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Tola Radio ‘not going off air for 1 second’- Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’

- despite CCT threatening to pull Tola Radio VI’s sponsorship & agreements
Despite a press release from Caribbean Cellular Telephone Limited (CCT) stating it has terminated its service agreement with Tola Radio VI, founder and owner of Tola Radio VI Mr Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ has assured the public the popular radio station will not being going off air anytime. Photo: Facebook/File
CCT accused Mr Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ of indiscriminately making ‘disparaging and potentially libellous statements about CCT for years’. Photo: CCT
CCT accused Mr Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ of indiscriminately making ‘disparaging and potentially libellous statements about CCT for years’. Photo: CCT
On Saturday, October 19, 2024, Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ responded by accusing CCT of not presenting evidence to back up its allegations. Photo: Facebook
On Saturday, October 19, 2024, Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ responded by accusing CCT of not presenting evidence to back up its allegations. Photo: Facebook
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI- Despite a press release from Caribbean Cellular Telephone Limited (CCT) stating it has terminated its service agreement with Tola Radio VI 100.5 FM, Managing Director Mr Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ has assured the public the popular radio station will not be going off air anytime.

In fact, Mr Burnett has suggested Tola Radio VI and CCT may be mending fences.

CCT accuses Heritage of ‘disparaging & potentially libellous statements’

CCT had said Its services to Tola Radio, based on an agreement, include tower space for antenna placement on Jost van Dyke and Peter Island, electricity and backup power service, as well as telephone and both wireless and fibre internet services, altogether valued at well over $60,000 annually. In exchange, CCT received radio advertising on the Morning Braff show and other Tola Radio programming.

CCT said the agreement reached its natural conclusion on May 31, 2024, and CCT made the decision not to renew “because of the volatile relationship with Mr Burnett, who has indiscriminately made disparaging and potentially libellous statements about CCT for years.”  

Nevertheless, CCT said it continued the exchange of services on a month-to-month basis beyond the contract’s expiration and hoped to improve relations with Tola Radio but that their relationship did not improve but CCT continued to provide services free of charge to Tola Radio, extending the deadline for transitioning away from Tola Radio to October 31, 2024.

No longer interested in advertising with Tola Radio- CCT

“Unfortunately, despite these efforts, Mr Burnett has continued to make disparaging and potentially libellous statements about CCT, including comments that have even raised concerns regarding the safety of our people. As a result, this matter has been referred to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force for further review.

“Tola Radio can retain the same services they currently enjoy from CCT by becoming a paying customer but CCT is no longer interested in advertising on their platform,” CCT stated.

Where is the proof?- Heritage

On Saturday, October 19, 2024, Burnett responded by accusing CCT of “never ever actually providing proof of what was said or the context it was said” in his criticisms of CCT’s product and that “the product I was reviewing at the time was totally separate and paid for outside of my sharing agreements !!!!! Why can’t they say what was said? I wonder.”

Burnett said just like everyone else he has the right to review a product “I’m paying for” and that it should have “nothing to do with our other contractual agreements.”

The radio station owner also assured his “thousands of Tola Radio Fans and the 50 plus active ad partners that we are here to stay.”

New agreements being negotiated with CCT- Heritage

Speaking to our News Centre today; however, Burnett had a different tone, stating that Tola Radio and CCT are re-negotiating new agreements.

“We are not moving from CCT towers…all the negotiations are going positive concerning us staying and actually getting back to our original agreement.”

Burnett also said CCT has suggested some different terms to their agreement and added that “every business have an order in which it should run. “

Tola Radio, he reiterated, “wouldn’t be going off air for one second, one minute and we just want to once again reassure all media, all public, all clients of this basically.”

35 Responses to “Tola Radio ‘not going off air for 1 second’- Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’”

  • facts (20/10/2024, 11:46) Like (12) Dislike (30) Reply
    We with tola on this one cct to greedy
    • All in All. (20/10/2024, 13:06) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
      .In ths one CCT looks like good deed saints, really helped a brother out, the peoole are the winners..We love Tola Radio, glad it settled. ..Cindy may soon need to top into this connection to launch her new Radio station. Hope she gets the same good deeds love..
    • Selfishness. (20/10/2024, 13:12) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      Respect people, their jobs, their properties, respect ourselves, We all can live in peace. Avoid trouble and problems. We all will win..
    • @facts (20/10/2024, 13:13) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    • Cindty Sabotage (20/10/2024, 16:57) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
      The people them say that Ci*dy putting out bad info to sabatoge Heritage becasue she is jealous oof his success.Wishing that they was as popular with the people as heritage and Tola Radio.
  • local boy (20/10/2024, 12:42) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
    CCT leave hbh and Tola Radio alone. Hbh is the voice of the ppl.
    • @local boy (20/10/2024, 15:04) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      Huh is not always the voice of the people. He said Tortola Radio is the people’s radio right? So how is it when someone AKA the people calls in and voice their opinion’s they are often interrupted.
      • @localboy (21/10/2024, 10:33) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        And when you call in, he ensure to try to tell you what direction to talk about even if your neutral in his conversation. Eg. He answers the phone and he start chatting and not listening to what you want to speak about. #Myway
  • okay (20/10/2024, 12:53) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    Being fair, so when the information came out Mr. Floyd why did you tried to deny it. Mr. Floyd, I wish you the best with your business, However, you have to tone down the volatile attitude when dealing with others that don’t see things/agree with you.
  • Tola radio fan. (20/10/2024, 15:00) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Happy to hear thus. Just saying that everything does not need to be aired in the public. I find we put too many things out there. Ain't everybody happy for you. Talk some keep some. Just sayin.
  • LOL (20/10/2024, 15:01) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ramp with pig and dont expect to get dirty?
  • justin (20/10/2024, 15:06) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    Rasta should be Top Ranking
    • @justin (20/10/2024, 16:56) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      And why is that? Please explain.i have nothing against the Rasta man but why he should be top ranking.
  • $60,000 (20/10/2024, 16:13) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is cheap for all that is included. If Heritage was outside of the BVI, he would have to cough up more than $60,000.
    • @$60,000 (20/10/2024, 20:58) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      That is a heck of a deal for all that was included. You darn skippy if he was out side of this crazy place he would be paying lots more money if he wanted to be in the radio business. Stop trying to make CCT look like the bad guys. When in business, you have to learn how to keep the volatile attitude in check.
  • cct (20/10/2024, 16:38) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    I didn't expect him to be off

    I'm sure the Government will sponsor him big time.

    Good luck my friend.
  • Rubber Duck (20/10/2024, 16:39) Like (5) Dislike (14) Reply
    Free the drew free tola radio
  • Uh huh (20/10/2024, 16:43) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    yessh got to big up the criminals like killa and drew everytime. no down time!
  • 2024 (20/10/2024, 17:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    East Side
  • telling you (20/10/2024, 17:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tuesday show is going to be filled with pure drama.
  • what (20/10/2024, 18:01) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cct and every other internet providers service is very poor. what is the people of this territory paying for? I wonder what those who are responsible really doing to help the people of the territory. The service on VG is terrible
  • chatty chatty mouth (20/10/2024, 20:27) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    His mouth will Always get he in trouble...Too bias and onesided
  • qc (20/10/2024, 20:49) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Tola radio is good long live tola
  • Norris Turnbull (20/10/2024, 21:11) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man gots no class and is an ingrate
  • hm (21/10/2024, 07:33) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    He been around g Cindy too long
  • one thing (21/10/2024, 07:59) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    HBH mouth is going to get him in trouble one of these days. He says a lot of things on the radio that should not be said.
  • DownWest (21/10/2024, 08:29) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Free the drew. 1st district needs a savior
    • @down west (21/10/2024, 12:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

      From your comment that is why you all down there is *&% up. A savior?

  • Junie (21/10/2024, 11:00) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    CCT ‘playing de a**’ with this dude. He’s rude and disrespectful. Sometimes they need to cut his mic yea.
  • shoo (21/10/2024, 11:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    St Lucia would welcome him,I would think.
  • hill (21/10/2024, 11:23) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    you all keeps saying free the drew put the money together and pay his lawyer ????every one should get a second chance
  • We all know (21/10/2024, 12:39) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Heritage supports Donald Trump, that’s fine. But when he said that Kamala Harris sleep with different men to get where she is today, that was a wrap for me. Sometimes I think Heritage is BIAS AND DISRESPECTFUL TOWARDS WOMEN.
  • huh (21/10/2024, 14:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do we really care about Tola Radio? I sure could care less
  • Wo wo wo (21/10/2024, 14:32) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let’s see if he is going to spazz out on the radio Tuesday.sometimes dude be off the rail. Have any of you seen dude on one of his spazz out? I HAVE!!!!!!

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