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The present-day VI Colony

- Has anyone the testicular fortitude to do what is just & right?
Kenneth G. Gladstone. Photo: Provided
Kenneth G. Gladstone

Brothers and Sisters, sincere greetings!

It is a well-established fact that I have repeatedly applauded the Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration when they do that which is right, and where a spade needs to be called a spade, I am not afraid to respectfully do so.

The Virgin Islands (VI) seem to be at the point of no return, and have always had a fair share of ups and downs since their abandonment by Britain in the late 1890’s after they were classified as a bird sanctuary. According to a local source, the then Virgin Islands was inhabited by slaves who were purchased at the main commercial port in St Thomas by chief of the then British occupiers, Alexander, who transported those slaves into the colony now called the Virgin Islands. Over the years, the descendants of those slaves have stuck to the astronomical task of transforming the bird sanctuary into the world renown colony we have come to know today. Yet, it must be noted that this would not be possible without the sweat and blood of their fellow relatives, descendants of African slaves from across the Caribbean region, who travelled to the colony to help them make the Virgin Islands the reality it is today.

When facts are presented, many locals tend to become either unreasonably defensive, uneasy, or emotionally protective. Please note that this article was not designed to offend anyone given the current reality. Instead, I invite your practical insight and rational judgment in this matter.

COVID-19 has disproportionately disrupted the lives of millions across the world, and given the magnitude of this plight, many wealthy people seem to be hiding from the responsibility. The sad fact is, many will be literally left to suffer with no one to turn to given that everyone has their own beef to stew. However, the significant difference is this: Where one has laboured relentlessly to make another wealthy, it is but reasonable that such cases be given due consideration at this time, that people suddenly left without an income due to COVID-19 can continue to provide for themselves and their families. This is most reasonable and should be examined by countries across the Caribbean region including the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Islands (British).

The African relatives of VI locals who were imported to the colony to provide labour, but are now displaced as a result of COVID-19, were requested to leave the colony. No arrangements were made for them to sustain themselves moving into the unknown. The thinking is, those who qualify for social security returns if this will ever happen, will be given such when they get to sixty-five years of age. The urgent truth is, these people should not be left to wait until they are sixty-five years of age before social security compensation can be provided. As a matter of fact, this has now become a matter of urgency given that many imported workers have either had interrupted earnings, reduced earnings, or some obliterated altogether by COVID-19. Everyone is now left in a terrible state of uncertainty and want given the present circumstances, and the worst nightmare for displaced workers is the fact that they do not know what they will be walking into should they return home. The depression and emotional trauma being experienced by many of these people is alarming. Yet, the VI government seems fully disconnected and insensitive to the serious need and deep emotional damage being caused among these people.

While locals have been paying supportive wages to their imported African relatives so they can maintain themselves while engaged in the colony, it must be noted that there are seemingly more devices in place to reclaim the moneys paid out to workers than workers are able to save for themselves. Yet, the colony continues to exact revenue from all imported workers to include bonding costs, taxes, National Health Insurance, annual immigration and labour fees, social security fund contributions, money transfer fees among other costs while these workers continue to tirelessly exert to build the colony. Some are even unable to provide decent support to their families back home as local costs to provide food, rent, electricity, telephone and transportation remains the foremost priority of each worker, and this remains a challenge for many given the high cost of living. Minimum wage is only an abominable strategy aiding the unequal distribution of wealth, yet it must be noted that taxes and deductions amounting to millions of dollars have been continually demanded by the colony, and while this is a smart way to sustain wealth in the colony, the reasonable question now is: Should the African descendants of locals walk away with nothing in their hands in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic, after building territorial wealth to the tune of millions from their small earnings?

The serious concern is the fact that after imported African relatives of locals have laboured over many years under adverse conditions in some cases to build the fortress now called the Virgin Islands (British), no one seem to care about the fate of workers at this point even though it is known that the pandemic is having serious consequences. There seems to be no concern for the vulnerable people who have laboured in the colony, having families, and are predisposed to becoming victims of the displacement caused by COVID-19 even though the same workers have generated millions of dollars into the coffers of the presently known (British) Virgin Islands. From what we are seeing, locals are prepared to send their brothers and sisters home without a penny, being more concerned about confiscating every dollar to protect the long-term interests of their own local people at the expense of immigrant workers, insensitively unwilling to acknowledge the plight they are plunging these innocent workers in after they have contributed endless years of dedicated labor and financial contributions to enrich the colony called the Virgin Islands.

It is quite apparent that COVID-19 has become the excuse to scale down the population within the colony. Even if this is so, and even if thousands of BVIslanders who left the colony many years ago are now returning home because the world out there is falling apart with the COVID-19 disease, if locals claim to be decent and godly any at all, we must do that which is just and right in a decent and conscientious manner for displaced workers, that innocent immigrant men and women who have dedicated their lives to the development of the colony hoping they could make it their home, can replant themselves elsewhere feeling justified. Not robbed, abused and betrayed. The time has come for the government of the Virgin Islands (British) to have a heart and do that which is godly and just for all our African brothers and sisters called immigrants, and stop being influenced by idiots across the world. Be the example!

Credit to whom it is due

There are many wonderful locals and immigrants who have not only given much to the development of the modern Virgin Islands, but have selflessly supported all parties in the process. At this point when we are all forced to face the current adverse reality, it should not only appear that justice is served, but we must ensure that justice is served for the wonderful accomplishments, the sacrifices made, and the wonderful people who have collectively laboured together over the years to make the present community a reality. While it is easy for some to be callously ungrateful, there are many of us who have remained dedicated stewards of decency who will continue to execute that which is just and right to all men. This is most commendable!

To the local family

To decent local people who continue to care for and protect the interest of immigrants, proving without doubt your genuineness and sincere heart towards your immigrant brothers and sisters, on behalf of grateful immigrants from across the world, may the universe reward you! To local employers who have paid employees a just day’s wage for a fair day’s labour, may the universe reward you! To you local brothers and sisters who have embraced decent immigrants like human beings without discrimination and have treated them like you would your very own, may the universe reward you! To you my conscientious local brothers and sisters who have gone beyond the call of duty to ensure that decent immigrants are shown respect, given credit where warranted, and represented at all levels within the Virgin Islands, may the universe reward you! To government officials who have carefully considered the consequences of their decisions before they act, and have executed fairly and without bias on behalf of all immigrants within the modern colony, may the universe reward you! To you my local brothers and sisters who have done too bizarre a good to be noted in this article, on behalf of all decent well-thinking immigrants across the colony, may the universe reward you!

To the immigrant family

To you loyal, dedicated immigrants who have given your all to the local community, and have stood the test of time exhibiting genius and resilience as you play your part to build the Virgin Islands, on behalf of all genuine local people, may the universe reward you! To immigrants who have delivered a just day’s labour for the predetermined day’s wage, may the universe reward you! To you my immigrant brothers and sisters who were fortunate to end up in the hands of the sweetest locals in the colony, and treated them kindly as you would your very own, may the universe reward you! To you my immigrant brothers and sisters who have gone beyond the call of duty to satisfy your local employers even though some of them treated you like garbage, yet you continue to be honest and decent in all things executing respectfully to fulfill the cause for which you were bonded, may the universe reward you! To immigrants who have gone through things too graphic to be mentioned in this article, yet you restrained yourself from evil as decent human beings should, considering the consequences of your actions as you continue to execute fairly, may the universe reward you!

To the evil bunch whether Local or Immigrant

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

(Galatians 6:7 KJV) & (Philippians 4:8 KJV)

4 Responses to “The present-day VI Colony”

  • Teacher (19/08/2020, 19:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sir i agree with you givre credit when and where it is fue
  • pat (19/08/2020, 20:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good piece but too long
  • Neocolonialism (19/08/2020, 20:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The oppressed has become the oppressor and seeks more power in order to better imitate their previous oppressors. This is the new mode of slavery.
  • good job (19/08/2020, 20:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    You Mr. Anderson know exactly how to for the want of a better term ring fence our good nature Virgin Islanders. Of course the icing on the cake comes with two well placed bible passages. These of course betrayed your intentions. Like we say ah yard Wa yu motive. First of all immigrants did not come to the Virgin Islands on a humanitarian mission. Weh yu dealin. Money was the motive nuh true. To cut a long story short lets place a Virgin Islander in any country that our immigrants hail from. Do I have to go any further. Stop playin but I suspect that you don't mean to be mean you just wanna be seen. The party is over get used to it.

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