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TRC ‘looking forward’ to awarding spectrum for 5G- Vance M. Lewis

- said a lot of 5G devices are already coming on the market
The much talked about 5G wireless technology could soon be available in the Virgin Islands, Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Mr Vance M. Lewis has suggested. Photo: Internet Source/File
According to Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Mr Vance M. Lewis, is looking forward to allocating spectrum for 5G, since a lot of the 5G devices are already coming on the market. Photo: Facebook
According to Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Mr Vance M. Lewis, is looking forward to allocating spectrum for 5G, since a lot of the 5G devices are already coming on the market. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The much talked about 5G wireless technology could soon be available in the Virgin Islands, Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Mr Vance M. Lewis has suggested.

Speaking at the TRC’s Public Awareness and Education Campaign launch ceremony at Maria’s by the Sea Conference Room on May 17, 2021, Mr Lewis said there is growing frustration with the quality of services offered by operators in the telecommunications industry and proceeded to disclose how the TRC has been working to ensure telecommunications operators in the territory offer better value for money.

He said among the things the TRC has done is to develop a Spectrum Management Framework, which is guiding the allocation of spectrum for all carriers for services using 3G, 3.75G 4G and even up to 5G.

“As a matter of fact, we are looking forward to bringing forward spectrum allocations/spectrum award for 5G, since a lot of the 5G devices are already coming to market,” Mr Lewis stated.

What is 5G/Benefits?

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology. It’s faster than 4G, capable of surpassing 1,000 Mbps speeds—raising the possibility of faster cellular phones, new options for home internet, and more.

5G uses high-frequency waves that support faster speeds but don't travel as far as current wireless frequencies. So instead of relying on large cellphone towers spread far apart, they need ‘small cell’ sites that are much closer together.

Are there drawbacks?

According to CNN on March 6, 2020, significant adoption of 5G is going to take years as industry trade group GSMA estimates that by 2025, around half of mobile connections will be 5G (the rest will be older tech, like 4G and 3G).

There are also concerns among regulators and others about the security of 5G, especially since crucial technologies such as self-driving cars and healthcare systems will be built on top of the network.

There have also been health concerns as cell phone equipment does emit radiation but research on its health effects has been inconsistent.

26 Responses to “TRC ‘looking forward’ to awarding spectrum for 5G- Vance M. Lewis”

  • The Script (18/05/2021, 11:30) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
    Guess what, all of y’all who got the “chook” you see that nanotechnology that y’all put into your bodies, those of you who survive that “chook” y’all lives going to be hell living with this quote on quote “faster internet”
  • PART OF THE AGENDA (18/05/2021, 11:32) Like (30) Dislike (7) Reply
    Higher frequencies means even more higher risk of radiation , basically cooking yourself in a microwave, which ii refrain from using . Ppl wake tf up , them already want you take chipped jabs and now want to bring in 5G. IS TO CONTROL THE MASSES PPL , I bet you your internet still move slow . WAKE UP ‼️.
    • Phil McCracken (18/05/2021, 11:50) Like (16) Dislike (25) Reply
      Chipped jabs? What a moronic comment. They don't need to put chips in the vaccine, you all carry a smart phone everywhere you go. 'They' can track you with that, even when its switched off. Get the jab and get on with life. There is a reason no in this country gets Chickenpox anymore...yep because of vaccines.
      • Real (18/05/2021, 14:01) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
        You go and put a magnet on ur arm and tell us the results
        Since the jabs aint chipped
        • wellsa (19/05/2021, 13:11) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
          Ignorance is truly a bliss. Magnets on the arm. The conspiracies are getting crazy by the minute.
      • Phil Cracked me up (18/05/2021, 14:02) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
        Ofcourse it’s Moronic to somebody who thinks within the box and not outside it. The difference here is I could turn off my phone or leave it somewhere other than where I am to not get my exact location tracked . But , Can you turn off your hand ? Can you put your arm on a counter and walk away ?
        • Off or on (19/05/2021, 15:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Even off your phone still will track you…

          Your move…
        • fact (20/05/2021, 05:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Not only is there no box, there’s no shelf to put the box on. There is, however, a room with nice padded walls for you to lie in while your get over your paranoia. So good news, no?
      • @ Phil McCracken (18/05/2021, 15:02) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
        While you have a right to express your thoughts/feelings.
        U have no right demanding snd or bullying anyone to take no vaccine.

        U took it well u good to go what u worried about ?
  • Stimuli package (18/05/2021, 11:33) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    3G isn’t even working proper here and you talking about 5G
  • study (18/05/2021, 13:31) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    We need to have a study and investigate why so many people in the territory all of a sudden dying from cancer. Something is seriously wrong. There are also many towers near people homes in communities. Just my humble opinion.
    • @study (18/05/2021, 14:22) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
      Use your head , you know exactly why. Just like when polio came out, and those given the shots , many died from cancer and make it worst they want to add 5G . EVEN MORE RADIATION . SMH . capitalism is a bitch .
  • Here we go (18/05/2021, 15:04) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Was expecting this to commence
    21st century vax now 5G yup hand in hand ....
  • hmm (18/05/2021, 15:33) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    lmaooo. them goin charge yuh the price of land for the same 3g service we getting
    • Keep 5G Out.. (18/05/2021, 16:06) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
      These people are so stubborn and need to go home..Why would they want to bring 5G here when the evidence of strong and deadly rsdiation is not clesred up, So much suspicion all over Africa on the danger of 5G...Whats the Rush ,, Wait for more health facts on this matter...
  • Lucifer (18/05/2021, 16:46) Like (5) Dislike (43) Reply
    The timing of this will be perfect for the swivel eyed conspiracy nuts. A large proportion of the unvaccinated will likely start to get COVID after the borders open up and newly switched on 5G will be the obvious cause of this jump in cases.
  • Science is real (18/05/2021, 17:32) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I hope the TRC has done the research and is aware of potential risks associated with
    the existing cellphone technology and 5G. The following is a useful read from Scientific American which should put the issue into some context.
  • WAKE THE SHEEP (18/05/2021, 19:59) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    lol Phase 2
  • wow (18/05/2021, 20:04) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    There have also been health concerns as cell phone equipment does emit radiation but research on its health effects has been inconsistent.

    thats a lie its very consistent.. i've worked wit this in the usa and it is very harmful to society...
  • EMF Meter (12/07/2021, 04:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Have testing of frequencies begun? 1100 Covid cases up from 0 within 2 months of this announcement.
    Graphene Oxide

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