‘UK come here implemented a crack of bullsh*t!’- L. Allen Wheatley

Mr Wheatley was at the time speaking via a voice message on his WhatsApp blog: Eyes of the People and shared with our newsroom on Sunday, September 10, 2023.
Schools still not fixed
“I hate to be a whiner, but I have been thinking all day about why most of the schools haven't been fixed in the sense that here it is, government had to wait for a supplementary [budget] to get the budgetary funds put in place to issue purchase orders,” he said
Wheatley said the Supplemental Budget, which is based on funds coming in and not necessarily already in hand, hasn’t been fully funded because government has two main funding periods falling in May and November, with financial services amongst its main source of revenue.
The former Financial Secretary detailed; however, that with the new Procurement Act in place, it means that purchase orders or contracts cannot be issued on predicted incoming funds, but rather on already available funds.
“This is this stupid God-damn thing I have heard in my life when it comes to government funding and government budgeting.”
He pointed out that globally, countries would not wait on money "to sit down" before issuing a contract and to get something executed.
UK continues to 'insult our intelligence'
“The UK come here implemented a crack of bullsh*t!. You predict expenditure based on incoming cash flow and you manage the cash flow in relation to your projects and whatever you want to do, and you accelerate or decelerate things in accordance with your flow of funds.”
Wheatley added, “It's called fund management, cash flow management… I mean, when it comes to this antiquated, absolutely ridiculous, stupid system… [it] is an insult to anybody in the Ministry of Finance, like you so stupid you don't know how to manage the flow of funds?”
Wheatley said cash flow management is a system that has been done at the Ministry of Finance for "financial donkey years" and is a system that is also employed in the UK currently.
“Why you implement a system in the BVI that you don't use in the UK? What kind of stupid double standards that is? It’s like these people constantly insult our intelligence and they put it in a law,” he related.
Many have accused the UK of trying to paint the Virgin Islands as a place where its leaders cannot be trusted and strong-arming the VI to put systems in place that have served to delay critical development projects and frustrate the people, who in turn misdirect their frustration towards the government.

70 Responses to “‘UK come here implemented a crack of bullsh*t!’- L. Allen Wheatley ”
You talk as if your western leaders are perfect and without fault. The U.K. will have 5 prime ministers in just 6 years! You need to go back to the UK and leave us with our leaders if you are so unimpressed and PLEASE take YOURS with you! We heard that the economy is on a down in the UK, but I'm sure your educated leaders will find you a loaf of bread to sustain your miserable soul!
Unless 'you are one of those very same thieves' or 'was sent by them' to attempt to expand their criminal activities to far regions of the world.
Opening your mouth in an effort of futility to commit the same nonsensical pass the buck diatribe is beyond diabolical and chupid.
Then the Governor adds to the planned set up by giving speeches every week sighting his concerns over the slow progress so he can blind the public of the realities & truth of the issue and brainwash them to believe he will be justified to do what he intends to do any how. The people of BVI have to rise up NOW.
straight from the horses mouth so the UK eventually put 3 & 3 together
at the end day one can not simply sit back and allow Buckingham to do whatever…..
The BVI don’t have separate Capital, and Operations and Maintenance budgets; both capital projects and O&M needs are included in one budget. The fiscal Year budget runs from January to December. The current fiscal year budget runs from January 2023 to December 2023. The budget is an estimate, a projection, a road map, of revenues and expenses for the year. Frankly, I would attribute the construction delays to poor budgeting and poor facilities management.
The school repair needs didn’t just fall out of the sky;the needs have been there for a while. As such, either Public Works or the MEC facilities team should have developed shelf-ready projects for inclusion in the 2023 budget to be authorized and appropriated by HoA and assented to by the Guv. The MEC may not be able to fund all its needs but minor school repairs should be a top priority. Ok. Fiscal year 2024 budget is fast approaching so school projects, shelf-ready projects, should be developed for inclusion into the FY2024 Budget.
FY2024 Budget passed, projects should be advertised, if needed, awarded in time for project(s) to be complete and useable for the timely opening of schools after the summer break. The Governor needs some blows for the underperformance of functions, ie, civil service, judiciary, police under his purview; preferential treatment by CoI, exemption of disclosure of assets, financial interests, might is right/white attitude/stance, etc. But we need to use fire discipline in our attack(s).
The UK, Mount Olympus as some tagged it, has an agenda which needs to be fought back against but misplaced, undisciplined, scatter shot attack, etc., is not effective plan, It brings it some undeserved support. Discipline, targeted, etc., pushback is a better approach, ie, the approach of Theodolph Faulkner, Noel Lloyd and PAM, etc. . A populist approach can be effective but execution is key. It requires strong support, leadership, unity, etc.
This is why no one wants government contracts as they don’t pay. Possible this is why the Uk says no more doing business this way.
The bottom line is no money, no contract. Contract awarded, both government and contractor have obligations to meet. The contractor must deliver quality services consistent with plans and specs, and government must pay certified invoices in a timely manner, ie, within 30 days. Contractors are not government piggy bank; they are running a business and has obligations to meet. Another thing, contractors must get official authorization from the proper people before starting work, unless it is an emergency situation.
With improper discorse such as yours, I think the insults to your intelligence are warranted.