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Trump to revoke legal status for Haitians & Latin American migrants

Venezuelan nationals deported under the CHNV programme arrive at Simón Bolívar International Airport on February 24, 2025. Photo: VI Consortium
President Donald J. Trump, who had indicated while running for office that he would terminate CHNV and many other Biden-era immigration programmes, is now doing exactly that, and speeding up the programme's end. Photo: Washington Post
President Donald J. Trump, who had indicated while running for office that he would terminate CHNV and many other Biden-era immigration programmes, is now doing exactly that, and speeding up the programme's end. Photo: Washington Post

WASHINGTON DC, USA- The legal status of hundreds of thousands of Latin American and Haitian migrants is set to be revoked, in the latest effort by the Trump Administration to rid the country of large numbers of foreign migrants.

A Biden-era programme sought to reduce illegal border crossings by allowing migrants to fly into the United States if they could obtain sponsorship. The programme, which began in 2022 by targeting Venezuelan nationals, was expanded in early 2023 to include Cuban, Haitian, and Nicaraguan migrants as well. By August 2023, over 530,000 individuals had entered the United States under the auspices of the CHNV programme. The programme offered them immigration parole for two years, allowing them to live and work in the United States.

In October 2024, President Joseph R. Biden decided against extending the programme, meaning that the migrants would have to either obtain legal status through other channels, leave the country, or face deportation.

Trump's campaign promise

President Trump, who had indicated while running for office that he would terminate CHNV and many other Biden-era immigration programmes, is now doing exactly that, and speeding up the programme's end.

A notice scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on March 25, next Tuesday, announced that the Department of Homeland Security “is terminating the categorical parole programmes for inadmissible aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela and their immediate family members.”

The notice explains that 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register, the parole of everyone under the programmes whose parole has not already expired will be terminated. Those with no other legal basis to remain in the country are being urged to leave before that occurs.

According to the DHS notice, “a review of the history of the parole authority supports the contention that discretionary parole determinations were intended by Congress to be narrowly tailored to specific instances and not based on a set of broadly applicable eligibility criteria.” In other words, DHS expects that parole determinations be made only on “a case-by-case basis, taking into account each alien's unique circumstances.” The ultimate determination of parole rests with Customs and Border Protection officers, DHS argues.

The 35-page notice outlines the Department of Homeland Security's rationale for why the CHNV programme, at best, traded one problem – a crush of migrants arriving at the southern border – for another – an influx of migrants competing “for limited resources such as housing, food, transportation, education, legal services, and public benefits.”

With border crossings significantly down since President Trump's inauguration, DHS argues that the need for the CHNV programme has been obviated. “U.S. foreign policy has changed in critical respects, and DHS must expeditiously align its policies to that change,” said the notice, which is attributed to DHS Secretary Kristi Noem.

15 Responses to “Trump to revoke legal status for Haitians & Latin American migrants”

  • Illegal (23/03/2025, 14:59) Like (12) Dislike (14) Reply
    The person who wrote this article is obviously biased and has TDS.....The SANE Trump administration which Trump won the popular vote by 2 MILLION votes, won the Electoral college vote by a huge margin, won ALL 7 swing states, increased votes from Black, Latino and Young voters by 89%. The American people WANT ILLEGAL CRIMINALS out of their country AND IT WILL happen.
  • Living in America (23/03/2025, 15:14) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    The Latins, Latinas that was out there Wearing the MAGA HATS AND MAGA T SHIRTS is his target now. Plenty of them is out here crying about they were betrayed by Trump and asking the blacks to stand with them. No blacks is going to stand with them. If you are in America illegally and you give birth in America thinking that is going to give you status in America because your child was born in America is no longer working. If you are legal in America and give birth you’re ok. Lots of illegals stop showing up at their work places and a lot of their children is no longer showing up at school. Lots of neighborhoods where the illegals use to be making noise all time of the day and night causing problems, making noise, playing the loud music and riding the loud scooters and barbecuing on the sidewalk has stopped. Those damn illegals if you say excuse me just to pass would get attitudes and some would call you the n word.
  • bvibuzz (23/03/2025, 15:19) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Trump into the Dump with immigrants
  • Mbviga (23/03/2025, 19:51) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    there is a legal way to enter an country, biden basically allowed anyone who can hop the fence to get in, that is why America voted for trump again
  • Local (23/03/2025, 20:44) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    I predict we going to see alot of expartiates that left the bvi to go USA will soon be coming back because it seems like if you have or waiting on a green card they either cancelling them on return if you set foot out of the USA or they not granting cards if they feel its not legitable reason to obtain it. So there goes the american dream.
  • LEH DEM TEK DAH (23/03/2025, 22:03) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    LATINOS FOR TRUMP....@$$#*!&$
  • BVI Next (24/03/2025, 07:15) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just wait till he expands the game
  • Another thing (24/03/2025, 07:23) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you are traveling or have to travel to the USA from any Caribbean countries please make sure your travel documents are in order before you travel, there is a possibility that they may detain you.
  • All in All (24/03/2025, 09:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you migrate to anywhere do it the right way and you would not have to worrying about anything or looking over your shoulder.
  • HMMM (24/03/2025, 09:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I can understand people that comes in illegally but these people comes legally under a program by a us president
    • @ hmmm (25/03/2025, 06:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      They (migrants) came in under an Executive Order from the last President (Biden). Executive Orders are not permanet and the next Administration can reverse it. They need Congress to make it permanent. Immigration is a vetting process and should be done the right way as stated in the law that are already on the books. If ther's any improvement neede, Congress needs to add an amendment to it.
      • HMMM (25/03/2025, 08:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        So they did come in legally.
        He already cancelled the executive order so no more can come in. What he is doing right now is making people that came in legally to be illegal How is that suppose to help his plan to bring down the number of illegals?
        • @hmmm (25/03/2025, 16:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Not really. Most came in on a temporary protected status seeking asylum or refugee status. Neither are permanent and can be revoked at any time by a new administration. From my understading, you wait outside the country while your case is being process. Same as here when you apply for a workers permit. They jumped in front of immigrants cases who are waiting. Is that fair? AND, they are not properly vetting. Is that safe for any country?
          The President(s) are not to blame, US Congress needs to pass a more Comprehensive Immigration Bill, but they won't. Both sides are playing the fence. Trump is the President of the USA not the world. We need to understand that and not take it personally.
  • Ummmm (24/03/2025, 22:02) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

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