This Week We Feature – Young Professional – Julien N. Johnson
Virgin Islands News Online conducted an interview with 31 year old Virgin Islander Julien N. Johnson of Marketing In Motion, a prime example of the Young Professional.
Born in the Virgin Islands and working as both Managing Director of Marketing In Motion and Chief Operating Officer of the Financial Investigation Agency, Mr. Johnson tells VINO that he has always been highly motivated by reaching his goals. “The desire to be successful and the wish to make the most out of the opportunities offered to me was my driving force. I think it is important for Young Professionals to recognise the opportunities that the Virgin Islands have to offer and seize them,” he said.
As Managing Director of Marketing In Motion, he has a working staff that conducts the day-to-day administration of the company. Functioning as Chief Operating Officer, he is responsible for the management of human resources and financial organization within the semi-Government agency.
Mr. Johnson professed that to reach this stage in his life, he took advantage of all opportunities the Virgin Islands presented to him. “For Young Virgin Islanders, I think the VI has a lot to offer in job diversity and opportunity. You have to prepare yourself professionally and academically to benefit from these opportunities and not expect job offers to be delivered to you by virtue of being a Virgin Islander,” he said.
Mr. Johnson said that most Young Professionals have had some long-term experience abroad, declaring the significance of travelling. “It is very important to see the world, when living on a small island. I have lived in Barbados, Dominica, went to College in Miami and have travelled to other places beyond. I think that most Young Professionals have done some level of schooling abroad or travel with their jobs,” he said.
He shared his experience of what allows one to climb the ladder, revealing that innovative thinking is the route to success. “Who you know is important for rising to the top in any society. However, I would say that showing true brilliance is the key to success. A requisite of that brilliance is having the skill to network,” he said.
Mr. Johnson stated that to be successful in the VI, you have to take a pragmatic approach to academic study. “In College, I studied Finance to ensure that I had job offers when I graduated rather than selecting a subject that would make it difficult for employers to hire me in the VI,” he said.
Mr. Johnson advised that his position as a Young Professional bares the responsibility of setting an example for the younger generation. “As Young Professionals we have a role to play. We have to make sure we take all opportunities and not let any go to waste. We also must encourage those younger to do the same. Therefore, they will be in the position to understand and grasp those opportunities.”
The Virgin Islander is ultimately pursuing the ambition of being able to work for himself and concluded the interview on his hope that his hard work will be rewarding in the future.
“My ultimate ambition is to be able to work in my own time, effectively being my own boss. In five years, I would like to be in a position where I am able to realise some of the fruits of my labours, whether in terms of my family life, my work life or business life. It would also be nice to be in a place where I have the flexibility to explore new business ventures,” he ended.

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