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T&T receives $7 million for climate change projects

November 27th, 2019 | Tags:
Extensive damage and destruction in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian is seen in Abaco, Bahamas, on September 5, 2019. The storm’s devastation has come into sharper focus as the death toll climbed to 20 and many people emerged from shelters to check on their homes. Photo: T&T Guardian

PORT OF SPAIN, T&T - The Min­istry of Plan­ning and De­vel­op­ment has an­nounced that T&T’s Gov­ern­ment has re­ceived ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$7 mil­lion from the Green Cli­mate Fund (GCF) of the Unit­ed Na­tions for the de­vel­op­ment of trans­for­ma­tion­al projects to re­spond to is­sues re­lat­ed to cli­mate change in T&T.

The Min­istry of Plan­ning and De­vel­op­ment will be the na­tion­al­ly des­ig­nat­ed au­thor­i­ty for the fund­ing and is the of­fi­cial fo­cal point of the GCF.  

A me­dia re­lease from the Plan­ning Min­istry stat­ed that the Green Cli­mate Fund was es­tab­lished to lim­it or re­duce green­house gas (GHG) emis­sions in de­vel­op­ing coun­tries, and to help vul­ner­a­ble so­ci­eties adapt to the un­avoid­able im­pacts of cli­mate change.

Plan­ning Min­is­ter Camille Robin­son-Reg­is said this fund­ing will as­sist the cli­mate change mit­i­ga­tion and adap­ta­tion ef­forts of the Gov­ern­ment through the fo­cus of two ini­tia­tives which pri­mar­i­ly in­volve ca­pac­i­ty build­ing and da­ta col­lec­tion. 

“The in­ten­tion is to re­quest ad­di­tion­al fund­ing from GCF to fur­ther meet our Na­tion­al­ly De­ter­mined Con­tri­bu­tions for on the ground ac­tiv­i­ties to con­tin­ue to re­duce our green­house gas emis­sions and build our re­silience to cli­mate change in all vul­ner­a­ble sec­tors.”

The spe­cif­ic projects for this fund­ing are:

1. Ca­pac­i­ty build­ing with­in the Min­istry of Plan­ning in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Caribbean Com­mu­ni­ty Cli­mate Change Cen­tre (CC­C­CC) to strength­en the Min­istry’s in­sti­tu­tion­al and tech­ni­cal ca­pa­bil­i­ty to un­der­take GCF fund­ed projects.  Oth­er ac­tiv­i­ties will in­clude the de­vel­op­ment of a com­mu­ni­ca­tion and ac­tion plan for stake­hold­ers; re­vi­sion of the Na­tion­al Cli­mate Change Pol­i­cy; and cost ben­e­fit analy­ses of risk and adap­ta­tion mea­sures to en­sure that na­tion­al pro­grams and fund­ed projects ef­fec­tive­ly re­spond to the adap­ta­tion and mit­i­ga­tion needs of T&T.

2. The sec­ond ini­tia­tive cov­ered by this fund­ing is an 18 month col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Food and Agri­cul­tur­al Or­ga­ni­za­tion (FAO) fo­cus­ing on build­ing cli­mate change re­silience in the agri­cul­tur­al sec­tor through the col­lec­tion and analy­sis of agri­cul­tur­al and as­so­ci­at­ed ac­tiv­i­ty da­ta that in­cludes food im­port de­pen­den­cy; the im­pact of hy­dro­log­i­cal and me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal da­ta; as­sess­ment of green­house gas emis­sions and the re­port­ing of gen­der sen­si­tive cli­mate im­pacts on agri­cul­ture and food sys­tems.

“This arm of the project will al­so build the ca­pac­i­ty of key stake­hold­ers to use agri­cul­tur­al, hy­dro­log­i­cal and me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal da­ta to im­prove re­silience to cli­mate change, through the de­vel­op­ment of mo­bile phone ap­pli­ca­tions as one tool. The use of this fund­ing is in keep­ing with T&T’s Na­tion­al De­vel­op­ment Strat­e­gy, VI­SION 2030, Theme 5: Plac­ing the En­vi­ron­ment at the Cen­tre of So­cial and Eco­nom­ic De­vel­op­ment as well as with the Gov­ern­ment’s com­mit­ment to achieve the glob­al Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Goals fo­cus­ing on cli­mate change and the en­vi­ron­ment,” the me­dia re­lease said.


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