The UK could take over MF if urgent changes are not made- John S. Duncan

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John S. Duncan two-faced; Another Hillary R. Clinton?
However, it appears from many of the information that Governor John S. Duncan OBE appears to be two-faced and a hypocrite.
He has been likened to the Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary R. Clinton, where there is a public position and one in private.
While in public and in media interviews for the past two years he has been praising the National Democratic Party (NDP) government, letting the public know they are angels and continue to do everything right and most often confusing the public when insisting that there is no corruption or mismanagement of funds. However, behind closed doors, in Cabinet and in many correspondences to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Premier Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, he is taking the opposite positions.
Need audited accounts or else!
Take for example, one of many letters written to the Premier, dated February 11, 2016 and copied to the Deputy Governor and the Financial Secretary.
In that letter Mr Duncan, who is shaping up to be one of the most unpopular governors to ever serve the British Overseas Territory, warned the Government of Dr Smith about the blatant violation of the VI Constitution over formal audits of the Government Accounts.
“I note that my predecessor Governor McClearly wrote to you in June 2014 expressing concerns that the BVIG was in breach of their obligations under the Constitution having not presented audited accounts to the Assembly for several years.”
The governor in his letter also mentioned that an audit was done by Price Waterhouse Coopers and it had “revealed serious flaws in the Government’s accounts.”
Governor Duncan warned the NDP administration after almost two years that this situation needs to be “rectified as soon as possible.”
In suggesting that if this matter is not addressed, the Senior Foreign and Commonwealth Service civil servant Duncan warned that without a formal audit of the Government Accounts the FCO “cannot be certain as to the extent of their own contingent liability.”
Opposition has warned public already
The Opposition has been calling for the audited accounts for years going back to 2012, however, the governor has been silent in Public on the matter, something the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Opposition regard as lack of good governance. In response, Governor Duncan said he is not “an internal police.”
The VIP has also brought out evidence of mismanagement of funds. In public, the Governor is saying he is satisfied with how the NDP regime is managing the public purse but in letters and communique to the FCO he is saying another.
He also offered someone from the UK to help manage the Ministry of Finance; however, this notion was rejected by Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith.
Example of mismanagement –Duncan
In the same letter, Governor Duncan is agreeing that there is Government mismanagement of funds. He made reference in the February 11, 2016 letter to Premier Smith about a request to provide $96,000 for catering at a training course for public servants which he described as “particularly egregious.”
However, the letter did not provide for which Ministry or Department made the request or who offered the catering services.
Governor Duncan has asked Dr Smith and the Cabinet to “lead a concerted and structured effort to reduce wasteful expenditure.”
Part 1 of a series of articles on correspondence between the Governor and the Premier

40 Responses to “The UK could take over MF if urgent changes are not made- John S. Duncan”
Don't trust them w...... boys. Behind closed doors, they want to shut us down long time all because of jealousy, but it is time we start to think and fend for ourselves. We need to find way to go forward without Colonial association. It is time, man. They must rule or else. Learn your history. They started it; we must end the relationship, not have them back in our saddle. Send them back to UK to deal with Brexit and Fixit.
The day they take over Ministry of Finance is the day we back in Slavery. Where is the referendum in the Constitution for us to chart our own destiny? We are not going back in Colonial days with these w...... boys.
Okay,now I,m ready for licks!!!
It is not a surprise that the Governor is making a mockery of us saying that all is well but allegedly telling the FCO a different story. Of course, the FCO and the Governor's office will be reading from the same script. Who to blame for this allegedly budding financial fiasco? Is it the Minister of Finance for letting ministers do as they like without any effective oversight? Was the Governor's refusal to commissioned a Commission of Inquiry into the Tortola Pier Park project a plan to give the government more rope to strangle itself and make the case for the U.K. to take over?
But if you were paying attention you will se where the real problem is,who has been the FS for the last ten years, and the last audited government financials were
In 2007.
Those in government are well aware that the majority of the people are dead set against Independence, but they also know that if those darned "Colonials" appear to be trying to push us around, they will can get a majority of people to back their reckless and way too premature wish for independence.
For heaven's sake, DON'T fall for this ploy! You are being manipulated!
The Governor has been trying to keep things under wraps, believing the government would comply and everything would get smoothed over. Little did he realize that he is being "handled".
I don't believe they have ANY intention of complying with the Governor or the FCO. They are doing everything they can to force the issue so they can speed up the process of independence. I am certain they wish to cozy up to their Chinese buddies in more ways than one.
If you don't believe me, just wait. Things are being put in place while we sit back and watch it all happen right in front of our faces.
NDP will be in power a long long time with such nonsensical folks catching every bonee thrown at them by detractors.