'There is merit' to many of the clauses in Vote of No Confidence- Hon Smith

Hon Smith was relieved of her duties by Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) yesterday, October 23, 2024, and replaced as Deputy Premier by Third District Representative and Chairman of the Progressive United Party (PU) Hon Julian Fraser RA that same day. Hon Fraser will hold the portfolio of Minister for the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Labour and Immigration.
In a press conference called by Hon Smith yesterday, she said, “There was merits, to be honest, in many of the clauses of the vote of no confidence. She; however, did not indicate where her vote would go if it came down to it. “To say I would support them is a different matter.”
Wait & see - Hon Smith
The Opposition previously failed in attempts to bring the Motion of No Confidence against Premier Wheatley and his government before the House of Assembly and Hon Smith said she would have given her contribution to that debate as she did every other.
“I would have spoken on it but there was merit in a number of them, in a number of the criticisms levelled against the government but I would have spoken. I would have expressed my opinion as I always do in the House of Assembly; I would not have necessarily expressed it differently,” she explained.
The Opposition will have another chance to bring its Motion of No Confidence in Premier Wheatley on Friday, October 25, 2024, and this time Hon Smith will be sitting on the Opposition side of the House.
“It’s [the vote of no confidence] still coming up by the way, so let us wait until then to see how I would express my opinion,” she added.
I did not make the wrong choice- Hon Smith
Meantime, when asked by one reporter if she now thinks she made the wrong decision to join the Wheatley-led government, Hon Smith said, “I did not make a wrong choice.”
She also clarified that she did not join the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) when she crossed the floor last year to give the VIP the majority to form a government.
“I joined the government because I wanted and was committed...at the end to uploading a contract with the people who elected me and in joining the government of the day I was able to serve the people of the day, so the answer is no,” she expounded.

27 Responses to “'There is merit' to many of the clauses in Vote of No Confidence- Hon Smith”
What is clear is that The Premier expressed genuine disappointment in having to make this call. This wasn’t a decision taken lightly .By all accounts, the Deputy was doing her job well, and their working relationship seemed strong. She had more autonomy to operate than the other ministers, and that speaks volumes about the trust that was placed in her.
If there’s anything positive to be taken from this situation, it’s that it marks the Premier’s growth as a leader, showing his willingness to make tough, necessary decisions. It’s a clear indication of his increasing confidence in his own ability to steer the Territory in the right direction. His remaining team will now fully understand where he stands and what is required to move forward. This moment should foster greater alignment , ensuring that everyone is working toward the same goal with a unified sense of purpose. Leadership is about making the hard calls, and this shows a Premier ready to lead with clarity and conviction.
this is the very same group(the no confidence guys) that were voted into political office from 2011 until 2019(2 back to back terms)
In 2017 our people faced very disruptive challenges and our Love Ones Suffered under the Administration who now talking fu(&…..
United Kingdom send help for our people and the National Democratic Party turn the Help away
Now got nerve in 2024 to be chatting piss(pot can not call the kettle black) take a photo of who now sits in the opposition in 2024; then compare that very same photo to the group who sat as the government of this territory 2011 through 2019(share that photo with 2 friends)
Not even Lorna has any confidence in them
This lady is a SNAKE in the Grass , and a big one too,,she is an ANACONDA
Just a thought.
she has to be officially removed from the VIP by executive decision, not by word of mouth. That meeting still has to be called. Hon Premier is only afraid she gains too much power over him