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Turning back the hand of progress; From crisis to crisis

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM;
May 5th, 2022 | Tags: Alred C. Frett crisis corruption CoI progress
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

Paying the Price but not receiving the Goods:
So bad and so sad for such a small Country to have such big problems… Then again, what can I say that I have not repeatedly said?... I’ve always explained that my intent was never to hurt or dispose anyone but simply to provide reasoning and opportunities for leaders to correct and prevent impending problems… Instead, for 20+ years, they allowed our Country to bounce or plummet from crisis to crisis.

Those in power, felt invincible; so, they ignored reality, played games of being deaf, dumb and stubborn and fooled our People to such a degree that our Country was pushed so far backward that the progress of our ancestors is virtually erased... This unnecessary tragedy has also forced us into the darkest period of our history and, there is no joy or comfort in the predicament of our Brothers and Sisters.

While we may claim innocence unless proven guilty, it may seem too soon for us to arrive at informed conclusions but it is clear that the arrest of our leaders and the delivery of the COI Report are massive steps in the wrong direction… It may seem that Politicians are the primary targets but, circumstances have placed all of us within the range, and the effects will be felt for years and generations still unborn.

As a small country with minimal commercial capabilities or natural resources, we survived Hurricane Irma and Covid-19 but this crisis already promises to last longer than a mere two years and bring unwelcomed changes… Our limited Financial Reserves will face major challenges and impediments as our trickledown sources of Tourism and Off Shore Banking will experience intense scrutiny.

Have our Leaders committed us to Slavery?

This is equivalent to an unfunded IMF that will likely disrupt our way of life to a point where survival depends on firing Workers and reducing bloated Salaries and Allowances… We have already seen how poorly some within Government are able to cope with this, for, even as they pay themselves the maximum, that still wasn’t enough to prevent them dabbling in Drugs and plans to destroy our Country.

We know fighting with the UK is not easy – Been there and done that - That’s how we got a New Bridge and Hospital; however, it’s impossible to win if we provide them with all the evidence and arguments against ourselves… Today, we are caught in a nightmare where, things we feared most have come to pass and instead of mandated ‘Fasting and Praying’ being the answer; it delivered us into Colonialism.

Again, like typical Slave Masters, UK claims that their actions are taken to help the People of the VI when our own leaders may have left us no choice… In this tragic reality, our hopes, dreams and good intentions will mean nothing if UK’s Agenda and Practices reflect a lack of accountability and absence of a national ambition that ensures a brighter future for the Youth of these [British] Virgin Islands.

We must remain suspicious and alert at all times for, as much as we recognise the inherent dangers and damages that result from corrupt Political and Civil Service Bureaucracies, we must be careful not to make bad matters worse… After all, until we know to what degree our Constitution is being suspended, we are all no more than Plantation Prisoners of War in the UK’s Decolonialising Experiment.

Outsmarting Ourselves by Grabbing for All & ending with Nothing:

Those anxious to welcome foreign intervention and new directions, should be very aware, that in order to prevent bigger calamities, large ships and fast-moving objects should be turned slowly and carefully – Furthermore, in order to prevent our Country from becoming UK’s failed Experiment or Dumping Ground, we too must receive tangible evidence as proof of progress, in this colonial undertaking.

King Solomon was deemed the wisest man and, when I spoke of how his foolish Son, Rehoboam, destroyed the Kingdom of Israel forever, I never thought it would happen to us in the VI… It is clear that, Success of this Project hinges heavily on Wisdom and Transparency and, if this is truly a matter of replacing Greed & Corruption with Fairness and Justice, then let’s not patch old clothes with new cloth.

Bear in mind that, Politicians are elected to represent local interests while, Civil Servants are controlled by the UK… Today’s Crisis is under UK’s management and, while we see their proposed effects on VI Politicians, we have seen no comparable accountability for delinquent Civil Servants… Also, UK’s Management should carefully identify existing legitimate obligations and honour these accordingly.

Clearly, we are not where we would like to be but this not by accident and now is not the time to rest and relax… Rather than crying, cussing, screaming or even praying for miracles, we should set about learning from this bad situation and getting ready to work at making it into what we think it should be and could be… Yes, we can! Remember, Nightmares rule best in the past and our Future begins Today.

PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

7 Responses to “Turning back the hand of progress; From crisis to crisis ”

  • My girl (05/05/2022, 17:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No turning back
  • Global reset (05/05/2022, 18:30) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is part of the Global reset. The world is being cleansed from evil and corruption and this area is included. Don’t feel all alone and dismayed. The world won’t look the same very soon. NCSWIC. Nothing can stop what is coming. The entire central banking and finance system is going down and a new system for the people by the people will replace. All transactions will be on blockchain. Starlink is a global internet and free satellite system for the world. Tesla energy will be installed globally. There will exist 7 Kingdoms. This is happening world wide. The war is about trafficking humans, babies, guns, drugs and destroying the elite cabal. BVI will need to update all government systems; finance, security, banking, currency as every other country must. All humanity must, wake up out of the matrix caused by the elite and Deep State Cabal, which has put us to sleep. This is a tiny part. Let’s look at the world now. Time to understand that the BVI is a part of what is actually here on the planet. Time to think larger. Thank you. It is a great time. See the real truth please. You will see how great our people of the planet are, and how God is at the helm. The information war is very real. We fight for the people and the planet. Time for BVI to receive free or cheap energy, and all the money returned to each and every person to start again. I can tell you much more but research and dig for the truth. We the people have been lied to for centuries. You will soon learn the truth of our global history. Thank you for reading.
    • ?? (06/05/2022, 10:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Global Reset. You are awoke but a slight correction in your thinking is needed. It is the same global elite that is doing the GLOBAL RESET and their target year is 2030 which culminates with the UN 2030 Agenda and UK's Global Partnership White Paper is factored into it. Please remember JFK speech of 1963 where he revealed who the Global Elite were. The Pandemic and the jab are also a part of the global reset too along with billionaires with "too good to be true" solutions for humanity playing their part. Do not be fooled by Elon Musk grand ideas of offering Nikkolai Tesla free energy and other technological ideas! Read Genesis chapter 6 which was the reason for the Great Flood in the days of Noah (where there were giants and meddling with science) and Matthew 24 where Jesus foretold what will be going on just before He returns (again meddling with science, immorality, wars, famine, etc). Life will never be the same. Listen to Elon Musk words about Artificial Intelligence or AI. There is a coming disaster of people out of work because of robots. Many are already manufactured. May Jehovah be our refuge, our rock, our strength; but He promises to answer when we call upon Him. Call upon Him now before it is too late!
      • Global reset (06/05/2022, 13:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @?? Never woke. Awake and thank you for your addition. Many parts & you have included Musk and AI. That has not to do with what I’ve explained. Musk is also providing the world with free internet and Tesla energy. Perhaps he was far left, and still is left and he believes AI can do good for our humanity. It can be for good or evil. We choose. So thank you for straightening me out. Many before Kennedy died for the same reason he died. And? You then must know that his son has carried on and will soon appear. This is about the goodness that will be bestowed upon the BVI as only a member of one of 7 Kingdoms and the entire financial debacle and antiquated systems in place now will change for the good of the people. Yes we are entering the changing world order. It need not mean global slavery for the masses while the elite eat steak as in the “new world order” headed by Kalisz Schwab. And it will not be, because God Wins. God is the Mastermind of our humanity only God. So thank you again for your comment.
  • asura (06/05/2022, 08:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    he speaking good
  • Awake not woke (06/05/2022, 14:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @?? God is the Mastermind of our great Universe and Humanity. Many died before Kennedy for the same reason as well. This has been going on for hundreds of years. And Kennedy Jr will finish out an end to the deep state cabal which includes off planet beings. So Elon Musk believes AI has a very positive use. That doesn’t exclude him from doing good. Free electricity and internet and much more is also good for humanity. And the BVI too? So is GESARA NESARA. What would be your point in your comment as it is all happening now. Intergalactic families are here to help humanity. Others have only one reason for humanity. “The Matrix” I believe you know, that very soon, we all shall see. 7 KINGDOMS led by God Almighty Only. I do not know Him by any other name. 7 Kingdoms. All transactions will be accountable. Blockchain. Every Central Bank of the Rothchilds, Rockefeller’s has now been bankrupted. Thank you for your input. We the People will receive what has been stolen from us worldwide. As is happening right now. The people will see. 1500 miles of gold 7 stories high from the Vatican to Palestine, the gold hidden in Iraq and so much more. Gold hidden in the tunnels with children, guns, bio weapons. GONE!!! 7 Kingdoms
  • Native Senior citizen of the British Viirgin Islands (06/05/2022, 14:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK Slavemater is not in favour of good governance as they tried to convince they were. If they were, they would not have partnered with the political crooks robbers of our finances, and agrreded to, and did pleased in a large way those that mismanaged our finances deliberately. The is in need of freedom from both enternal, local politicians, and external dictiorial politicians,the UK ones, immediately

    The so-called Untitu Government that was recently approved by the UK Slavemater fell far short of good governance for the people of the British Viirgin Islandss .it suits the UK supremist agender at the detroemtal experience of hat we have hope have brought us closer to good governance in the British Viirgin Islands, in extreme tough time as these.
    My firm belief, and strong opinion has been expressed without appalogy.

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