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The world is at threat from world war

March 1st, 2025 | Tags: Dickson C. Igwe commentary USA World War
Dickson C. Igwe. Photo: VINO/File
By Dickson C. Igwe

OK: The world is on a nonstop news cycle. Donald Trump and his actions since he has become US President are on the front pages, daily. The latest has hit home in the Virgin Islands with the threat of 24% tariffs from Governor Bryan of the US
Virgin Islands. Aggressive migration policies and rising racial prejudice and discrimination in Trump’s USA is another concern for the Virgin Islands.

Trump has usurped power from Congress and the Senate, using executive presidential orders and various devices, and through his Make America Great Again Movement, that has instituted a regime of fear and impunity in the USA. Republican Senators dare not go against Trump who is essentially a democratically elected dictator.

The world order from the 1940s Post War Bretton Woods Conference is over. Trump is tearing it up. The world is in a new might is right paradigm. The return of great power spheres of interest has divided the world between the USA and its vassals in the West and China and its friends in Eurasia, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and dispersed jurisdictions elsewhere. Small states must today decide where their interests lie. The Monroe Doctrine is back. The USA rules the western hemisphere.

The US President appears to be dismantling the Old World Order created by the USA after World War 2. Europe, Canada, and the UK were once upon a time close Allies of the USA. Recent developments shows the US President has nothing but contempt for Europe and prefers to work with global autocrats and strongmen such as Russia’s Putin. He threatens former allies such as Mexico and Canada. 

The world is in a dangerous place. Trump prefers the world of 1914 when autocrats and strongmen ruled. However, that world led to two world wars and a Cold War nuclear standoff that assured mutual destruction if any superpower pushed the nuclear button. 

In any event, it is important to look at Donald Trump’s rhetoric and actions from the narrative of Western decline.  Make America Great Again is actually a statement of decline. 

The rise of China and the global south is a direct threat to the Group of Seven Hegemony. The old neo-colonial order is over. The United Nations is an anachronism. The Security Council fails to reflect a new multipolar world with new powers such as India, Indonesia and Turkey.  

Then, the recent Deep Seek saga is a conundrum for Silicon Valley, America’s tech powerhouse. It is a warning that China will spring a surprise without warning. It is furthermore a realization China’s rise to parity with the USA is inevitable and that China's containment is doomed to fail. 

2 Responses to “The world is at threat from world war”

  • .., (01/03/2025, 10:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree
  • Rise of Trump (01/03/2025, 11:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Donald Trump’s rise is less a reflection of a fundamental transformation in the American electorate and more a predictable backlash against the excesses of the left—particularly its embrace of identity politics and policies untethered from practical governance. History has shown, time and again, that when either side overreaches, the electorate responds by reining it in during the next election cycle. Trump, like his predecessors, is not immune to this pattern. The republic will endure this 2nd term , just as it did his previous 4 years. And so to will the world.

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