TRC putting measures in place for accountability by service providers- Vance M. Lewis

Speaking this morning, May 17, 2021, at the TRC’s Public Awareness and Education Campaign launch ceremony at Maria’s by the Sea Conference Room, Chairman of the TRC Mr Vance M. Lewis outlined a number of areas to ensure consumers get better value for money.
Best Practices & Standardised Services
In the area of establishing quality of service standards, Mr Lewis said, “We have carried out studies of some of the best practices in telecommunications within the region and will be able to soon establish some of these best practices in the industry throughout the territory.”
He said the TRC has taken a hard look at the service offered across sister islands and realised that, perhaps, due to the terrain and other factors the service is not uniformed, with many dropped mobile calls and non-standard data download experiences.
“These services should become standardised through some sort of Universal Service Mechanism,” he stressed.
Spectrum Management Framework
Another area is that the TRC has developed a Spectrum Management Framework which is guiding the allocation of spectrum for all carriers.
Level playing field
“We are looking at our internal compliance with policies and practices and also looking at the Operators compliance with their licenses. This will inform the re-licensing process for operators and also aid the decision making into additional licenses in the sector as required,” said the TRC Chairman as he underscored, “As Regulators, we also ensure a level playing field in the industry by the principle of fairness to all operators. We also regulate the broadcasting industry and in these days of the global pandemic we must ensure broadcasters act responsibly in disseminating information to the general public.”
Renewal of operators licenses being reviewed- Guy L. Malone
On the other hand, Chief Executive Officer of TRC Mr Guy L. Malone said that one of the functions of the Commission is to promote systematic development of telecommunications throughout the territory.
Supporting Mr Lewis’ statements, Mr Malone also stressed on the importance of securing and protecting the public’s interest.
“A perfect example of how we do this is through the upcoming renewal of licenses. After 15 years, the commission can now review the licensing process for the local operators.”
“Our legal and compliance teams are heading the renewal process, and I can confidently say that the team can be trusted to conduct this process with the utmost diligence, fairness, and transparency. It is crucial to get this process right.”
According to Mr Malone, the TRC will be looking at customer care and service, affordable pricing, faster internet speeds, and improved quality of service just to mention a few. “At the Commission, we understand your concerns, we hear it all, and we feel it all as well. Everyone working at the commission is also a paying customer of the same telecommunications services, therefore we understand, and because we are fortunate to see both sides of the coin, our goal for the future is to ensure that customers are happy and they are getting value for money.”
Gov’t commits to supporting TRC
The TRC falls under the portfolio of Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), who was also present at this morning’s launch where he expressed his government’s continued commitment to the TRC.
“Your government is pleased to support the work of the TRC in driving this educational campaign. We have been strengthening good governance approach by making sure budgets and work plans are approved when they are laid on the table of the House of Assembly.
“For example I am advised that it was the first time since the Telecommunications Act came into effect in 2006, the first time in the history of the Commission, the TRC budget has been approved and laid before the legislature as prescribed under the law.”
TRC’s educational campaign
Meanwhile, the TRC is on a campaign to educate the Virgin Islands community about the functions of the Commission.
It said, in the coming weeks the public can expect to hear about the TRC's roles and functions as well as its mission to facilitate high telecommunications infrastructure and services standards in the Virgin Islands.
According to the Commission, recently it has seen an increase in public outcry concerning the quality of telecommunications services in the Virgin Islands and with the renewal of the network provider licenses, the TRC is taking the time to educate the public, being completely transparent about the process.
“Adhering to international standards, after 15 years, the TRC is now able to review the licensing process for telecommunications operators. The focus is on the development of the industry and ensuring that the public's interest is protected,” the TRC had said in a press release on May 13, 2021.

19 Responses to “TRC putting measures in place for accountability by service providers- Vance M. Lewis”
We need a local company to improve their service, and keep the money in the local country to circulate and recirculate and help build a better company. Foreign companies will bring in a better service and leave with the money you support them with. Lets advocate for a better service by continue to write the TRC about the service and agitate the system that allow them to do it.
Each time their is an election about to happen all people is up in arms about internet. People fix the system! I have to dump my masters degree because of a system that suddenly gone crazy and they cannot fix, they call Jamaica who has not respond in two weeks. I waiting to see its outcome.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.