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'UK does not have good history' of meaningful assistance to VI - Skelton-Cline

-lashes out at Governor Jaspert & UK Gov't over stance on COVID-19 financial assistance
Following remarks from the United Kingdom (UK) appointed Governor of the Virgin Islands, H.E. Augustus J.U. Jaspert that the Virgin Islands (VI) is capable of financing its own initiatives, ZBVI 780am 'Honestly Speaking' radio moderator Claude O. Skelton-Cline has urged the local government to stop looking to the UK for help. Photo: VINO/File/GIS
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a statement on Saturday, March 28, 2020, had said Government was trusting that the Governor is able to assist the Territory with accessing these funds to match what the VI was making available to its unemployed population as a result of COVID-19. Photo: GIS/File
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a statement on Saturday, March 28, 2020, had said Government was trusting that the Governor is able to assist the Territory with accessing these funds to match what the VI was making available to its unemployed population as a result of COVID-19. Photo: GIS/File
Claude O. Skelton-Cline said that a majority of the rebuilding efforts in the territory after the hurricanes of 2017 was done by the people and the private sector even with industries down. Photo: Facebook/File
Claude O. Skelton-Cline said that a majority of the rebuilding efforts in the territory after the hurricanes of 2017 was done by the people and the private sector even with industries down. Photo: Facebook/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI - Following remarks from the United Kingdom (UK) appointed Governor of the Virgin Islands, H.E. Augustus J.U. Jaspert that the Virgin Islands (VI) is capable of financing its own initiatives, ZBVI 780am 'Honestly Speaking' radio moderator Claude O. Skelton-Cline has urged the local government to stop looking to the UK for help.

Governor Jaspert's comments came after the Government of the Virgin Islands made a request for a grant to help persons made unemployed as a result of stringent measures to fight the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), now with three confirmed cases in the territory. 

VI Gov't asked UK for assistance

Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a statement on Saturday, March 28, 2020, had said Government was trusting that the Governor is able to assist the Territory with accessing these funds to match what the VI was making available to its unemployed population as a result of COVID-19.

The Governor in a statement responded, that while the UK stands with the people, “We [VI] have healthy reserves and the Social Security Board Fund is very robust."  "I know, like sister Territories, BVI is proudly self-sufficient, and will be considering every resource to support our people,” Gov Jaspert further noted. 

However, according to Skelton-Cline, the UK has never had a history of assisting the territory in any meaningful ways in times of need.

"I keep telling us, don't look to for help to come from anywhere else, be the hope and the help you are looking for," he said on the Thursday, April 2, 2020 edition of his 'Honestly Speaking' show. 

'We got to start within...  don't look for nobody coming in riding in on a white horse, they ain't coming," he said. 

UK backed loans was never in best interest of VI - Skelton-Cline  

According to the Man of the Cloth, the Virgin Islands and the situation that it has now found itself in with COVID19, shows that it was never in the best interest of the territory to take the UK backed loans for hurricane rebuilding efforts under a number of stipulations.

"This is a perfect example of why we shouldn't, because right now we would have been in breach of protocol, inability to ultimately pay," he said with a reminder that the Premier Fahie led government was pushing for the measures of the loan guarantee to be laid out in 'black and white.'

"Who saw coronavirus coming? Who saw a global pandemic? we didn't see it... and so, therefore, it is just cause to have these things in black and white, not subjectively, not arbitrarily but reduce them to black and white," Skelton-Cline said. 

The Honestly Speaking moderator further lashed out and the UK Government and by extension, the Governor of the Virgin Islands, for never assisting the territory in worthwhile ways.

UK never assisted VI in meaningful ways - Skelton-Cline  

"The United Kingdon, on the heels of the floods and the hurricane, did some in-kind, sent some kits, did some stuff, a ship came but proportionately to what it could have done in terms of grand and the redevelopment, did not do it," he underscored. 

Skelton-Cline said that a majority of the rebuilding efforts in the territory was done by the people and the private sector of the Virgin Islands even with industries down.

He said over in the UK, their government has approved its own funding to help the country and Governor Jaspert had noted in his statement in response to the VI's plea for assistance, that the United Kingdom is also facing its own challenges due to the impact of the pandemic.

"When you boil this down for what it really is... we have to do what we must do for ourselves, do not look, the UK does not have a good history when it comes to assisting the Virgin Islands in any meaningful way," Skelton-Cline said.  

50 Responses to “'UK does not have good history' of meaningful assistance to VI - Skelton-Cline”

  • Help yourself first (04/04/2020, 11:35) Like (26) Dislike (6) Reply
    If the government and social security make and effort to help us..Then others will see that we are trying to help ourselves. Dont blame England... You are a precher u know what the lord says.."He help those that try to help themselves"
  • BVI Work Permit Holder.. ? (04/04/2020, 11:55) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    I left on vacation on 15th March was to return on the 25th of March i learnt when a friend told me i cant go back the Port shut down...I wonder if im going to get back...My rent is due.. My money is in the bank in Tortola...Call my landlord to explain the landlord wants to kno if i dont have anyone in Tortola to bring the rent.. the answer is no..The landlord aint happy.. and im sure im not alone... Landlord want their rent money weither you working or not working or locked out they dont care... maybe not all land lord... So i cant get back. I so construction by the time i get back or if i do get back i will have two months rent @ $800.00. Thats $1600.. im sure im not alone..
    • lodger (04/04/2020, 12:19) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      If you landlord is stupid enough to evict you, against govt orders, he wont find another tenant to pay rent at this time.
      • @lodger (04/04/2020, 14:49) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
        Fahie cannot tell a landlord not to evict and mean it...he is pandering to the ignorance of some of his followers. Tell Fahie to pay your rent or to pay the landlord mortgage, landlord food ,insurance and living expenses. Tell him to tell the bank not to collect the mortgage. Land lord must go hungry, lose his/ her property,damage his / her credit worthiness for what? Tell Gov pitch tents up Romney Park and also house nonpaying tenants in his many mansions. If Gov want these landlords hard earned investments to become shelters for the freeloaders then lease from willing landlords with a contract. In the meantime he should stop playing bigup and pretending. This is no game, It's real.
        • land lord (04/04/2020, 17:36) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
          @ @ lodger: we have monthly commitments and Financial obligations: where will the politicians be when the bank foreclose on our properties
      • eyes (04/04/2020, 19:11) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
        Lodger the government nor the premier cant stop or tell any landlord he can't evict a tenant that is not paying the government and the landlord is not in any agreement . The landlord can use his judgement and have lienacy see the situation and come to some kind of payment plan. But get that rubbish out of your head premier run the government we landlord run our building Fahie or government never stand or sign as co signature.
        • lodger (05/04/2020, 12:08) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
          But where are you going to find another tenant with wages to pay the rent? You will be left with an empty property. Govt have already told banks, landlords etc to give a moratorium on payments.everyone is in this together.
          • Which bank (05/04/2020, 15:00) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
            Not all the banks agreed with Government proposal, and when I inquired on Thursday with the green bank, I was told that they had nothing in place to defer loan payments.
            • @Which bank (05/04/2020, 16:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
              Just like the UK these banks need to do better.
            • Landlady (05/04/2020, 20:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
              If you're referring to Firstbank, that's untrue. My account manager personally called and asked me to send a letter requesting a moratorium on my mortgage for my apartments. I asked for three months and I've passed it on to my tenants. Stop creating fear!
          • Dear Lodger (05/04/2020, 21:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
            Lodger,in life do not ever think that you are not replaceaeble.
            No reason to convince yourself that a landlord would prefer a nonpaying tenant living large in his apartment,using gas,electric and water non gratis. as opposed to an empty apartment. An empty apartment has possibilities,promise,,hope a future. A non paying tenant is simply a heavy load,bleak future,daily stress resulting in a need for medicine and doctor bills.
      • Strupesagain (05/04/2020, 14:56) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        The government cannot order any landlord not to evict anyone. The landlord has a commitment to the bank also
    • yoyo (04/04/2020, 13:01) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
      You don’t have to come back now, stay where you are, when this is over, get tested and decide to come if negative, get quarantined, your landlord would wait for 3 months. It your foolishness to go on vacation these days! VI can’t pay for that!
    • True (04/04/2020, 13:39) Like (5) Dislike (15) Reply
      BREAKING NEWS if you are outside the country for 3months your work permit is no longer valid. You should of come back when the lockdown was announced as I'm sure your friend told you.
    • voiceofreason (04/04/2020, 22:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @BVI Work permit holder
      I feel your pain and like I said the decision to close the borders to all incoming passengers and doing so with only 5 hours notice was an unreasonable and unfair one. The decision may well be considered illegal if you are a BVI Islander or permanent resident as it infringes on the right to freedom of movement. I suggest anyone aggrieved to file a claim with the BVI Government seeking compensation. If not get a good Lawyer.

      Closing the borders also resulted in the discontinuation of service from all the commercial airlines and now persons who want to leave cannot leave.You would think that the less people on island the more manageable it would be should there be God forbid transmission of this virus.

      I support this Government but I don't support blindly when there is unfairness I will call them out.
    • okay (05/04/2020, 14:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Maybe the landlord has lost his/her job too but without an income that house will be up for auction and the landlord will be homeless also. Have you also considered that too? The
  • Buckingham (04/04/2020, 12:04) Like (4) Dislike (21) Reply
    why our political leadership keep sitting in cabinet with this guy-this man jinks from the time Casper became the governor he brought floods; hurricanes and now this plague:
    • Working Man (04/04/2020, 12:45) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
      Im going mad been at home... im a working man . I have to be working i have to find something to do... Sitting down home is not my thing... Come _ on men women dont you all get bored and feel strange just been home doing nothing.... Let us get back to work...We will work it out...
    • @ Buckingham (04/04/2020, 13:13) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
      That is a HORRIBLE thing to think and say!
      The Governor brought nothing to these islands but his young family, good will and a willingness to service in what has turned out to be challenging (to say the least) times!
      This is not a time for blaming and finger pointing and negative thoughts or words. This is a time be thankful for the people who are stepping up to this challenge and leading with their hearts and minds. Let’s learn and follow their examples.
      God Bless Premier Fahie, the Government, the Governor and his staff, the Medical Community and Food suppliers and all those who are helping make the world work at this unprecedented time.
  • NICK (04/04/2020, 12:04) Like (24) Dislike (11) Reply
    Uk came and help after irma i think.
    • Yew (04/04/2020, 14:33) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes they did and due to foolish pride they were sent away by the government here when they could have helped a lot more
      • @yew (05/04/2020, 17:43) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
        That foolishness and pride is the reason why all of our coloured asses are still able to walk around freely...
  • My Humble Opinion (04/04/2020, 12:40) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    I think we need to open up and proceed with caution.. have a plan...1/. encouraging the wearing of Mass...2/ Scatter the open up of entry for example...OECS countries including USVI first....Then the rest of the caribbean the following 2 weeks.. Then other countries will be consider base on their progress....
    • Opinion (04/04/2020, 15:31) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      allow more freedom of movement from 6am to 6pm. Borders remain closed to non nationals: no social gathering over 5 people
      • lodger (05/04/2020, 21:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        So nationals coming in have a god-given immunity from carrying the virus?
  • Grandmother said (04/04/2020, 13:39) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    Never bite the hand that feeds you, even if you consider the food to be crumbs.
  • He might be (04/04/2020, 14:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hope no one call him a racist
  • Hmmmmm (04/04/2020, 14:16) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Blogs from this country that relies heavily on international trade are atrocious in many instances. When reading them, the people residing within sounds ignorant and arrogant at times. Something for them to think about because the outside world is listening.
  • Windrush (04/04/2020, 15:09) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    So land lords do not require rent security. If you did not pay at least one months rent security,seems to me you on a month to month lease and right now you are an illegal occupant.. Next go round you will know how to handle your business. Lesson learned. You got exactly what you bargained for.
  • home (04/04/2020, 15:35) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    First way to get aid is by getting rid of u. That contract money could help quite a few people for a couple of months. You are useless, what exactly are you being paid to do?
  • musa (04/04/2020, 18:02) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    That right let used the over spend $ from his project.
  • zagred smith (04/04/2020, 18:26) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    I trust the uk and the governor more than i trust cline
    • Trinkets (04/04/2020, 20:38) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
      You can be bought for who will catch his brother and sell him for fake gold!! Ignorant
      • zagred smith (05/04/2020, 02:04) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        dont be an ASSumer, i said i trust him more than cline not that i trust them completely
  • Diaspora (04/04/2020, 21:10) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Here are few truths a)the VI is a resource poor territory, b)the VI is prone and vulnerable to natural disasters, ie, hurricanes, earth quakes, tsunamis............etc, c)partially self governing, d) Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert may be a decent guy but he represent the UK, not the VI and its people, e)off of grant-in-aid since 1979s under Dr Williard Wheatley administration, f) tourism and financial services are economic twin pillars, g)population 70:30 expat to local, g) VI under UN charter has a right to self determination, including political independence, h) UK contribution to VI is more than money.........etc.

    Moreover, based on the Governors response to the Premier’s request for assistance for workers displaced by the Coronavirus, it is clear that the UK think the VI should look within for community self-help, ie, reserve fund, social security........etc. The VI has been under the UK control either directly or indirectly since 1672. And its help and footprint in the territory is interesting. For example, there is a Her Majesty Prison by no Her Majesty High School. Is the priority lock them up, not educate them?
    • RealPol (05/04/2020, 12:23) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      “For example, there is a Her Majesty Prison by no Her Majesty High School. Is the priority lock them up, not educate them?” This is some profound s...t!
      • fool fool (05/04/2020, 17:07) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        BVI Rightly wants control of own education and rightly was granted it. BVI government cartels have squandered billions of revenue on what exactly? Schools? No. Infrastructure? No. A nest egg for hard times? LOL. You can’t blame ANYbody else for this, much less the U.K. that is ask8ng for simple fiscal accountability and for the BVI to rebuild itself resiliently.
    • Disinterested (05/04/2020, 13:38) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      “Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert may be a decent guy but he represent the UK, not the VI and its people.” Dat be truth. Way ram goat tie is where he feed.
  • legal team (04/04/2020, 21:18) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Chapter 3,section 35 of the Virgin Islands Constitution states-

    [" (1) There shall be a Governor of the Virgin Islands who shall be appointed by Her Majesty by Commission under Her Sign Manual and Signet and shall hold office during Her Majesty's PLEASURE"].

    I have had the privilege of listening to this Governor, and in my view, he is one of the most passionate diplomat that has ever landed in Her Majesty's Territory of the Virgin Islands.

    He loves the BVI and the people of the BVI.

    Don't forget, that the British Virgin Islands [BVI] is a British Overseas Territory [BOT] formerly called British DEPENDENT territory [BDT] defined in the British Nationality Act,1981..

    Under our Sovereignity, The BVI is owned by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelend, with Her Majesty, the Queen as the Monarchy..

    Her Majesty, the Queen of Buckingham Palace OWNS the BVI [The BVI belongs to UK, and we the citizens BELONGS to the Virgins Islands, under section 2[2] of the BVI Constitution. That is why we are called BELONGERS and not owners.

    The BVI does not have its own sovereignity,sir Cline

    So, when a good Governor appointed by Her Majesty, is doing a good job in the BVI for her majesty,we should say thank you governor;because we have had governors in the past,who did not do a good job in the BVI for her majesty.

    This Governor means good.Give him a chance to prove his good..

    God save the Queen,the governor and the people of the BVI
  • ?? (05/04/2020, 05:53) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Start the National Unemployment Insurance Fund July 1, 2020 by taking 1.0 % of the employee deduction and the employer matching 1.5% from the Social Security Contributions for the next two years. This allows for the fund to build up without taking out any distributions. This means no new taxes or added burden to both the employee and employer for 2 years ad time enough to do actuarial studies on the fund and how much more employers and employees are to contribute to it from June 30, 2023.

    To help the situation right now, do a loan from Social Security Board as a start up to payout to persons unemployed using the sickness benefit rate and where their employers are paid up. Those not paid up, the Consolidated Fund or the Reserves would have to be used.

    Buckle up folks and live lean, the Premier is trying to assist as many persons as he can.
  • Mr Claude (05/04/2020, 06:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell us the whole story... Every lending institution including England think that our civil service is way to big and is asking for a cut, thats the real issue with lending....and thats the hurdle the BVI face... if we think. ..We will remember when the deputy governor first take his position under NDP his first task was to reduce the civil service but as it was close to election NDP put it on hold.. At some point VIP will have to address this issue...Salaries are eating up too much of the happy its not cut because the worst thing to happen to a family man or woman is to lose their jobs...Even a young boy or young girl need their own money, their independence... Just saying...
  • musa (05/04/2020, 07:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    A next way to save tax payers $ is to send home older workers when they reach the age of enjoying they life.
    • zagred smith (05/04/2020, 20:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      With our fully employer funded pension system the government would soon go broke paying out all those pension checks
  • musa (05/04/2020, 07:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This pastor mouth need guarantee a long time now
  • @ legal team (05/04/2020, 17:17) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    not overlooking all of your legal jargon; what does the United Kingdom do for this territory. The conduct of the United Kingdom is like a father of a child who does not pay anybody child support, Although he is deemed and declared the lawful father. From back in the 70s the United Kingdom did nothing financially for this territory: The United Kingdom built Her Majesty’s Prison but the United Kingdom never contributed to the much need Hospital for the people. Political leadership over the years are the ones who developed this territory from the bird sanctuaries to what you and I enjoy today. Our political leadership built road from beef island to west end, development of financial services, tourism, schools for our children. My question to legal team where the fu@& was you or Casper while our fore parents were braking their backs over the coal pits, fish pots, running after sheep, cows and goats now all u come looking to reap the substance
  • legal team (05/04/2020, 20:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    That's very interesting,that a blogger challenged legal team without reading the laws to show that mother-UK did good for its child-BVI and we the children of the BVI.

    The blogger who come @ legal team, please be informed that legal team with a modern-day legal background on UK-BVI transitions, would always blogg on the topic at hand,as published by vino.

    legal team blooged on the topic that vino published, based on what CLINE said in a free and democratic bvi.

    First of all our fore-fathers are long gone from this modern day life [may their souls rest in peace]

    They did not leave the BVI as an inheritance to us,because the BVI did not belong to them:

    The BVI belongs to the UK!

    We must accept the bvi how it is today in modern day society and the role of the UK TODAY.

    @ legal team, for you To say that the UK is not doing enough for the BVI,is a clear indication to me and other readers of bloggs on vino,that you may be the only "fore-father" alive in the BVI today.

    Recent history of MOTHER-UK doing something good for its BVI-child are as follows:-…

    ["On 21st May,2002, [almost 18 years ago,in our bvi history] the British Overseas Territories Act was introduced and came into force.That law made by the UK parliament,gave full UK Citizenship to all BVI citizens. [Those alive and those to be born]

    That's a mother-UK looking out for her children in the BVI.

    With such UK citizenship, BVI students can study in the UK as UK citizens,and can obtain a passport for the [United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Islands [European Union-passport] with rights to live,study and work in all EU Countries.

    On 13th June,2007, [almost 13 years ago] Her Majesty, the Queen in council at Buckingham Palace, approved a new Constitution for the BVI,and in the Explanatory notes of the new BVI Constitution, it states:-…….

    [" The new Constitution includes for the first time,a chapter setting out the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual and provisions for their enforcement.
    It provides for a GOVERNOR as Her Majesty's representatives in the islands,and a PREMIER and ministers who form a CABINET, together with the attorney general xxxx"]

    Before 13th June 2007,we Bvislanders did not even have Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.Her Majesty gave that to us.

    We in the BVI,control our own finances,and pay our own taxes to the BVI treasury for our elected representative to run the affairs of the BVIU..We do not pay taxes in UK.we pay taxes in the BVI.

    We criticized the NDP Government for misuse of our public funds and we voted them out of office,as a lesson.

    The UK does not control our local expenditure.We do:

    Now we want to blame UK for our abuse of public spendings and calling on UK to save us?

    Where is the savings and the reserves of public funds for wet-days?

    Our fore-fathers played their parts, but most of them went overseas to work,and moved on to eternity.[rest in peace]

    Mother UK does not have to give us money,but they can help any way.

    So,if this Governor is calling on Mother-UK to help its child BVI, because our uncles and aunts [politicians] wasted the money; legal team considered that as a good gesture by the Governor!

    It's not the Governor who ripped the substance of the BVI. It is our politicians who misused our public funds.

    One love BVI.

    That's what legal team blogged about:A good move by the UK-appointed-Governor.
    Don't blame UK and the UK-Appointed-Governor,for 8 years of NDP abuse and misuse of PUBLIC FUNDS.
  • BVI resident (05/04/2020, 22:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since before Irma and the Panama Papers, things have been coming to a head where the BVI would need to diversify its income. The first rule of this is that the BVI cannot expect the rest of the world to pay for its welfare. At the moment, most of the money comes into the BVI by way of an export of BVI companies. But that world is (gradually) changing. Like oil, it will run out, and the BVI will need other products and, like all other countries, the people who work in the BVI will need to pay more.

    Bishop Cline, think of this when you ask and complain that the people of the UK (higher rate payers who pay more than 50% tax) are not doing enough for you. How much do you pay for your tithes, or your IT business? Are you rich? Do you contribute your fair share to society. Whose backs do you become rich on? We all need to pay more of our share.

  • @ legal team (05/04/2020, 23:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    big deal!!!!
  • legal team (06/04/2020, 10:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Persons who become citizens of the Virgin Islands by birth or first-generation-descent,[those born in USVI and USA of BVI parents] see themselves as indigenous BVI-LANDER, and according to some of us in our IGNORANCE,and our black vs black racist attitude, we do not understand what is citizenship under our 2007 BVI Constitution.

    So, if someone become a citizen by naturalization etc,we don't accept them as citizens because they were born in a Caribbean country?:

    But the BVI Constitution in section 2[2] defines ALL who are citizens of the BVI,hence, who belong to the BVI.

    But we bvi-LANDERS, do not want to accept that the BVI is a [British Overseas Territory] with a Governor, [in charge] who must be a British-Born-Citizen appointed by Her Majesty,The Queen. [The Queen is the Monarch]

    Tell that to our stedents in our schools..Dont poison their minds with this racist slogan of "ah-born-here NONE-SENSE!

    Look at how we treated our fellow UK-Colony Citizens who settled in the BVI having come from other Caribbean countries to live and work here in the BVI. The young generation of BVI-Landers are different, thank God.

    We call them [" I-land-man, ex-pa-tri-ate, etc"]

    But with our IGNORANCE, and lack of knowledge on British Colonization in the West Indies, we never read the various Constitutions of these down-I-land-countries,to realise that these down-island people were in fact born as ["Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies"] during british colonization of their respective countries.

    but they lost that citizenship after their respective countries asked the UK for termination of association with the UK,and they applied for INDEPENDENCE. Every I-Landman born before-1978 or there about was born as a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.

    If you read many of the constitutions of those Caribbean countries,after independence,that is what you will read in their constitutions:---

    [ " CITIZENSHIP- every person, who, having been born in (name of Caribbean country) is immediately before the commencement of this Constitution (their constitution after independence) IS a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies...."]

    Many so-called expatriates who settled in the UK-BVI from caribbean countries, were in fact BORN as "Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies".

    But we continue to call them expatriates, and we continue to believe that the Governor is not the ruler of the BVI.

    Tell the politicians to save our tax-money for when hard-times hit us.

    Our mother UK, does not have to maintain us, [grown adult BVI with its own family of politicians because we are working for our own money.

    But like any other mother in the physical analogy of parenthood, will help a child who needs a little help.

    My point is, ["Don't blame the UK for our excess spending on the cruise village and the High School wall"]

    We blamed the NDP, so we vote them ou on 25th February,2019t:

    Skelton-Cline,stop misleading the uneducated and vulnerable people in our society.Dont blame the UK-Governor.

    Praise him for asking UK to help out,and stop this racism in BVI society.

    One love,BVI.

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