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Top of the Baths washroom project contract on 'shaky grounds'

- Deadline for project completion missed
The contract for the completion of the wash room facility at Top of the Baths, Virgin Gorda seems to be on rocky grounds as the deadline has expired. Photo: VINO/File
Director of Tourism Mrs Sharon Flax-Mars is confident that the temporary washroom facility put in place at Top of the Baths are still in operation. She could not comment on the status of the construction project. Photo: VINO/File
Director of Tourism Mrs Sharon Flax-Mars is confident that the temporary washroom facility put in place at Top of the Baths are still in operation. She could not comment on the status of the construction project. Photo: VINO/File
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI - The contract for the completion of the wash room facility at Top of the Baths, Virgin Gorda seems to be on rocky grounds as the deadline has expired and there has allegedly been an alteration to the terms of the contract which is not going down too well with the persons responsible for the actual construction.

The completion of the facility has been one of major concern for some time now. Approximately a month ago Virgin Islands News Online was given the assurance by someone connected to the project, that it would have been completed within a matter of three weeks given that the government makes the necessary payments in a timely fashion for works done.

However, contacted yesterday, February 19, 2013, a reliable and informed source said the contract is "shaky" and on "slippery rocks".

Asked to give an explanation, the source said the terms of the contract have taken on a new twist, which speaks to the Government allegedly wanting or are making provisions to provide the materials for the completion of the project and will be, or are attempting, to only pay the contractor labour cost. "That’s not going down too nicely, the source said.

Virgin Islands News Online contacted the last known contractor on the project, Mr Wayne O'Neal who, when asked about the status of the project, said "I have no comments." A second attempt to get some bit out of the contractor by asking if he could confirm if the project is complete or nearing completion, again he responded, "I seriously have no comment."

In an effort to further confirm the status of the works, Virgin Islands News Online attempted to garner information from the Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Parks Trust but was met with unanswered phones. 

Director of Tourism Mrs Sharon Flax-Mars, when contacted, said that while she is not in a position to provide details on the status of the contract and the works of the Top of the Baths project, she is confident that the temporary arrangements put in place are still in operation.

Three weeks ago Mrs Flax-Mars had announced that the tourism board had put in place three porter putties, two for females and one for males, at the location.

She said feedback from her staff indicates that the use of the temporary facility is being maximised. This system will be maintained until the permanent facility is completed.

20 Responses to “Top of the Baths washroom project contract on 'shaky grounds'”

  • AC 360 (20/02/2013, 09:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This situation is a travesty of good accountability
  • . (20/02/2013, 09:23) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Most of these contractors have a reputation of not finishing nothing, especially this one
  • mother hen (20/02/2013, 09:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whatever gets the job done, I am all for dat.
    • my two cents (23/02/2013, 07:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Get the private sector to build and lease it back over a number of years. No borrowing, no upfront costs...

  • VG Resident (20/02/2013, 09:45) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    How them going finish when everybody want to have there hand in the cookie jar. People of virgin gorda just wait and see the out come of this I wonder who going get the contract to clean and maintain these bathroom HMMMMMM she just in and done doing what she wants!!!!
    • VG (20/02/2013, 17:09) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      A young man in the community has the job to clean the temporary bathrooms. We are always putting down the young men in the community and here we are with a young man setting a fine example as a budding entrepreneur and all we can do is criticize. Come on people lets give Lionel Richardson a round of applause for doing a great job with these bathrooms and for the BVI Tourist Board for giving a YOUNG MAN in the community a chance to shine
  • Vg man (20/02/2013, 12:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    is this the same contractor that ralph said he cant remember his name and he had to be drunk when he tendered his bid?what a cas cas.That is why v.g is where it is dictatorship.
    • cnbc (20/02/2013, 20:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      why some of you people keep politicizing everything and talking about things you should not be?
  • rich man (20/02/2013, 15:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    finally some apparent method to the madness with a little 2 by 4 project!!!!
  • Schoolchildren (20/02/2013, 17:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    Oh Kneel owes his suppliers and was recently fired from Another major contract..

  • always eating (20/02/2013, 17:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    seems like Ms. Flax love she belly
  • Chris (20/02/2013, 18:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just hope it got a good water supply to flush....and a good sewage system we can't have that sewage backing up like in road town and east end.
  • Amazing (20/02/2013, 18:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI can't even build a sh*thouse and now they want to try an airport????
  • MEME (20/02/2013, 22:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Miss flax has finish eating
  • NC (20/02/2013, 22:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    a sign of the dangerous times we live
  • Lion heart (21/02/2013, 00:12) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI is becoming a place to where they will bring down their own country. One of the readers say " BVI can't even build a sh*thouse and now they want to try an airport????" The government is looking at things from one perspective but not the other. The bathrooms that are made should not be placed at the entrance to the baths , this shows the thoughts in which was put in to this stucture. The baths need a proper parking area why don't you contract some one to do this that has the skills. An example of how people want to work and get the money but they do not have the skill. the side walk in the marina is one foot hire then the road. Who was the one encharge and what type of skill was put in to this. One issue that Virgin Gorda has is recreation for children. The feild at which the call foot ball feild is a hill, why not invest your money in to the youth and create extra school activities. Have mentors from other businesses get out in to the community and help those that are in need of some one in trouble. The BVI will soo be under water if there is no change.
  • will (21/02/2013, 08:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so no one read this contract before signing or man did want eat a few.
  • one eye (23/02/2013, 07:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I would warn contractors to stay away from anything government does?

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