Throne Speech: VI Gov’t looking to modernise police force

In the speech delivered by the Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) at the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom, Tortola on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, the updated legislation will also provide a strong constitutional and professional base for a modernised police force.
“Supporting the proposed Act would represent a positive and measured response to the current crime and community challenges facing the Virgin Islands and provide a real opportunity for the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force to emerge as a leading police force in the region,” Governor John J. Rankin, CMG added.
The Government will also move to amend the Proceeds of Criminal Conduct Act, 1997 to make provisions consistent with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations, particularly as it relates to the Civil forfeiture of proceeds of crime.
Witness Anonymity Legislation to come
Further, he added that the Witness Anonymity Legislation will be brought forward to ensure the protection of witnesses and the preservation of their rights by making provisions for a court to make a witness anonymity order to protect the witness's safety, prevent damage to property, and prevent real harm to the public interest.
The Governor added that the new legislation would be an invaluable tool in assisting with combating serious crime and, at the same time, it would also help to bolster public confidence in the criminal justice system.
Governor Rankin said the Fifth Session of the House of Assembly is focused on bringing forward legislation in the context of "Resilience, Revenue, Reform, and Recovery: The Virgin Islands in Transition."
He added that the theme is aligned with the 2023 Budget Address and its strategic objectives and outcomes of Government agencies.

43 Responses to “Throne Speech: VI Gov’t looking to modernise police force”
As a BVIslander,I loathe the murderous and performers of evil that is now the VI.
A demographic change is overdue and is urgent!!!
The one demographic of the immigrant population has devastated education and quality of life in the BVI, prison is the destination of they and their children.
In plain black and white it is written. Overnight our once sleepy and empty penal system has become overburdened with the same characters from the same countries. These characters are the death of many locals and will be the final death of the VI . Imported policemen from their countries makes everything doubly worse.
The People of the VI that are non People of the Vi are the achilles heel and those are the ones who will be disaffected. A few of their carcasses shipped out and entombed
in their countries soil would be a step in the right direction.
In the Governor's Speech from the throne I read these words "serious crimes." As I see it all crimes are serious. Many large deadly crimes began with a small thougt. Crime in the BVI is bad enough. Any effort to strenthen anti-crime policing in the BVI shiuld be welcome by all our citizens and non citizenn, too.
Their mark of everything evil has mushroomed to an extent that is beyond measure.
The local elected has done nothing in an attempt to stop or curtail the mess.
Those here from the nether region have done nothing in this regards but quibble about locals and their non free rentals .No apology ever evah!!! But they head of church and other games while employed in the VI some with 6figure salary.
A moratorium on immigrants and visas for some countries would have been a least bit effort. The UK is doing what is best for its territory and it's people and if that means it becomes a Police State,then no surprise..Police States are where the offenders originated, They will be in their comfort zone. BVIslanders will eventually sell and leave the BVI and watch from afar as it be comes another piece of dregs in the Caribbean chain.
Thanks UK ,God Save the King and more curse sent on the heads of those nether region infidels.
Police who are no different than you and I, yet they feel entitled to bully and brutalize.
Most time those police are watching me funny.... like they are predators and think I am prey. Um no. Categorically, to say it the UK way.
who's culture are we following BVI culture or what??
Karma never fails. They will lose in a bad and regrettable fashion, deservedly.