UK antagonism & threats still hovering over VI– Shaina M. Smith-Archer

Appearing as the guest-host alongside Opposition Member Hon Carvin Malone (AL) on the Virgin Islands Agenda Open programme, which aired on ZBVI 780 AM on January 17, 2023, Smith said even as the VI was implementing the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) reforms, the antagonism remains with the UK saying, “if you don’t do what I tell you to do, this is the threat of what could happen.”
“I see that as a lack of trust. I mean, I understand the seriousness of everything that was presented in the Commission of Inquiry report,” she added in reference to the Order in Council being put in place to suspend the constitution if the VI fails to implement the recommendations within a certain time frame.
Mrs Smith-Archer said in the spirit of modern partnerships; however, this is not how a partner should be treated, especially in the case of the VI moving towards self-governance.
Behaviour 'Colonial in nature'- Mrs Smith-Archer
“This is not the right behavior and it’s very colonial in nature, if you ask me, because it's very threatening,” she added.
According to Mrs Smith-Archer, the relationship with the UK has created a lot of uncertainty over whether the VI can successfully review its constitution.
“It's almost as if you have a boogeyman out there about to get you, but then you're still not sure well, should I go forward and on the assumption that everything will remain status quo or tomorrow morning we could wake up and, you know, life as we know it has completely shifted from under,” she added.
Mrs Smith-Archer also said she supports the idea of the Premier petitioning the UK to have the Order in Council removed.

33 Responses to “UK antagonism & threats still hovering over VI– Shaina M. Smith-Archer”
Only the racists among us fail to admit this and Chen out the same tired garbage about slavery. Willock and Fahie has absolutely no interest in slavery. Their interest is in self preservation.
35% of the UK population stated that they trusted the national government. 42% of the population reported that they trusted local government and 55% trusted the Civil Service.
Now VI let’s take a look at the UK’s crime statistics and criminal activity. What are the most common crimes in Britain?:
1. Homicide (UK police recorded 679 homicide offences in the year ending June 2022.)
2. Knife/Sharp Instrument Offences
3. Sexual offences
4. Robbery
5. Burglary
6. Domestic abuse
7. Crime against society (These include drug crimes, the possession of certain weapons, drunk and disorderly behaviour, ‘inciting racial hatred’, and affray. )
8. Theft (with burglary removed and treated as a separate category, theft is truly sizeable. Categories includes vehicle theft, bike theft, shoplifting, and thefts from individuals without the use of force.
9. Computer hacking offences
10. The number one spot fraud (Particularly a. advance fee fraud- This is where victims are tricked into making upfront payments for fictitious goods and services; some have reported transferring money to receive postal deliveries that never come, for example. b. Financial investment scams have also been a big problem.)
1) The United Nations
If all these were against actions of our public servants, local and Caribbean people and our politicians’ decisions and all of them kept moving forward regardless, the majority of us would have been hitting the ceiling if they failed to listen to them but we want to give the Governor and his UK Authorities a free pass. It is time to end dictatorships of any kind. It is time to end colonialism. It is time to end the two orders in council or any order in council and their attempt at direct rule. It is anti-democratic. We have to come together to stop this wicked act.
We are begging to stop the enactment of an "Order in Council" When we should be fighting to have it declared unlawful and anti-self-determination. The UK has the power to implement the "Order" but hasn't done so, why? They are here as an administering power, which needs clarification, not as our government. They are overstepping their bounds.