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'There is a breach in our Territory'- Bishop John I. Cline

- said VI’s godly foundation has been eroded
August 21st, 2017 | Tags: ungodly breach lawless John I. Cline Values
Bishop John I. Cline has said he has chosen to speak out against issues in the Territory and ‘not be silent’ because there is ‘too much at stake.’ Photo: Facebook
According to Bishop John I. Cline, the Virgin Islands was blessed with prosperity because it was a godly nation but there has been a breach and now lawlessness, arrogance and selfish ambitions have taken over. Photo: VINO/File
According to Bishop John I. Cline, the Virgin Islands was blessed with prosperity because it was a godly nation but there has been a breach and now lawlessness, arrogance and selfish ambitions have taken over. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The religious sector, of which he is a part, came under serious blast by man of the cloth John I. Cline in an address to the Territory on August 18, 2017.

Stating that the belief in God has formed the bedrock on which the Territory is built, Bishop Cline said "The men and women whose gracious hearts and hands toiled to transport us from one decade to another and nurtured one generation after another, are the shoulders on which we stood to avert many tragedies and challenges. The content of their character was immense enough and audacious enough to give birth to a thriving territory, a vibrant economy and a prosperous people."

Where did we go wrong?

Bishop Cline holds strong the belief that the forefathers and mothers handed down communities and villages still wrapped in the purity and the strong belief in God and the practice of Godly principles.

"Today, we are hailed externally as Nature’s Little Secret, the Sailor’s Paradise and as one of the most prosperous economies in the Caribbean. God has helped us! God has blessed us! But internally, somewhere along the journey, some grew weak, some became lazy and others selfish; and consequently, we dropped the ball. The fibre of our communities has weakened and today we stand wondering, “Where did we go wrong?”

He took a microscope look at the economy of the Virgin Islands and noted that although tiny in absolute terms, because of the very small population of the [British] Virgin Islands, in 2010 the Territory had the 19th highest GDP per capita in the world (according to the CIA World fact book). Its current world ranking is around 39th.

There is a breach

According to the clergyman, the economy of the Territory is strongly supported by the "twin pillars" of financial services; which generates approximately 60% of direct government revenues (and approximately 80% direct and indirect), and tourism; which generates nearly all of the rest; making the Virgin Islands one of the most prosperous economies in the Caribbean.

"By the mercies of God we have come this far and we continue to make strides globally. We are a rich people who have much to give thanks for. For these many blessings we rightfully raise our voices in territorial pride, but there is a breach!"

The breach in family structure

Remarking that strong families are the bedrock of any stable, safe and peaceful society as it is the place where core values of life such as; respect, honesty, discipline, service, good manners and godliness are taught, Bishop Cline said communities are void of these values."

“Technology has become the guidance for our children he said while adding that IPad, iPhone, tablets, laptops, Facebook, Instagram and other means have replaced the family table. Our priority to pray daily takes second place to social media as we raise our phones to view What’s App before we even raise our hearts and voices in prayer.”

Breach in the Church

It was at this juncture that Bishop Cline turned to the Church, which he said has become self-righteous and irrelevant.

"We are no longer the conscience of the nation. We are no longer the spiritual and moral compass for our communities. We have minimised our spiritual authority, relevance and responsibility as the people of God with our personal agendas.  We have become judgmental, self-serving and steeped in religious importance."

"We have lost our way and mandate of our mission, as now it seems we aspire to be better than the other, instead of exemplifying unity and being our best for God."

Ill-mannered, lawless & arrogant

According to Bishop Cline, the moral and spiritual fibre of our society has been eroded and good conscience no longer governs our decisions as we call wrong right and right wrong.

"We indulge in our selfish ambitions and have become practitioners of ungodly and unruly ways.  We have become ill mannered, lawless and arrogant in our behaviours."

"The central focus of our glory has turned from God as we now glory in material things. God have mercy on us."

Bishop Cline, the former chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA), who was sacked after publicly criticising Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (AL) said he has chosen to speak and “not be silent” because there is “too much at stake.”

22 Responses to “'There is a breach in our Territory'- Bishop John I. Cline”

  • 123 (21/08/2017, 10:25) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    speak the truth John who mad mad
  • Clearly (21/08/2017, 10:26) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
    NDP must go.
  • People (21/08/2017, 10:29) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
    Most of the ndp don't believe in God. They have the place under a spell. That's why the BVI is in turmoil all of a sudden. Holy Ghost Fire burn them.
    • @People (21/08/2017, 14:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Unfortunately we've been in turmoil for quite some time; this started many years ago under the rule of the NDP and VIP.
  • Royal Priestess (21/08/2017, 10:38) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Repentance starts we with me...say that. Mean it and show it. Everybody knows the obvious although it had to take a flood in August Monday for men of the clothes make speech about the prodigal Church that needs to return to God Jehovah!
  • Okay now (21/08/2017, 10:38) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    The old beah the tall one in have this place upside down with evil & confusion.
  • My Take (21/08/2017, 10:41) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    The NDP government is getting away with too much bold face corruption. This needs to stop!!!
  • getting my vote (21/08/2017, 10:41) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    John getting my vote - hope he join the right party
  • God says (21/08/2017, 10:53) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    The greatest breaches existing in our territories are those between those who exit the poor from their earned income every Sunday and those who do so at the food and grocery counters.

    Spend time fixing those ills. Spend time assisting the poor and needy. Spend time advocating for fair pricing of all food staples and other life's necessities.

    Spend time reducing the tithes on Sundays that the poor more have more spending power, and spend what is made back in the communities from whence it came.

    My son never sought to make a penny in his life time. Why do churches, who profess to love and serve his God need to make so much money weekly? and never, never spend a penny back into the communities from whence it came?

    When all that is done, many will benefit therefrom. People, all people are concerned with survive ability, feeding their children, putting aside a penny for a rainy and or sick day.

    Few can care less about a political view or political dogma.

    Most want to live as contented and comfortable as their pastors do. So spend some of that tithes money back into their communities to help improve their lives also.
  • yea (21/08/2017, 10:53) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    These people parade the island in $200K boats, $100k cars and live in $2mil houses and want to talk about God? Material things has eroded society on a whole globally not just BVI. Its just sad that the same people caught up in the same material BS want to 'preach' to others about what should be done. Please!
  • Just saying (21/08/2017, 11:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well lets see if he campaign against them on the stomp
  • Time to try Selassie I. (21/08/2017, 11:30) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Everybody talks about Jesus and pray to Jesus..Yet nothing getting better tragedy after tragedy, greed and more Greed.. Evil and jealousy in the increase, Dishonesty in high places......Time for us to try "Selassie I" Don't say Selassie I die...Jesus die also..They the oppressors try to keep their immage , their power story alive and making billions doing so. While we kills our image and our story and getting poorer and poorer..... Time for us to think for ourselves. Use our brains..
    • Try the Way, the Truth and the Life (21/08/2017, 13:29) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Why would we change the Fount of Living Waters (Jesus) for a leaky cistern ...Selassie is not God...Jesus died but ROSE again and is alive forever more....learn to read history because your same Selassie call Jesus God.
  • wize up (21/08/2017, 11:39) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    you hear from some of us under certain conditions and who vex stay vex: when ting goooood mouth shut
  • wilderness (21/08/2017, 12:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    A voice crying in the wilderness. Who will take heed?
  • BRAD BOYNES (21/08/2017, 12:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Today, we are hailed externally as Nature’s Little Secret, the Sailor’s Paradise and as one of the most prosperous economies in the Caribbean. God has helped us! God has blessed us! But internally, somewhere along the journey, some grew weak, some became lazy and others selfish; and consequently, we dropped the ball. The fibre of our communities has weakened and today we stand wondering, “Where did we go wrong?”

  • You have your part to play Bishop (21/08/2017, 12:33) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sorry Bishop but it starts with you...
  • jah (21/08/2017, 13:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's start with you sir ! Your light must shine but it's an eclipse !! Pls we all have to answer to Jehovah !! Some of us are wolves ! But we serve a forgiving God who is willing to for give .
  • Yes (21/08/2017, 13:53) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    The pot calling the kettle black as the kettle stop feeding him? Is this actually an autobiography like the book?
  • Observer (22/08/2017, 09:50) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    This coming from a man with his holier than thou attitude....What a crock of you know what!!
  • Political Observer (PO) (22/08/2017, 21:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Real talk Bishop Cline but you would have credibility if you had spoken out when you were part of the nucleus of the NDP, not when you are on the outer band. It is suspect that now that you are in the outer band you can clearly see all of ills of ruling party. Are you telling the truth now or then? Of course, out of self interest you were not going to call out the ruling party, if they did wrong. To partisans like Cline, the party they support are right when they are right and right when they are wrong. Keeping silent on wrong is supporting wrong as right.

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