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The threat from World War 3

Dickson C. Igwe. Photo: VINO/File
By Dickson C. Igwe

The Virgin Islands sits in a world gone off the rails. The USA, the most powerful country in the world appears ruled by a rogue leader. The nickname Comrade Krasnov is appropriate.

Donald Trump is an alleged Russian asset: in other words a Russian Spy. That of course is an allegation that Trump works for Vladimir Putin. It all sounds like a fairy tale. Americans can only hope this is a funny story. 

Trump is unpredictable and mercurial. He appears to revel in creating confusion. The problem is being the most powerful man on earth demands some order and method. 

Already China has stated that it is ready to go to war with the USA. War in the Pacific will be a disaster to not just the world; the Virgin Islands will suffer too. Imagine disruptions in supply chains, internet blackouts, travel restrictions, high inflation, and threats of submarine attacks on maritime vessels. The preceding is not impossible. It could happen in a war between the USA and China. 

Trump is favouring Russia over Ukraine. He is reengaging Russia, welcoming a repugnant regime into the Western fold. This is head-scratching. Russia is the prodigal finding favour with the American leader. 

Now, technology is running faster than the human mind and the human ability to control it. Consequently, capitalism too is changing. Digitization is driving capital markets. The components of capital – land, enterprise, machinery, technology, research, and finance matter still. However, digital technology has become the spearhead of capital, wealth, and power. 

The evolution of the internet, microchips, and computers has driven the Information Age. Presently, it is unthinkable life can exist without access to our various handheld devices, computers, and the chips in our office equipment, cars, and home appliances. Digital technology may have made life easier and safer. It has deeply concerning drawbacks in its growing autonomous nature.

The microchip and AI is concentrating technological power in a few hands. The AI paradigm is as revolutionary as the inventions of the printing press, steam engine and combustion engine and even greater in its coming impact. It will define human existence for the next one hundred years and beyond. AI today is in the hands of trillion-dollar tech corporations and their owners - individuals such as Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman, and Jensen Huang. 

Digitization has changed the form of traditional Western capitalism. A new model of capitalism driven by the microchip with a new technological superclass has emerged. These are the CEOs and owners of big tech, corporations valued in the trillions of Dollars. Economists have likened this power to modern-day feudalism, a return to the gilded era of the 1920s. Big Tech rules and the oligarchs that own these super corporations. 

The owners of the new tech capital rule our lives from dusk to dawn and even while we sleep. Central banks have aided in the rise of the new capital pumping cash into tech stocks and shares in the West and driving inflated markets by printing money from the time of the 2008 financial collapse to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. 

Stock market valuations of companies sit on speculation driven by investment bankers, and not profits or balance sheets. The result is a super-inflated stock exchange prone to cycles of boom and bust. Capitalism in its present form may be unsustainable. 

5 Responses to “The threat from World War 3”

  • ... (08/03/2025, 07:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bring it on
  • HEY BRO (08/03/2025, 11:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Rattler (08/03/2025, 13:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    War is started for a myriad of reasons, including territory, resources, political ideologies, religious differences, economic interests, perceived threats to national security. War is destructive, including destroying physical infrastructure,,displacing residents, forcing residents from their countries, communities, etc, lost of precious and innocent lives, etc. However, war is also profitable. Who benefits from but don’t suffer the burden, sacrifices of war? It is not the brave sons and daughters of the poor, middle class personnel who volunteer to fight to preserve democracy, etc. it is the rich. Few sons and daughters of the rich, wealthy volunteer to serve; it is an all volunteer force with the poor sacrificing the most but benefiting the least. Wars are not paid for by taxes anymore;,they are paid for by debt. If they were funded by tax, they won’t be so easily started and would last that long, for taxpayers would revolt. By funding war by debt, politcians don’t have to face the financial consequences while in office; it is their successors problem.

    Can wars be engineered to extend a politician(s) term in office? The US constitution limits a president term to two terms. However,, if the nation is engaged in war,,elections may have to be deferred. President zTrump dream of serving more than two terms. Can wars be engineered to benefit the rich, wealthy, cooperations, ie, millionaires, billionaires, oligarchs, big cooperations, etc, ? Stay woke and vigilant yall. Those mirages are real.
  • Common Sense (08/03/2025, 18:46) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Your pieces are about the world as you see it
  • lisa (09/03/2025, 00:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some Ameicans were could appreciate a female president therefore they settled for someone unqualified. This is the end result. God help America. We are on a collsion course into world War three. May God shed his grace on US.

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