bvi (21/12/2022, 11:30) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    Obviously most of you blogging against what he is saying didn't do your research because history shows that where ever the UK remains in charge only the rich survives. Look at Africa and all over. The fact is we can govern ourselves by doing what is being done now, putting systems in to do so and safe guard against abuse. It is time to move on from a relationship that has out grown its time. The notion that governors are good people and politicians alone are bad is a baseless one. Both will be bad if there are no checks and balances to hold each accountable to the people. We have systems in place for the politicians and even if they fail we can vote them out but we are defenseless against the UK and their governor as the people have no system in place to address them when they go wrong and to protect the people from their abuse of power. This is the heart of the issue and it must change now. There are more failures with the Governors and their portfolios than politicians and the facts bare this out. Wake up BVI.
  • I ask (21/12/2022, 11:34) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    To all of you who love the Governor and UK rule I ask you what is in place for the people of the BVI to protect we the people from their abuse of power? The answer is nothing. They have us brain wash. In modern times there is no way we should be given a Governor that is not elected by the people. A Governor should not be above the law or in charge of law enforcement without accountability measures being in place to avoid abuse. Mark is on target. Time to move forward.
  • Move now (21/12/2022, 11:51) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mark use the right analogy with Moses as the Israelites did not want to come out of Egypt under bondage that they thought was security qfor the same baseless arguments some of us do not want to come out from under the UK. We fail to realize that where God is taking us is better than where we are and they will never let us go willingly. They will always make us think that we cannot make it without them and that our leaders are always bad people and that the UK and their governor are the only good people. I now realize that the more things change the more they stay the same. I guess like the plagues God will have to force us out.
  • Mustang (21/12/2022, 12:10) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hon Mark ‘Action Vanterpool, I feel the passion and energy in what you are advocating. But bring it down. Yes, colonialism was/is a brutal, exploitive, abusive, sexual violence, psychological traumatic, and dehumanizing institution sanctioned and institutionalized by the UK government. It deprived colonies of freedom, blessings of liberty, democracy, and basic human rights. Nevertheless, there is a process under the UN charter for the VI to pursue independence if a majority of people vote for it. But the people has not had the opportunity to do so. The vI must let the people through a referendum choose their political status, ie, independence, integration , integration, etc. We are going to have a referendum on same sex marriage. Is not the Bi a Christian nation? By way, BI residents need to be educated on the pros and cons of independence. BVI residents have not been education on the constitution and are struggling with making a meaningful contribution to the CRC.
  • Rubber Chicken (21/12/2022, 12:32) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    We need to join the USVI. Perhaps then we will have legislators that actually read laws that they are passing. He wants us to be independent when legislators openly admit that they don't read laws that they passed.
  • Rubber Duck (21/12/2022, 13:55) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    The Uk whites are out blogging but who in 2022 can disagree with mark?

    We must fight to be free from the Uk oppressors slavery is a thing of the pass
    • jah (21/12/2022, 18:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      You keep fighting,,if wasn't for UK tola would have been like Haiti..with no where to turn to...when a country becomes a source to deploy drugs it becomes a red flag for other nations,then what you think comes after,tola act as a middle man,which the other country wouldn't get accused of..the government spent taxpayer money to fisheries and farming one year ago yet no fish in the market no local vegetable and poultry in the stores..the money are spent somewhere else..look at majority of these local who have enter for a trade license but doesn't pay no tax,no social security,no NHI,but at the end they want all the benefits because they say them from hay...
  • hmmm (21/12/2022, 14:41) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Really ? Just hold a referendum. If the majority want independence the UK will gladly let us go. No begging is needed. You think in this day and age the UK really wants all the issues of the overseas territories. They have enoug( problems of their own.
  • not nice (21/12/2022, 18:14) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    I AM in full surport with mark time to rid the UK
  • Tell the truth shame the devil (21/12/2022, 20:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Far more dirty money is laundered in the BVI than drug money but like the magician if we keep the public focused on drugs the City of London would not have to worry too much about their dark twin in the Caribbean. Mystify it and make seem like rocket science to the ordinary man then add in all the other smoke and mirrors now being employed and we good to go as most people here don't have a clue as to why the bridle has to stay in their mouths and the blinders on.
  • Yes to UK (21/12/2022, 21:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @To Native senior, You just don't have the full picture yes we have done well and could have done better, but what you don’t understand if the BVI was to go independent one of our biggest income will be pulled from under us, the Trust companies won’t stay in the BVI our government is not friendly to tourist what they did earlier this year chase a lot of people and businesses away so where is the government going to get their money from? People like you and I will be paying some heavy taxes without any help from anyone. We were doing fine with the UK until this last government got in power.
    • @Yes to UK (22/12/2022, 11:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Please stop talking nonsense! There is no evidence ANYWHERE that if the VI were to sever ties with the UK we would somehow lose financial services as a viable industry. That's just nonsense so stop with your disinformation. Many independent countries have a viable financial services product (eg. Bahamas). They, unlike us are not being forced to implement public registers in relation to ultimate beneficial ownership of companies before it becomes a global standard. Being forced to do that will possibly negatively affect the industry and it will all be down to our association with the UK.
      • No Comparison (22/12/2022, 14:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Look at average GDP of Bahamas and Barbados - their financial services industries are nowhere near as successful as the BVI. I agree that the U.K. has loads of problems to sort out and that the idea that another country has a hold over your own feels wrong in this day and age. But, there are more pros than cons, look at how we received helped after Irma and during the pandemic. How many BVIislanders study/live in the U.K. because of their status? Look at the levels of corruption that have been exposed in the last year. There has to be some level of higher authority and if we can’t police ourselves how can we make an argument for going it alone.
  • Yep (21/12/2022, 22:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • born here (21/12/2022, 22:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even with the help of the UK, Tortola still can't manage their own affairs. You all still living like it's 1960.
  • B (22/12/2022, 04:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Color of Law must be implemented in the constitution. No more Unequally to No man, wo man, or Chid

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