This Week We Feature Young Professional Sonniel O. Pickering

Ephesians Chapter 6, Verses 2-3, says “Honour your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” This obedience by our spiritually grounded Young Professional, Sonniel O. Pickering, is already reaping rewards for him. Added to that, his focus, ambition and achievement have certainly brought honour to his mother, a single parent.
Having developed a passion for information technology in his high school years, Sonniel has followed that passion and today is the Systems Administrator and CCTV Technical Officer for Road Town Wholesale Trading Limited.
Sonniel is tasked with the responsibility to make sure that all servers, computers, or anything that relates to the surveillance aspect of the company’s operations in all the store stations in Tortola and Virgin Gorda are functional.
He also assists the IT Department with PC support and helps to manage the Lost and Prevention Department at the company he joined in November of 2013.
“I love what I do. It is a passion of mine that started in high school.” Sonniel said he was 14 years of age at the time when he was given an opportunity to work in the technical field at ISmart over the summer vacation.
Other ambitions
He said at the time his only ambition was to become a lawyer but then he developed a love for working with computers and other devices. “It was intriguing to me so I put all my time and effort into learning the system and how it operates. It basically grew on me.”
His desire to become a lawyer has not left him and, while he is just 21 years of age, Sonniel is aware that he doesn’t have all the time in the world to put it off and while not in a hurry, intends to pursue that field of studies at some point.
Our Young Professional attended the Alexandrina Maduro Primary School, Elmore Stoutt High School and the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) where he graduated with an Associate’s Degree in English. He is currently enrolled in DeVry University pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering and Programming.
Sonniel is a multi-talented individual with a keen and conscientious attitude for being successful at whatever he sets out to do.
He is currently the Chairman and Premier of the Virgin Islands Youth Parliament.
“The experience has been great. It has opened my understanding to the inner workings of governance and the rule of law and what it means to be in that position where your decisions will affect the lives of so many people,” Sonniel said of his experience as a member of the Virgin Islands Youth Parliament.
Asked if the experience has been motivating him to pursue politics in the future, Sonniel said there is currently no burning desire but if the opportunity presents itself and the need arises he could see himself stepping into that arena. “At the time being I am focused right now on finishing my degree with Devry and pushing forward on my personal aspirations.”
Like we said Sonniel is multi-talented and seeks every opportunity he can to use those talents to help others! He is the Music Director, Youth Leader and Youth Pastor at the Church of God of Prophecy in East End. He is also a Member of the East End Long Look Committee.
“I stand on the mantra that hard work pays off. And if I put in the time, work and effort, and I see the fruits of my labour come into being then I feel good with myself because I know that all my toiling paid off.”
Rooted & grounded
Being a male in a single parent home, we were eager to know what kept Sonniel so ground. “The principles that my mom instilled in us. She used to always say Father has, mother has, blessed is the child that has his own. She would always tell me and my two sisters that whatever we want in life go for it, achieve it and reach for the stars. She always impressed in us the importance of hard work, dedication, diligence and commitment. I use those as a foundation,” Sonniel shared.
The young man holds his mother, Mrs Sarah Pickering, in extremely high regard and expressed his gratitude for not just providing for him and his siblings but for instilling those values that have helped to mould his character.
“Growing up in a single parent home was difficult but my mom worked hard to provide for us and I love her for that. I would watch her and say to myself I would not let her struggles go in vain. I will ensure that I do all that I can to reach my goals. She inspired me a lot and still does.”
Added to that, however, there is the spiritual aspect of Sonniel, who said he “grew up” in church where he was taught humility and patience and “allowing your work to speak for you. Those things, along with what my mom taught me, kept me level headed.”
As for another person that inspires him, US President Barack H. Obama is that person. “Not because he became the first black president but I admire him because of his journey. How he grew up in a simple way but pushed to realise his dreams and today has achieved greatness. It shows again that once you put your mind to something and work hard at it you can accomplish it. It may take a while, as Rome wasn’t built in a day, but you just have to stay focused.”
With all that said, however, anyone who knows Sonniel knows that he is also fun-loving and a pleasure to be around.
Advice to youth
Our Young Professional’s advice to youth was to follow their passion with a passion and never to be afraid of failure or allow it to be the final destination.
“Whatever you put your mind to, whether it be politics, cooking, mechanics, electrical engineering, cosmetology, whatever, put your all in to it and more. No one can stop you from going where you want to go. People may try to but there is always a way to overcome whatever challenges come your way.
“For the young people out there who may have fallen, every setback is a setup. Sometimes that failure is what pushes you and causes you to reflect on what went wrong and how to move forward. When you fall, get up, dust yourself off and start running again.”

23 Responses to “This Week We Feature Young Professional Sonniel O. Pickering”
He working he way forward so going be a interesting race if he drop in the race