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Tonight’s concert is one of redemption & youth empowerment- Vybz Kartel

Dancehall artist Vybz Kartel said will preach the power of change, redemption, youth empowerment, self-purpose, self-belief, and positivity, in his first international performance since being released from prison in the Virgin Islands tonight, March 15, 2025. Photo: Facebook
Vybz Kartel is set to headline the YOLO Promotions' Black on Black concert tonight, March 15, 2025. Photo: YOLO Promotions/Facebook
Vybz Kartel is set to headline the YOLO Promotions' Black on Black concert tonight, March 15, 2025. Photo: YOLO Promotions/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Dancehall legend Vybz Kartel, in his first international performance since his release from prison, will preach the power of change, redemption, youth empowerment, self-purpose, self-belief, and positivity.

The Jamaican artist, born Mr Adidja Palmer, revealed this at a press conference held at the Village Cay Marina Resort on March 14, 2025— hosted by YOLO Promotions, meant to set the stage for the highly anticipated Vybz Kartel’s ‘Black on Black’ concert, tonight, March 15, 2025.

Kartel, known for his lyrical prowess and influence in Caribbean music, struck a deeply reflective and motivational tone as he addressed the media and fans alike, telling those in attendance, “My job is to spread that positive message; Spread the message that you are valuable. Not because you didn’t grow up rich or because you’re going through struggles—whether financial or mental health-related—means you are any less, you are special.”

Also present for the conference were key figures, including the Premier and Minister for Finance, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), CEO of YOLO Promotions, Mr. Steve E. Parrillon, and Ms. Grace Chow, CEO of COLA, among others.

Youth, purpose & focus

With this in mind, Kartel addressed the youth directly emphasising the need for direction and discipline, “First thing we want the youth to do is find a purpose, find a dream and focus towards it; because as men, especially young men, we need purpose, if we don’t find it, we’ll go looking for it in the wrong places.”

The Dancehall artist, often controversial yet undeniably influential, encouraged young people to set personal goals and develop structured paths for their future, suggesting, “Write down your thoughts. Write down your vision; Set short-term goals, then long-term goals. Believe in yourself. To be a man doesn’t mean to be a dog or a gangster, a man needs discipline, principles, and goals.”

Kartel’s First Performance Outside Jamaica Post-prison

Beyond his message of empowerment, Kartel also used the occasion to acknowledge the importance and impact of such an event for the Virgin Islands (VI), since it also marks his first live performance outside of his homeland since his release from incarceration. 

“This is a special occasion for me because this is my first show outside of Jamaica and I’m glad to get that first chance to be here.”

The event, branded as Black on Black, carries a name that Kartel also addressed with keen awareness, adumbrating, “People have said to my manager the other day, the event is called Black on Black, and I’m glad I’m at this event because over the years, Black on Black usually has that negative connotation but this is a special event, for America, for the Caribbean; We are redefining what it means.”

“The vibe is nice, I’m just trying to get people to come out; Come out here, and I’m going to represent. Come out here and show love; Seriously, God is a great God,” he added. 

The Black on Black event, according to Promotor Mr Steve E.  Parrillon promises to be a milestone not just for Kartel but for Caribbean music as a whole, insisting that fans and industry stakeholders alike will be watching closely as the dancehall icon takes the stage in Tortola, signalling a new chapter in his career and life.

20 Responses to “Tonight’s concert is one of redemption & youth empowerment- Vybz Kartel ”

  • John (15/03/2025, 13:58) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply
    We all will be there
    • @John (15/03/2025, 15:50) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      Do what the we all and you got to do. Ain’t no skin off my back who is going. That’s on the we all and you who is going. I will be laying up in my California King size bed drinking champagne and watching NETFLIX.
    • jah (15/03/2025, 16:46) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      No example
    • IDOLATRY! (15/03/2025, 18:06) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      It have people asking if they does praise Yeshua the same way they praising this man and them who going crazy over this man got the nerve to say they don’t know how they live but it is CLEAR AS DAY how they living because you CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS AND THE WORD OF GOD SAYS NOT TO IDOLIZE PEOPLE!!!!!

      If Yeshua was to come now plenty would run for cover not praise Him like they claim they would…it’s a disgrace!!!!!!!

      Yeshua is not someone you feel you could use for your selfish desires.

      OBEDIENCE is NECESSARY not just believing He exists and thinking He would protect you and answer your prayers because you feel entitled when you DO NOT glorify Him in your living.

      It DOES NOT WORK SO!!!
    • Listen (15/03/2025, 19:41) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Some say people praying for the downfall of this event and expect to live a blessed life. Yes!!! You know why?? The Word of God says have no part of the unfruitful works of darkness and expose them!!!
  • hmm (15/03/2025, 14:08) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    well we still got a dead lizard and cat got frog and snake tongue
  • Help de man (15/03/2025, 14:48) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    He looking fragile, like he just learning to standup.
    Personally,i wouldn't enjoy looing at him pitterpattin on Stage.. Sad vibrations.
    Hopefully he won't need physician and or adequate hospital stay. BVI is notoriously deficient in such life necessities. Personally I am not familiar with him.nor his music. I am assumjngvthat he has lost his vision hence the dark glasses at alll times.
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (15/03/2025, 15:41) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Vybz Kartel has, according to th promised that "tonight concert is one of redemption and youth empowerment."

    The deceased grand father, then Hon. Chief minister, Willard Wheatley, grand father of our current Premier, Hon. Natalio Sajuande Wheatley, if he was alive, and read Vybz Kartel's statements about redemption, and youth empowerment, would have sum (summary) it all up by the use of one (1) word: "Rubbish," But by our current Premier, he will heap praise on, Vybz Kartel.
    Why would differ so wide fronm his grand father's thoughts processed and words?
    He simply will because, while it is true that his grand child, and current B.V.I Premier educational skills surprised his, his our current Premier, common sense, and integrity, and knows how to manage our finances properly, greatly lags good judgment.

    People of the British Virgin Islands vote wisely next general elections coming for your own political redemption, and empowerment.

  • hk (15/03/2025, 16:29) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    You don't see the dress code black duppy show no wander one bit the durst
  • jah (15/03/2025, 16:54) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    He will buy a property there help ppl i either mudic
  • Empower the youths? Lol (15/03/2025, 17:10) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Youth empowerment? Lol I can't wait to see this lol

    This man just reach and I alrdy see some serious well known drugman and criminals approaching him and hailing him taking videos and pics

    Yea boi this will really empower the youths mindset when them see that and show later on lmfao I can't wait to hear what songs going empower them and what activities that will be taking part (alcohol smoking sex drugs cussing maybe a lil fighting etc) yessah youths shall be empowered!

    Dont be suprise
  • Augustus (15/03/2025, 17:42) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    First show? Didn’t he just do one in Trinidad?
  • yawns (15/03/2025, 19:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Trinidadian’s made it known stay out we carnival periodttt
    Not saying we don’t like Jamaican music we do
    But we don’t play with carnival
    He will have his concert later this year In Tdad
  • Vybz nothing (15/03/2025, 19:15) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    I’ll be home and I hope to not have to hear that crap music
    If it’s alleged he’s unwell I wish him well
    I don’t hate him I dislike the music not my cup of tea
    Give me Beres and the rest that knew what music was
  • Meanwhile (15/03/2025, 19:19) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ladies stepping out with wigs stick to their foreheads tight
    Lashes glued to their eyelash and nails as if that wasn’t enough …
    And then the plastics
    As a man it disgust me I love my wife natural no surprises when those things are off
  • What exactly (15/03/2025, 21:50) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is going on in this place within the last few hours? A man drown at the baths, a lady cat went over the hillside ending her life, a 17 year old on VG pull a gun on his father and then proceeded to stab up his own father a man got robbed.
  • Yea aa (16/03/2025, 00:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ah yes in the same day kartel was to perform someone got robbed at gun point 3am after they assisted the person with car troubles. Then we got a teenager pointing a his father in VG and stabbing him.. then he flees to tola I guess to catch the concert in time idk
  • resident (16/03/2025, 09:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope people were able to get some sleep last night. Lord that was a loud concert.

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