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Timing of No Confidence Motion ‘reveals a selfish desire for power’- Premier

- said His Majesty's Loyal Opposition is 'self serving'
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has blasted the planned Motion of No Confidence against him by the Opposition as lacking proper timing and another attempt at a power grab. Photo: GIS/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley's (R7) statement on the Motion of Non Confidence against by the Opposition. Photo: GIS
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley's (R7) statement on the Motion of Non Confidence against by the Opposition. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has blasted the planned Motion of No Confidence against him by the Opposition as lacking proper timing and another attempt at a power grab.

The resolution was on the Order Paper for the Nineteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands today, September 3, 2024; however, Premier Wheatley successfully objected to its inclusion on the Order Paper since the proper procedure of the HoA was not followed by the Opposition.

"His Majesty's Loyal Opposition has the constitutional right to move a Motion of No Confidence. However, the timing of this motion reveals a selfish desire for power when we all should be united in the face of an Order in Council that can suspend our constitution,” Dr Wheatley said in a statement today.

Opposition is 'self serving'- Premier

The Premier continued that the government has led the process of reform, which has significantly strengthened areas which have long gone unaddressed.

“To call a Motion of No Confidence against the very government who has cleaned up the mess that many in the Opposition have either ignored or in some instances caused, reveals their character and self serving nature,” Dr Wheatley said.

The attempted Motion came at a time when the Premier is set to travel to the United Kingdom to meet the UK Minister of Overseas Territories and is expected to request for the reserved Order in Council to suspend the VI Constitution to be lifted.

42 Responses to “Timing of No Confidence Motion ‘reveals a selfish desire for power’- Premier”

  • tarzan (03/09/2024, 16:55) Like (35) Dislike (12) Reply
    I blame Jane for making this clown chief
  • time longer than twine (03/09/2024, 16:58) Like (30) Dislike (7) Reply
  • His photos (03/09/2024, 17:14) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    What the hell is up with these photos of him. The media needs to stop. Those photos are awful
  • Madussa (03/09/2024, 17:32) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Are you ready to RUMBLE? May the best man win!
  • 2024 (03/09/2024, 17:40) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    can there be a snap election or can we have two members from the VIP side cross the floor: we will still have a problem because everyone wants to be the premier
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (03/09/2024, 18:10) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    "Six of one, half dozen of the other." All politicians are mostly for themselves, their families, friends, cronies, and close supporters some of the time
    When one speak of others and said, "attempt at power grab" that statement is only partly true, the same one was a power grabber.
    The BVI political opposition has none done anything that is not democratically been done in all normally ruined domicratic system worldwide.
    Many people of the BVI seem to not want to accept the true English meaning of the word oppose Oppose means opposite, not identical.
    For as long as democracy will be in practice, whether here or there, a political tug-of-war will be in process.

    The current Premier rand on two opposing platform in past attempt. He the opposed both VIP and NDP views. He seemed then to grabbed power. Now that he got power, he verbally bashing others political rivals as if power is owned by him over all opposition seeker, and the people, too.

    "Let God be true, and everyman a liar."

    God is Love, and Love is God

  • RealPol (03/09/2024, 18:22) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Frankly, a vote of no confidence is a tool available to the Opposition, especially when a government has the ultimate razor thin margin— 1 representative. Sometimes it is is legi; other time it is performance and theatre . Let it happen and get on with the people’s work. Remember what is good for the goose is good for the gander,
  • nonsense (03/09/2024, 18:32) Like (30) Dislike (9) Reply
    if the CIO never happened Mr. Premier, would you have cleaned up the mess? Would you have done all reforms that were needed? You need to resign and stop acting like your the virgin islands last hope. I pray the consistitution gets suspended and the united kingdom takes over these islands. You are a self serving j@*** @$$ thats needs to get out of the HOA.
  • hello (03/09/2024, 18:43) Like (10) Dislike (25) Reply
    Kudos to the premier for a display of professionalism and readiness for the anticipated challenge. We're all aware of skeleton's and fraser's thirst for power so that this was no surprise. We just wish they would channel their energies toward the resolution of issues in their districts.
  • @time longer than twine (03/09/2024, 18:44) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Then what another set of clowns will entertain the world.
  • smh (03/09/2024, 18:55) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply
  • Styles. (03/09/2024, 19:26) Like (35) Dislike (7) Reply
    Natalio, you’re a power hungry man yourself.

    You have let your ministers do all sorts of poor jobs:

    - health (grants fraud) & people killing clinics
    - education (grants fraud) & kids leaving school without any knowledge or skills
    - works just look at the roads.

    Yet you let them keep you in power.

    You and your entire team are utterly incompetent. You even mentioned leaving it all up to god without doing any meaningful work.

    Step away from the job, you cannot handle it.
  • Self serving? (03/09/2024, 19:28) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    The opposition self serving?

    Says the premier that hosts parties to fill his friends pockets and travels the world delivering no value.l but gaining frequent flyer miles.
  • FACIAL EXPRESSION (03/09/2024, 19:47) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is saying )> my people am hollering af AL-YO , the out to get me again , AH NEED YO HELP
  • asking for a friend (03/09/2024, 19:57) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    They power hungry did you see their wired press conference?
  • BVIslander (03/09/2024, 20:04) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    Man the people them fed up of you is like this country has no one running it look school going open back an nothing happening for the primary school they break down about two years ago this government let the whole entire country down most of all the student that is the future of tomorrow
  • ... (03/09/2024, 20:09) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    yea and wee see you fighting to keep it.... no active boarder control no presence of Police K9 dogs...random machine guns being found and we aint see nobody getting charge....out of the last XXXXX murders how much remain unsolved....
    cant even start on how much front end the government own the people of the Virgin Islands for hitting these pot wholes
    • yeahhhhh (04/09/2024, 05:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      The police force unless i miss the change falls under the governor. The problem here is that touch much your my partner i going see what i can do for you is happening. Crime would never get solve here police are often subjective never objective. What i mean is there operate from books and not sense. Dont get me wrong the books are guildance but it dont speak to unique situation. Officers please read and know i am not bashing you'll just saying understand that sometime think out the box and dig deeper to first see the why the how and the who did it will come. Same books you study remember the successful criminals read it to. Be open minded be guided most of all be safe
  • Get him out (03/09/2024, 20:38) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    While he there talking with no work doing, I dodging 4 potholes. The one at port Purcell round about is now historical.
  • you watch (03/09/2024, 20:47) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    Vote out the opposition
  • DEDE (03/09/2024, 21:19) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    The opposition had their chance and blew it. Can you picture Ronnie or Julian being boss of the other. Had they been in charge, we would long be back at the polls. Don’t forget the Rep. for D6 and D9 not wanting to be left out.
  • kmt (03/09/2024, 21:44) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    Worst premier ever !
    Once he getting pay ????.
    Screw we!
  • LOL (03/09/2024, 22:44) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Read the motion…No lies detected. Parna man and his bro on an international frolic of their own. Escaped on a technicality. Anybody taking bets on a rat jumping ship when the motion is finally debated?
  • Yeahh (04/09/2024, 06:14) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    I dont deal with goverment affairs because i learnt very long ago no 1 man can reverse years óf wrong dealing and corruption. I have been to district five meeting with Mr. Morehead and his sidekick and ppl i really want you'll to hear me when i say this we are on a ship that going down. These ministers are young and inexperience persons who are clearing over there head and ignorant to the fact that ppl are watch and listening to the crap you say and do. I look to no man for changes but my goodness they blaming pass governance for the shit we facing now and not once state how you and your team will address key infurstructure issues that we are facing is a testiment to the fact that we the ppl are on our own. Second to that and top police officer who will remain nameless here but he know who he is stood up and make mockery of parents struggles with their kids at home and swear he sounding good then they looking for ppl to trust them come on. Sup. Its your officers going to the people schools enpowering the kid to pass they place at home. But he not sending his officers to deal with petty reports line that fool thats why you all are there to up lift and maintain the law. My point ppl is we are on our own. So much is wrong with theses islands and the hurtful thing is they quote on quote speaking for the ppl and really not listening to said ppl.
  • WOW (04/09/2024, 06:30) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    These comments are really bad, horrible. Mr. Premier, maybe you should meet with these
    People. In HOA, members, both sides, should meet to trash out their grievances because
    this is a lot of hate towards one man. Else, go fix roads yourself; for example.
  • Fed Up (04/09/2024, 07:23) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Speaker full of crap.

    Was she not aware of Stanfing Irder 23 when she received the information? Why did she not guide the Opposition Leader?

    Is she afraid of losing her job?
  • E. Leonard (04/09/2024, 07:40) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Former US President Ronald Reagan ‘joked’ that politics is the second oldest profession which bears a close resemblance to the first. However, politics may be the oldest profession, for behaving political is inseparable from being human. Aristotle defines human beings as political animals, ie., zoa politika, for people express themselves most fully and characteristically within the polis (HoA). In the polis, the political animals interact to put in place laws and build institutions on which social order and justice works.

    Nevertheless, inspite of the interactive cooperation, the driving force of politics is conflict.Without conflict and disagreement,,there is no politics. In the universe of complete concord, politics would not exist. People live politically, for they have not figured how to share the good things, or who should have the power to decide how the good things should be shared, Mao Zedong “ Observed that politics is war without bloodshed ; a means of resolving conflicts without violence.” Politics comes down to tolerating differences; it is the art of compromise.

    The situation in the [British] Virgin Islands(VI) it is idealism v realism.,The government seems to want/hoping for/ dreaming of unity,civic cooperation, etc. But politics is about conflict; no conflict/disagreement, no politics. The HoA is place where politicians with almost complete immunity can grandstand, say whatever they want. The Westminster structure includes a)Government, and b) Opposition. Formed and sworn in, government has the ability, responsibility,etc., to pass laws and govern even with a razor thin majority. The Opposition has the luxury of outlining how, when, where, etc things should happen; in power though, it is different story. On the other hand, government has the responsibility for delivering services, ie, picking up the thrash, fixing the roads, providing health services, and education; providing fire services, providing police services, etc. Here is a news flash. Typically, the opposition probably is not going to hold hands with government and sing kumbaya. The oppostion goal is to trade places with government.
    • Cuz (04/09/2024, 08:49) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Cuz, if politics is the second oldest profession, I’m curious what is the first? An interesting take on politics. So we all are political animals? No conflict/disagreement, no politics. Deep..Some truth though,for when things are going well for us,,we don’t think about neither politicians nor politics. You saying that government should not expect the opposition to hold hands with it and sing kumbaya, for the opposition wants to trade place with government. So is this why in HoA,,members with almost complete immunity grandstand, say what they want. Opposition has all the answers to what ails the BVI;,government has to deliver. seems as if you saying that governing should get on with governing, stopping the wining( my words ,,not yours). You saying we may run away from politics is us—we are political animals.,
    • Manjack (04/09/2024, 14:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      We are all political animals you say, ie, to be human is to be political. Virgin Islanders are not actively civically engaged. Some of us go to the polls every four years then go in hibernation, expecting things to happen naturally..We are too dependent on politicians and depend on political patronage. As long as the faucet is turned on the trough we are happy..When the faucet is turned off , we get mad as hell, declaring that sky is falling. Why do people expect that government and opposition are going to hold hands and sing cumbaya. In my view, they have different roles; the names indicate they have different roles. When politcians are out power, they have all the answers, solutions to every problem, overpromise to get into power. However, when in power, they are surprise that there may not be enough to do things or do things the way they overpromise. We political animals if we want change must become change agents. I got a question. Must there conflict and disagreement for there to be politics. So if the whole territory is happy, there would be no politics? That will happen so there will always politics, ie, politicians waxing nonsense, throwing shade at other, insulting each other, etc.
  • lodger (04/09/2024, 08:16) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yet again the government, opposition, and their administrative staff, show their incompetence and lack of maturity. How does a motion, any motion, get on the order paper if it does not meet the constitutional requirements of notice and timing?
  • @ TARZAN (04/09/2024, 08:48) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • who more selfish than you? (04/09/2024, 08:54) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    premier we the people had enough of you! like just go! you so selfish that the people talking to you and you and your government ignoring it. doing what you feel like... we had enough of yall....
  • islander (04/09/2024, 09:01) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    even the children are asking what's going on this country never felt like this before nothing is happening. The government fell asleep. Vote all out next election.
  • Patriotic (04/09/2024, 10:01) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    it reveals that the masses want to erase the ghetto and slum like look of our islands
  • BREAKING NEWS (04/09/2024, 10:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • power hungry (04/09/2024, 11:36) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    We must ask ourselves why the opposition would make a move such as this ahead of the UK and positive comments from the governor last Friday? Why jeopardize the meeting with UK? Why not wait until he returns? We as citizens must think logically and see through the nonsense. This could have waited until after the UK!
  • pot (04/09/2024, 11:52) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Pot calling kettle black here. Might be different if Natalio were able to describe what he has achieved during his time at the helm. Lamentably, not much to talk about, hence the personal attacks.
  • BH (04/09/2024, 12:10) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    The problem with the BVI is the ratio of 70 % expatriates to 30 % locals ,Hence, most of them can careless what happen to our country cause when things get bad here they have their home country to run to. I saw what happened after Irma and also the pandemic. My honorable Premier is in a fight of his life to keep this country in our hands and the opposition leader who inherited great wealth and a good head start doesn’t care about this country because he thinks he won’t be affected so he came up with this in a time when unity is most needed for the UK to think we are undivided.
  • will (04/09/2024, 13:50) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Number six full of chat however recall the arrest by RVIPF connection to the project
  • Speakers must be voted in (04/09/2024, 14:28) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nothing will change as long as we have a speaker that is employed by the Premier, served at his pleasure, the Speaker will always side with Govt. We need to get our constitution change..and add the Speaker on the at large process.. The person with the 5th most vote on the large scene becomes the speaker. We already the top 4 goes to the house....let the 5th be the speaker, then that speaker will be working on behalf of the people obligated to no party, ,,fear n square..

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