Today February 23, 2017 is Budget debate day!

It will be the Fourth Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of Assembly (HoA) and the meeting is expected to start at 10:00 AM at its chambers in Road Town, the capital city.
The National Democratic Party (NDP) will defend the 2017 Appropriation Act in the HoA and are expected over the two days of debate to paint a picture of all is well with their leadership and they are the government capable of managing the territory’s financial affairs.
In addition, you can expect to hear from the ruling Administration that they are not to be blamed for the poor state of the country's economy, but rather the global financial challenges are to be blamed. However, facts will show that most developed countries economies have long rebounded, including the United States.
The Opposition will speak truth to power in Budget Debate
However, the two Opposition Members Hons Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and Julian Fraser RA (R3) are expected to speak to the suffering of residents because of the poor economy, people not being paid by the NDP Administration for months, despite promises by Finance Minister Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) to do so, and poor financial management by government.
The Opposition has the facts on their side as Governor John S. Duncan OBE confirmed in letters to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Premier Smith that he has been concerned about the reckless spending and poor financial stewardship by the NDP Government.
The Governor, the Opposition, the media and civil society have also raised the vexing issue of the lack of audited financial statements of the pubic accounts, which goes back to almost eight years. This is a breach of the Financial Management Act.
The Sitting is being carried live on CBN Channel 51.

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