Trump versus Clinton: Let the duel commence
The political slugfest between Donald J Trump and Hillary D. R. Clinton is an epic drama. It will be the nastiest US election in “living memory.” It is a fight between multiple variables in politics, economics and foreign affairs. It is a “gunfight” that will affect the global power trajectory for decades, after the US Electorate makes its momentous decision.
The November Presidential Election will surely be a world changing event. It will impact the Caribbean in ways unknown as yet. Political Types like this Old Boy will be glued to the television screen for months as the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, day after day.
Now, a number of full moons back, this Old Boy speculated on a President Donald Trump. The idea of a “Wealthy Buffoon,” as Leader of the Free World, was a figment of his imagination that came to light while he lay on his back on his hill top verandah. A number of his readers probably thought him weird, or in hallucination. To be honest, he himself would have never believed at the time that Donald Trump would be the Presidential Nominee of the US Republican Party. He wrote the story as hyperbole. It was a “what if” affair: pure hypotheses.
Then, Trump took down in aggressive and ruthless fashion all 17 of his Republican opponents. Trump’s bigoted buffoonery was incredibly effective. He riled up the Republican base. He was the Populist Prizefighter. He was the Messenger of the white working man. He was the man to turn Washington upside down and inside out. He was the Terminator. He was cozy with Jim Crow. He found it hard to refuse an endorsement by the KKK. He boasted of his sexual prowess. He called Jeb Bush “Low energy.” Marco Rubio was, “Little Marco,” and Ted Cruz, “Lying Ted.” He labeled Hillary Clinton, “Crooked Hillary” who should be in jail but for her powerful connections.
Trump would tell all of America’s friends and enemies that their time was up. America was, “being had,” he warned. They were ripping off his country. This was a “tell it like it is” Old Guy. He wasn’t afraid to cuss in public. He went on numerous rants against Mexicans, Moslems, Women, Enemies, and especially one Rosie O’Donnell. And he was super rich. So, he did not need the lobbies, and special interests, and their cash.
Trump would tell America’s allies that they would have to step up to the plate in terms of their NATO financial contributions. Allies would either pay up or see the nuclear umbrella removed. Friendly nations would be left out in the cold to fend for themselves.
Trump would build a wall the entire perimeter of the US Southern Border shutting out Mexico from the US economy. Mexico would pay for the wall in tariffs, and fines. Oh yes: he would deport all illegal immigrants, all eleven million: grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, children, and babies.
Protectionism would be the economic creed under a President Trump. US manufacturing would return from all around the world: China and Mexico especially. This would be after Trump threatened US manufacturers to return their manufacturing plants back to American soil or else face some massive tariffs! Trump would put China in its place.
Then, Trump would build the US military into a machine of frightening proportion. The US would become a high security state with much greater invasions on the privacy of citizens. Moslems would be aggressively profiled. For the first time in US history immigration would be restricted to nations that shared US values. Blacks and Hispanics would be put in their “rightful place.”
Trumps foreign and economic policy would be defined by two simple mantras: “America First’’ and “Make America Great Again.” On the economic front it spelled a non ideological economic populism. America First meant regaining long lost manufacturing jobs at the risk of global recession. Globalisation and free trade has been a “bad deal” for the US worker, according to Trump.
Foreign Affairs for Trump would mean an America First type isolationism that only interfered in other countries when what was deemed a threat to the US vital national interest was imminent.
Isolationism would see the US become an island nation like Australia with two massive ocean masses separating the country from hostile nations. Let Europe and Asia face the terrorist threat: it is their “pussy footing that created the mess in the first place.” Trump would simply ban all who he believed looked, smelled, and talked, like terrorists, from American soil. Trump would do this with a super aggressive anti migration, and a draconian internal security policy.
A Clinton win will have serous global implications too. Hillary Clinton will go in the opposite direction. Clinton will embrace globalisation and free trade. Her foreign policy will be more interventionist than the pacifist type policies of President Barack Obama. Political correctness in the USA will march forward as the country becomes a haven for socialist and leftist types. Clinton will have to appease the Bernie Sanders demographic. Blacks and Latinos are Clinton’s base of power.
Clinton will seal the politically correct fate of the US with judicial appointments that will move the country towards the Scandinavian model of social society.
Clinton will face even greater animosity than Barack Obama did from the Right. The rise in militia activity will be stupendous as white bigots retreat to the hills with their guns and red neck culture. Migration into the US by South Americans will double, and amnesty shall be granted to all illegal immigrants.
That act alone will seal White House for the Democrats for a generation.
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