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Trump’s World!

- the following story is a satire without comedic content
Dickson Igwe. Photo: VINO/File
By Dickson Igwe

A President Donald Trump will engineer a social and economic Darwinism that will rest on balance of power global geopolitics. This will be a complex military choreography. The main dancers in the performance will be the US, China, Germany, and Russia. The four are the world’s most powerful countries in terms of geopolitics.

A new fascism with a tinge of racism will become normal in the west. Survival of the fittest in the USA will mean procuring economic and social advantage based on skin colour, hair texture, nose shape, a US accent, Americana nuance, and belonging to the Protestant Religion.

Countries will prosper based on how they relate to one of four power blocks. Smaller, less powerful nations will only thrive by playing a complex geopolitical game. The game will be played within a new world order based primarily upon raw military power. Military power will determine economic power.

A Trump Presidency could well be a hearkening back to the type of global power play that created the geopolitical tensions that led to World Wars One and Two.

The USA will become isolationist, protectionist, hubristic, and militarist. The country will become a paradise for bigots, racists, gamblers, smooth talkers, gun lovers, spies, the military, and the One Percent. The country will be led by a consummate salesman and wheeler dealer: a billionaire, and a pyramid scheme and time share merchant.

The police will be encouraged to crackdown in black inner city areas. Curfews will become the norm on certain streets of the USA with large black populations. Shoot to kill will be the mode of operation: break the curfew and die.

Muslims will be quarantined. Muslims will not be allowed out a radius of 5 miles from their homes. They will be in at night by 6 pm and not allowed out until 7 am. Migration by Muslims into the US will be blocked as a matter of policy.

Trump will encourage security agencies to shoot to kill all terror suspects. Once suspected of being a terrorist, the individual will become an automatic target of “state assassins.” Trump will not arrest terror suspects: they will go directly to the morgue.

Surveillance of U S citizens that are Muslims will be dramatically increased. Muslims who step on Syrian or Iraqi soil will have their U S citizenship taken away, permanently.

All Muslims will have to allow for surveillance cameras mounted in strategic locations. These devices will be able to scan their homes, businesses, and work areas 24 hours a day. Mosques will receive similar treatment.

Trump will vastly increase US National Debt. This presently stands at 19 Trillion Dollars. US national debt will increase as Trump spends trillions of dollars building the US military to a frightening size. The military will double in size: it will dominate global terrain, waters and skies for two generations.

However, despite the vast size of a Trump military machine, a miscalculation by the US, Russia, or China, could easily lead to World War Three.

Gains in social and human development, from Civil and Abortion Rights, to human and gay rights, will suffer setback.

In order to appease his angry, white, working, and lower middle class base of support, Trump will appoint Supreme Court judges who will overthrow Roe versus Wade, and push the U S legal framework to the right on matters such as civil, gay and abortion rights.

Trump will herald a new American Fascism. There will be an aggressive patriotism. This new Americana shall sit on religious intolerance and militarism. The Confederate flag will fly proudly over the White House: side by side the American flag.

A statue of John Wayne will adorn the White House gardens, where a shooting range will be installed for the use of the President and his “chums” in the National Rifle Association.

The Oval Office will be joined at the hip to the Pentagon and Intelligence Services. There will hardly be any distinction between White House Aides and a new cadre of top level spies and military men who will work right next to the Warrior President. Jason Bourne will be the model for the effective public officer.

Trump will build his Great Wall of the Americas. It will be a trillion dollar beast completely cutting Mexico off from the USA. It will also be guarded by a new breed of guard much better trained and equipped than what exists at present. Mexico will pay for the wall. Mexicans who come through from the Mexican side will have to pay an infrastructure tax to get into the USA.

The whole perimeter of the wall will be declared a tax free zone in order to promote Trump’s casino and entertainment interests.

Trump will immediately begin military skirmishes the world over once elected. He will see this as a method of getting the US Military in operational mode; maybe, an attack on Iran, and North Korea, simultaneously. Trump will use these as warnings to Russia and China that he means business.

Vladimir Putin will be very weary of Trump, and so will Xi Jing Ping of China. Why: because Trump has so little knowledge of real politicks. However, with an arsenal of nuclear weapons that could end humankind, they will not want to provoke a trigger happy Trump.

Trump will certainly go eyeball to eyeball with China in the South China Sea. He will also bring Cold war to Europe by putting thousands of US troops and thousands of tons of military hardware into East European states such as Poland and Hungary, pushing the strongmen who lead those nations into open confrontation with Russia.

Secretly, Trump will want war with China. Trump will actively provoke China with aggressive naval maneuvers in the South China Sea. Why: well if China attacked a US warship and sparked a naval engagement that led to all out war, then Trump could write off the whole US National Debt, a percentage held by China.

Trump would demand that a besieged China pay 30 trillion dollars in war reparations, over a number of years of course. Trump will not want to appear unreasonable after all.  

Trump will encourage Americans to join the US military as he builds a two million man army. He will need a very large and highly technological army to fight simultaneous wars in various regions all at once. That will cost trillions of dollars in terms of new bases abroad, state of the art naval and air forces and infrastructure, intelligence and cyber warfare capability second to none, and a counter insurgency and terrorism force of over a hundred thousand special operations personnel, with powerful logistics that can attack every corner of the globe in hours.

The Caribbean will benefit in that it will once again become a US backwater. Tourism will increase to a great extent. This will result from Trump making Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, unsafe for US citizens. Americans will be hated because of Trump’s Islamaphobia and racist hubris. Consequently, Americans will prefer to remain in the American hemisphere when on vacation.

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans will become American ponds as the US aggressively patrols these oceans with a new generation of stealthy, powerful, and technologically overwhelming battle ships, destroyers, submarines, and aircraft carriers.

The biggest winner will be Trump. He will use his power as US President to ensure that his brand of hotels, resorts, and casinos, become a household name in the Americas. The Trump Brand will spread like wildfire through every region of the Americas.

Trump’s wealth will increase tenfold, as his brand becomes as powerful as Coca Cola.

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