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True meaning lost in Modern day Festival – Hon Andrew A. Fahie

First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie believes that Festival as celebrated of late has changed and that the Territory needs to get back to the true meaning and significance of what Festival is meant to celebrate and to ensure that there is no more enslavement of any kind. Photo: VINO
Hon Fahie during the lantern procession in Carrot Bay Thursday August 7, 2014. Photo: VINO
Hon Fahie during the lantern procession in Carrot Bay Thursday August 7, 2014. Photo: VINO
CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI – First District Representative Honourable Andrew A. Fahie believes that Festival as celebrated of late has lost some of its meaning and that the Territory needs to get back to the true significance of what Festival is meant to celebrate and to ensure that there is no more enslavement of any kind.

Speaking at the opening of the Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta on Thursday August 7, 2014, Hon Fahie said that while history does not repeat itself, people repeat history.

“I want to say that we must continue to celebrate our festivities in remembrance of the fight and the sweat and the toil and the tears of our forefathers and we must make sure that we celebrate Festival in a manner that respects what they went through for us to be free,” he said.

“Once we have that in the foremost front of our minds then we will not have any fights, we will not have any negative things happening in Festival at all, because we will be remembering that our fore parents were slaves and they fought for the freedom, it wasn’t given to them. And today we should act accordingly that we are free,” he said.

“I want you to continue to celebrate the Carrot Bay Festival recognizing the culture and recognizing where we came from with this…to make sure that the culture of Carrot Bay and of the Territory remains alive and well and not lost in the modern day version of what some call Festival,” he said.

“Let us continue to train our young people that they remember our history, because history never repeats itself…people repeat history,” he said. “We must always know our history so we do not go back into slavery whether physically, mentally, financially or in any other way,” he said.

5 Responses to “True meaning lost in Modern day Festival – Hon Andrew A. Fahie”

  • foxy (11/08/2014, 09:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That hat fahie
  • shaw (11/08/2014, 10:37) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    great and important sentiment. Tied to this is historic preservation, protecting wooden and older houses, some landscape, open back yard ovens etc. These objects punctuate the need to remember history and not to be sucked into Mickey Mouse mentality found every place else. Visitors are seeking a glimpse into another culture, not wanting to see their own. That is part of the fun of traveling. We can maintain our culture and heritage, upgrade services while inviting people in. We don't have to LOOK like other places- Miami, Hong Kong, St Marteen, St Thomas. We need to be true to ourselves. (Of course, that goes for protecting Carrot Bay, one of if not the last charming villages slowly succumbing to tourist safaris and coastal development. (we don't need permanent vendor shops on the landfill). The road is too narrow for traffic). Be careful lest we lose our history here as well.
  • ------------------ (11/08/2014, 16:10) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fahie better come good today with the PAC report
  • ta ta (11/08/2014, 16:40) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good points fahie
  • clean (16/08/2014, 15:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We can honor our past by reverting to being a clean and tidy society. Everyone kept their yard clean. Always. History shows that poverty was not an excuse. Makes a HUGE difference.

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