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The VI 'has delivered a well-administered election'- Election Observation Mission

International election observers have found that the [British] Virgin Islands 2023 General Election broadly met international standards. Photo: VINO
Supervisor of Elections Scherrie N. Griffin delivers the results of the 2023 general elections at Multi-Purpose Sports Complex on April 24, 2023. Photo: VINO
Supervisor of Elections Scherrie N. Griffin delivers the results of the 2023 general elections at Multi-Purpose Sports Complex on April 24, 2023. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- International election observers have found that the [British] Virgin Islands 2023 General Election broadly met international standards.

Following an invitation by the Governor, John Rankin CMG, the team of eight international observers, led by Hon Fatoumatta Njai from Gambia, observed the General Election on Monday, April 24, 2023.

The Election Observation Mission, run by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association British Islands and Mediterranean Region (CPA BIMR), was in the territory from April 16, 2023, and spoke to a wide variety of stakeholders as part of the pre-election observation.

It observed Advance Polling in 7 polling stations, and on Polling Day the Mission deployed teams to all 18 polling stations across Tortola, Jost van Dyke, Anegada and Virgin Gorda.

Election was carried out in 'calm & professional manner'

According to a Government Information Services (GIS) press release today, April 26, 2023, the Head of Mission, Hon Fatoumatta Njai from The Gambia, said: “The British Virgin Islands has delivered a well-administered election, which was carried out in a calm and professional manner. Polling staff were well-trained, diligent and helpful, and efforts to promote voting by elderly voters and persons with disabilities were commendable.”

In their Preliminary Statement, the Mission also highlights areas for improvement, including the lack of campaign finance regulations. Voters are unaware of sources of campaign funding, which is not in line with international best practice.

Following an audit process, there is now further clarity on eligibility for belongership status, which is linked to the right to vote. The Mission welcomes the momentum towards achieving legal certainty and improved implementation of the granting of belongership status to enfranchise eligible voters.

The election campaign was described as “vibrant”, and voters were able to choose from a wide range of candidates. Still, the Mission noted that a considerable number of voters chose to stay away from the polls, with a lower turnout compared to previous elections.

Also, the participation of women in political life is not actively promoted, with the Mission highlighting that only 3 out of 13 elected Members to the House of Assembly were women.

The Preliminary Statement is now publicly available online.

The observers will be producing a Final Report within two months of Election Day. This Report will include greater detail on the Mission’s findings, and will include recommendations for the improvement of electoral processes for future elections.

The  Preliminary Statement is available at: statement-cpa-bimr-eom-to-bvi-2023-26-april-2023.pdf

This was the fourth time CPA BIMR was invited to observe a general election in the Virgin Islands.

16 Responses to “The VI 'has delivered a well-administered election'- Election Observation Mission”

  • Youth (26/04/2023, 18:51) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    These people observed & monitored the wrong thing. They should have monitored what happened after the elections. LOL. Lorna in yo Korner.
  • jah know (26/04/2023, 19:40) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    I only hope it's not our taxpayers money pay them
  • Ratty (26/04/2023, 21:05) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    You came here found everything was peaceful and running smoothly but you let the governor in your head pushing his agenda about campaign finances disclosures you have just discredited your hard works thanks but no thanks
  • 2 Step Backward Ballots (26/04/2023, 21:15) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Get rid of that stupid ballot with those tiny ovals to shade!

    The elderly, differently abled could not have shaded those properly and those who don’t need glasses still have to squint trying to shade an oval they could barely see.

  • I said what i said (26/04/2023, 21:20) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    The process was very smooth indeed. Very disappointed in the people that had the opportunity to vote and make a change but choose not to. But yet they are the same ones doing the most bashing about the new government formed. Don't blame the government for whatever they decide to do with our country in the future.

  • I wonder (27/04/2023, 00:19) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I hope we get a salary review and increments. You want people to put in 100% but no reward. This thing about using increments to control publice servants is sad. Politics has ruined everything. People are frustrated. We vote you people in to make a positive change and the opposite happens. You guys getting 200,000 plus for retirement and we making less that 40,000. We work 25 year and shitty pension but you guys work 8 consecutive years and set for life while we still struggling. What the people in the BVI need to march for is better treatment, consumer rights etc...but I moving on cause greed going make this country sink.
  • one question for Gov and advisors. (27/04/2023, 07:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Someone living here for 40yrs cannot get belongers status because of lack of connection and at times personal reasons, When someone living here for just 20 yrs or little more have the connections to get belonger status quickly...Have more rights to vote that those persons who are here for more than 40yrs paid much more taxes in the system, more integrated into the community, because they don't have the connections to get status quickly, and we all know things are run by connections? I would suggest that persons who live amongst us for more than 30 yrs and can prove it, should be allow to vote status or not. We know the status system is corrupt with person feelings, relationships and financial and other gifts...
  • 2023 (27/04/2023, 07:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI is mostly African Descent so questions will be asked: our folks were able to disrupt united kingdom's mindset to takeover and thus far disrupt the order in Council: when our people are out on the sea water, they are under observation while other while out on the same sea water are tourists(not all of us have bad intentions
  • By stander (27/04/2023, 09:38) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I guess they did not observe the money passing hands outside the 3rd district polling station.
    Tell them wheel and come again
    • @By stander (27/04/2023, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Also, in the 2nd & 6th District, including the many people they paid plane tickets for to come home to vote in these areas. Corruption galore.
    • mulato (27/04/2023, 15:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      not only 3rd district....
  • Observer of the Observers (27/04/2023, 14:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The section of the report about the participation of women in political life not being actively promoted is erroneous and unfair. Many women took part in the political process although only a small number were elected. Whose fault is that?
    Certainly not the system. Gender should not, and generally is not solely important when choosing political representatives; rather it's perceived ability. The small number of successful females in the last election is most probably due to the electorate considering (rightly or wrongly) that they were the only ones of their gender as being up to par. It's not a case of male versus female at all. The same way of assessing male contestants can be, and is generally applied.
  • well done (27/04/2023, 16:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kudos to the Office of the Supervisor of Elections for a smooth election process. It could not have been without much hard work. The lines ran smoothly and the time spent at polling stations were considerably less than previous years. Thank you for your efforts!

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