Tino’s newest track hits the airwaves today, Jan. 28
This opinion has been further solidified today as one of the Territory’s ever popular artists Mr Martino ‘Tino’ Marks puts out yet another new single on the airwaves. This newest release is titled ‘Come Back To Me’ is said to be one of a different taste to the many songs produced by this local artiste.
Mr Marks offered this news site the first interview to announce his new release to the world and said that it comes in time for the day for lovers, Valentine’s Day. “This song is a very special because it is somewhat different to the others that I have ever produced. It’s a groovy song, it’s a Valentine release,” said Mr Marks.
He noted that since producing his first music video, ‘Rock and a Hard Place’ he said he felt the need to do a follow up song. “A lot of people send me tracks to write songs to rhythm so this time I am trying to do some more rhythmical writing, this means I develop the rhythm for scratch.”
According to the quickly advancing local artist most of his songs done previously were caught up with songs of a party/carnival taste and very seldom songs are locally written to the romantic listening audience. “So that’s the reasoning behind this new single, and I know for sure that a lot of people can relate to it and they already love it,” he said.
The feel for the songs has marked its way among his best as according to him, in weeks leading up to today’s releasing, the track was sent to quite a number of persons who have given their honest opinion and the vibes have been just what he was hoping for.
“Ultimately, the main plan is to do a music video which we are in the process of working on. So hopefully very soon we would have that video out there for the track,” he assured.
Marks, also the co-owner and lead vocalist of Hardcore band, said the ensemble is currently working on a number of new songs for 2014 of which his new single is one. He said that he would be coming out much harder to defend his title of the soca monarch this year which is already in the basket but he was not ready to disclose the details just yet.
“I am coming really hard to defend the soca monarch title this year. I have my plans all lined up but wouldn’t let the cat out the bag just yet,” he said. Mr Marks said that this newest single could not have been any better without the input of his brother Marcus who was responsible for the production of the track.
“It’s a different kind of track with a blend of country and soca. The music has country overtone and the melody was written with kind of a country with a soca feel that is appropriate for a romantic setting,” added Mark.
“I haven’t released a kind of song like this in a while so I am kind of excited about it. And I want to especially thank my brother Marcus and the other band members for giving of their best for me to come out now with this single.”
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